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Oracle® Application Server Integration B2B User's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B13849-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


acknowledgment handled by Integration B2B
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.3
updating, 8.11.2, 8.12.2
acknowledgment mode
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
updating, 8.13.2
value must be None if using a generic exchange protocol, 7.1.4, 10.5
acknowledgment time
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
updating, 8.13.2
configuration state, 11.3
add button
differences with create button, 4.2.4
additional transport headers parameter
description, 8.16.2
admin user
cannot remove Administrator role, 8.8.6
default username for accessing the user interface tool, 4.1
protects partner data, 15.1.2
roles and privileges, 15.1.1
admin user password, 15.1.1
tasks, 12.1
with the user interface tool, 12.1
administration tab
description, 4.1
overview of tasks, 4.6
Administrator role
for using the user interface tool, 4.1
required for connecting to the user interface tool, 8.8
advanced queuing (AQ)
using as the internal delivery channel transport protocol,
Agreement Details page
exporting to an XML file, 4.2.9
overview, 4.2.9
agreement ID
creating for a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
updating, 10.2.3
agreements tab
description, 4.3.2
overview of tasks, 4.3.2
Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) exchange protocol, 2.3.2
using compression, 7.1.4, 7.2.4, 8.13.2
approved lifecycle state
description, 4.2.10
optionally exporting and submitting XML files of partner data for approval,
apps.ECX_INBOUND internal endpoint
associated with XML Gateway Inbound internal delivery channel, 8.10
description, 8.17.1
selecting, 8.17.1
apps.ECX_OUTBOUND internal endpoint
associated with XML Gateway Outbound internal delivery channel, 8.10
description, 8.17.1
selecting, 8.17.1
See Applicability Statement 2, 2.3.2
AS2 Identifier
assigning as trading partner identification, 8.3.1
description, 7.2.2, 7.3.1, 8.3.1
trading partner identification type, 7.2.2, 7.3.1


B2B Inbound internal delivery channel
associated with b2b.IP_IN_QUEUE internal endpoint, 8.10
description, 3.1, 8.10
sufficient for most environments, 10.2.1, 10.2.1
B2B integration, 1.1
B2B Outbound internal delivery channel
associated with b2b.IP_OUT_QUEUE internal endpoint, 8.10
description, 3.1, 8.10
B2B protocols, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
B2B server
ensure server is running if you receive an RMI server connection error, A.5
starting and stopping with OPMN, 13.3
starting and stopping with Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, 13.2.1
B2B Server Level parameter
for defining the logging level, A.3.1
b2b.IP_IN_QUEUE internal endpoint
associated with B2B Inbound internal delivery channel, 8.10
description, 8.17.1
selecting, 8.17.1
b2b.IP_OUT_QUEUE internal endpoint
associated with B2B Outbound internal delivery channel, 8.10
description, 8.17.1
selecting, 8.17.1
b2b.jar file
do not modify, 9.2.1
b2b.log file
location of, A.3
troubleshooting errors, A.3
accessing the user interface tool, 4.1
restrictions on using the browser back and forward buttons, 4.2.6
business actions
assigning during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.3
assigning during a single Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.2
assigning remote trading partner support with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 6.1.1, 7.2.3
automatically assigned to host trading partner, 8.12, 10.1.1, 10.2.1
bidirectional, 6.1.1
creating with the Create Business Action wizard, 6.1.1, 6.5.1
defining the initiator or responder in a collaboration between trading partners, 7.2.3
deleting, 6.5.4, 8.12.3
Document Protocol Revision page of Create Business Action wizard, 6.5.1,
Document Type page of Create Business Action wizard, 6.5.1,
General page of Create Business Action wizard, 6.5.1,
importing, 12.4.4
managing, 8.12
overview, 6.1.1
Review page of Create Business Action wizard, 6.5.1,
selecting for a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
updating, 6.5.3, 8.12.2
viewing, 6.5.2, 8.12.1
business message status reports
creating, 14.2
description, 4.5
business messages
purging business message instance data, 12.5.1
Business Protocol Details page
contents of, 7.3.2
overview, 8.1.3
business protocols, 1.3, 1.3.1, 2.5
assigning a business protocol and all operational and communication capabilities during a single wizard session, 7.2
assigning a business protocol during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.2
assigning business protocol communication capabilities during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.4
assigning business protocol operational capabilities during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.3
assigning multiple business protocols to a remote trading partner, 7.1.6
automatically assigned to host trading partner, 6.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.6, 7.2.7, 7.5, 8.1.2
can assign multiple business protocols to a remote trading partner, 8.9.1
common user errors, 6.6
Custom Document over Generic Exchange, 7.2.3
Custom Document over Internet, 7.2.3
description, 6.1, 8.9.1
EDI EDIFACT over Generic Exchange, 7.2.3
EDI EDIFACT over Internet, 7.2.3
EDI X12 over Generic Exchange, 7.2.3
EDI X12 over Internet, 7.2.3
format of, 6.1
managing, 6.1, 8.9
removing from a remote trading partner, 8.9.6
RosettaNet over RNIF, 7.2.3
support provided for, 7.2.3
viewing, 6.2, 8.9.2
Business Protocols page
overview, 4.3.3


Callout Directory parameter
for defining callout .jar file library, 9.2.1
callout metadata parameters
creating, 9.4.5
deleting, 9.4.8
description, 9.4.5
encrypting, 9.4.5
limitations on use of date type, 9.4.5
updating, 9.4.7
viewing, 9.4.6
callout properties
creating, 9.3.1
deleting, 9.3.4
description, 9.3
encrypting, 9.3.1
managing, 9.3
overriding values set at callout usage level, 9.3.1
updating, 9.3.3
viewing, 9.3.2
callout usages
associating with internal delivery channels, 9.1
creating, 9.4.1
deleting, 9.4.4
description, 9.1, 9.4, 9.4.1
managing, 9.4
selecting when creating a trading partner agreement, 3.5, 9.1, 9.4.1, 10.2.1
tutorial for creating, 9.5.2
updating, 9.4.3
viewing, 9.4.2
common user errors, 9.6
creating, 9.2.1
creating callouts with the same name, 9.2.1
defining the callout .jar file library location, 9.2.1
deleting, 9.2.4
description, 3.5, 9.1, 9.2.1
do not modify the b2b.jar file, 9.2.1
for transformations, 9.1
list page overview, 4.3.4
managing, 9.2
predefined XSLTCallout callout provided, 9.2.1
predefined XSLTCalloutImpl class file provided, 9.2.1
tasks overview, 9.1
tutorial for adding callout usages to the RosettaNet over the Internet transaction, 9.5.2
updating, 9.2.3
viewing, 9.2.2
Callouts Java API Reference
using to create a callout .jar file, 9.1
Callouts page
overview, 4.3.4
callouts tab
description, 4.3.4
overview of tasks, 4.3.4
Capabilities page
communication capabilities section overview, 4.3.1
operational capabilities section overview, 4.3.1
overview, 4.3.1, 8.1.2
See remote trading partner certificates
CLASSPATH environment
setting up for the tutorials, 5.2.1
collaboration roles
description, 7.2.3
collaboration status reports
creating, 14.4
description, 4.5
assigning collaborations during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.3
assigning during a single Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.2
assigning remote trading partner support with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 6.1.1, 7.2.3
automatically assigned to host trading partner, 7.2.3, 8.11, 10.1.1, 10.2.1
bidirectional, 6.1.1
Business Transaction page of Create Collaboration wizard, 6.5.5,
creating with the Create Collaboration wizard, 6.1.1, 6.5.5
defining the initiator or responder in a collaboration between trading partners, 7.2.3
deleting, 6.5.8, 8.11.3
description, 7.2.3
General page of Create Collaboration wizard, 6.5.5,
importing, 4.6.2, 6.1.1, 12.4.4, 12.4.4
managing, 8.11
overview, 6.1.1
purging collaboration instance data, 12.5.1
Requesting Business Action page of Create Collaboration wizard, 6.5.5,
Responding Business Action page of Create Collaboration wizard, 6.5.5,
Review page of Create Collaboration wizard, 6.5.5,
revision number must match the document type revision number, 6.3.7, 6.5.7
revision number must match the document type revision number in Create Collaboration wizard,,,
selecting for a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
updating, 6.5.7, 8.11.2
viewing, 6.5.6, 8.11.1
common user errors
business protocols, 6.6
callouts, 9.6
configurations, 11.3.2
deployment, 11.9
exported files, 12.6
trading partner and trading partner agreements, 10.5
trading partners, 7.4, 8.18
communication capabilities
creating for the host and remote trading partners with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
description, 4.1, 4.2.9, 4.3.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.6, 7.2, 7.2.2, 7.2.7, 8.1.3, 8.9.2, 8.13, 8.14, 8.15, 8.16, 8.17, 10.1.1
overview, 1.3.2, 4.3.1
viewing in the user interface tool, 4.3.1, 7.3.2, 8.1.3, 8.9.2
for use with the Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) exchange protocol, 7.1.4, 7.2.4, 8.13.2
limitations on use, 7.1.4
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
updating, 8.13.2
concurrent conversations
assigning a value to a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
updating a value in a trading partner agreement, 10.2.3
configurations, 1.3, 1.3.4
archive important configurations before purging, 12.5.2
cannot deploy the same trading partner agreement in multiple configurations, 11.2.2, 11.4.1, 11.4.2
cannot name a configuration with a previously used name, 11.3
cannot update or delete some information that is part of a validated configuration, 11.3.1, 11.9
configuration name can be no more than 30 characters in length, 11.3
creating for deployment, 11.2, 11.3
creation overview, 11.2.2
currently-deployed configuration is automatically quiesced when you deploy a second configuration with the same trading partner agreement, 11.6
deploying, 11.4
deployment overview, 11.4.1
description, 11.2.1
discarded configurations description, 11.7
discarding, 11.7
do not leave a configuration in the validated state, 4.1
exporting, 11.8
impact of changes to partner data in a currently-deployed configuration, 11.4.1
includes a trading partner agreement, 11.3
limitations on importing an exported configuration, 11.8, 12.4.2
only validated agreements can appear in a configuration, 11.3
overview, 11.2
purging data in a deployed configuration in the runtime repository, 12.5
quiescing, 11.6
states, 11.3
status of an imported configuration, 12.4.3
successful creation and validation, 11.3.1
trading partner agreement states, 11.5
trading partners, 11.4
unsuccessfully created configurations, 11.3.2
validations, 11.2.2
viewing, 11.5
contact information
creating for persons and organizations, 8.7.1
deleting for persons and organizations, 8.7.4
does not automatically contact a user or organization when a specific condition occurs, 8.7.1
managing for persons and organizations, 8.7
updating for persons and organizations, 8.7.3
viewing for persons and organizations, 8.7.2
contact types
administering, 12.2
description, 4.6.1, 12.2
not automatically sent to a user or organization when a specific condition occurs, 8.7.1
predefined contact types that you cannot delete or update, 12.2
viewing, 12.2.1
Create Business Action wizard
creating business actions overview, 6.5.1
creating business actions support, 6.1.1, 6.5.1
disabling EDI document validation for globalization support, 6.3.5, 6.3.10,,
Document Protocol Revision page, 6.5.1,
Document Type page, 6.5.1,
General page, 6.5.1,
importing document definition files,
importing .ecs files,,
importing .xsd files,
Review page, 6.5.1,
create button
differences with add button, 4.2.4
Create Collaboration wizard
Business Transaction page, 6.5.5,
collaboration and document type revision numbers must match,,,
creating collaborations overview, 6.5.5
creating collaborations support, 6.1.1, 6.5.5
ensure care in entering collaboration details, 6.5.5
General page, 6.5.5,
importing document definition files,,
importing .dtd files,,
importing .xsd files,,
Requesting Business Action page, 6.5.5,
Responding Business Action page, 6.5.5,
Review page, 6.5.5,
Create Trading Partner wizard
accessing, 7.1.6, 7.1.6
acknowledgment handled by Integration B2B, 7.2.3
assigning a business protocol during a separate wizard session, 7.3.2
assigning a functional acknowledgment requirement, 7.1.4, 7.2.3
assigning an initiator, 7.2.3, 7.2.3
assigning business actions during a separate wizard session, 7.3.3
assigning business actions during a single wizard session, 7.2
assigning business protocol communication capabilities during a separate wizard session, 7.3.4
assigning business protocol operational and communication capabilities during a single wizard session, 7.2
assigning business protocol operational capabilities during a separate wizard session, 7.3.3
assigning collaborations during a separate wizard session, 7.3.3
assigning collaborations during a single wizard session, 7.2
assigning support for a business action, 7.2.3
assigning support for a collaboration, 7.2.3
creating a remote trading partner during a separate wizard session, 7.3.1
creating and defining all capabilities during separate wizard sessions, 7.3
creation overview, 7.1.2
Delivery Channel page, 7.1.3, 7.2.4
do not select internal endpoints, 7.2.6
Document Exchange page, 7.1.3, 7.2.5
flexibility in using, 7.1.6
General page, 7.1.3, 7.2.1
Identification page, 7.1.3, 7.2.2, 7.3.1
importing .ecs files, 7.2.3, 7.2.3
Operational Capability page, 7.1.3, 7.2.3
overview, 7.1.3
prerequisites, 7.1.5
Review page, 7.1.3, 7.2.7
Transport page, 7.1.3, 7.2.6
Custom Document over Generic Exchange
business protocol, 7.2.3
Custom Document over Internet
business protocol, 7.2.3
custom document protocols
cannot use functional acknowledgments in Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.4
importing UCCnet, 6.1.1
UCCnet, 6.5
Custom Documents, 2.2.4


data universal numbering system (DUNS)
assigning as trading partner identification, 8.3.1
description, 7.2.2, 7.3.1, 8.3.1
trading partner identification type, 7.2.2, 7.3.1
delete button
differences with remove button, 4.2.4
delivery channels
adding for trading partner participants, 10.4.1
creating for host and remote trading partners with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4, 8.13
deleting, 8.13.3
description, 7.1.3, 8.13
impact on internal delivery channels of removing and adding a delivery channel, 10.4.4
managing, 8.13
managing for trading partner participants, 10.4
removing for trading partner participants, 10.4.4
selecting for a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
updating, 8.13.2
updating for trading partner participants, 10.4.3
viewing, 8.13.1
viewing for trading partner participants, 10.4.2
deployed lifecycle state
description, 4.2.10
for partner data,
deployment, 1.3, 1.3.4
cannot deploy the same trading partner agreement in multiple configurations, 11.2.2, 11.4.1, 11.4.2
common user errors, 11.9
configuration overview, 11.2
creating a configuration, 11.3
do not leave a configuration in the validated state, 4.1, 4.4, 11.2.2, 11.3
of a configuration, 11.4
of trading partners in a configuration, 11.4
overview, 11.2, 11.4.1
trading partner agreement states, 11.5, 11.5
Deployment page
overview, 4.4
deployment tab
description, 4.1, 4.4
overview of tasks, 4.4
Design page
overview, 4.6.1
design tab
overview of tasks, 4.6.1
list page overview, 4.6.1
design-time data
creating incomplete partner data, 4.2.3
description, 12.4
flexibility of design, 4.2.3
design-time repository, 1.3
do not use export or import for backup and recovery purposes, 12.4
exporting, 12.4, 12.4.1
importing, 12.4, 12.4.2
purging, 4.6.2
restrictions on importing, 12.4.2
design-time workflow, 1.3
details pages
overview, 4.2.2
between creating and adding commands, 4.2.4
between deleting and removing commands, 4.2.4
digital envelopes, 15.1.2
overview of configuration tasks,
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4, 7.2.5
updating, 8.13.2
digital signatures, 15.1.2
enabled by nonrepudiation of origin and receipt, 7.2.4
overview of configuration tasks,
recommendations for using SHA-RSA, 7.2.5
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4, 7.2.5
updating, 8.13.2
configuration state, 11.3
discarded configurations
description, 11.3, 11.7
document definition files
importing with the Create Business Action wizard,
importing with the Create Collaboration wizard,,
specifying .dtd or .xsd files, 6.1
document definitions
100-character limit on string values, 7.2.3
updating, 6.3.10
using default document definitions with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.3
viewing, 6.3.9
document exchanges
associated with a delivery channel assigned to a trading partner agreement, 8.14, 10.4
creating for host and remote trading partners with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.5, 8.14
deleting, 8.14.3
description, 7.1.3, 8.14
managing, 8.14
updating, 8.14.2
viewing, 8.14.1
document protocol parameters
assigning with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.3
overriding default document definitions with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.3
overriding parameter values, 6.3.1
overriding parameter values with the Create Trading Partner wizard,, 7.2.3
using existing parameter values with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.3
document protocol revisions
creating without using the wizards, 6.3.1
deleting, 6.3.4
updating, 6.3.3
viewing, 6.3.2
document protocols, 1.2, 2.2
description, 6.3, 8.9
managing, 6.3
RosettaNet support provided only for version 2.0, 6.3
viewing, 8.9.4
document standards
importing, 12.4.4
document type parameters
100-character limit on string values,
overriding parameter values, 6.3.5
overriding parameter values with the Create Trading Partner wizard,
document type revisions
collaborations revision number must match the document type revision number, 6.3.7, 6.5.7
collaborations revision number must match the document type revision number in Create Collaboration wizard,,,
document types
creating with the Create Business Action wizard, 6.5.1,
creating without using the wizards, 6.3.5
deleting, 6.3.8
relationship to a transaction set,
updating, 6.3.7
viewing, 6.3.6
draft lifecycle state
description, 4.2.10
exporting partner data to XML files,
for partner data,
.dtd files
downloading from the RosettaNet Web site, 6.1
importing with the Create Collaboration wizard,,


.ecs files
importing when creating a document protocol revision outside of the wizards, 6.3.1, 6.3.3
importing with the Create Business Action wizard,,
importing with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.3, 7.2.3
creating business actions, 6.1.1
importing transaction sets, 6.1.1, 12.4.4
transaction sets supported in OracleAS Integration B2B, 2.2.3
EDI EDIFACT over Generic (VAN) tutorial, 5.4
EDI EDIFACT over Generic Exchange
business protocol, 7.2.3
EDI EDIFACT over Internet
business protocol, 7.2.3
EDI Location Code
assigning as trading partner identification, 8.3.1
description, 7.2.2, 7.3.1, 8.3.1
trading partner identification type, 7.2.2, 7.3.1
EDI X12, 2.2.2
creating business actions, 6.1.1
importing transaction sets, 6.1.1, 12.4.4
transaction sets supported in OracleAS Integration B2B, 2.2.2
EDI X12 over Generic Exchange
business protocol, 7.2.3
EDI X12 over Internet
business protocol, 7.2.3
EDI X12 over Internet (AS2) tutorial, 5.5
Email transport protocol
limitations if the document being exchanged has large records, 7.2.6
must use angle brackets in To and From headers, 7.2.6
emctl command
stopping Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, 13.5.2
cannot update in an existing delivery channel, 8.13.2
of host trading partner passwords in high availability environments, 15.3.3
of wallet passwords for host trading partners,
overview of configuration tasks,
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
viewing for an exchange protocol, 8.9.3
encryption credentials
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.5
updating, 8.13.2
associated with a delivery channel assigned to a trading partner agreement, 8.17
creating for host and remote trading partners with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.6, 8.17
deleting, 8.17.3
description, 8.17
global to all trading partners, 8.17
managing, 8.17
restrictions on editing for internal delivery channels, 8.10
updating, 8.15.2, 8.17.2
viewing, 8.17.1
error message status reports
creating, 14.5
description, 4.5
connection errors, A.5
out-of-memory errors, A.4
RMI server contact errors, A.5
exchange protocol parameters
defining with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.5
meaning of Signed and Compressed parameter if using AS2, 7.2.5, 8.14.2
overriding values with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.5
updating, 8.14.2
exchange protocol revisions
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.5
updating, 8.14.2
using AS, 7.2.5, 8.14.2
using Generic Exchange, 7.2.5, 8.14.2
using RNIF, 7.2.5, 8.14.2
exchange protocols, 1.2, 2.3
description, 6.4, 7.2.3, 8.9
generic, 2.3.3
viewing, 6.4, 8.9.3
common user errors, 12.6
details about exporting a configuration created under the deployment tab, 4.6.2
details about exporting the design-time repository to a file, 4.6.2, 12.4
do not manually edit exported files, 4.2.9, 11.8, 11.9, 12.4, 12.6
do not use export to back up the design-time repository, 12.4
location on user interface tool, 4.2.2
of a configuration, 11.8
of partner data to an XML file, 4.2.9
on Agreement Details page, 4.2.9
on Trading Partner Details page, 4.2.9
optionally exporting and submitting XML files of partner data for approval,
overview, 12.4
partner data details pages with an export button, 4.2.9
the design-time repository to a file, 12.4
to export.xml file, 12.4.1
types of export supported, 12.4, 12.4
export.xml file
exporting the design-time repository to, 12.4.1
importing the design-time repository from, 12.4.2


File transport protocol
security limitations, 7.1.4
transport protocol parameters you must set, A.6.1
FTP servers
Windows operating system requirements, A.6.2
FTP transport protocol
FTP server requirements on Windows operating systems, A.6.2
security limitations, 7.1.4
transport protocol parameters you must set, A.6.1
functional acknowledgment requirement
assigning with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.4, 7.2.3
do not enable if using EDI X12 or EDI EDIFACT over Generic Exchange with HTTP or HTTPS, A.6.3
does not apply to Custom document protocols, 7.1.4
updating, 8.12.2


generic exchange protocol, 2.3.3
acknowledgment mode value must be None, 7.1.4, 7.2.4, 10.5
do not enable functional acknowledgements if using EDI X12 or EDI EDIFACT over Generic Exchange with HTTP or HTTPS, A.6.3
FTP server requirements on Windows operating systems, A.6.2
must disable Oracle Application Server Web Cache if using HTTP or secure HTTP, A.6.4
must use IP address instead of hostname in user interface tool, 7.1.3, 7.2.2, 7.2.6, 7.3.1, 8.3.1,
security limitations on using the File and FTP transport protocols, 7.1.4
selecting transport protocols, 7.2.6
transport protocol parameter settings for the FTP or File transport protocol, A.6.1
Generic Identifier
assigning as trading partner identification, 8.3.1
description, 7.1.3, 7.2.2, 7.3.1, 8.3.1
trading partner identification type, 7.1.3, 7.2.2, 7.3.1
Generic Log Level parameter
for defining the logging level, A.3.1
global usage code
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
updating, 8.13.2
used mainly with RNIF, 8.13.2
globalization support
disabling EDI document validation in the Create Business Action wizard, 6.3.5, 6.3.10,,
See Oracle Application Server Integration B2B Installation Guide for additional details,
graphical user interface tool
See user interface tool


heap size
increasing, A.4
high availability
changing the RMI hostname value, 15.3.5
host applications
description, 8.10
use of internal delivery channels, 3, 8.10
host trading partner
automatically assigned a business action compatible with that of remote trading partner, 8.12, 10.1.1, 10.2.1
automatically assigned a collaboration compatible with that of remote trading partner, 7.2.3, 8.11, 10.1.1, 10.2.1
automatically created, 7.2
automatically includes support for all business protocols and operational capabilities, 4.1, 4.3.1, 6.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.6, 7.2.7, 7.5, 8.1.2
cannot delete, 4.3.1, 8.2.3
default name of MyCompany after installation, 4.3.1
description, 4.3.1, 7.1.1
in trading partner agreements, 10.1.1
person capabilities, 8.8
updating the MyCompany default host trading partner name after installation, 8.2.2
user of the user interface tool to define the capabilities of all trading partners, 4.3.1
host trading partner wallet passwords
See wallet passwords
HTTP/S. See secure HTTP


ias_admin user, 15.1.1
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g user account, 13.2
cautions about importing an integration, 12.4.3
collaborations, transaction sets, and UCCnet standards, 4.6.2, 12.4.4
design-time repository and instance data of runtime repository, 4.6.2
details about importing a configuration created under the deployment tab, 4.6.2
details about importing the design-time repository from a file, 4.6.2, 12.4
do not use import to recover the design-time repository, 12.4
.dtd files from the RosettaNet Web site, 6.1
from export.xml file, 12.4.2
overview, 12.4
overview of collaborations and transaction sets, 6.1.1
precautions to importing the design-time repository, 12.4.2
reports, 14.8
status of an imported configuration, 12.4.3
status of imported trading partner agreements, 12.4
the design-time repository from a file, 12.4
UCCnet standards, 4.6.2
assigning with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.3, 7.2.3
creating bidirectional exchanges, 6.1.1
defining the initiator in a business action between trading partners, 7.2.3
defining the initiator in a collaboration between trading partners, 7.2.3
updating, 8.12.2
instance data
description, 12.5
importing, 4.6.2
internal delivery channels
advanced queuing (AQ) transport protocol,
associating with callout usages, 9.1
automatically associated with internal endpoints, 8.10
B2B Inbound, 8.10
B2B Outbound, 8.10
communicating with host applications, 3.1
creating, 8.10.1
deleting, 8.10.3
description, 8.10
direction is always from the perspective of the host trading partner, 8.10
example of an internal delivery channel with the JMS transport protocol, 8.10.2
General page for creating,
impact on internal delivery channels from adding and removing a delivery channel, 10.4.4
Java Message Service (JMS) transport protocol,
managing, 8.10
predefined, 8.10, 8.17.1
predefined internal delivery channels cannot be updated or deleted, 8.10.1
reasons for creating your own, 8.10
restrictions on editing transport parameter details, 8.10
Review page for creating,
selecting for a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
Transport page for creating,
troubleshooting JMS transport protocol errors,
user-defined, 3.1, 3.4
using advanced queuing (AQ) as the transport protocol,
using Java Message Service (JMS) as the transport protocol,
using the IP_MESSAGE_TYPE message structure, 8.10
XML Gateway Inbound, 8.10
XML Gateway Outbound, 8.10
internal endpoints
apps.ECX_INBOUND internal endpoint, 8.17.1
apps.ECX_OUTBOUND internal endpoint, 8.17.1
automatically associated with internal delivery channels, 8.10
b2b.IP_IN_QUEUE internal endpoint, 8.17.1
b2b.IP_OUT_QUEUE internal endpoint, 8.17.1
do not select with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.6
used only with internal delivery channels of host applications, 7.2.6
invocation limits
assigning to a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
updating in a trading partner agreement, 10.2.3
IP queue, 1.1
IP_MESSAGE_TYPE message structure, 3.2
used with internal delivery channels, 8.10
ipsetupinfo.txt file
lists ports for accessing Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console, 13.2
lists ports for accessing the user interface tool, 4.1
location of, 13.2
location of ipsetupinfo.txt file
location of, 4.1


Java Message Service (JMS)
using as the internal delivery channel transport protocol,


lifecycle states
approved state description, 4.2.10
deployed state description, 4.2.10
deployed state for partner data,
draft state description, 4.2.10
draft state for partner data,
of a trading partner agreement, 10.2.2
of trading partners, 8.2.1
validated state for partner data,
viewing partner data states on the details page, 4.2.10
list pages
callouts, 4.3.4
design, 4.6.1
management, 4.6.2
overview, 4.2.1
protocols, 4.3.3
trading partner agreements, 4.3.2
trading partners, 4.3.1
log files
defining the log file format in the file, A.3
file name formats, A.3
for out-of-memory errors, A.4
location of, A.3
setting log levels, A.3.1
troubleshooting errors, A.3
viewing in Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g,, A.3
logging in
to the tutorial, 5.2.2
to the user interface tool, 4.1
log.xml file
location of, A.3
troubleshooting errors, A.3


main details pages
overview, 4.2.2
main list pages
overview, 4.2.1
list page overview, 4.6.2
Management page
overview, 4.6.2
management tab
overview of tasks, 4.6.2
MD5-RSA digital signatures
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.5
supported versions, 7.2.5
memory errors, A.4
message routing
support, 6.4
middle-tier instances
one OracleAS Integration B2B instance for each Oracle home,
Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository requirements,
requirements for using multiple instances on a single host, 13.2
default host trading partner name after installation, 4.3.1


naming conventions
do not include beginning or trailing blank spaces in the names of data, 4.2.5
use unique and meaningful names for partner data, 4.2.5
next list
description, 4.2.1
nonrepudiation of origin and receipt
cannot update, 8.13.2
cannot update in an existing delivery channel, 8.13.2
enabling digital signatures and signing credentials, 7.2.4
host and remote trading partners must have same values you select for each of these,
overview of configuration tasks,
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
values you select for each must match, 7.2.4,


OC4J instance
starting and stopping with OPMN, 13.3
starting and stopping with Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, 13.2.1
operational capabilities
automatically assigned to host trading partner, 6.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.6, 7.2.7, 7.5, 8.1.2
creating for the remote trading partner with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.3, 7.3.3
description, 4.1, 4.2.9, 4.3.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.6, 7.2.2, 7.2.7, 8.1.3, 8.9.2
overview, 1.3.2, 4.3.1
viewing in the user interface tool, 4.3.1, 7.3.2, 8.1.3, 8.9.2
See Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN)
opmnctl command
stopping OPMN, 13.5.2
using to start and stop instances, 13.3
opmn.xml file
changing port numbers, 13.5.2
ora_wallet.txt file
naming, 8.6.1
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) instance
See OC4J instance
Oracle Application Server Integration B2B
See OracleAS Integration B2B
Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository
Oracle Application Server Web Cache
must disable if using the generic exchange protocol with HTTP or secure HTTP, A.6.4
Oracle E-Business Suite, 1.1
in integrations with OracleAS Integration B2B, 3.3
internal delivery channels, 3.1
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g
cannot manage OracleAS Integration B2B from the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console, 13.1
changing port numbers, 13.5
changing server property settings,
overview of monitoring and administration, 13.1
tasks, 13.1.2
updating server property values on Windows operating systems,
viewing log files,
viewing performance,
viewing ports, 13.2.2
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console, A.3
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console
cannot manage OracleAS Integration B2B, 13.1
Oracle HTTP Server
installing an additional server outside the corporate network, 15.3.5
security, 15.3.5
Oracle Process Management and Notification (OPMN)
starting and stopping OracleAS Integration B2B, 13.3
starting and stopping the B2B server and OC4J instance, 13.3
Oracle Wallet
automatically created during installation, 8.6.1
exporting, 8.6.1
Oracle Wallet Manager
allows only base64 files to be imported,
tasks to perform in, 8.6.1
OracleAS Integration B2B
accessing the user interface tool, 4.1
does not provide internal support for remote trading partner-to-remote trading partner message routing, 6.4
one instance for each Oracle home,
starting and stopping with OPMN, 13.3
starting and stopping with Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, 13.2.1
OracleAS Integration B2B - Document Editor
creating .xsd files, 6.1
description, 6.1.2
installing, 6.1.2
OracleAS Integration InterConnect, 1.1
in integrations with OracleAS Integration B2B, 3.2
internal delivery channels, 3.1


packaging protocols, 1.2
page layout
of user interface tool, 4.2
See trading partner agreement participants
partner data
agreements tab overview, 4.3.2
callouts tab overview, 4.3.4
creating incomplete data, 4.2.3
deployed state,
description, 4.4
details pages with export button, 4.2.9
draft state,
exporting to an XML file, 4.2.9
naming conventions, 4.2.5
overview of tasks, 4.1
partners tab overview, 4.3
protocols tab overview, 4.3.3
validated state,
partner interface processes (PIPs), 1.3.3, 2.4.1
partners tab
description, 4.1
overview of tasks, 4.3
admin user, 15.1.1
any updates to transport server must include updating the password, 8.16.2
for accessing the user interface tool, 4.1
ias_admin user, 13.2
updating the admin password, 8.8.2
updating the ias_admin password, 13.2
wallet passwords
impacted if validation is set outside of OracleAS Integration B2B, 6.3.1, 6.3.3,,
viewing in Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g,
person contact details
creating, 8.7.1
creating, 8.8.1
creating contact details, 8.7.1
deleting, 8.8.4
managing, 8.8
overview of host and remote trading partner person capabilities, 8.8
updating the name or description, 8.8.3
updating the password, 8.8.2
viewing, 8.8.2
See partner interface processes, 1.3.3
portlist.ini file
list of ports in use, 13.2
changing OracleAS Integration B2B ports, 13.5
for accessing the user interface tool, 4.1
listed in ipsetupinfo.txt file, 4.1, 13.2
port changing error message, 13.5
portlist.ini file, 13.2
strongly recommended not to change OracleAS Integration B2B ports, 13.5
viewing through Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, 13.2.2
previous list
description, 4.2.1
process protocols, 1.2, 2.4
description, 6.5, 8.9
managing, 6.5
viewing, 8.9.5
protocol endpoints
deleting, 8.17.6
description, 8.17
updating, 8.17.5, 8.17.5
viewing, 8.17.4
protocol transport endpoints
updating, 8.17.5
protocols, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
business, 1.3, 1.3.1, 2.5
document, 1.2, 2.2
exchange, 1.2, 2.3
list page overview, 4.3.3
mix and match, 2.5.1
packaging, 1.2
process, 1.2, 2.4
transport, 1.2
protocols tab
overview of tasks, 4.3.3
archive important configurations before purging, 12.5.2
business message or collaboration instance data, 12.5.1
cannot purge predefined partner data that was part of installation, 12.5
data in a deployed configuration in the runtime repository, 12.5
design-time and runtime repositories, 4.6.2
selecting specific configurations to purge, 12.5.1
the entire repository, 12.5.2


confirming the validity of messages, A.1
configuration state, 11.3
quiesced configurations
description, 11.2.2
configurations, 11.6


remote trading partner certificates
Certificate File field is always empty when you update a certificate, 8.5.3
creating outside of the Create Trading Partner wizard, 8.5.1
deleting, 8.5.4
description, 8.5
for remote trading partners only, 8.5
managing, 8.5
overview of configuration tasks,
procedures for deleting a certificate already assigned to a remote trading partner, 8.5.4
selecting a certificate file with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.5
updating, 8.5.3
viewing, 8.5.2
remote trading partners
assigning a business protocol during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.2
assigning business protocol communication capabilities during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.4
assigning business protocol operational and communication capabilities during a single wizard session, 7.2
assigning business protocol operational capabilities during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.3
assigning collaborations and business actions to, 6.1.1
assigning multiple business protocols, 7.1.6
creating and defining all capabilities during separate Create Trading Partner wizard sessions, 7.3
creating during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.1
creating with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2
default trading partner identification type called Name, 8.3
description, 4.3.1, 7.1.1
in trading partner agreements, 10.1.1
managing, 7.1
person capabilities, 8.8
routing messages to other remote trading partners must be done outside of OracleAS Integration B2B, 6.4
remove button
differences with delete button, 4.2.4
report definitions
saving, 14.7
description, 14.1
importing, 14.8
saving report definitions, 14.7
saving to comma-separated value (CSV) format, 4.5, 14.6
troubleshooting errors, A.2
Reports page
overview, 4.5
Reports role
description, 14.1.1
required for generating reports, 8.8
reports tab
description, 4.1
overview of tasks, 4.5
responding callout usages
appearing when creating a trading partner agreement, 9.1
selecting when creating a trading partner agreement, 9.1, 10.2.1
responding internal delivery channels
appearing when creating a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
selecting for a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
on using the browser back and forward buttons, 4.2.6
configuration state, 11.3
retired configurations
description, 11.3
retry count
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
updating, 8.13.2
return to list link
using, 4.2.7
RMI Instance parameter
for defining the RMI instance, 15.3.5, A.5
value must match with transport servlet setting in web.xml, 15.3.5, A.5
RMI Port parameter
for defining the RMI port, 15.3.5, A.5
value must match with transport servlet setting in web.xml, 15.3.5, A.5
RMI server
errors when attempting to contact, A.5
See RosettaNet Implementation Framework, 2.3
Administrator, 8.8
assigning to a host trading partner, 8.8.5
cannot delete, 8.8.7
removing from a host trading partner, 8.8.6
Reports, 8.8
viewing for a host trading partner, 8.8.7
RosettaNet, 2.2.1
creating collaborations, 6.1.1
document protocol support provided only for version 2.0, 6.3
importing collaborations, 6.1.1, 12.4.4
RosettaNet Business Dictionary,
RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF), 2.3.1
RosettaNet Implementation Guidelines
revision 2.0 guidelines, 2.3
RosettaNet over RNIF
business protocol, 7.2.3
RosettaNet over the Internet tutorial, 5.3
RosettaNet Technical Dictionary,
RosettaNet validation,
support, 6.4
runtime repository, 1.3
purging, 4.6.2
runtime system
deployment overview, 11.4.1


search facility
description, 4.2.1
in user interface tool, 4.2.8
only available if number of elements exceeds ten, 4.2.8
using wildcards, 4.2.8
secure HTTP
connecting to the secure HTTP URL,
enabling transport security with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
for secure connections between trading partners,
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.6
secure socket layer (SSL)
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.6
troubleshooting setup,
authorization and access enforcement, 15.1.3
classes of users and their privileges, 15.1.1
configuration issues, 15.3.2
configuration issues and options, 15.3.4
digital envelopes,
digital signatures,
encrypted wallet passwords for host trading partners,
for trading partners, 15.1.2
host trading partner password encryption in high availability environments, 15.3.3
identity management configuration issues, 15.2.2
installation issues, 15.3.1
installing and configuring an additional Oracle HTTP Server outside your corporate network, 15.3.5
network messaging, 15.1.2
nonrepudiation of origin and receipt,
Oracle Application Server security services, 15.1.4
Oracle HTTP Server, 15.3.5
Oracle Identity Management Infrastructure, 15.1.5
overview, 15.1
remote trading partner certificates,
resources protected, 15.1.2
secure HTTP, 15.1.4
secure HTTP and client authentication
overview of tasks,
security framework configuration issues, 15.2.1
signing credentials,
verifying SSL client authentication,
wallet passwords,,,
Security Key parameter
for defining the encryption key, 15.3.3
send for approval button
on details pages,
server properties
B2B Server Level parameter, A.3.1
Callout Directory parameter, 9.2.1
changing in Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g,, A.3.1
defining the log file format, A.3
Generic Log Level parameter, A.3.1
range of values described in the online help, 13.1.2,
RMI Instance parameter, 15.3.5, A.5
RMI Port parameter, 15.3.5, A.5
Security Key parameter, 15.3.3
setting log levels, A.3.1
updating property values on Windows operating systems,
User Interface Log Level parameter, A.3.1
Wallet Location parameter, 8.6.1,,,,
SHA-RSA digital signatures
recommended digital signature,
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.5
supported versions, 7.2.5
shortcut section
description, 4.2.1
for creating a trading partner agreement, 4.2.1
for creating a trading partner and a trading partner agreement, 4.3
signing credentials
enabled by nonrepudiation of origin and receipt, 7.2.4
overview of configuration tasks,
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4, 7.2.5, 7.2.5
updating, 8.13.2
viewing for an exchange protocol, 8.9.3
S/MIME digital envelopes
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.5
supported versions, 7.2.5
approved, 4.2.10
deployed, 4.2.10
draft, 4.2.10
of a configuration, 11.3
viewing partner data lifecycle states on the details page, 4.2.10
string values
100-character limit for document definitions, 7.2.3
100-character limit for document type parameter values,
SYSTEM.ECXMSG message structure, 3.3
in callouts tutorial,


targets.xml file
changing port numbers, 13.5.2
trading partner agreement participants
adding additional identifications and operational and communication capabilities, 10.3.1
cannot remove the host trading partner, 10.3.4
managing, 10.3
removing a remote trading partner, 10.3.4
updating identifications, delivery channels, internal delivery channels, and callout usages for a remote trading partner, 10.3.3
viewing, 10.3.2
trading partner agreements, 1.3, 1.3.3
adding multiple collaborations or business actions to a single agreement, 10.2.1
assigning a beginning date, 10.2.1
assigning a concurrent conversation value, 10.2.1
assigning an ending date, 10.2.1
assigning an invocation limit, 10.2.1
cannot have more than two trading partners in an agreement, 10.2.1
common user errors, 10.5
creating, 10.2.1
creating an agreement ID, 10.2.1
creation overview, 10.1.2
deleting, 10.2.4
description, 10.1.1
enabling responding callout usages to appear, 9.1
enabling responding internal delivery channels to appear, 9.1
impact of a validated agreement when the wallet password is updated or created, 8.6
included in a configuration, 11.3
list page overview, 4.3.2
managing, 10.2
must revalidate an agreement of a configuration that was exported, 11.8, 12.4.2
nonrepudiation of origin and receipt values must match for both host and remote trading partners,
only validated agreements can appear in a configuration, 11.3
overview, 10.1
prerequisites, 10.1.3
selecting a business action, 10.2.1
selecting a callout usage, 3.5, 9.1, 10.2.1
selecting a collaboration, 10.2.1
selecting a delivery channel, 10.2.1
selecting a responding callout usage, 9.1, 10.2.1
selecting a responding internal delivery channel, 9.1, 10.2.1
selecting a trading partner identification type value, 10.2.1
selecting an internal delivery channel, 3.5, 9.1, 10.2.1
shortcut to creating, 4.2.1
status after importing, 12.4
status of a trading partner agreement in an imported configuration, 12.4.3
updating, 10.2.3
updating a beginning date, 10.2.3
updating a concurrent conversation value, 10.2.3
updating an ending date, 10.2.3
updating an invocation limit, 10.2.3
viewing, 10.2.2
viewing the lifecycle states, 10.2.2
Trading Partner Agreements page
overview, 4.3.2
Trading Partner Details page
capabilities section, 4.3.1
exporting to an XML file, 4.2.9
general section, 4.3.1
organization section, 4.3.1
overview, 4.2.9, 4.3.1, 8.1.1
users section, 4.3.1
trading partner identification types
AS2 Identifier, 7.2.2, 7.3.1
assigning a DUNS number, 8.3.1
assigning an AS2 Identifier, 8.3.1
assigning an EDI Location Code, 8.3.1
assigning an Generic Identifier, 8.3.1
creating, 12.3.1
creating outside of the Create Trading Partner wizard, 8.3.1
creating with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.2, 7.3.1, 7.3.1
data universal numbering system (DUNS), 7.2.2, 7.3.1
deleting, 8.3.4
description, 4.6.1, 12.3
EDI Location Code, 7.2.2, 7.3.1
Generic Identifier, 7.1.3, 7.2.2, 7.3.1
managing, 8.3, 12.3
predefined contact types that you cannot delete or update, 12.3
selecting a value for a trading partner agreement, 10.2.1
updating, 8.3.3
viewing, 8.3.2, 12.3.2
trading partner management, 1.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.3
Trading Partner page
overview, 4.3.1
trading partner participant delivery channel
impact on internal delivery channels of removing and adding a delivery channel, 10.4.4
trading partner participant delivery channels
adding, 10.4.1
managing, 10.4
removing, 10.4.4
updating, 10.4.3
viewing, 10.4.2
trading partners
accessing the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.6
Business Protocol Details page, 8.1.3
cannot delete the host trading partner, 8.2.3
Capabilities page, 8.1.2
common user errors, 7.4, 8.18, 10.5
Create Trading Partner wizard prerequisites, 7.1.5
creating a remote trading partner during a separate Create Trading Partner wizard session, 7.3.1
creation overview, 7.1, 7.1.2
defining the initiator or responder in a business action, 7.2.3
defining the initiator or responder in a collaboration, 7.2.3
deleting, 8.2.3
Delivery Channel page of Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.3, 7.2.4
description, 7.1.1
Document Exchange page of Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.3, 7.2.5
General page of Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.3, 7.2.1
Identification page of Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.3, 7.2.2, 7.3.1
in a configuration, 11.4
list page overview, 4.3.1
managing, 8.1, 8.2
managing the associated trading partner agreement, 8.4
Operational Capability page of Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.3, 7.2.3
Review page of Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.3, 7.2.7
Trading Partner Details page, 8.1.1
Transport page of Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.1.3, 7.2.6
updating, 8.2.2
viewing, 8.2.1
viewing the lifecycle states, 8.2.1
transaction sets
description, 4.1
importing, 4.6.2, 6.1.1, 12.4.4, 12.4.4
relationship to a document type of a business action, 4.1,, 12.4
using callouts, 9.1
transport parameters
restrictions on editing for internal delivery channels, 8.10
transport protocol parameters
defining with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.6
parameters that appear are based on transport protocol used, 7.2.6, 8.16.2
updating values, 8.16.2
when using the FTP or File transport protocol, A.6.1
transport protocols, 1.2
selecting Email, 7.2.6
selecting File, 7.2.6
selecting FTP, 7.2.6
selecting HTTP, 7.2.6
selecting secure HTTP, 7.2.6
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.6
updating, 8.15.2
transport security
cannot update, 8.13.2
selecting with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.4
updating, 8.13.2
transport servers
any updates must include updating the password, 8.16.2
associated with a delivery channel assigned to a trading partner agreement, 8.16
creating for host and remote trading partners with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 8.16
deleting, 8.16.3
description, 8.16
managing, 8.16
updating, 8.15.2, 8.16.2
viewing, 8.16.1
transport servlet
accessing, A.5
provides security for incoming messages of trading partners, 15.3.5
web.xml values must match with RMI Port and RMI Instance parameter values, 15.3.5, A.5
associated with a delivery channel assigned to a trading partner agreement, 8.15, 10.4
creating for host and remote trading partners with the Create Trading Partner wizard, 7.2.6, 8.15
deleting, 8.15.3
description, 7.1.3, 8.15
managing, 8.15
updating, 8.15.2
viewing, 8.15.1
checking log files, A.3
checking queues, A.1
internal delivery channels using the JMS transport protocol,
out-of-memory errors, A.4
resolving connection errors, A.5
running reports, A.2
setting log levels, A.3.1
SSL setup,
adding callout usages to the RosettaNet over the Internet transaction, 9.5
EDI EDIFACT over Generic (VAN) transaction, 5.4
EDI X12 over Internet (AS2) transaction, 5.5
RosettaNet over the Internet transaction, 5.3
setting up the CLASSPATH environment, 5.2.1


UCCnet, 2.2.4
importing document standards, 4.6.2, 6.1.1, 12.4.4, 12.4.4
supported in OracleAS Integration B2B, 2.2.4
using as a custom document protocol, 6.5
ui.log file
location of, A.3
troubleshooting errors, A.3
updateConfig command
updating configuration changes, 13.5.2
use case groups
cannot delete, 8.8.7
viewing, 8.8.7
use cases
description, 8.8.5
privileges of a user role, 8.8
user errors
business protocols, 6.6
callouts, 9.6
deployment, 11.9
exported files, 12.6
trading partner and trading partner agreements, 10.5
trading partners, 7.4, 8.18
User Interface Log Level parameter
for defining the logging level, A.3.1
user interface tool
accessing, 4.1
administration, 12.1, 12.1
administration tab overview, 4.6
Administrator role, 4.1
Administrator role required for use, 8.8
agreements tab overview, 4.3.2
callouts tab overview, 4.3.4
creating incomplete information, 4.2.3
creating, adding, deleting, and removing data, 4.2.4
deployment tab overview, 4.4
design tab overview, 4.6.1
details pages overview, 4.2.2
exporting partner data to an XML file, 4.2.9
flexibility of design, 4.2.3
list pages overview, 4.2.1
location of export button, 4.2.2
main page, 4.1
management tab overview, 4.6.2
page layout, 4.2
partner data details pages with an export button, 4.2.9
partners tab overview, 4.3
protocols tab overview, 4.3.3
reports tab overview, 4.5
restrictions on using the browser back and forward buttons, 4.2.6
searching for data, 4.2.8
user currently logged in, 4.2.1, 4.2.2
using the return to list link, 4.2.7
viewing partner data states on the details page, 4.2.10
user roles
Administrator, 8.8
cannot delete, 8.8.7
cannot remove Administrator role from the default admin user, 8.8.6
description, 8.8.5
Reports, 8.8
admin user name, 4.1, 15.1.1
creating, 8.8.1
currently logged into the user interface tool, 4.2.1, 4.2.2
deleting, 8.8.4
for accessing the user interface tool, 4.1
ias_admin user name, 15.1.1
managing, 8.8
updating the name or description, 8.8.3
updating the password, 8.8.2
viewing, 8.8.2
users roles
assigning to a host trading partner, 8.8.5
removing from a host trading partner, 8.8.6
viewing for a host trading partner, 8.8.7


validate button
location of, 4.2.2
separate from end-to-end validation when creating a configuration,
validate partner data for individual correctness,
configuration state, 11.3
validated lifecycle state
for creating partner data,
disabling if using globalization support with EDI documents, 6.3.5, 6.3.10,,
of a configuration, 11.2.2
performance impacted if validation is set outside of OracleAS Integration B2B, 6.3.1, 6.3.3,,
value-added networks (VANs), 1.2
See value-added networks, 1.2


Wallet Location parameter
for defining the wallet file location, 8.6.1,,,,
wallet passwords
creating, 8.6.1
description, 8.6
enabling the Update button to appear, 8.6
encrypted only for host trading partners,
for host trading partner only, 8.6
impact of a validated trading partner agreement when the wallet password is created or updated, 8.6
managing, 8.6
must first update in Oracle Wallet Manager, 8.6.2
Oracle Wallet automatically created during installation, 8.6.1
overview of configuration tasks,,,
password must match the Oracle Wallet password, 8.6.1
Web browsers
accessing the user interface tool, 4.1
restrictions on using the browser back and forward buttons, 4.2.6
using in search facility, 4.2.8
wire message status reports
creating, 14.3
description, 4.5
wire messages
description, 14.3
design-time, 1.3


XML file
export of a configuration, 11.8
export of partner data, 4.2.9
XML Gateway, 1.1
message structure, 3.3
XML Gateway Inbound internal delivery channel
associated with apps.ECX_INBOUND internal endpoint, 8.10
description, 3.1, 8.10
XML Gateway Outbound internal delivery channel
associated with apps.ECX_OUTBOUND internal endpoint, 8.10
description, 3.1, 8.10
.xsd files
importing with the Create Business Action wizard,
importing with the Create Collaboration wizard,,
XSLTCallout callout
predefined callout for XML-to-XML transformations, 9.2.1
tutorial for using,
XSLTCalloutImpl class file
predefined class file for XML-to-XML transformations, 9.2.1