Oracle Ultra Search Java API Reference
Release 10g


Uses of Class

Packages that use AgentException
oracle.ultrasearch.crawler This package contains all interfaces and exceptions that are part of the Oracle Ultra Search Extensible Crawler Agent API. 


Uses of AgentException in oracle.ultrasearch.crawler


Methods in oracle.ultrasearch.crawler that throw AgentException
 void params)
          Initialize the agent
 void CrawlerAgent.startCrawling(boolean forceRecrawl, java.util.Date lastCrawlTIme)
          Ask the agent to prepare for fetching of document URL and its attribute from the data source.
 void CrawlerAgent.stopCrawling()
          Tell the agent to stop crawling; no more fetching request.
 UrlData CrawlerAgent.fetch()
          Retrieve the next document URL data
 boolean CrawlerAgent.getAttributeLOVs(LovInfo lovNode)
          Get the list of values (LOV) for the attributes of this data source
 void CrawlerAgent.close()
          Shut down the agent


Oracle Ultra Search Java API Reference
Release 10g


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