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Oracle® Application Server Portal Developer's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14134-01
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1-1 Portlets on the My Oracle Home Page
1-2 The Oracle News Portlet on the My Oracle Home Page
1-3 Content Target from a Portlet Link
1-4 Portlet Anatomy
1-5 The Portlet Repository
1-6 Selecting Web Content through the Web Clipping Studio
1-7 Clipped Content Rendered as a Portlet in Portal
1-8 An OmniPortlet Using Tabular Format
1-9 Sample Form, Report, and Chart from the Portlet Builder
1-10 Portlet Resources from Page Designers to Experienced Developers
2-1 Portlet Provider Overview
2-2 Web Providers
2-3 Database Providers
2-4 Provider Architecture
2-5 Portlet Creation Style
3-1 Type Tab of the OmniPortlet Wizard
3-2 Source Tab: Connection and Portlet Parameters Section
3-3 Source Tab: Spreadsheet
3-4 Source Tab: SQL
3-5 Source Tab: XML
3-6 ROWSET/ROW Structure of an XML Data Source
3-7 Source Tab: Web Service
3-8 Source Tab: Web Page
3-9 Filter Tab
3-10 View Tab
3-11 Layout Tab: Tabular Style
3-12 Example of an OmniPortlet Using a Tabular Layout
3-13 Layout Tab: Chart
3-14 Example of the Layout Tab for a Pie Chart Layout
3-15 Example of an OmniPortlet Using a Pie Chart Layout
3-16 Layout Tab: News
3-17 Example of an OmniPortlet Using a News Layout
3-18 Layout Tab: Bullet
3-19 Example of an OmniPortlet Using a Bullet Layout
3-20 Layout Tab: Form
3-21 Open In New Window Checkbox
3-22 Example of an OmniPortlet Using a Form Layout
3-23 Events Tab of the OmniPortlet Wizard
3-24 Source Tab: Portlet Parameters Section
3-25 Events Tab
3-26 OmniPortlet Instance on a Portal Page
3-27 Type Tab of the OmniPortlet Wizard
3-28 Connection Information for the HR Scott Connection
3-29 Connection Name on SQL Data Source Tab
3-30 SQL Statement on the Source Tab
3-31 Header and Footer section of the View Tab
3-32 Tabular Results from SQL Data Source
3-33 WSDL URL Field of the Source Tab
3-34 Web Service Methods Section of the Source Tab
3-35 Conditions Section of the Filter Tab
3-36 Order Section of the Filter Tab
3-37 Web Service Portlet on the Portal Page
3-38 URL Location Field
3-39 Searching for Information on the Home Page
3-40 Sectioning the Target Web Page
3-41 Choosing the Search Results
3-42 Scraping the Data in the Clipping
3-43 Selecting the Title
3-44 Selecting the Description
3-45 Changing the Product Name
3-46 More and Less Buttons
3-47 Highlighted Check Boxes at the Row Level (Title)
3-48 Highlighted Check Boxes at the Row Level (Description)
3-49 Continue Icon
3-50 Clipping Attributes Section of the Web Clipping Studio
3-51 Portlet Based on Existing Web Page Content
3-52 Layout Style Section of the View Tab
3-53 Chart Style Section of the Layout Tab
3-54 Column Layout Section of the Layout Tab
3-55 SQL Data Source OmniPortlet Displaying as a Pie Chart
3-56 Edit Defaults Icon for the Web Service Portlet
3-57 Portlet Parameters Section of the Source Tab
3-58 Condition Section of the Filter Tab
3-59 Header and Footer Section of the View Tab
3-60 Event Outputs Section of the Events Tab
3-61 Page: Properties Link Located Next to the Page Group: Properties Link
3-62 Page Parameter Properties Section of the Parameters Tab
3-63 Portlet Parameter Values Section of the Parameters Tab for the Page
3-64 Setting Portlet Event1 to Display Your Portal Page
3-65 Page Input Section of the Event Tab for the Portal Page
4-1 Selecting a Page
4-2 Adding a Portlet to a Page
4-3 Web Clipping Portlet Added to a Page
4-4 Editing Default Settings
4-5 Specifying a URL
4-6 Browsing to a Page Containing Content for a Web Clipping
4-7 Sectioning the Target Web Page
4-8 Sectioned Target Web Page
4-9 Clipped Content Added to the Web Clipping Portlet on a Portal Page
4-10 Properties Section of Find a Web Clipping Page
4-11 Creating an External Application
4-12 Specifying Redirection
4-13 Specifying an External Application for a Web Clipping Provider
4-14 External Application in Web Clipping Studio
4-15 Properties of the External Application
4-16 External Application Displayed in Portlet
4-17 Expanding Page Group Map Nodes
4-18 Searching for Information on OTN
4-19 Sectioning the Target Web Page
4-20 Selected Web Clipping Displayed in Web Clipping Portlet
4-21 Clicking Edit Defaults for the Web Clipping Portlet
4-22 Setting Properties for a Web Clipping
4-23 Specifying Parameters for User Input
4-24 Clicking Customize in the Web Clipping Portlet Banner
4-25 Specifying Input for Parameters
4-26 New Web Clipping Result Based on Customer Input Parameter
5-1 WSRP Specification Architecture
5-2 OracleAS Portal's WSRP Architecture
5-3 New Dialog Box
5-4 Welcome Page
5-5 General Portlet Properties Page
5-6 Name and Attribution Page
5-7 Content Types and Portlet Modes Page
5-8 Portlet Modes Dialog Box
5-9 Customization Preferences Page
5-10 Add New Preference Dialog Box
5-11 Security Roles Page
5-12 Caching Page
5-13 Initialization Parameters Page
5-14 Applications - Navigator
5-15 Register Provider Page
5-16 Define Connection Page
5-17 Portal Registration Information Page
5-18 Control Access Page
5-19 Registration Confirmation Page
5-20 New Gallery Dialog Box for Oracle PDK Java Portlet
5-21 Welcome Page
5-22 Portlet Description Page
5-23 Show Modes Page
5-24 Customize Modes Page
5-25 Additional Modes Page
5-26 Public Portlet Parameters Page
5-27 Public Portlet Events Page
5-28 Provider Description Page
5-29 Applications - Navigator
5-30 Portlet Application Test Page
5-31 Provider Test Page
5-32 PDK - Java Test Page for Portlets
5-33 Register Provider Page
5-34 Define Connection Page
5-35 Control Access Page
5-36 Registration Confirmation Page
5-37 Add Portlet Page
5-38 Preview Window
5-39 Parameter Portlet
5-40 Public Portlet Events Page of Portlet Wizard
5-41 Portlet Events in the Edit Page
5-42 My Event Portlet Before Parameter Change
5-43 My Event Portlet After Parameter Change
5-44 Page and Portlets for Developer
5-45 Page and Portlets for Developer/Administrator
5-46 Portlet in English
5-47 Portlet in French
5-48 The MVC Pattern
5-49 Integrating Struts Applications with OracleAS Portal
5-50 Submitting a Blog
5-51 Saving a Blog Entry
6-1 PL/SQL Generator Page
A-1 The Schema Link on the Database Objects Tab in the Portal Navigator
A-2 The Create Schema Page
A-3 The Edit Link Next to a Schema in the Portal Navigator
A-4 The Grants Tab
A-5 The Check Boxes Next to a Table Object
A-6 The Roles Tab
A-7 The Grant Access Link Next to a Provider in the Portal Navigator
A-8 The Expose as Provider Check Box on the Provider Grant Access Page
A-9 The Portlet Staging Area Node in the Portlet Repository
A-10 The Locally Built Providers Link in the Portal Navigator
A-11 The Form Link Next to Create New in the Portal Navigator
A-12 Choices Available for Creating a Form in the Portlet Builder
A-13 Sample Form Based on a Table
A-14 The Form Link Next to Create New in the Portal Navigator
A-15 The Form Based on Table or View Link in the Portlet Builder
A-16 Step One of the Form Wizard
A-17 Selecting a Table or View
A-18 Form Formatting and Validation Options
A-19 Button Formatting and Validation Options
A-20 Column Formatting and Validation Options
A-21 Entering Header, Footer, and Other Text for a Form
A-22 Optional Fields for Entering Additional PL/SQL Code
A-23 Form Summary Page
A-24 A Sample Report
A-25 The Report Link in the Example Applications Portal DB Provider
A-26 The Reports From Query Wizard Link in the Portlet Builder
A-27 The First Step in the Report From Query Wizard
A-28 Selecting a Data Source for the Report
A-29 Clicking Add to Add a Data Source
A-30 Selecting the Columns that Will Display in the Report
A-31 Setting Column Conditions
A-32 The Column Formatting Page
A-33 The Formatting Conditions Page
A-34 Display Options Common to All Views
A-35 Report Display Options for Full Web-Page and Portlet Views
A-36 Report Display Options for Column Breaks
A-37 Report Display Options for Row Order
A-38 Report Display Options for Mobile Devices
A-39 Detail of the Customization Form Display Options Page
A-40 The Formatting Options Section of the Customization Form Display Options Page
A-41 The Public Formatting Options Section of the Customization Form Display Options Page
A-42 The Button Options Section of the Customization Form Display Options Page
A-43 Report and Customization Form Text Page
A-44 Additional PL/SQL Code Page
A-45 The Report Summary Page
A-46 A Chart Built with the Portlet Builder Chart Wizard
A-47 The Chart Link Next to Create New …
A-48 The Charts From Query Wizard Link
A-49 The First Step of the Chart Wizard
A-50 Clicking the List Icon to Select a Table or View
A-51 Columns to Be Used for Labels, Links, and Values in the Chart
A-52 Defining Column Conditions for a Chart
A-53 Defining Formatting Conditions
A-54 Display Options Common to All Chart Views
A-55 Display Options for Full Web Page Chart Views
A-56 Display Options for Charts Viewed As Portlets
A-57 Display Options for Charts Viewed on Mobile Devices
A-58 Chart Customization Form Display Options
A-59 Chart Customization Form Formatting Options
A-60 Chart Customization Form Public Formatting Options
A-61 Chart Customization Form Button Options
A-62 Options Available on the Chart and Customization Form Text Page
A-63 Additional PL/SQL Code Options for Charts
A-64 Chart Summary Page
A-65 Different Display Types for a Dynamic List of Values
A-66 The List of Values Link Next to Create New …
A-67 The Dynamic List of Values Link
A-68 Defining List of Values Options
A-69 List of Values Summary Page
A-70 Portlet Actions
A-71 Report Customization Form Display Options
A-72 The Parameter Name Field on the Parameters tab
A-73 Defining Page Parameter Properties
A-74 Expanding a Portlet Node under Portlet Parameter Values
A-75 Selecting the Type of Mapping to Use with a Portlet Parameter
A-76 Report Results for Department 20
A-77 Customizing Page and Portlet Parameter Values
A-78 Structured UI Template with Cloud Image
A-79 Selecting a Page Group in the Page Groups Portlet
A-80 The Edit Link under Page Types and Template
A-81 The User Interface Template Section of the Page Defaults Page
A-82 The Browse Pages Icon under Edit a Page
A-83 The Return Object Link next to a Page
A-84 The Page: Properties Link in the Page Toolbar
A-85 Selecting a UI Template on the Optional Tab
A-86 Team Details Report
A-87 Average Salaries Chart
A-88 Team Bonuses Report