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Oracle Collaboration Suite Release Notes
Release 2 (9.0.4) for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit) and Linux x86

Part Number B12029-02
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Oracle9iAS Wireless

These release notes detail important information you must know about this Wireless release. Topics include:

9.1 Linux Only: Mandatory Patch

To use Oracle9iAS Wireless on Linux you must apply a patch. The Metalink bug number for this patch is 3052649. Get the patch and follow the instructions contained in the README.txt file to apply it. You must apply this patch immediately after installation in all middle tier installations. This patch fixes the following bugs:

9.2 Return-to-Portal URL Configuration

If you plan to have your users access the Oracle Wireless & Voice setup wizard directly, without going through the Oracle Collaboration Suite Portal home page first, you must explicitly specify where users should navigate once they have completed the Oracle Wireless & Voice wizard. By default, if users access the wizard from Portal, they will be returned to the Portal home page. If users do not access the wizard from Portal, you must specify the return-to URL of your choice in the OracleHome/webclient/classes/oracle/collabsuite/webclient/resources/ file.

For example: portal=

The default value is set to:


9.3 Oracle Calendar

9.3.1 Calendar Server

This paragraph replaces the information in section 4.3 of Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide concerning valid values. In Oracle Collaboration Suite mode, enter the name and port of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Calendar server. Separate both these entries with a colon (:). To determine the port for Calendar server access, view the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini file in the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle-tier. Look for the "port" entry in the "[ENG]" section.

9.3.2 Creating New Calendar Entries through Voice

In this release, users cannot create new Oracle Calendar entries through the voice interface.

9.4 Wireless Status Displayed as Down

Oracle Enterprise Manager displays all of the processes that can be managed for a middle-tier machine. When accessing the EM page and clicking on a middle-tier machine, Wireless will show a red down arrow. The reason for this is that the Wireless Server has not been started. To start the Wireless Server, from your browser, point to:

@ http://machine_name:port/ptg/rm. This will automatically start the Wireless Server.

9.5 Multi-Byte Characters and Wireless Notifications

You can receive a wireless notification for a message received by Oracle Email. If either the subject or the sender's ID in the original message contains multi-byte characters, then these multi-byte characters are not displayed correctly in the notification.

9.6 Registering Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Web Tool and Wireless Customization Fails

If both the infrastructure and middle-tiers are installed on the same machine, and the Enterprise Manager daemon running on that computer is referring to the infrastructure home, then the Register Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Webtool and Register Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Customization from the Wireless site will throw java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError errors.

In the orion-web.xml file of the infrastructure install, pdkjava.jar and ptlshare.jar should refer the middle-tier installation location. The orion-web.xml file is located at:


For example, if the infrastructure is installed in:


and the middle-tier is installed in:


then the following entries in the Enterprise Manager daemon orion-web.xml:

<classpath path="/private/ias20_infra/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/>
<classpath path="/private/ias20_infra/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/>

should be replaced with:

<classpath path="/private/ias20_midtier/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/>
<classpath path="/private/ias20_midtier/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/>

Restart the opmn process for the changes to take effect.

9.7 Generic Single Sign-On Errors Encountered When Using Microsoft Internet Explorer

There is a generic error that affects some Oracle9iAS components, including Oracle Wireless. This errors occur when you use Microsoft Internet Explorer to access the Web tool on a machine that has both infrastructure and a middle-tier installed on it. You may encounter the following errors:

9.8 SimpleImage and Alternate Text Display

SimpleImage supports an alt attribute which provides alternate text for display devices, and an alternate.wav file for the voice deviceclass devices. For example:



<SimpleTextItem deviceclass="voice"> 

<SimpleAudio src="http://somehost/audio.wav"/> 

<SimpleTextItem deviceclass="pda, microbrowser"> 

Hello welcome




9.9 Web Component Developer Breaks for Composite Web Component

The Web Component Developer is a java-based GUI tool that allows you to create Web Components that can be delivered by the Web Component Provider, as Wireless Services. There is a known issue of the Web Component Developer in the generation of Web Component Definition files. This renders the developing of composite Web Components not possible. This known bug is scheduled to be fixed and delivered to customers via the Automated Release Updates.

9.10 High Availability for Oracle Wireless

In Oracle Wireless, applications cannot be clustered using the Oracle9iAS clustering mechanism. However, it is still possible to configure Oracle9iAS such that a high availability deployment can be achieved. Complete the following steps for high availability deployment.


Remember to back up all files before you modify them

  1. Install the Oracle9iAS infrastructure on a machine and install multiple middle- tiers on separate machines. Ensure that each of these middle-tier installations point to the infrastructure.
  2. Shut down DCM and all process in all middle-tier instances by running the following command from each middle-tier installation:
    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl stop
  3. Shut down Oracle Enterprise Manager on each machine by running following the command from the ORACLE_HOME of the active EM installation:
    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop
  4. Verify that the file ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/ons.conf on each of the middle-tiers and on the infrastructure contains IP address entries for all the other tiers. If not, file and add missing IP-address entries.
  5. On each middle-tier, increase the number of processes that need to participate in the default island for the OC4J_Wireless OC4J instance to the desired number. This can be done from the EM console or by modifying the file ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml.

    See Also:

    Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE documentation for details and concepts of OC4J instance and islands.

    For instance, if you modify opmn.xml, a typical entry to start four OC4J processes in the default island would be of the form:

    <oc4j maxRetry="3" instanceName="OC4J_Wireless" gid="OC4J_Wireless" 
  6. In the mod_oc4j configuration file for each middle-tier (that is: ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_oc4j.conf), modify the mount point entries for the Wireless runtime. If two middle-tiers (M1 and M2) are used, the entries should be of the form:
    Oc4jMount /ptg
    Oc4jMount /ptg/*
    :OC 4J_Wireless

    where c1 and c2 are the respective Oracle9iAS instance names and can be determined by running the command:

    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl whichInstance

    These entries should be exactly the same for all middle-tier machines.

  7. Run ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfig to update the DCM repository with the configuration file changes.

    On slow machines, it is likely that a DCM error (timeout) of the form ADMN-906005 is displayed. If this occurs, run the command ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl getReturnStatus and wait until the command exits. This confirms that the changes have been propagated to the DCM repository.

  8. Add the tag <cluster-config/> under the <orion-web-app> tag in the following file:
  9. Start DCM and all processes by running the following command in all middle-tier installations:
    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl start
  10. Start EM by running the following command in the ORACLE_HOME of the active EM installation:
    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start 
  11. Configure a hardware load-balancer to point to the middle-tiers.

    Currently, high availability support is only available for the core server runtime (by default mapped to the URI /ptg/rm).


    Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE documentation for more information.

9.11 Oracle Wireless Process Status Unavailable for Multiple Oracle Homes with External Repository

When installing both middle and infrastructure tiers on the same machine and changing the Wireless schema from the Enterprise Manager console to point to a schema other than the one available as part of the infrastructure install, the Wireless process status changes are not displayed on the Enterprise Manager console. This problem occurs on all platforms.

Here is the workaround for this problem:

From the ORACLE_HOME of the middle-tier for which the schema has been changed, copy the following fragment from the file:

<middle-tier ORACLE_HOME>/config/iasschema.xml

and paste it over (overwrite) the corresponding entry in the infrastructure ORACLE_HOME file:

<infrastructure ORACLE_HOME>/config/iasschema.xml 
 <SchemaName>the new schema name</SchemaName> 
 <DBConnect>the new DB connect string</DBConnect> 
  <Password>the new DB password (encrypted)</Password> 

Restart Enterprise Manager after this is done.

9.12 Access Information

Two Quick Reference Cards are available to help users with ASK/SMS and Voice Access. They are available on Oracle Technology Network at the following locations:

9.12.1 ASK/SMS Access

9.12.2 Voice Access

9.13 SMS Commands for Accessing Oracle Collaboration Suite Components

The following commands are available for accessing Oracle Collaboration Suite components.

9.13.1 Calendar

To view your appointments:

cal [day|week] [<date>]

To make an appointment:

cal new <title> <date> <start-time> <duration> [<location>] [<notes>]
 <date> in "MM/dd/yyyy" format - year can be omitted e.g. 6/29
 <start-time> in "hh:mma" format - e.g. 1:30pm, 9:20am
 <duration> in minutes - e.g. 90

9.13.2 Address Book

Note that Directory lookup will only be performed if the contact is not found in the personal Address Book.

To find contacts in your personal address book or corporate directory.

find <string>

<string> is a comma-separated list of names (for example: John, Jack, Smith)


find John,Jack,Smith

9.13.3 Mail

Mail Async supports the following commands:

send--returns help message
send help--returns help message
send <recipients> <documents>|text:<text>--sends documents or text messages to a 
list of recipients


send jacob "text:This is a test message."
send /private/documents/roadmap30.ppt

9.13.4 Fax

The following fax commands are supported:

fax /help
fax -help
fax -h
fax recipient_fax_number "text:fax message"


fax 16505067222 "text:hello world"
fax recipient_fax_number fileURL[,filePathInFilesOnline]
fax 16505067222
fax 16505067222,/private/john/mydoc/test.html,/private/john/mydoc/FunSpec.h

9.13.5 Directory

To find contacts in your corporate directory:

search <string>

<string> is a comma-separated list of names (first or last), someone's global ID with no extension, e-mail address, or phone number.

9.13.6 Short Messaging Service

Use to send short messaging over any channel:

sm <channel> <recipient> <subject> <message>


sm voice 16505551212 Meeting Let's meet at 2:00pm--Sent as voice message.
sm email "Simple Subject" This is my message--Sent as an 
sm sms 5551212 Meeting Let's meet at 2:00pm--Sent as an SMS message. 
sm fax 16505067000 "Urgent Meeting" This is important--Sent as fax.

Supported channels are voice, email, sms, and fax.

Subjects containing multiple words must be quoted.


im command [param1 param2 param3 ... paramN]


im send myfriend "Hi, how are you doing?"

Enclose (in double quotes) parameters containing spaces.

Available Commands:

9.13.7 Files

To browse the contents of a given directory:

files [<directory>]


files /Private

(If left empty, the home directory is assumed)

9.14 Oracle Files Module

Follow the steps below to configure Oracle Files.

9.14.1 Adding a New Dependent Jar File

In this file:


After this line:

<library path="%ORACLE_HOME%/wireless/lib/wireless.jar"/>

Add the following line:

<library path="%ORACLE_HOME%/wireless/lib/mod_pim_webdav_httpclient.jar"/>

Replace %ORACLE_HOME% with the absolute path for the middle tier Oracle home location. Then restart the instance for this change to take effect.

9.15 Oracle Files Default Document Character Set Must be UTF8

If the wireless PIM Module of Oracle Files is used in a multi-byte character set environment, the default character set for Oracle Files must be Unicode (UTF-8). This preference is set at the subscriber level and can be overridden at the user level.

9.16 Multibyte Usernames in Jabber Not Supported

Jabber, which is the backend we use with Instant Messaging does not support multibyte usernames, thus the Instant Messaging module consequently also does not support multibyte user names.