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Oracle Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10314-01
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This manual describes the different options available for publishing reports with OracleAS Reports Services as well as how to configure the OracleAS Reports Services software for publishing reports.


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Intended Audience

This manual is intended for anyone who is interested in publishing reports with OracleAS Reports Services. To configure OracleAS Reports Services, it is useful for you to have a solid understanding of the following technologies:

This manual will guide you through configuring components related to these technologies.

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This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter 1, "Understanding the OracleAS Reports Services Architecture"

Provides an overview of OracleAS Reports Services architecture.

Chapter 2, "Starting and Stopping OracleAS Reports Services"

Tells you how to start and stop OracleAS Reports Services.

Chapter 3, "Configuring OracleAS Reports Services"

Describes how to configure the OracleAS Reports Services.

Chapter 4, "Managing Fonts in Oracle Reports"

Describes how to configure, alias, and troubleshoot fonts in Oracle Reports.

Chapter 5, "Printing on UNIX with Oracle Reports"

Describes how to configure for printing and troubleshoot printing problems on Unix.

Chapter 6, "Using PDF in Oracle Reports"

Describes the PDF features in Oracle Reports and how to generate PDF output for multibyte fonts, bidirectional (BiDi) languages, barcode, and Unicode character sets.

Chapter 7, "Configuring Destinations for OracleAS Reports Services"

Explores how OracleAS Reports Services handles output processing to default and custom destinations.

Chapter 8, "Configuring and Using the JDBC PDS"

Provides information on configuring the JDBC PDS for use in OracleAS Reports Services.

Chapter 9, "Securing OracleAS Reports Services"

Provides a conceptual description of OracleAS Reports Services security features.

Chapter 10, "Configuring and Administering OracleAS Single Sign-On"

Describes how to configure and use OracleAS Reports Services with OracleAS Single Sign-On.

Chapter 11, "Deploying Reports in OracleAS Portal"

Describes how to use OracleAS Portal to deploy your reports developed in OracleAS Reports Services.

Chapter 12, "Clustering Reports Servers"

Describes how to cluster Reports Servers to enhance performance and reliability.

Chapter 13, "Running Report Requests"

Describes the various methods for running reports, in particular, how to construct a runtime URL.

Chapter 14, "Using the Oracle Reports Web Service"

Describes the various operations supported by the Oracle Reports Web service.

Chapter 15, "Creating Advanced Distributions"

Describes how set up advanced distributions through a distribution XML file.

Chapter 16, "Customizing Reports with XML"

Provides information about customizing reports at runtime with XML.

Chapter 17, "Using Event-Driven Publishing"

Describes how to use the event-driven publishing to invoke reports automatically in response to database triggers.

Chapter 18, "Implementing NLS and Bidirectional Support"

Provides NLS information for OracleAS Reports Services.

Chapter 19, "Managing and Monitoring OracleAS Reports Services"

Describes OracleAS Reports Services integration with Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) and tells you how you can monitor your Reports Servers with OEM.

Chapter 20, "Tuning Oracle Reports"

Provides tips for tuning and performance enhancements.

Appendix A, "Command Line Options"

Provides information about reports-related command line options.

Appendix B, "Reports-Related Environment Variables"

Provides information about Oracle Reports environment variables.

Appendix C, "Batch Registering Reports in OracleAS Portal"

Provides information on registering reports in OracleAS Portal using batch scripts.

Related Documents

For more information on building reports, OracleAS Portal, or OracleAS Reports Services, refer to the following manuals:


The following conventions are used in this manual:

Convention Meaning


Vertical ellipses in an example mean that information not directly related to the example has been omitted.

. . .

Horizontal ellipses in statements or commands mean that parts of the statement or command not directly related to the example have been omitted

boldface text

Boldface type in text indicates a term defined in the text, the glossary, or in both locations.


Monospace italic type indicates variables or user-supplied names.

[ ]

Brackets enclose optional clauses from which you can choose one or none.

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