Oracle OLAP Java API Reference
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Class ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager


public class ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager
extends DataCursorManager
implements SpecifiedCursorManager

A SpecifiedCursorManager that manages Cursor objects for an Oracle OLAP application, which creates an ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager by calling the createCursorManager method on an ExpressDataProvider.

Method Summary
 Cursor createCursor()
          Creates a Cursor whose structure is specified by the CursorManagerSpecification that the application used in creating this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.
 Cursor createCursor(CursorInput[] cursorInputs)
          Creates a Cursor whose structure is specified by the CursorManagerSpecification that was used to create the CursorManager.
 int getFetchSize()
          Gets the fetch size for a Cursor created by this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.
 Source[] getInputSources()
          Returns the input Source objects associated with this SpecifiedCursorManager.
 void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)
          Specifies the fetch size for Cursor objects created by this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.
 void setInputSources(Source[] newInputSources)
          Replaces the existing input Source objects with the new input Source objects specified by the newInputSources array.
 void updateSpecification(CursorInfoSpecification cursorInfoSpec)
          Replaces the CursorInfoSpecification for this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager with the specified CursorInfoSpecification When you change the structure of the Source for a CursorManagerSpecification, the CursorInfoSpecification becomes outdated.
 void updateSpecification(CursorManagerSpecification cursorManagerSpecification)
          Replaces the CursorManagerSpecification for this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager with the specified CursorManagerSpecification When you change the structure of the Source for a CursorManagerSpecification, the CursorManagerSpecification becomes outdated.


Methods inherited from class
close, isOpen


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public final Cursor createCursor()
                          throws SpecificationUpdateNeededException
Creates a Cursor whose structure is specified by the CursorManagerSpecification that the application used in creating this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager. You can use this method to create a Cursor if you did not specify any input Source objects with the inputSources argument to the createCursorManager method with which you created this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.
A Cursor.


public final Cursor createCursor(CursorInput[] cursorInputs)
Creates a Cursor whose structure is specified by the CursorManagerSpecification that was used to create the CursorManager. Use this method if the createCursorManager method that created this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager included a non-null inputSources parameter.

You can use the getInputSources method to get the current input Source objects for this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager. You can use the setInputSources method to set new input Source objects.

You must provide a CursorInput for each input Source. The CursorInput objects supply the values for the input Source objects that Oracle OLAP requires to create a Cursor. Therefore, a CursorInput object must have a value that is appropriate for its corresponding input Source, and the CursorInput objects in the cursorInputs array must be the same order as the corresponding Source objects in the inputSources array. Each CursorInput supplies a single value for its corresponding input Source.

cursorInputs - An array of CursorInput objects.
A Cursor.


public final Source[] getInputSources()
                               throws TransactionalObjectInvalidException,
Returns the input Source objects associated with this SpecifiedCursorManager.
Specified by:
getInputSources in interface SpecifiedCursorManager
An array of Source objects.
getInputSources in class DataCursorManager


public final void setInputSources(Source[] newInputSources)
                           throws WriteLockException,
Replaces the existing input Source objects with the new input Source objects specified by the newInputSources array.
Specified by:
setInputSources in interface SpecifiedCursorManager
newInputSources - An array of Source objects.


public final void updateSpecification(CursorManagerSpecification cursorManagerSpecification)
                               throws CursorManagerSpecificationExpiredException,
Replaces the CursorManagerSpecification for this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager with the specified CursorManagerSpecification When you change the structure of the Source for a CursorManagerSpecification, the CursorManagerSpecification becomes outdated.

To continue to use this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager, you must create a new CursorManagerSpecification, and call this method and pass in the new CursorManagerSpecification. You can then create new Cursor objects using the ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.

Specified by:
updateSpecification in interface SpecifiedCursorManager
cursorManagerSpecification - The CursorManagerSpecification with which to replace the current CursorManagerSpecification for this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.


public final void updateSpecification(CursorInfoSpecification cursorInfoSpec)
Replaces the CursorInfoSpecification for this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager with the specified CursorInfoSpecification When you change the structure of the Source for a CursorManagerSpecification, the CursorInfoSpecification becomes outdated.

To continue to use this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager, you must create a new CursorInfoSpecification, and call this method and pass in the new CursorInfoSpecification. You can then create new Cursor objects using the ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.

cursorInfoSpec - The CursorInfoSpecification with which to replace the current CursorInfoSpecification for this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.


public final int getFetchSize()
Gets the fetch size for a Cursor created by this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.
An integer that is the fetch size for Cursor objects created by this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.


public final void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)
Specifies the fetch size for Cursor objects created by this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.
fetchSize - An integer that is the fetch size you want to specify for Cursor objects created by this ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager.

Oracle OLAP Java API Reference
10g Release 1 (10.1)


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