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Oracle® Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B13819-01
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1-1 Wireless Development Paths
3-1 JWE Options
4-1 Service-Related Objects in the Wireless Repository
4-2 Elements of the Browse Folder Screen of the Service Manager
4-3 Parameters of the Create Folder Screen
4-4 Adding an Input Parameter
4-5 Defining the Async Information
4-6 Additional Parameters for a Multi-Channel Application
4-7 Additional Values for the MIDlet Application
4-8 Basic Configuration Parameters for the Application
4-9 Input Parameters for the HTTP Adapter and the OC4J Adapter
4-10 Input Parameters for the HTTP Adapter
4-11 Output Parameters for Adapters
4-12 Elements of the Browse Notifications Screen
4-13 Basic Configuration Parameters for a Notification
4-14 Trigger Conditions for Notifications
4-15 Elements of the Browse Data Feeders Screen
4-16 Parameters of the Basic Info. Screen of the Data Feeder Creation Wizard
4-17 Initialization Parameters for Data Feeder Protocols
4-18 Data Feeder Input Parameters
4-19 Data Feeder Output Parameters
4-20 Browse Preset Definitions parameters
4-21 Preset Description Parameters
5-1 Mobile Studio Log In Page Resources
5-2 Registration Page Resources
5-3 Log In Portlet Resources
5-4 Page Header Resources
5-5 Page Footer Resources
5-6 Page Menu Resources
5-7 Page Portlets Resources
5-8 Page Profile Resources
5-9 Home Page Resources
5-10 Java Beans
5-11 Test App Info Box Resources
6-1 Login Screen Buttons
6-2 Elements of the Welcome Page
6-3 OracleAS Wireless Customization Buttons
6-4 Elements of the User Profile Screen
6-5 Elements of the Applications Screen
6-6 Parameters of the Create Phone Page
6-7 Parameters of the Create Fax Screen
6-8 Parameters of the Create E-mail Screen
6-9 Parameters of the Create Mobile Device Page
6-10 UIX Components
6-11 Portal Directory Contents
6-12 base.uit String Usage
6-13 basicFlow.uitString Usage
6-14 advancedFlow.uit String Usage
7-1 Types of Applications Created Using Different Models
7-2 XHTML MP Modules Supported
7-3 Semantics of Values
7-4 Summary of semantics for OracleAS Wireless XML tags
8-1 Markup source format types
8-2 XMS WSDL file contents
9-1 Device Transformer Input Markup
9-2 Device Transformers for mobile-xml
9-3 Device Transformers for XHTML+XForms
9-4 Device Transformers for XHTML+MP
9-5 General Device Features
9-6 Browser Capabilities
9-7 Messaging Capabilities
9-8 VoiceXML Gateway Capabilities
9-9 Java (J2ME) Capabilities
9-10 Device Information and Classification
10-1 Configuration Parameters of Actionable Message
10-2 Service Configuration Parameters
10-3 Site Configuration Parameters
10-4 Data Communication Driver Compatible Devices
10-5 Third-Party Software for the Instant Messaging Driver
10-6 Values for Driver Specific Parameters
10-7 Address Formats for Different IM Addresses
10-8 Voice Flow-Related Parameters of the VoiceGenie Driver
10-9 Driver properties
11-1 Migration Script Examples
12-1 WSDL Data Types Mapping
12-2 Deliverable Content
12-3 DeliverableContentItem
13-1 Streams/AQ Connection Parameters
13-2 EDG_EVENT type fields
13-3 Action_Context Rules
13-4 sdh_events table
13-5 sdh_checktag_error table
13-6 sdh_device failure table
13-7 sdh_filter_perf table
13-8 Sending Instructions
13-9 edg_utl functions
13-10 JMS Parameters
13-11 Message properties keys
13-12 Web Services Parameters
13-13 Callback Interface Parameters
13-14 HTTP Interface parameters
13-15 Callback Interface Parameters
13-16 Event Format
13-17 Event Data Type Fields
13-18 General Instruction Event Data Types
13-19 RFID Instruction Event Data Types
13-20 Print Instruction Event Data Types
13-21 EDG_PRINTCAP table fields
13-22 Light Stack Instruction Event Data Types
13-23 Event Data Types for RFID Observation Events
13-24 The Pre-Seeded Filters of the Oracle Sensor Edge Server
13-25 Device Driver Interfaces
13-26 Filter Interface Methods
13-27 Elements and Attributes of the DTD for the Extension Archive Descriptor File
14-1 Relationship Between Source and Translated Elements
14-2 Navigation Item Attributes
15-1 JSP Tags for Location Services
15-2 addMembers Tag Parameters
15-3 address Tag Parameters
15-4 businesses Tag Parameters
15-5 category Tag Parameters
15-6 createPrivateCommunity Tag Parameters
15-7 createSharedCommunity Tag Parameters
15-8 createSystemCommunity Tag Parameters
15-9 defaultLocationMark Tag Parameters
15-10 deleteCommunity Tag Parameters
15-11 drivingDistance Tag Parameters
15-12 drivingTime Tag Parameters
15-13 geocode Tag Parameters
15-14 geometry Tag Parameters
15-15 getCommunity Tag Parameters
15-16 iterateBusinesses Tag Parameters
15-17 iterateBusinessesInCity Tag Parameters
15-18 iterateBusinessesInCorridor Tag Parameters
15-19 iterateBusinessesInPostalCode Tag Parameters
15-20 iterateBusinessesInRadius Tag Parameters
15-21 iterateBusinessesInState Tag Parameters
15-22 iterateBusinessesNearestTo Tag Parameters
15-23 iterateByDistance Tag Parameters
15-24 iterateByDrivingDistance Tag Parameters
15-25 iterateByName Tag Parameters
15-26 iterateByRegionName Tag Parameters
15-27 iterateCategoriesMatchingKeyword Tag Parameters
15-28 iterateChildCategories Tag Parameters
15-29 iterateGeocodes Tag Parameters
15-30 iterateLocationMarks Tag Parameters
15-31 iterateManeuvers Tag Parameters
15-32 iterateReverseGeocodes Tag Parameters
15-33 listAllMembers Tag Parameters
15-34 listBusinessesInCity Tag Parameters
15-35 listBusinessesInCorridor Tag Parameters
15-36 listBusinessesInPostalCode Tag Parameters
15-37 listBusinessesInRadius Tag Parameters
15-38 listBusinessesInState Tag Parameters
15-39 listBusinessesNearestTo Tag Parameters
15-40 listByDistance Tag Parameters
15-41 listByDrivingDistance Tag Parameters
15-42 listByName Tag Parameters
15-43 listByRegionName Tag Parameters
15-44 listCategoriesMatchingKeyword Tag Parameters
15-45 listChildCategories Tag Parameters
15-46 listCreatedCommunities Tag Parameters
15-47 listCreatedPrivateCommunities Tag Parameters
15-48 listCreatedSharedCommunities Tag Parameters
15-49 listCreatedSystemCommunities Tag Parameters
15-50 listGeocodes Tag Parameters
15-51 listLocationMarks Tag Parameters
15-52 listManeuvers Tag Parameters
15-53 listReverseGeocodes Tag Parameters
15-54 map Tag Parameters
15-55 mobilePos Tag Parameters
15-56 point Tag Parameters
15-57 removeAllMembers Tag Parameters
15-58 removeMembers Tag Parameters
15-59 route Tag Parameters
15-60 setCommunityName Tag Parameters
15-61 Region Modeling Tool Operations
15-62 Tables for Region Data
16-1 Characters Used to Define Presets Attribute Formats
16-2 Character Classes
16-3 Standard POSIX Character Classes
16-4 Variable Classes
16-5 Boundary Matchers
16-6 Greedy Closures (match as many elements as possible)
16-7 Reluctant Closures (match as few elements as possible)
16-8 Logical Operators