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Oracle® Application Server Administrator's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B13995-01
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D Oracle Application Server Port Numbers

This appendix provides information about Oracle Application Server port numbers.

It contains the following topics:

D.1 Port Numbers and How They Are Assigned (Sorted by Installation Type)

This section provides the following information for each Oracle Application Server service that uses a port:

The ports are sorted by the following installation types:

D.1.1 J2EE and OracleAS Web Cache Ports

Table D-1 lists the ports in a J2EE and Web Cache installation.

Table D-1 J2EE and Web Cache Ports

Component / Service Allotted Port Range Default Port Number When Assigned? Override during installation in staticports.ini?
Oracle HTTP Server

Listen 7777 - 7877 Without Web Cache: 7777Foot 1 

With Web Cache: 7778

Installation Yes
Port 7777 - 7877 Without Web Cache: 7777Footref 1

With Web Cache: 7777

Installation Yes
Listen (SSL) 4443 - 4543 Without Web Cache: 4443Foot 2 

With Web Cache: 4444


This port is not used unless you enable SSL after installation. Refer to Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide.

Port (SSL) 4443 - 4543 Without Web Cache: 4443Footref 2

With Web Cache: 4443


This port is not used unless you enable SSL after installation. Refer to Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide.

Diagnostic 7200 - 7299 7200 Installation Yes
OracleAS Web Cache

HTTP Listen 7777 - 7877 UNIX: 7777

Windows: 80Footref 1

Installation Yes
HTTP Listen (SSL) 4443 - 4543 4443Footref 2 Installation

This port is not used unless you enable SSL after installation. Refer to Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide.

Administration 4000 - 4300 4000 Installation Yes
Invalidation 4001 - 4300 4001 Installation Yes
Statistics 4002 - 4300 4002 Installation Yes

AJP 3301 - 3400 3301 Installation No
JMS 3701 - 3800 3701 Installation No
RMI 3201 - 3300 3201 Installation No
IIOP 3401 - 3500 3401 After installation, when you configure IIOP. Refer to Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE User's Guide. No
IIOPS1 (Server only) 3501 - 3600 3501 After installation, when you configured IIOPS1. No
IIOPS2 (Server and client) 3601 - 3700 3601 After installation, when you configured IIOPS2. No

ONS Local 6100 - 6199 6100 Installation Yes
ONS Remote 6200 - 6299 6200 Installation Yes
ONS Request 6003 - 6099 6003 Installation Yes
Oracle Enterprise Manager

Application Server Control Console
1810 - 1829 1810 Installation Yes
Application Server Control Console (SSL) 1810 - 1829 1810 After installation, when you configure the Application Server Control Console for SSL. Refer to Section A.4, "Configuring Security for Enterprise Manager Application Server Control Console". No
Application Server Control Console RMI 1850 - 1869 1850 Installation Yes
Oracle Management Agent 1830 - 1849 1830 Installation Yes
Miscellaneous Services

DCM Discovery 7100 - 7199 7100 Installation Yes
Java Object Cache 7000 - 7099 7000 Installation Yes
Log Loader 44000 - 44099 44000 Installation Yes
Port Tunneling 7501 - 7599 7501 After installation, when you configure Port Tunneling. No

Footnote 1 The default port is 80 on middle-tier installations on Windows.
Footnote 2 The default port is 443 on middle-tier installations on Windows.

D.1.2 Portal and Wireless Ports

A Portal and Wireless installation uses the ports listed in:

Table D-2 Portal and Wireless Ports

Component / Service Allotted Port Range Default Port Number When Assigned? Override during installation in staticports.ini?
Oracle Ultra Search

RMI Daemon 1098 1098 Installation No
RMI Registry 1099 1099 Installation No
OracleAS Portal

OracleAS PortalFoot 1  N/A N/A N/A N/A
OracleAS Wireless

OracleAS WirelessFootref 1
Wireless Notification Dispatcher Calendar 9100 - 9199 9100 Installation No

Footnote 1 This service does not have its own port. You can access it through the HTTP listener port.

D.1.3 Business Intelligence Ports

A Business Intelligence installation uses the ports listed in:

Table D-3 Business Intelligence Ports

Component / Service Allotted Port Range Default Port Number When Assigned? Override during installation in staticports.ini?
OracleBI Discoverer

OracleBI DiscovererFoot 1  N/A N/A N/A N/A
OracleBI Discoverer OSAgent 16001 - 16020 16001 Installation Yes

Footnote 1 This service does not have its own port. You can access it through the HTTP listener port.

D.1.4 Infrastructure Ports

An Infrastructure installation uses the ports listed in:

Table D-4 Infrastructure Ports

Component / Service Allotted Port Range Default Port Number When Assigned? Override during installation in statisports.ini?
Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Management Agent 1830 - 1849 1830 Installation Yes
Console HTTP 5500 - 5559 5500 Installation Yes
Oracle Internet Directory

Oracle Internet Directory
389, 3060 - 3129 389Foot 1  Installation Yes
Oracle Internet Directory (SSL) 636, 3130 - 3199 636Foot 2  Installation Yes
OracleAS Certificate Authority

Server Authentication Virtual Host (SSL) 4400 - 4419 4400 Installation Yes
Mutual Authentication Virtual Host (SSL) 4400 - 4419 4401 Installation Yes
OracleAS Metadata Repository

Oracle Net Listener 1521 1521 Installation No
OracleAS Single Sign-On

OracleAS Single Sign-OnFoot 3  N/A N/A N/A N/A

Footnote 1 Some versions of UNIX use port 389 in /etc/services. On these systems, the default Oracle Internet Directory non-SSL port number is 3060.
Footnote 2 Some versions of UNIX use port 636 in /etc/services. On these systems, the default Oracle Internet Directory SSL port number is 3130.
Footnote 3 This service does not have its own port. You can access it through the HTTP listener port.

D.1.5 OracleAS Integration InterConnect Ports

Table D-5 lists the ports used in an OracleAS Integration InterConnect installation.

Table D-5 OracleAS Integration InterConnect Ports

Service Allotted Port Range Default Port Number When Assigned? Override during installation in staticports.ini?
OracleAS Integration InterConnect Adapters Configurable Configurable After Installation

Refer to Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect User's Guide

NoFoot 1 
OracleAS Integration InterConnect Repository Configurable Configurable After Installation

Refer to Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect User's Guide

RMI port for HTTP 9901 9901 Installation No

Footnote 1 The feature of overriding port numbers with staticports.ini during installation is not available with the OracleAS Integration InterConnect installation.

D.1.6 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Ports

Table D-6 lists the ports used in an Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control installation.

Table D-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Ports

Service Allotted Port Range Default Port Number When Assigned? Override during installation in staticports.ini?
Grid Control Console Uses the HTTP listener portFoot 1  Uses the HTTP listener portFootref 1

Oracle Management Agent 1830 - 1849 1830 Installation NoFoot 2 
Oracle Management Service (SSL and non-SSL) 4889 - 4899 4889 Installation No

Footnote 1 This service does not have its own port. You can access it through the HTTP listener port. Refer to setupinfo.txt in the install directory within the Grid Control Oracle home for the exact URL.
Footnote 2 The feature of overriding port numbers with staticports.ini is not available with the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control installation.

D.1.7 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit Ports

Table D-7 lists the ports used in an Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit installation.

Table D-7 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit Ports

Service Allotted Port Range Default Port Number When Assigned? Override during installation in staticports.ini?

(myhost.mydomain Node)

548 548 Installation NoFoot 1 

(myhost.mydomain Node)

4180 4180 Installation No
Domain Controller 53140 - 53999 N/A Installation No

(myhost.mydomain Node)

21 21 Installation No

(myhost.mydomain Node)

143 143 Installation No

(myhost.mydomain Node)

993 993 Installation No

(myhost.mydomain Node)

137 137 Installation No

(myhost.mydomain Node)

2049 2049 Installation No
NFS Mount Point

(myhost.mydomain Node)

N/A N/A Installation No
Node Guardian

(myhost.mydomain Node)

53140 - 53999 N/A Installation No
Node Guardian

(myhost.mydomain HTTP Node)

53140 - 53999 N/A Installation No
Node Manager

(myhost.mydomain Node)

53140 - 53999 N/A Installation No
Node Manager

(myhost.mydomain HTTP Node)

53140 - 53999
Installation No

(myhost.mydomain Node)

139 139 Installation No

(myhost.mydomain Node)

25 25 Installation No

Footnote 1 The feature of overriding port numbers with staticports.ini during installation is not available for Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit.

D.1.8 OracleAS Developer Kits

OracleAS Developer Kits use the same ports as the J2EE and Web Cache installation type.

D.2 Port Numbers (Sorted by Port Number)

Table D-8 lists Oracle Application Server ports numbers and services, sorted in ascending order by port number.

Table D-8 Port Numbers (Sorted by Port Number)

Port Number Service
21 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit FTP
25 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit SMTP
137 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit NB UDP
139 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit SMB
143 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit IMAP (non-SSL)
389 Oracle Internet Directory (non-SSL)
548 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit AFP
636 Oracle Internet Directory Server (SSL)
993 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit IMAP (SSL)
1098 Oracle Ultra Search RMI Daemon
1099 Oracle Ultra Search RMI Registry
1521 OracleAS Metadata Repository Oracle Net Listener
1810 - 1829 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console (non-SSL and SSL)
1830 - 1849 Oracle Management Agent
1850 - 1869 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console RMI
2049 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit NFS
3060 - 3129 Oracle Internet Directory (non-SSL)
3130 - 3199 Oracle Internet Directory (SSL)
3201 - 3300 OC4J RMI
3301 - 3400 OC4J AJP
3401 - 3500 OC4J IIOP
3501 - 3600 OC4J IIOPS1 (Server only)
3601 - 3700 OC4J IIOPS2 (Server and client)
3701 - 3800 OC4J JMS
4000 - 4300 OracleAS Web Cache Administration

OracleAS Web Cache Invalidation

OracleAS Web Cache Statistics

4180 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit CUP
4400 - 4419 OracleAS Certificate Authority Server Authentication Virtual Host (SSL)

OracleAS Certificate Authority Mutual Authentication Virtual Host (SSL)

4443 - 4543 Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) and Oracle HTTP Server Port (SSL)

OracleAS Web Cache HTTP Listen (SSL)

4889 - 4899 Oracle Management Service (SSL and non-SSL)
6003 - 6099 OPMN ONS Request
6100 - 6199 OPMN ONS Local
6200 - 6299 OPMN ONS Remote
5500 - 5559 Oracle Enterprise Manager Console HTTP
7000 - 7099 Java Object Cache
7100 - 7199 DCM Discovery
7200 - 7299 Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostic
7501 - 7599 Port Tunneling
7777 - 7877 Oracle HTTP Server Listen and Oracle HTTP Server Port

OracleAS Web Cache HTTP Listen

9100 - 9199 Wireless Notification Dispatcher Calendar
9901 OracleAS Integration InterConnect RMI port for HTTP
16001 - 16020 OracleBI Discoverer OSAgent
44000 - 44099 Log Loader
53140 - 53999 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit Domain Controller

Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit Node Guardian

Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit Node Manager

D.3 Guidelines for Changing Port Numbers (Sorted by Installation Type)

This section provides the following information about changing Oracle Application Server port numbers:

The ports are sorted by the following installation types:

D.3.1 J2EE and Web Cache Ports

Table D-9 provides guidelines for changing port numbers in a J2EE and Web Cache installation.

Table D-9 J2EE and Web Cache Ports

Component/Service Can be Changed? Dependencies? Procedure
Oracle HTTP Server

Listen Yes Yes Section 4.3.3, "Changing the Oracle HTTP Server Listen Port"
Port Yes Yes Section 4.3.3, "Changing the Oracle HTTP Server Listen Port"
Listen (SSL) Yes Yes Section 4.3.3, "Changing the Oracle HTTP Server Listen Port"
Port (SSL) Yes Yes Section 4.3.3, "Changing the Oracle HTTP Server Listen Port"
Diagnostic Yes No Section 4.3.12, "Changing the Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostic Port"
OracleAS Web Cache

HTTP Listen Yes Yes Section 4.3.4, "Changing the OracleAS Web Cache Listen Port"
HTTP Listen (SSL) Yes Yes Section 4.3.4, "Changing the OracleAS Web Cache Listen Port"
Administration Yes Yes Section 4.3.5, "Changing theOracleAS Web Cache Administration Port"
Invalidation Yes Yes Section 4.3.6, "Changing the OracleAS Web Cache Invalidation Port"
Statistics Yes No Section 4.3.7, "Changing the OracleAS Web Cache Statistics Port"

AJP Yes No Section 4.3.2, "Changing OC4J Ports"
JMS Yes No Section 4.3.2, "Changing OC4J Ports"
RMI Yes No Section 4.3.2, "Changing OC4J Ports"
IIOP Yes No Section 4.3.2, "Changing OC4J Ports"
IIOPS1 (Server only) Yes No Section 4.3.2, "Changing OC4J Ports"
IIOPS2 (Server and client) Yes No Section 4.3.2, "Changing OC4J Ports"

ONS Local Yes No Section 4.3.11, "ChangingOPMN Ports (ONS Local, Request, and Remote)"
ONS Remote Yes Yes Section 4.3.11, "ChangingOPMN Ports (ONS Local, Request, and Remote)"
ONS Request Yes No Section 4.3.11, "ChangingOPMN Ports (ONS Local, Request, and Remote)"
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g

Application Server Control Console
Yes No Section 4.3.1, "Changing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ports"
Application Server Control Console (SSL) Yes No Section 4.3.1, "Changing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ports"
Application Server Control Console RMI Yes No Section 4.3.1, "Changing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ports"
Oracle Management Agent Yes No Section 4.3.1, "Changing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ports"
Miscellaneous Ports

DCM Discovery Yes No Section 4.3.8, "Changing the DCM Discovery Port"
Java Object Cache
Yes No Section 4.3.9, "Changingthe Java Object Cache Port"
Log Loader Yes No Section 4.3.10, "Changing the Log Loader Port"
Port Tunneling Yes No Section 4.3.13, "Changing the Port Tunneling Port"

D.3.2 Portal and Wireless Ports

Guidelines for changing port numbers in a Portal and Wireless installation are listed in:

Table D-10 Portal and Wireless Ports

Component / Service Can be changed? Dependencies? Procedure
Oracle Ultra Search

RMI Daemon No N/A N/A
RMI Registry No N/A N/A
OracleAS Portal

OracleAS PortalFoot 1  N/A N/A N/A
OracleAS Wireless

OracleAS WirelessFootref 1
Wireless Notification Dispatcher Calendar No N/A N/A

Footnote 1 This service does not have its own port. You can access it through the HTTP listener port.

D.3.3 Business Intelligence Ports

Guidelines for changing port numbers in a Business Intelligence installation are listed in:

Table D-11 Business Intelligence Ports

Component / Service Can be changed? Dependencies? Procedure
OracleBI Discoverer

OracleBI DiscovererFoot 1  N/A N/A N/A
OracleBI Discoverer OSAgent No N/A N/A

Footnote 1 This service does not have its own port. You can access it through the HTTP listener port.

D.3.4 Infrastructure Ports

Guidelines for changing port numbers in an Infrastructure installation are listed in:

Table D-12 Infrastructure Ports

Component / Service Can be changed? Dependencies? Procedure
Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Management Agent Yes No Section 4.3.1, "Changing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ports"
Console HTTP No N/A N/A
Oracle Internet Directory

Oracle Internet Directory
Yes Yes Section 4.4.2, "Changing Oracle Internet Directory Ports"
Oracle Internet Directory (SSL) Yes Yes Section 4.4.2, "Changing Oracle Internet Directory Ports"
OracleAS Certificate Authority

Server Authentication Virtual Host (SSL) Yes No Section 4.4.4, "ChangingOracleAS Certificate Authority Ports"
Mutual Authentication Virtual Host (SSL) Yes No Section 4.4.4, "ChangingOracleAS Certificate Authority Ports"
OracleAS Metadata Repository

Oracle Net Listener Yes Yes Section 4.4.1, "Changing theOracleAS Metadata Repository Net Listener Port"
OracleAS Single Sign-On

OracleAS Single Sign-OnFoot 1  N/A N/A N/A

Footnote 1 This service does not have its own port. You can access it through the HTTP listener port.

D.3.5 OracleAS Integration InterConnect Ports

Table D-5 provides guidelines for changing port numbers in an OracleAS Integration InterConnect installation.

Table D-13 OracleAS Integration InterConnect Ports

Service Can be changed? Dependencies? Procedure
OracleAS Integration InterConnect Adapters Yes No You can change this port by manually configuring repository.ini
OracleAS Integration InterConnect Repository Yes No You can change this port by manually configuring adapter.ini
RMI port for HTTP Yes Yes You can change this port by manually configuring adapter.ini. You must also update web.xml with the new port number.

D.3.6 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Ports

Table D-14 provides guidelines for changing port numbers in an Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control installation.

Table D-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Ports

Service Can be changed? Dependencies? Method
Grid Control Console Uses the HTTP listener portFoot 1  Uses the HTTP listener portFootref 1
Oracle Management Agent Yes Yes Refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration
Oracle Management Service (SSL and non-SSL) Yes Yes Refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration

Footnote 1 ??This service does not have its own port. You can access it through the HTTP listener port. Refer to setupinfo.txt in the install directory within the Grid Control Oracle home for the exact URL.

D.3.7 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit Ports

Table D-15 provides guidelines for changing port numbers in an Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit installation.

Table D-15 Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit Ports

Service Can be changed? Dependencies? Procedure

(myhost.mydomain Node)

No N/A N/A

(myhost.mydomain Node)

Yes No Edit CupServerConfiguration and update IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.CUP.Port. Then reload the CUP server.
Domain Controller No N/A N/A

(myhost.mydomain Node)

Yes No Edit FtpServerConfiguration and update IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP.Port. Then reload the FTP server.

(myhost.mydomain Node)

No N/A N/A

(myhost.mydomain Node)

No N/A N/A

(myhost.mydomain Node)

No N/A N/A

(myhost.mydomain Node)

Yes No Edit NfsServerConfiguration and update IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS.Port. Then reload the NFS Server.

Refer to Oracle Content Management SDK Administrator's Guide.

NFS Mount Port

(myhost.mydomain Node)

Yes No Edit NfsServerConfiguration and update IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS.MountPort. Then reload the NFS Server.

Refer to Oracle Content Management SDK Administrator's Guide.

Node Guardian

(myhost.mydomain Node)

No N/A N/A
Node Guardian

(myhost.mydomain HTTP Node)

No N/A N/A
Node Manager

(myhost.mydomain Node)

No N/A N/A
Node Manager

(myhost.mydomain HTTP Node)

No N/A N/A

(myhost.mydomain Node)

No N/A N/A

(myhost.mydomain Node)

No N/A N/A