Oracle® Globalization Development Kit Java API Reference
10g Release 1(10.1)



ALL_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Constant for ALL field alignment.
ALL_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for ALL field alignment.
AM_PM_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for AM_PM field alignment.
ApplicationContext - class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext.
ApplicationContext is an application context class that controles application scope operations in the framework.
ApplicationContext(InputStream) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Constructs this object based on the application configuration file.
ApplicationContext(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Constructs this object based on the application configuration file and the ClassLoader object.
ApplicationContext(String) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Constructs this object based on the application configuration file.
ApplicationContext(String, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Constructs this object based on the application configuration file and the ClassLoader object.
ApplicationDefault - class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.ApplicationDefault.
ApplicationDefault is the application default locale source class that includes the default locale and attributes used in the application.
applyPattern(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Modifies this formatter by using the given format pattern.
applyPattern(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Applys the given format pattern this datetime formatter.


calendar - Variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
The calendar that this OraDateFormat uses to calculate the datetime field values.
CANONICAL_COMPOSITION - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
OraCollator composition level value.
canonicalSort(char[]) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNormalizer
This method takes a char[] and performs canonical sort on the sequence.
CENTRY_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for CENTRY field alignment.
CharEntityReference - class
CharEntityReference is a utility class to escape or unescape a string into character reference or entity reference form.
CharEntityReference.Form - class
Form parameter class that specifies the escaped form.
CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Character set parameter.
clone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Overrides the cloneable.
clone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Overrides the cloneable.
clone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Overrides cloneable.
clone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Overrides Cloneable.
clone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Overrides cloneable.
clone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Overrids cloneable.
clone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Make an independent duplicate of the OraCollator object.
clone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns a copy of this instance
COMMAND - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Command parameter
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Compare two Objects using the current collation rule.
compare(String, String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Compare two Strings using the current collation rule.
compareString(String, String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Compares two strings using the current linguistic sort/collator object.
compareStringWithDefaultCollator(String, String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Compares two strings using the default linguistic sort/collator object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollationKey
Compares this OraCollationKey with the specified Object.
compareTo(OraCollationKey) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollationKey
Compare this OraCollationKey to the target OraCollationKey.
compose(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNormalizer
This is the normalization method.
ContextListener - class oracle.i18n.servlet.listener.ContextListener.
ContextListener is the default context listener class that instantiates an ApplicationContext object.
CURRENCY_FORMAT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Currency format parameter


DATE_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for DATE field alignment.
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Date format parameter
DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Date and Time format parameter
DAY_OF_WEEK_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for DAY_OF_WEEK field alignment.
DAY_OF_YEAR_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for DAY_OF_YEAR field alignment.
DBLocaleSource - class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.DBLocaleSource.
DBLocaleSource is the pre-defined database locale source that accesses a user profile table including user locale preferences.
DECIMAL_NUMBER - Static variable in class
Constant value to specify the escaped values in decimal number form, used for all data, 〹.
decodeURL(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Decodes a URL string based on the current user character set using the page character encoding.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for DEFAULT format.
DEFAULT_GDKAPP - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Default GDK application configuration file name.
detect(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Statistical data is cumulated in an internal structure when the detect() methods are called.
detect(byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Statistical data is cumulated in an internal structure when the detect() methods are called.
detect(char[]) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Statistical data is cumulated in an internal structure when the detect() methods are called.
detect(char[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Statistical data is cumulated in an internal structure when the detect() methods are called.
detect(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Statistical data is cumulated in an internal structure when the detect() methods are called.
detect(InputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Statistical data is cumulated in an internal structure when the detect() methods are called.
detect(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Statistical data is cumulated in an internal structure when the detect() methods are called.
detect(String, int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Statistical data is cumulated in an internal structure when the detect() methods are called.


EMAIL_UNIX - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Constant value to represent Unix for email
EMAIL_WINDOWS - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Constant value to represent Windows for email
encodeURL(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Encodes a URL string based on the current user character set using the page character set encoding.
END - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Alignment
The LocaleSource.Alignment object that represents the ending alignment.
EQUAL - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
The result of comparison that OraCollator returns if the two Strings are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Overrides the equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Overrides the equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Overrides equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Overrides equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Overrides equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Overrides equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Returns true if this OraCollator object equals to another
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollationKey
Determines if this OraCollationKey and the target OraCollationKey are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns true if this OraLocaleInfo object is equals to another
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Determines if a specific object equals to this object
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.WritingDirection
Returns true if the input object equals to this object
ERA_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for ERA field alignment.
escape(String) - Static method in class
Escapes a String into the character entity reference form in NAMED_DECIMAL_NUMBER assuming WE8ISO8859P1 character set.
escape(String, String) - Static method in class
Escapes a String into the character entity refernce form in NAMED_DECIMAL_NUMBER.
escape(String, String, CharEntityReference.Form) - Static method in class
Escapes a String into the character entity refernce form.
escapeUNISTR(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraSQLUtil
escapes the string into UNISTR form if the character is not supported by the database character set


fallbackLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Validates if the locale supplied as argument is supported.
format(BigDecimal) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Formats a BigDecimal into a string.
format(BigDecimal, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Formats a BigDecimal into a string.
format(BigDecimal, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Formats a BigDecimal into a string.
format(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Formats a BigInteger into a string.
format(BigInteger, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Formats a BigInteger into a string.
format(BigInteger, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Formats a BigInteger into a string.
format(Date) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Formats a Date into a datetime string.
format(Date, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Formats a Date into a datetime string.
format(Date, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Formats a Date into a datetime string.
format(double) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Formats a double into a string.
format(double, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Formats a double into a string.
format(double, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Formats a double into a string.
format(long) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Formats a long into a string.
format(long, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Formats a long into a string.
format(long, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Formats a long into a string.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Formats an Object into a string.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Formats an Object into a datetime string.
formatCurrency(double) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a double value into a text representation of the currency amount.
formatCurrency(long) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a long value into a text representation of the currency amount.
formatCurrency(Number) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a Number object into a text representation of the currency amount.
formatDate(Date, int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a Date object into a text representation of the date.
formatDateTime(Date, int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a Date object into a text representation of the date and time.
formatNumber(double) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a double value into a text representation of the number.
formatNumber(long) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a long value into a text representation of the number.
formatNumber(Number) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a Number object into a text representation of the number.
formatTime(Date) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a Date object into a text representation of the time.
FRACTION_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Constant for FRACTION field alignment.


getAlignment(LocaleSource.Alignment) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the current text alignment Here is an example to specify the text alignment value; if LTR mode, the "Text Data" is aligned to right, otherwise left.
getAlignment(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Alignment
getAmPmStrings() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Returns the meridian indicators for the object.
getApplicationContextInstance(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ServletHelper
Returns an ApplicationContext object associated with the HTTP request object
getApplicationDefaultLocaleSource() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns the application default locale source instance.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the attribute object.
getAvailableCharacterSets() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns a list of the available Oracle character sets
getAvailableCurrencies() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns a list of the available ISO 4217 currencies
getAvailableIANACharacterSets() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns an array of all IANA character set names that have corresponding Oracle Character sets
getAvailableLanguages() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns a list of the available Oracle languages
getAvailableLinguisticSorts() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns a list of the available Oracle linguistic sorts
getAvailableLocale() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the availabe Oracle Locale list.
getAvailableOraCharacterSets() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns an array of all Oracle character set names that have corresponding IANA character sets
getAvailableTerritories() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns a list of the available Oracle territories
getBundle(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraResourceBundle
Returns a ResourceBundle object derived from the given base class name.
getBundle(String, Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraResourceBundle
Returns a ResourceBundle object specified by the base class name.
getBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraResourceBundle
Returns a ResourceBundle object specified by the base class name.
getCalendar() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns the calendar associated with this datetime formatter.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Returns the name of the character encoding used in the body of this request, or null if the request does not specify a character encoding
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletResponseWrapper
Returns the character set encoding associated with the response object.
getCharacterSet() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the character set name in this object.
getCharSet() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Get the charSet name of this OraCollator
getCollationKey(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Get OraCollationKey for a given source String.
getCollator() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the Oracle collator object
getCommonLocales() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common Locales list.
getCommonTimeZoneIDs() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common time zone IDs in an array .
getCommonTimeZones() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common TimeZone list.
getComposition() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Get the composition level used for comparison, and make a getColaltionKey call or Compare call.
getCurrencyFormat() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the Oracle currency format in this object.
getCurrencyInstance() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns a number formatter that uses the default currency format pattern for the default locale.
getCurrencyInstance(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns a number formatter that uses the default currency format pattern for the given locale.
getCurrencyInstance(OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns a number formatter that uses the default currency format pattern for the given OraLocaleInfo.
getCurrencyPattern() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the currency format pattern used.
getCurrencySymbol() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Returns the local currency symbol for this object.
getCurrencySymbol() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the currency symbol based on the current OraLocaleInfo
getCurrencySymbol(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the currency symbol based on the given ISO4217 code
getDateFormat(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the Oracle date format of the specified style in this object.
getDateInstance() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a date formatter that uses the DEFAULT date formatting style for the default locale.
getDateInstance(int) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a date formatter that uses the given date formatting style for the default locale.
getDateInstance(int, Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a date formatter that uses the given date formatting style for the given locale.
getDateInstance(int, OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a date formatter that uses the given date formatting style for the given OraLocaleInfo.
getDatePattern(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the date format pattern used in the specified style.
getDateTimeFormat(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the Oracle date and time format of the specified style in this object.
getDateTimeInstance() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a datetime formatter that uses the DEFAULT formatting style for the default locale.
getDateTimeInstance(int) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a datetime formatter that uses the given date formatting style and the default time formatting style for the default locale.
getDateTimeInstance(int, Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a datetime formatter that uses the given date formatting style and the default time formatting style for the given locale.
getDateTimeInstance(int, OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a datetime formatter that uses the given date formatting style and the default time formatting style for the given OraLocaleInfo.
getDateTimePattern(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the date and time format pattern used in the specified style.
getDecimalSeparator() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Returns the decimal separator for this object.
getDefault() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the default OraLocaleInfo object based on the Java default locale
getDefaultCurrencyFormatPattern(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns the default currency format pattern for the given locale.
getDefaultCurrencyFormatPattern(OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns the default currency format pattern for the given OraLocaleInfo.
getDefaultDateFormatPattern(int, Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns the default date format pattern for the given date formatting style and the given locale.
getDefaultDateFormatPattern(int, OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns the default date format pattern for the given date formatting style and the given OraLocaleInfo.
getDefaultDateTimeFormatPattern(int, Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns the default datetime format pattern for the given date formatting style and the given locale.
getDefaultDateTimeFormatPattern(int, OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns the default datetime format pattern for the given date formatting style and the given OraLocaleInfo.
getDefaultNumberFormatPattern(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns the default number format pattern for the given locale.
getDefaultNumberFormatPattern(OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns the default number format pattern for the given OraLocaleInfo.
getDefaultTimeFormatPattern(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns the default time format pattern for the given locale.
getDefaultTimeFormatPattern(OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns the default time format pattern for the given OraLocaleInfo.
getDisplayCharacterSet(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated character set name
getDisplayCharacterSet(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated character set name
getDisplayCountry(Locale) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated country/territory name
getDisplayCountry(Locale) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated country/territory name
getDisplayCountry(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated country/territory name
getDisplayCountry(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated country/territory name
getDisplayCurrency(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated currency name
getDisplayCurrency(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated currency name
getDisplayLanguage(Locale) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated language name
getDisplayLanguage(Locale) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated language name
getDisplayLanguage(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated language name
getDisplayLanguage(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated language name
getDisplayLinguisticSort(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated Linguistic sorting name
getDisplayLinguisticSort(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated Linguistic sorting name
getDisplayLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated locale name.
getDisplayLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated locale name.
getDisplayLocale(String, String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated locale name
getDisplayLocale(String, String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated locale name
getDisplayTerritory(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated country/territory name
getDisplayTerritory(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated country/territory name
getDisplayTimeZone(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated TimeZone name.
getDisplayTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns a translated TimeZone name.
getDisplayTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a translated TimeZone name.
getEras() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Returns the era strings for the object.
getGroupingSeparator() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Returns the grouping separator for this object.
getHiHitPairs() - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the number of top ranking pairs which have close ratios for the detection.
getIANACharacterSet() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the IANA character set name used for the client.
getIANACharacterSet() - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the IANA character set name of the one with the best detection result
getIANACharacterSet(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the IANA character set name of the one with the ranked detection result
getIANACharacterSet(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns the IANA character set that is equivalent to the Oracle or Java Character set passed in
getIANACharSetFromLocale(int, Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns commonly used IANA Character set based on the given context and locale.
getIANACharSetFromOraLang(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns commonly used IANA Character set based on the given context and Oracle language.
getIANAPageCharacterSet() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the page character set encoding.
getIANAPageCharacterSet() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns the default IANA page character set name of the application or the string AUTO-CHARSET.
getInstance() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns a number formatter that uses the default number format pattern for the default locale.
getInstance() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a datetime formatter that uses the DEFAULT style for the default locale.
getInstance() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Constructs an Oracle collation object from the default locale, converts default locale to OraLocaleInfo using the default sorting rule.
getInstance() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNormalizer
Returns a shared OraNormalizer instance to the user
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns a number formatter that uses the default currency format pattern for the given locale.
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Constructs an Oracle collation object from Java's locale.
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Constructs a Oracle locale from Java Locale object.
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Constructs or reuse an instance of OraDisplayLocaleInfo associated with the translation locale.
getInstance(Locale, Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Constructs or reuse an instance of OraDisplayLocaleInfo associated with the translation locale.
getInstance(Locale, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Constructs an OraCollator instance from the specified sortRule and locale.
getInstance(OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns a number formatter that uses the default currency format pattern for the given OraLocaleInfo.
getInstance(OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Constructs an Oracle collation object from an OraLocaleInfo, retrieves the default collator from the OraLocaleInfo object
getInstance(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Constructs an OraCollator instance from the specified sortRule.
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Constructs an OraCollator instance from the specified sortRule.
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Constructs a Oracle locale from Oracle language, territory.
getInstance(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Constructs a Oracle locale from Oracle language, territory, and sorting rule.
getInternationalCurrencySymbol() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Returns the international currency symbol for this object.
getISOCurrency() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the ISO 4217 currency code for the current locale's country
getISOCurrency() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the ISO 4217 currency ID in this object.
getISOLanguage() - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the ISO language name of the one with the best detection Note that zh_TW for Traditional Chinese and zh for Simplified Chinese
getISOLanguage(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the ISO language name of the one with the ranked detection result Note that zh_TW for Traditional Chinese and zh for Simplified Chinese
getJavaCharacterSet(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns the Java character set that is equivalent to the Oracle or IANA Character set passed in
getJavaLangFromOraLang(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns ISO 639 two letter code given Oracle language name Due to the same reason discussed in LocaleMapper.getOraLangFromJavaLang(java.lang.String), if either Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese is specified, this method always returns zh.
getJavaLocale(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns a Java Locale instance that is equivalent to the oracle locale specified by the passed in Oracle language and territory
getJavaTerrFromOraTerr(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns ISO 3166 two letter code given Oracle territory name
getLanguage() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the Oracle language name based on the current OraLocaleInfo
getLinguisticSort() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the Oracle linguistic sorting name based on the current OraLocaleInfo
getLocalCharacterSets() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common Oracle character sets based on the language of the current OraLocaleInfo.
getLocalCharacterSets(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common Oracle character sets based on the language of the current OraLocaleInfo.
getLocalCharacterSets(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common Oracle character sets based on the given language The return strings are in English.
getLocalCharacterSets(String, int) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common Oracle character sets based on the given language The return strings are in English.
getLocalCurrencies() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common ISO 4217 currency based on the territory of the current OraLocaleInfo.
getLocalCurrencies(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common ISO 4217 currency based on the given territory.
getLocale() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Returns the locale associated with this datetime formatter.
getLocale() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the Java locale corresponding to this object.
getLocale() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo
Returns the locale associated with this object
getLocale() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the Locale representing the current locale.
getLocale() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the locale object in this object.
getLocale() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Returns the current locale derived from the Locale detection mechanism
getLocale() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletResponseWrapper
Returns the locale associated with the response object.
getLocaleFromString(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Constructs a Locale object from the ISO locale string.
getLocales() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Returns the enumeration object that includes the current locales derived from the Locale detection mechanism
getLocaleSourceClass() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the locale source class
getLocaleSourceInstance(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ServletHelper
Returns a LocaleSource object associated with the HTTP request object
getLocaleSources() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns locale sources examined in this order to determine the current locale.
getLocaleSources() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns locale sources examined in this order to determine the current locale.
getLocalIANACharacterSets() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns an array of local character sets for the current language.
getLocalizerInstance(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ServletHelper
Returns a Localizer object derived from the HTTP request object
getLocalLanguages() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common Oracle languages based on the territory of the current OraLocaleInfo.
getLocalLanguages(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common Oracle languages based on the given territory The return strings are in English.
getLocalLinguisticSorts() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common linguistic sorts based on the language of the current OraLocaleInfo.
getLocalLinguisticSorts() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns an array of local Oracle Linguistic sort names for the current language.
getLocalLinguisticSorts(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common linguistic sorts based on the given language.
getLocalOraLanguages() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns an array of local languages for the current territory.
getLocalOraTerritories() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns an array of local territories for the current language.
getLocalTerritories() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common Oracle territories based on the language of the current OraLocaleInfo.
getLocalTerritories(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common Oracle territories based on the given language The return strings are in English.
getLocalTimeZones() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common TimeZone list for the territory of the current OraLocaleInfo.
getLocalTimeZones() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns an array of local TimeZone for the current territory.
getLocalTimeZones(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the common TimeZone list for the territory of the current OraLocaleInfo.
getMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a localized message associated with the key for the current locale.
getMessage(String, Class) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a localized message associated with the key for the current locale
getMessage(String, String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a localized message associated with the key for the current locale
getMessageBundle() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns the map of message bundle object
getMonths() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Returns the month names for the object.
getName() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Get the sorting rule name of this OraCollator
getNumberFormat() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the Oracle number format in this object.
getNumberInstance() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns a number formatter that uses the default number format pattern for the default locale.
getNumberInstance(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns a number formatter that uses the default currency format pattern for the given locale.
getNumberInstance(OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Returns a number formatter that uses the default currency format pattern for the given OraLocaleInfo.
getNumberPattern() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the number format pattern used.
getOraCharacterSet() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the Oracle character set name used for the client and decoding URLs.
getORACharacterSet() - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the Oracle character set name of the one with the best detection result
getORACharacterSet(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the Oracle character set name of the one with the ranked detection result
getOraCharacterSet(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns the Oracle character set that is equivalent to the Java Character set passed in
getOraCharSetFromOraLang(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns commonly used Oracle Character set based on the given context and Oracle language.
getOraDateFormatSymbols() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Returns the Oracle datetime format symbols or translations used in this formatter.
getOraDecimalFormatSymbols() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Returns the Oracle decimal format symbols used in this formatter.
getOraLangFromJavaLang(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns Oracle language name given ISO 639 two letter code Due to the limitation of ISO 639 two letter code, Simplified Chinese and Tradtional Chinese cannot be distinguished.
getOraLanguage() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the Oracle language name
getORALanguage() - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the Oracle language name of the one with the best detection result If the language is not supported by Oracle, it will be eliminated and the next best match supported by Oracle will be used.
getORALanguage(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the Oracle language names name of the one with the ranked detection result If the language is not supported by Oracle, it will be eliminated and the next best match supported by Oracle will be used.
getOraLanguage(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns the Oracle language name based on given Java Locale
getOraLanguageFromShortName(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns the Oracle language name from the Oracle short language name
getOraShortLanguage() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the short form of Oracle language name.
getOraTerrFromJavaTerr(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns Oracle territory name given ISO 3166 two letter code
getOraTerritory() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the Oracle territory name
getOraTerritory(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Returns the Oracle territory name given a Java Locale
getParameter(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Returns the value of parameter corresponding to the key
getParameterMap() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Returns a java.util.Map of the parameters of this request.
getParameterName(LocaleSource.Parameter) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns a String representing the parameter name used to specify locale attributes.
getParameterName(LocaleSource.Parameter) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns a String representing the parameter name used to specify locale attributes.
getParameterNames() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of the parameters contained in this request.
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Returns an array of String objects containing all of the values the given request parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getRatio() - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the ratio for the best ranking language/character set pair.
getRatio(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the ratio for the ranked language/character set pair by rank.
getRawParameter(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Returns the raw value of parameter corresponding to the key This doesn't perform character set conversion
getResult() - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Determines the high hit language/character set pairs from the cumulated statistical data
getShortLanguage() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns Oracle short language name
getShortMonths() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Returns the abbreviated month names for the object.
getShortWeekdays() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Returns the abbreviated names of day of the week for the object.
getSize() - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet
Return the number of result pairs that have a ratio greater than zero.
getSourceString() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollationKey
Returns the source String that this OraCollationKey represents.
getStartDayOfTheWeek() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the start day of the week for the object.
getStartDayOfTheWeek(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the start day of the week for the given Oracle territory for the object.
getStartDayOfTheWeek(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the start day of the week for the given Oracle language and Oracle territory for the object.
getStrength() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Get the strength is used in comparisons, and make a getColaltionKey call or Compare call.
getSupportedIANACharacterSets() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns supported IANA character sets
getSupportedIANACharacterSets() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns supported IANA character sets
getSupportedLocales() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns locales supported in the application.
getSupportedLocales() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns locales supported in the application.
getSupportedOraLanguages() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns supported Oracle languages.
getSupportedOraLanguages() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns supported Oracle languages.
getSupportedOraLanguages(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns supported Oracle languages given Oracle territory The supported languages are determined by the supported locale.
getSupportedOraLanguages(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns supported Oracle languages for the Oracle territory.
getSupportedOraTerritories() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns supported Oracle territories.
getSupportedOraTerritories() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns supported Oracle territories The supported territories are determined by the supported locale.
getSupportedOraTerritories(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns supported Oracle territories given Oracle language The supported territories are determined by the supported locale.
getSupportedOraTerritories(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns supported Oracle territories for Oracle language The supported territories are determined by the supported locale.
getTerritory() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the Oracle territory name based on the current OraLocaleInfo
getTimeFormat() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the Oracle time format in this object.
getTimeInstance() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a time formatter for the default locale.
getTimeInstance(Locale) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a time formatter for the given locale.
getTimeInstance(OraLocaleInfo) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns a time formatter for the given OraLocaleInfo.
getTimePattern() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the time format pattern
getTimeZone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Returns the timezone associated with the calendar of this formatter.
getTimeZone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the current TimeZone.
getTimeZone() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the TimeZone in this object.
getWeekdays() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Returns the names of day of the week for the object.
getWritingDirection() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the Oracle writing direction based on the current OracleLocaleInfo
getWritingDirection() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Returns the current text display writing direction.
getWritingDirection() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the writing direction in this object.
getWritingDirection(String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.WritingDirection
GREATER - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
The result of comparison that OraCollator returns if the first String is greater than the second String.


hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Overrides the hashCode.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Overrides hashCode.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Overrides hashCode.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Overrides hashCode.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Create a hashCode for this OraCollator based on sort rule, strength, decomposition level
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollationKey
Creates a hashCode for this OraCollationKey; the value is calculated on the key, not the source String.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns a hash value of the OraLocaleInfo.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Returns the hash value
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Returns the hash value of this object.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.WritingDirection
Returns the hashValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Alignment
Returns the hashValue
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Returns the hash code for the parameter
HEXADECIMAL_NUMBER - Static variable in class
Constant value to specify the escaped values in hexadecimal number form, used for all data, ስ.
HOUR_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for HOUR field alignment Used in FieldPosition of formatting.
HOUR_OF_DAY_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for HOUR_OF_DAY field alignment.
HttpAcceptLanguage - class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.HttpAcceptLanguage.
HttpAcceptLanguage is a locale source class that carries the language preference of the web client On each request, the language preferences of the web client is conveyed by Accept-Language item in the HTTP header.


IANA - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Constant value to represent IANA
INTEGER_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Constant for INTEGER field alignment.
isCached() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Checks if the LocaleSource object will be cached
isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Returns true if decimal separator is always shown in the result string.
isGroupingUsed() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Checks if the grouping separator is used for this formatter.
ISO_CURRENCY - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
ISO 4217 currency parameter.
ISO_WEEK_OF_YEAR_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for ISO_WEEK_OF_YEAR field alignment.
ISO_YEAR_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for ISO_YEAR field alignment.
isParseIntegerOnly() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Checks if this formatter parses integer portion only.
isReadOnly() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Checks if this LocaleSource object is read-only.
isValidIdentifier(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraSQLUtil
checks if the string is valid in the database character set


JAVA - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Constant value to represent JAVA
JULIAN_DAY_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for JULIAN_DAY field alignment.


LANGUAGE - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Language parameter.
LCSDetector - class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector.
The LCSDetector class contains methods to automatically detect and recognize language and/or encoding based on text input.
LCSDetector() - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
LCSDetector(String) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Constructor which takes a profile name allows user to choose a different profile other than the default
LCSDResultSet - class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDResultSet.
The LCSDResultSet class is for storing the result generated by LCSDetector.
LESS - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
The result of comparison that OraCollator returns if the first String is less than the second String.
LINGUISTIC_SORT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Linguistic sorting parameter
load() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Loads the locale and all attributes from the actual locale source into this object.
LOCALE - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Locale parameter.
LOCALE_SOURCE - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Locale Source name parameter
LocaleMapper - class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper.
LocaleMapper does mappings between Oracle locale elements and equivalent locale elements in other vendors and standards.
LocaleSource - class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.
LocaleSource is the abstract base class for locale source objects.
LocaleSource.Alignment - class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Alignment.
LocaleSource.Alignment class represents the alignment of text element.
LocaleSource.Parameter - class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter.
LocaleSource.Parameter class represents locale and attribute variable names.
LocaleSource.WritingDirection - class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.WritingDirection.
LocaleSource.WritingDirection class represents the writing direction of the locale.
LocaleSource(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Constructs a LocaleSource object
Localizer - class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer.
Localizer is an all-in-on object class that enables to access all necessary globalization information.
LONG - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for date/time LONG format style.
LONG_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Long date format parameter
LONG_DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Long Date and Time format parameter
LTR - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.WritingDirection
LocaleSource.WrintingDirection object that represents Left to Right display writing direction.


MILLISECOND_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for MILLISECOND field alignment.
MINUTE_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for MINUTE field alignment.
MONTH_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for MONTH field alignment.


NAMED - Static variable in class
Constant value to specify the escaped values in a registered named entity, e.g., &amplt;.
NAMED_DECIMAL_NUMBER - Static variable in class
Constant value to specify the escaped values in a named character entity, if the entiry is registered.
NAMED_HEXADECIMAL_NUMBER - Static variable in class
Constant value to specify the escaped values in a named character entity, if the entiry is registered.
NO_COMPOSITION - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
OraCollator composition level value.
NUMBER_FORMAT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Number format parameter


OBJECT_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ApplicationContext
Constant for key used to retrieve this object.
ORACLE - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Constant value to represent Oracle
oracle.i18n.lcsd - package oracle.i18n.lcsd
Provides classes to automatically detect and recognize language and/or encoding based on text input. - package
Provides internet related data conversions for globalization
oracle.i18n.servlet - package oracle.i18n.servlet
Supports JSP / JavaServlet globalization by automatically detecing the current locale and retrieving appropriate localized contents
oracle.i18n.servlet.filter - package oracle.i18n.servlet.filter
Provides the Java Servlet filters that detects current user locale.
oracle.i18n.servlet.listener - package oracle.i18n.servlet.listener
Provides a default listener classes used for JSP / JavaServlet applications oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource - package oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource
Provides classes that are pluggins for automatic locale detectors
oracle.i18n.text - package oracle.i18n.text
Provides general text data globalization support, such as collation, date/time format, and number/currency format associated with specific Oracle locale
oracle.i18n.util - package oracle.i18n.util
Provides general utilities for globalization support.
OraCollationKey - class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollationKey.
OraCollationKey class represents a String under control of a specific OraCollator object.
OraCollator - class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator.
OraCollator class performs locale-sensitive String comparisons, including linguistic collation and binary sorting.
OraCollator() - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
The constructor is here only for completeness.
OraDateFormat - class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat.
OraDateFormat is an abstract class to do locale sensitive formatting and parsing between datetime and string locale dependently.
OraDateFormat() - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
OraDateFormatSymbols - class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols.
OraDateFormatSymbols is a class to maintain Oracle translations for date time related strings such as month names and day-of-the-week names.
OraDateFormatSymbols() - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Constructs an OraDateFormatSymbols object for the default locale.
OraDateFormatSymbols(Locale) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Constructs an OraDateFormatSymbols object for the given locale.
OraDateFormatSymbols(OraLocaleInfo) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Constructs an OraDateFormatSymbols object for the given OraLocaleInfo.
OraDecimalFormat - class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat.
OraDecimalFormat is an concrete class to do locale sensitive formatting and parsing between number and string.
OraDecimalFormat() - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Constructs an OraDecimalformat using the default number format pattern and the default decimal format symbols for the default locale.
OraDecimalFormat(String) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Constructs an OraDecimalFormat using the given format pattern and the default decimal format symbols for the default locale.
OraDecimalFormat(String, OraDecimalFormatSymbols) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Constructs an OraDecimalFormat using the given format pattern and the given decimal format symbols.
OraDecimalFormatSymbols - class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols.
OraDecimalFormatSymbols is a class to maintain Oracle decimal format symbols such as decimal separator and currency symbols.
OraDecimalFormatSymbols() - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Constructs an OraDecimalFormatSymbols for the default locale.
OraDecimalFormatSymbols(Locale) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Constructs an OraDecimalFormatSymbols for the given locale.
OraDecimalFormatSymbols(OraLocaleInfo) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Constructs an OraDecimalFormatSymbols for the given OraLocaleInfo.
OraDisplayLocaleInfo - class oracle.i18n.util.OraDisplayLocaleInfo.
OraDisplayLocaleInfo is a translation utility class that provides the pre-defined translations for locale and attributes.
OraLocaleInfo - class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo.
OraLocaleInfo is a Oracle locale class that include the language, territory, and collator objects.
OraNormalizer - class oracle.i18n.text.OraNormalizer.
OraNormalizer is a class used for normalizing strings following the Unicode Standard.
OraNumberFormat - class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat.
OraNumberFormat is an abstract class to do locale sensitive formatting and parsing between number and string.
OraNumberFormat() - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
OraResourceBundle - class oracle.i18n.util.OraResourceBundle.
OraResourceBundle is the factory class that constructs a java.util.ResourceBundle.
OraSimpleDateFormat - class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat.
OraSimpleDateFormat is an concrete class to do locale sensitive formatting and parsing between datetime and string.
OraSimpleDateFormat() - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Constructs an OraSimpleDateFormat object that uses the DEFAULT datetime formatting sytle for the default locale.
OraSimpleDateFormat(String) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Constructs an OraSimpleDateFormat object that uses the given format pattern for the default locale.
OraSimpleDateFormat(String, Locale) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Constructs an OraSimpleDateFormat object that uses the given format pattern for the given locale.
OraSimpleDateFormat(String, OraDateFormatSymbols) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Constructs an OraSimpleDateFormat object that uses the given format pattern and the given Oracle datetime symbols for the default locale.
OraSimpleDateFormat(String, OraDateFormatSymbols, Locale) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Constructs an OraSimpleDateFormat object that uses the given format pattern and the given Oracle datetime symbols for the given locale.
OraSimpleDateFormat(String, OraDateFormatSymbols, OraLocaleInfo) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Constructs an OraSimpleDateFormat object that uses the given format pattern and the given Oracle datetime symbols for the given OraLocaleInfo.
OraSimpleDateFormat(String, OraLocaleInfo) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Constructs an OraSimpleDateFormat object that uses the given format pattern for the given OraLocaleInfo.
OraSQLUtil - class oracle.i18n.util.OraSQLUtil.
OraSQLUtil is a Oracle SQL Utility class.


parse(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Parses a string into a Number.
parse(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Parses a datetime string into a Date.
parse(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Parses a string into a Number, starting from the given parse position.
parse(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Parses a string into a Number, starting from the given parse position.
parse(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Parses a datetime string into a Date, starting from the given parse position.
parse(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Parses a datetime string into a Date, starting from the given parse position.
parseCurrency(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a text representation of the currency amount into Number.
parseDate(String, int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a text representation of the date into a Date.
parseDateTime(String, int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a Date object into a text representation of the date and time.
parseNumber(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a text representation of the number into a Number.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Parses a string into a (Number) Object, starting from the given parse position.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Parses a datetime string into a (Date) Object, starting from the given parse position.
parseTime(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Translates a text representation of the time into a Date.
PRIMARY - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
OraCollator strength value.


QUARTER_OF_YEAR_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for QUARTER_OF_YEAR field alignment.


reset() - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
To reset statistical data for all pairs to 0.
rewriteURL(String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ServletHelper
Rewrites a URL based on the rules specified in the application configuration file.This method is used to determine the URL where localized static contents exist.
rewriteURL(String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.ServletHelper
Rewrites a URL based on the rules specified in the application configuration file.
RTL - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.WritingDirection
LocaleSource.WrintingDirection object that represents Right to Left display writing direction.


SECOND_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for SECOND field alignment.
SECONDARY - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
OraCollator strength value.
SECONDS_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for SECONDS field alignment.
ServletFilter - class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletFilter.
ServletFilter class instantiates the wrappers of HTTP request and response objects for GDK, and pass them to the application.
ServletHelper - class oracle.i18n.servlet.ServletHelper.
ServletHelper is a delegate class that provides a bridge between Java servlets and globalization objects.
ServletRequestWrapper - class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper.
ServletRequestWrapper is an HTTP request class that detects the current user locale and supplies it the application.
ServletRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Constructs this class
ServletResponseWrapper - class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletResponseWrapper.
ServletResponseWrapper class is an HTTP response class that sets the appropriate character set for response operation.
ServletResponseWrapper(ServletRequestWrapper, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletResponseWrapper
Constructs this class.
setAmPmStrings(String[]) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Sets the meridian indicators to the given indicators for this object.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers an attribute object in the LocaleSource.
setCalendar(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Sets the given calendar to be used by this datetime formatter.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletRequestWrapper
Sets the character set of the input stream.
setCharacterSet(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the Oracle character set name to store in the actual LocaleSource.
setCharacterSetFilter(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Set character set filter if user know the character set of the input data.
setCollator(OraCollator) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the Oracle collator to store into the actual o LocaleSource.
setComposition(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Set the composition level used for comparison, and make a getColaltionKey call or Compare call.
setContentType(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletResponseWrapper
Sets the content type of the output stream.
setCurrencyFormat(OraNumberFormat) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the Oracle currency format object to store in the actual LocaleSource.
setCurrencySymbol(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the local currency symbol to the given symbol for this object.
setDateFormat(int, OraDateFormat) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the Oracle date format object to store in the actual LocaleSource.
setDateTimeFormat(int, OraDateFormat) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the Oracle date time format object to store in the actual LocaleSource.
setDecimalSeparator(char) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the decimal separator to the given symbol for this object.
setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(boolean) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Sets the switch for decimal separator to the given boolean value.
setEras(String[]) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Sets the eras to the given eras for this object.
setGroupingSeparator(char) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the grouping separator to the given symbol for this object.
setGroupingUsed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Sets the switch for grouping separator to the given boolean value.
setInternationalCurrencySymbol(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the international currency symbol to the given symbol for this object.
setISOCurrency(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the ISO currency to store into the actual LocaleSource.
setLanguageFilter(String) - Method in class oracle.i18n.lcsd.LCSDetector
Set language filter if user knows the language of the input data.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the Locale with this object
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.filter.ServletResponseWrapper
Sets the locale to the response object in the header Content-Language for the output stream.
setLocale(Locale, ApplicationContext) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the locale object into this object
setLocaleSourceClass(Class) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the locale source class object.
setMonths(String[]) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Sets the month names to the given month names for this object.
setNumberFormat(OraNumberFormat) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the Oracle number format object to store into the actual LocaleSource.
setOraDateFormatSymbols(OraDateFormatSymbols) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Sets the Oracle datetime format symbols or translations to the given OraDateFormatSymbols for this formatter.
setOraDecimalFormatSymbols(OraDecimalFormatSymbols) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Sets this formatter to use the given Oracle decimal format symbols.
setParseIntegerOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraNumberFormat
Sets the switch for parsing interger only to the given boolean value.
setShortMonths(String[]) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Sets the abbreviated month names to the given abbreviated month names for this object.
setShortWeekdays(String[]) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Sets the abbreviated names of day of the week to the given names for this object.
setStrength(int) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
Set the strength is used in comparisons, and make a getColaltionKey call or Compare call.
setTimeFormat(OraDateFormat) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the Oracle time format object to store in the actual LocaleSource.
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Sets the given timezone to be used by the calendar of this formatter.
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the TimeZone ID to store in the actual LocaleSource.
setWeekdays(String[]) - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormatSymbols
Sets the names of day of the week to the given names for this object.
setWritingDirection(LocaleSource.WritingDirection) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Registers the writing direction to store in the actual LocaleSource.
SHORT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for date/time SHORT format style.
size() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Returns the number of parameter classes.
START - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Alignment
The LocaleSource.Alignment object that represents the starting alignment.
store() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource
Stores the locale and all attributes of the object in the actual LocaleSource.
synchronizeLocale(Connection) - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.Localizer
Synchronizes the database session NLS parameters with this object.
synchronizeLocale(Locale, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraSQLUtil
Synchronizes the session NLS parameters with the locale.
synchronizeLocale(String, String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraSQLUtil
Synchronizes the database session NLS parameters with Oracle language and territory names.


TERRITORY - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Territory parameter.
TERTIARY - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollator
OraCollator strength value.
TEXT_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for TEXT field alignment.
TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Time format parameter
TIMEZONE - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
TimeZone parameter.
TIMEZONE_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for TIMEZONE field alignment.
toArray() - Static method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Returns an array of all parameter objects
toByteArray() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraCollationKey
Converts the OraCollationKey to a sequence of bytes.
toPattern() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDecimalFormat
Returns a format pattern string represents the formatting behavior of this formatter.
toPattern() - Method in class oracle.i18n.text.OraSimpleDateFormat
Returns the format pattern associated with this datetime formatter.
toString() - Method in class oracle.i18n.util.OraLocaleInfo
Returns the string representation of OraLocaleInfo
toString() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.WritingDirection
Returns "LTR" or "RTL" representing a display writing direction.
toString() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Alignment
Returns "START" or "END" representing a display writing direction.
toString() - Method in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Returns the original name of the parameter.


unescape(String) - Static method in class
Converts an escaped String into a Unicode string.
UNIX - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Constant value to represent Unix for general
UserInput - class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.UserInput.
UserInput calls request.getParameter(LocaleSource.Parameter) to retrieve the user input.


WEEK_OF_MONTH_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for WEEK_OF_MONTH field alignment.
WEEK_OF_YEAR_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for WEEK_OF_YEAR field alignment.
WINDOWS - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper
Constant value to represent Windows for general
WRITING_DIRECTION - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.servlet.localesource.LocaleSource.Parameter
Writing direction parameter


YEAR_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.i18n.text.OraDateFormat
Constant for YEAR field alignment.

Oracle® Globalization Development Kit Java API Reference
10g Release 1(10.1)


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