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Oracle® Application Developer's Guide - XML
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12099-01
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XDK for Java: Specifications and Cheat Sheets

This appendix describes the XDK for Java specifications and cheat sheets for each XML component for Java. The cheat sheets list the main APIs, classes, and associated methods for each XDK for Java component.

This appendix contains the following sections:

XML Parser for Java Cheat Sheets

Table C-1 and Table C-2  list XML Parser for Java top level classes with a brief description of each. The following tables summarize other XML Parser for Java classes:

Accessing XML Parser for Java

Oracle XML Parsers are provided with Oracle Enterprise and Standard editions from release 8.1.6 and higher. If you do not have these editions you can download the XML Parsers from:

Installing XML Parser for Java, Version 2

These sections describe how to install the Windows NT and UNIX versions of the XML Parser for Java, Version 2.

XML Parser for Java, Version 2: Windows NT Installation

To install the Oracle XML Parser for Java (v2) on Windows NT follow these steps:

    1. Install JDK-1.1.x. or above and either unzip or WinZip executable.

    2. Download the Oracle XML Parser in ZIP format.

    3. Unzip into a directory. For example:

      C:\[your directory]> unzip 
    4. The result should be the following files and directories:

XML Parser for Java, Version 2: UNIX Installation

To install the XML Parser for Java (v2) in UNIX follow these steps:

    1. Install JDK-1.1.x or above and GNU gzip.

    2. Download the Oracle XML Parser in .tar.gz format.

    3. Extract the distribution package into a directory. For example:

      #gzip -dc xmlparser.tar.gz | tar xvf - 
    4. The result should be the following files and directories:

Sample Code

See Chapter 20, "Using XML Parser for Java", for sample code and suggestions on how to use the XML Parsers.

XML Parser for Java, Version 2 Specifications

The Oracle XML Parser for Java, Version 2 specifications follow:


Operating Systems: Any with Java 1.1.x support

JAVA: JDK 1.1.x. or above.

The contents of both the Windows and UNIX versions are identical. They are simply archived differently for operating system compatibility and your convenience.

Online Documentation

Documentation for Oracle XML Parser for Java is located in the doc/ directory in your install area.

Release Specific Notes

The readme.html file in the root directory of the archive contains release specific information including bug fixes, API additions, and so on.

Oracle XML Parser is an early adopter release and is written in Java. It will check if an XML document is well-formed and, optionally, if it is valid. The parser will construct a Java object tree which can be accessed. It also contains an integrated XSLT processor for transforming XML documents.

Standards Conformance

The parser conforms to the following W3C Recommendations:

The parser also conforms to the following W3C Proposed Recommendations:

In addition, the parser implements the following interfaces defined by the XML development community:

Supported Character Set Encodings

The XML Parser for Java currently supports the following encodings:


UTF-8 is the default encoding if none is specified. Any other ASCII or EBCDIC based encodings that are supported by the JDK may be used.However, they must be specified in the format required by the JDK instead of as official character set names defined by IANA.

Error Recovery

The parser also provides error recovery. It will recover from most errors and continue processing until a fatal error is encountered.

Oracle XML Parser V1 and V2

Version 2 of the XML Parser for Java, besides incorporating an XSLT processor, has been re-architected from version 1. This has resulted in a number of changes to the class names especially those that support Namespaces. The following summarizes changes you have to take into account when converting code from v1 to v2.


This summary is based upon XML Parser versions v1.0.1.4 as v1 and v2.0.0.0 as v2.


oracle.xml.parser package has been renamed to oracle.xml.parser.v2.

The following are new interfaces:

The following interfaces have been removed:

The following are new classes in v2:

Table C-3 lists the XDK for Java classes that have been reorganized.

Table C-10 XML Parser for Java: Classes Reoganization and Changes
Version 1 Version 2

Class Reorganization


  • XMLParser (includes methods applicable to DOM and SAX access),

  • DOMParser (includes methods specific to DOM access),

  • SAXParser (includes methods specific to SAX access)




XMLAttr (supports Namespace, NSAttr interface has been removed)


SAXAttrList (includes methods in NSAttributeList and org.xml.sax.AttributeList)


XMLElement (supports Namespace, NSElelement interface removed)






<eliminated> Use XMLNode.getNodeName










Reserved for future implementation.


Reserved for future implementation.


Reserved for future implementation.


Reserved for future implementation.


Reserved for future implementation.


Reserved for future implementation.


Reserved for future implementation.


New constructor - XMLAttr(String, String, String, String)

New methods - cloneNode(), getPrefix()


New constructor - XMLElement(String, String, String)

New methods:

  • checkNamespace(String, String)

  • getElementsByTagName(String, String),

  • resolveNamespacePrefix(String)


New method - transformNode()


New method - getNodeValue()

XDK for Java: XML Schema Processor

Table C-12 summarizes the XML Schema Processor for Java's classes, constructors, and methods.

See Also:

Table C-11 XML Schema Processor for Java: Classes, Constructors, Methods 
Members Description

Class XMLSchema

Sets top-level XMLSchema document declarations & definitions plus schema location and schema target namespace. XMLSchema objects are created by XSDBuilder as a result of processing XMLSchema documents. They are used by XSDParser for instance XML documents validation and by XSDBuilder as imported schemas.

Constructors XMLSchema()




Builds an XMLSchema object from XMLSchema document. XMLSchema object is a set of objects (Infoset items) corresponding to top-level schema declarations & definitions. Schema document is 'XML' parsed and converted to a DOM tree. This schema DOM tree is 'Schema' parsed in a following order: (if any) builds a schema object and makes it visible. (if any) is replaced by corresponding DOM tree. Top-level declarations & definitions are registered as a current schema infoset items. Finally, top-level tree elements (infoset items) are 'Schema' parsed. The result XMLSchema object is a set (infoset) of objects (top-level input elements). Object's contents is a tree with nodes corresponding to low-level element/group decls/refs preceded by node/object of type SNode containing cardinality info (min/maxOccurs).

Methods build(InputStream,URL)

Builds an XMLSchema object

build(Reader, URL)

Builds an XMLSchema object


Builds an XMLSchema object

build(String, String)

Builds an XMLSchema object

build(String, URL)

Builds an XMLSchema object


Builds an XMLSchema object


Builds XMLSchema from XML document


Returns the schema object.


Sets XMLError object.


Sets locale for error reporting.


Indicates that an exception occurred during XMLSchema validation.

Methods getMessage()

Override getMessage, in order to construct error message from error id, and error params


Get localized message based on the XMLError sent as parameter

XDK for Java: XML Class Generator for Java

Oracle XML Class Generator for Java requires Oracle XML Parser for Java. The XML Document, printed by the generated classes, confirms to the W3C recommendation for Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0. Oracle XML Class Generator can optionally generate validating Java source files. It also optionally generates Javadoc comments in the source files.

Oracle XML Class Generator supports the following encodings for printing the XMLDocument:

UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-10646-UCS-2, ISO-10646-UCS-4, US-ASCII, EBCDIC-CP-US, ISO-8859-1, and Shift_SJIS.

ASCII is the default encoding if none is specified. Any other ASCII or EBCDIC based encodings that are supported by the JDK can be used.

Installing XML Class Generator for Java

Installing the Oracle XML Java Class Generator, is described in the following sections.

XML Class Generator for Java: Windows NT Installation

To install Oracle XML Class Generators on Windows NT, follow these steps:

  1. Install JDK-1.1.x. or above and either unzip or run the WinZip executable.

  2. Download the Oracle XML Class Generator for Java in ZIP format from

    This Class Generator for Java uses 63KB. Select the following:

    • Software, from the XML top menu >

    • Oracle XML Class Generator for Windows NT

  3. Unzip into a directory. For example:

    C:\[your directory]>unzip 
  4. The result should be the following files and directories:

    • license.html -- copy of license agreement

    • readme.html -- release and installation notes

    • doc\ -- directory for documents

    • lib\ -- directory for classgen class files

    • sample\ -- sample code files

XML Class Generator for Java: UNIX Installation

To install Oracle XML Class Generator for Java in UNIX, follow these steps:

  1. Install JDK-1.1.x or above and GNU gzip.

  2. Download the Oracle XML Class Generator for Java in .tar.gz format from

    This Class Generator for Java uses 63Kb. Select the following:

    • Software, from the XML top menu >

    • Oracle XML Class Generator for UNIX

  3. Extract the distribution package into a directory. For example:

    #gzip -dc xmlclassgenV1_0_0.tar.gz | tar xvf - 
  4. The result should be the following files and directories:

    • license.html -- copy of license agreement

    • readme.html -- release and installation notes

    • doc/ -- directory for documents

    • lib/ -- directory for classgen class files

    • sample/ -- sample code files

XML Class Generator for Java Cheat Sheet

Table C-12 lists the main XML Class Generator for Java APIs and top level classes with a brief description of each. Table C-13lists the XML Class Generator for Java methods.

Table C-12 XML Class Generator for Java: APIs and Classes
Classes Description




Serves as the base document class for the Class Generated generated classes. Constructor for the Root element of the DTD. Parameters: doctype - Name of the root Element of the DTD, dtd - The DTD used to generate the classes


Serves as the base class for nodes generated by the Class Generated


Used by the Class Generator to generate classes against a DTD


Used by the Class Generator to generate classes against a Schema


This class is the base class for the classes generated by Schema Class generator. The classes corresponding to the top level elements in a schema extends this class. This class contains the code for initialization and building the schema from the schema file which is required for validation purpose. Note: Since the validation is not supported, the static block for reading the schema file is not used. It should be possible to read schema file from anywhere in the scope of the CLASSPATH. It is required to read the schema file using getResource.




Definition of InvalidContentException thrown by dtdcompiler classes

Table C-13 XML Class Generator for Java: Methods 
Methods Description

CGDocument(String, DTD)

Constructor for the Root element of the DTD. public abstract class CGDocument extends CGNode. Serves as the base document class for the DTD compiler generated classes



Prints the constructed XML Document

print(OutputStream, String)

Prints the constructed XML Document

public abstract class CGNode

extends Object. Serves as the base class for nodes generated by the XML Class Generator.


generate(DTD, String)

Traverses the DTD with element doctype as root and generates Java classes



Switch to determine whether to generate java doc comments. Default - TRUE


Sets the package for the classes generated. Default - No package


Sets the output directory. Default - current directory


Switch to determine if the DTD should be saved as a serialized object or as text file.


Switch to determine whether the classes generated should validate the XML Document being constructed.Default - TRUE



Constructor for the Elements of the DOM Tree



Adds CDATA Section to the Element.


Adds PCDATA to the Element


Adds a node as a child to the element


Gets the base document (root Element)


Gets the static DTD from the base document

setAttribute(String, String)

Sets the value of the Attribute


Sets the base document (root Element)

storeID(String, String)

Store this value for an ID identifier, so that we can later verify IDREF values

storeIDREF(String, String)

Store this value for an IDREF identifier, so that we can later verify, if an corresponding ID was defined.


Checks if the content of the element is valid as per the Content Model specified in DTD


Checks if the ENTITY identifier is valid


Checks if the ID identifier is valid


Checks if the NMTOKEN identifier is valid



This class serves as the base class for the all the generated classes corresponding to the XML Schema generated by Schema Class Generator



addAttribute(String, String)

Add the attribute of a given node to the hashtable. Parameters: attName - the attribute name, attValue - the attribute value


Add the elements of a given element node to the vector corresponding to the elements. Parameters: elem - the object which needs to be added


public java.util.Hashtable getAttributes(). Return the attributes. Returns: attributes the hashtable containing attribute name and value


public java.util.Vector getChildElements(). Get the vector having all the local elements. Returns: elemChild vector


public java.lang.String getNodeValue(). Return the node value


public java.lang.Object getType(). Return the type


public void print(oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLOutputStream. out). Print an element node. Parameters: out - the stream where the output is printed

printAttributes(XMLOutputStream, String)

public void printAttributes(oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLOutputStream out, java.lang.String name). Print an attribute node. Parameters: out - the stream where the output is printed, name - the attribute name


protected void setNodeValue(java.lang.String value). Set the node value of an element. Parameters: value - the node value

oracg Command Line Utility

oracg invokes the DTD or Schema Class Generator for Java to generate classes based on DTD and Schema respectively, depending on the input arguments given. Table C-14lists the oracg arguments.

Table C-14 oracg Command Line Utility
oracg Argument Description


Prints the help message text

- d<dtd file>

DTD file (.dtd file)

- s <schema file>

Schema file (.xsd file)

- o <Output dirname>

Output directory

- c

Comment option

- p <package name/s>

The package names corresponding to namespace

XDK for Java: XSQL Servlet

Downloading and Installing XSQL Servlet

Downloading XSQL Servlet from OTN

You can download XSQL Servlet distribution from:

  1. Click on the 'Software' icon at the top of the page:

  2. Log in with your OTN username and password (registration is free if you do not already have an account).

  3. Selecting whether you want the NT or Unix download (both contain the same files)

  4. Acknowledge the licensing agreement and download survey

  5. Clicking on xsqlservlet_v1.0.2.0.tar.gz or

Extracting the Files in the Distribution

To extract the contents of XSQL Servlet distribution, do the following:

  1. Choose a directory under which you would like the .\xsql directory and subdirectories to go, for example, C:\

  2. Change directory to C:\, then extract the XSQL downloaded archive file there. For example:


        tar xvfz xsqlservlet_v1.0.2.0.tar.gz

    Windows NT:

        pkzip25 -extract -directories

    using the pkzip25 command-line tool or the WinZip visual archive extraction tool.

Windows NT: Starting the Web-to-go Server

XSQL Servlet comes bundled with the Oracle Web-to-go server that is pre-configured to use XSQL Pages. The Web-to-go web server is a single-user server, supporting the Servlet 2.1 API, used for mobile application deployment and for development. This is a great way to try XSQL Pages out on your Windows machine before delving into the details of configuring another Servlet Engine to run XSQL Pages.


The Web-to-go Web server is part of Oracle's development and deployment platform for mobile applications. For more information on Web-to-go, see

Windows NT users can get started quickly with XSQL Pages by following these steps:

  1. Running the xsql-wtg.bat script in the .\xsql directory.

  2. Browsing the URL http://localhost:7070/xsql/index.html

If you get an error starting this script, edit the xsql-wtg.bat file to properly set the two environment variables JAVA and XSQL_HOME to appropriate values for your machine.

    REM ----------------------------------------------
    REM Set the 'JAVA' variable equal to the full path
    REM of your Java executable.
    REM ----------------------------------------------
    set JAVA=J:\java1.2\jre\bin\java.exe
    set XSQL_HOME=C:\xsql
    REM ----------------------------------------------
    REM Set the 'XSQL_HOME' variable equal to the full
    REM path of where you install the XSQL Servlet 
    REM distribution.
    REM ----------------------------------------------

Then, repeat the two steps above.

If you get an error connecting to the database when you try the demos, you'll need to go on to the next section, then try the steps above again after setting up your database connection information correctly in the XSQLConfig.xml file.

Setting Up the Database Connection Definitions for Your Environment

The demos are set up to use the SCOTT schema on a database on your local machine (that is, the machine where the web server is running). If you are running a local database and have a SCOTT account whose password is TIGER, then you are all set. Otherwise, you need to edit the .\xsql\lib\XSQLConfig.xml file to correspond to your appropriate values for username, password, dburl, and driver values for the connection named "demo".

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
        <connection name="demo">
        <connection name="lite">

UNIX: Setting Up Your Servlet Engine to Run XSQL Pages

UNIX users and any user wanting to install the XSQL Servlet on other web servers should continue with the instructions below depending on the web server you're trying to use. In every case, there are 3 basic steps:

  1. Include the list of XSQL Java archives as well as the directory where XSQLConfig.xml resides (by default ./xsql/lib) in the server CLASSPATH.


    For convenience, the xsqlservlet_v1.0.2.0.tar.gz and distributions include the .jar files for the Oracle XML Parser for Java (V2), the Oracle XML SQL Utilities for Java, and the 8.1.6 JDBC driver in the .\lib subdirectory, along with Oracle XSQL Pages' own .jar archive.

  2. Map the .xsql file extension to the oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLServlet servlet class

  3. Map a virtual directory /xsql to the directory where you extracted the XSQL files (to access the on-line help and demos)

XSQL Servlet Specifications

The following lists the XSQL servlet specifications:

Character Set Support

XSQL Servlet supports the following character set encodings:

XDK for Java: XSQL Servlet Cheat Sheets

Table C-15 and Table C-16 list XSQL Servlet APIs and top level classes with a brief description of each.

Table C-15 XSQL Servlet Classes  
Class Summary Description




Interface that must be implemented by all XSQL Action Element Handlers


Interface representing a request for an XSQL Page




Base Implementation of XSQLActionHandler that can be extended to create your own custom handlers.


Command-line Utility to process XSQL Pages.


Base implementation of the XSQLPageRequest interface that case be used to derive new kinds of page request implementations.


Common XML Parsing Routines


Programmatically process a request for an XSQL Page.


Servlet to enable HTTP GET-ing of and POST-ing to XSQL Pages


Implementation of XSQLPageRequest for Servlet-based XSQL Page requests.


XSLT Stylesheet Processing Engine

Table C-16 XSQLPageRequest Interface Methods  
Methods Description

createNestedRequest(URL, Dictionary)

Returns an instance of a nested Request


Returns the name of the connection being used for this request May be null if no connection set/in-use.


Returns a PrintWriter to print out errors processing this request


Gets the JDBC connection being used for this request (can be null)


Returns encoding of source XSQL Page associated with this request


Returns the value of the requested parameter


Returns the content of Posted XML for this request as an XML Document


Returns the content of a Request parameters as an XML Document


Returns a string identifying the type of page request being made.


Returns a String representation of the requested document's URI


Gets a stylesheet parameter by name


Gets an enumeration of stylesheet parameter names


Returns the URI of the stylesheet to be used to process the result.


Returns a String identifier of the requesting program


Returns a PrintWriter used for writing out the results of a page request


Gets the XSQLConnection Object being used for this request Might be null.


Returns true if this request is being included in another.


Returns true if the current connection uses the Oracle JDBC Driver


Returns the state of whether an Error Header has been printed


Allows Page Request to Perform end-of-request processing


Sets the connection name to use for this request


Sets the content type of the resulting page


Sets the Including Page Request object for this request.


Sets encoding of source XSQL page associated with this request.

setPageParam(String, String)

Sets a dynamic page parameter value.


Allows programmatic setting of the Posted Document


Sets whether an Error Header has been printed

setStylesheetParameter(String, String)

Sets the value of a parameter to be passed to the associated stylesheet


Sets the URI of the stylesheet to be used to process the result.


Returns a string representing an absolute URL resolved relative to the base URI for this request.


Returns true if connection pooling is desired for this request


Returns true if HTML-formatted error messages are desired for this request

XML SQL Utility for Java Cheat Sheet

See Appendix H, "XML SQL Utility (XSU) Specifications and Cheat Sheets".

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