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Oracle® Business Intelligence Discoverer Configuration Guide
10g Release 2 (
Part No. B13918-01
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A OracleBI Discoverer configuration files

This appendix provides reference information about Discoverer configuration files, and contains the following topics:

A.1 List of Discoverer file locations

This section lists the files that are used to configure and maintain OracleBI Discoverer. Many of the settings in the configuration files are configured using Application Server Control. Where possible, use Application Server Control to configure Discoverer. If you update settings in the configuration files manually, you must only do so in accordance with the instructions in this guide.

The table below shows the locations of these files on both UNIX and Windows platforms.

File name Description and location
applypreferences.bat This file updates the Discoverer Preferences component (Windows specific).

On UNIX: n/a

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\util

Hint: Information about processing errors are stored in error.txt (for more information, see File name entry for error.txt). This file updates the Discoverer Preferences component (UNIX specific).

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util

On Windows: n/a

Hint: Information about processing errors are stored in error.txt (for more information, see File name entry for error.txt).

certdb.txt This file contains the security certificate store for Oracle JInitiator, and is stored on each client machine that is running Discoverer Plus.

On UNIX: <JINITIATOR HOME>/lib/security/

On Windows: <JINITIATOR HOME>\lib\security\

where <JINITIATOR HOME> is the location on the client machine in which JInitiator is installed (e.g. c:\program files\oracle\JInitiator\)

For more information about installing a security certificate in the JInitiator certificate store, see Section 3.5.1, "How to install a security certificate on a Discoverer Plus client machine".

For more information about certdb.txt, see Section, "About configuring Discoverer Plus for a non-standard SSL signing authority".

checkdiscoverer.bat This file starts a utility that checks the configuration of the Discoverer middle tier, checks the status of the middle tier components, and reports any failures or anomalies.

On UNIX: n/a

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\util

Note: You can also find documentation on using the checkdiscoverer utility in the \util directory. This file starts a utility that checks the configuration of the Discoverer middle tier, checks the status of the middle tier components, and reports any failures or anomalies.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util

On Windows: n/a

Note: You can also find documentation on using the checkdiscoverer utility in the /util directory.

collectlogs.bat This script file collects all Discoverer logs into a folder.

On UNIX: n/a

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\util

Note: For more information about using the collectlogs script, see Section D.3.9, "How to copy Discoverer log files". This script file copies all Discoverer logs into a TAR file.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util

On Windows: n/a

Note: For more information about using the collectlogs script, see Section D.3.9, "How to copy Discoverer log files".


This file stores configuration settings for Discoverer.

Note: Do not edit this file manually. Use the Discoverer Services Configuration page in Application Server Control to configure settings in this file (for more information, see Section A.2, "List of configuration settings in configuration.xml").

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/config/

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\config\

defaults.txt This file stores factory-supplied default Discoverer preferences. If pref.txt becomes corrupted, you can use defaults.txt to restore default preference settings.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\util

dis51pr/dis51pr.exe This file runs the command line utility used to manage preferences stored in the reg_key.dc file.


On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\bin This script file sets the PATH and other environment variables needed to run Discoverer utility scripts located in <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util/. You do not need to run this script unless you are working independently of the OracleBI Discoverer supplied scripts. This script is included in most other Discoverer script files. Therefore, the commands in this file run automatically.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/

On Windows: N/A

error.txt This file contains information about processing errors collected when you update the Discoverer Preferences component using the applypreferences script. If error.txt is not present, no errors have been logged.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\util

migrateprefs.bat/sh This script file is used to migrate Discoverer preferences from Discoverer 9.0.4 to Discoverer 10.1.2.

Note: For information on migrating Discoverer preferences from Discoverer 9.0.4 to Discoverer 10.1.2, see the OracleBI Discoverer section in the Oracle Application Server Migration Guide.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\util

mod_osso.conf This file stores configuration settings for OracleAS Single Sign-On (for example, settings to turn OracleAS Single Sign-On on and off).

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/apache/apache/conf

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\apache\apache\conf

For more information about enabling Single Sign-On, see Section, "How to enable and disable Single Sign-On for Discoverer".

opmn.xml This file stores the OPMN configuration settings for Discoverer (e.g. server timeout, maximum number of Discoverer sessions).

Note: Use Application Server Control to control the settings in this file.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/conf

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\opmn\conf

For more information, see Section A.3, "List of configuration settings in opmn.xml". This script file is used to manage OPMN processes.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\opmn\bin

Hint: Type opmnctl help to display online help for this script.

pref.txt This file stores the Discoverer middle tier preferences, and is used to generate the .reg_key.dc file. On install, this file is populated using settings in the defaults.txt file. If pref.txt becomes corrupted, copy preferences in defaults.txt to pref.txt to restore default preference settings.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\util

Note: After editing the pref.txt file, you must run the applypreferences script to apply the preference changes you have made, then stop and restart the Discoverer Service (for more information, see Section 5.3, "About starting and stopping the Discoverer Service").

reg_key.dc This file stores individual preferences for each user as a unique combination of database and userid. These values override global default values specified in pref.txt.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\

Note: On UNIX implementations, the reg_key.dc is a hidden UNIX file (i.e. the filename is prefixed with a '.'). Make sure that your file manager program or command console can list hidden files (e.g. use the console command 'ls -al' to list hidden files).

tnsnames.ora This file contains the names and aliases of all the databases that users can access using OracleBI Discoverer.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\network\admin

web.xml This file contains deployment information about the Discoverer servlets.

On UNIX: <ORACLE_HOME>/j2ee/OC4J_BI_Forms/applications/discoverer/discoverer/WEB-INF/

On Windows: <ORACLE_HOME>\j2ee\OC4J_BI_Forms\applications\discoverer\discoverer\WEB-INF\

A.2 List of configuration settings in configuration.xml

This file stores configuration settings for Discoverer. The table below shows the setting in configuration.xml.

Note: Do not edit this file manually. Use the Discoverer Services Configuration page in Application Server Control to configure settings in this file.

Setting Description
/disco:configuration/@webcache Specifies whether OracleAS Web Cache is being used to cache the pages generated by the Discoverer servlet.

If you want to use a Discoverer middle tier machine as a load balancing machine, the webcache attribute must be set to 'true' (for more information, see Section 7.5, "How to deploy OracleBI Discoverer with load balancing using OracleAS Web Cache").

/disco:configuration/saveWarningEnabled Specifies whether Discoverer Viewer displays the Save Warning Page that prompts a Discoverer Viewer user to save worksheet changes each time a user navigates away from a worksheet that has been changed.

If set to false, Discoverer Viewer does not display the Save Warning Page when a user navigates away from a changed worksheet, and the changes are not saved. If set to true, Discoverer Viewer prompts the user with the Save Warning Page to enable the user to first save changes to the worksheet.

/disco:configuration/viewer/@queryRefreshPeriod Specifies the delay in seconds before a query progress page is displayed (or re-displayed).
/disco:configuration/portlet/sessionPool/@maxGenericParameters Specifies the maximum number of generic Portlet parameters associated with Discoverer Portlets.
/disco:configuration/portlet/sessionPool/@maxWaitNewSessionMinute Specifies the maximum number of re-tries for creating a session before aborting.
/disco:configuration/portlet/sessionPool/@maxNewSessionPerMinute Specifies the maximum number of sessions created per minute.
/disco:configuration/portlet/maxSessionAgeHour Specifies the maximum amount of time (in hours) that a Discoverer Session is allowed to be in the session pool. When this limit expires, Discoverer removes this session from the pool. The default value for this parameter is 1 hour. Setting this parameter to a lower value will recycle sessions faster, but might slow down the refreshes due to the need to restart sessions.
/disco:configuration/portlet/maxSessionInactivityPeriodMinute Specifies the maximum amount of time (in minutes) that a Discoverer Session is allowed to be inactive in the session pool. When this limit expires, Discoverer removes this session from the pool.

For example, if you have a session in the pool which is continuously used and is never inactive for more than the maxSessionInactivityPeriodMinute limit, Discoverer removes this session from the pool only when the maxSessionAgeHour is reached. However, if the pool has a session that is not being used continuously, Discoverer removes this session from the pool when the maxSessionInactivityPeriodMinute is reached.

A.3 List of configuration settings in opmn.xml

This file stores OPMN settings for Discoverer. The table below shows the setting in opmn.xml that you might change if you need to modify the default Discoverer configuration:

Setting Description
ORBDebug Specifies whether Discoverer instructs the ORB to print debugging messages from the server configurator network. This option does not have a value, but is used as a toggle to enable or disable debugging messages.
ORBDebugLevel=<level> Specifies the level of debugging in the ORB. The range is 1 for the minimum amount of debugging information to 10 for the maximum amount of debugging information.
ORBLogFile=<name of log file> Specifies that all ACE_DEBUG and ACE_ERROR messages are redirected to the file specified. If you do not specify a path, the file is created in the directory in which the server is running (e.g. $ORACLE_HOME).
ORBObjRefStyle=[IOE|URL] Specifies the user-visible style of object references. The IOR style(default) is the conventional CORBA object reference, whereas the URL style looks more like a URL.
ORBVerboseLogginglevel=[0|1|2] Specifies the amount of status data printed on each line of the debug log. Higher numbers generate more output.
process-type id="PreferenceServer" Specifies whether the preferences will be started by OPMN. This setting is useful in clustered environments where only one preference should be running.

The default value for this setting is:

<process-type id="PreferenceServer" enabled="true">.

process-type id="SessionServer" module-id="Disco_SessionServer" maxprocs=<value> Specifies the maximum number of Discoverer servers that can run at the same time. You might increase this value if you need more concurrent Discoverer Plus Relational or Discoverer Viewer users

The value must be a positive integer.

process-type id="SessionServer" module-id="Disco_SessionServer" timeout=<value> Specifies the length of time (in seconds) that the servlet waits for the Discoverer server process to responds value must be a positive integer. You might need to increase this value if the machine is heavily loaded and is unable to start the server in the default time allowed (i.e. 30 seconds).
ssl_enabled Specifies that SSL is enabled.

Note: The ORB element is not included by default. If you want to customize the TAO ORB, add the ORB elements and attributes as described in the table above. For more information, refer to TAO documentation.