Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference
Class AuthPeriod


public class AuthPeriod
extends java.lang.Object

The Authorization Period keeps a time range which is used when a user grants positioning rights to other users. An authorization period is composed of start date, end date, start time, end time and exclusions. The class also provides a method contains to check whether specific time falls in the time range represented by the AuthPeriod object.

Field Summary
static AuthPeriod ALL_THE_TIME
An AuthPeriod representing all time
static byte FRIDAY
A constant representing Friday
static byte MONDAY
A constant representing Monday
static AuthPeriod NEVER
An AuthPeriod representing never
static byte SATURDAY
A constant representing Saturday
static byte SUNDAY
A constant representing Sunday
static byte THURSDAY
A constant representing Thursday
static byte TUESDAY
A constant representing Tuesday
static byte WEDNESDAY
A constant representing Wednesday

Constructor Summary
AuthPeriod(java.util.Calendar startD, java.util.Calendar endD, java.util.Calendar startT, java.util.Calendar endT, int excl)
Construct an AuthPeriod which starts from a start day (startD), ends on a ending day (endD) and for each day, starts from start time (startT and ends at ending time (endT).

Method Summary
boolean contains(java.util.Calendar posTime)
This method is used to check whether the posTime falls in this AuthPeriod
boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns true if the given object is equal to this period.
java.util.Calendar getEndDate()
Get the end date of the period
java.util.Calendar getEndTime()
Get the end time of the period
byte getExclusion()
Get the exclusions of the period
java.util.Calendar getNextTimeWithinPeriod(java.util.Calendar now)
Returns the overlap of this period and now.
java.util.Calendar getStartDate()
Get the start date of the period
java.util.Calendar getStartTime()
Get the start time of the period
java.lang.String toString()
Returns the string representation of this AuthPeriod object

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final AuthPeriod ALL_THE_TIME
An AuthPeriod representing all time


public static final byte FRIDAY
A constant representing Friday
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MONDAY
A constant representing Monday
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final AuthPeriod NEVER
An AuthPeriod representing never


public static final byte SATURDAY
A constant representing Saturday
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte SUNDAY
A constant representing Sunday
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte THURSDAY
A constant representing Thursday
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte TUESDAY
A constant representing Tuesday
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte WEDNESDAY
A constant representing Wednesday
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public AuthPeriod(java.util.Calendar startD,
                  java.util.Calendar endD,
                  java.util.Calendar startT,
                  java.util.Calendar endT,
                  int excl)
Construct an AuthPeriod which starts from a start day (startD), ends on a ending day (endD) and for each day, starts from start time (startT and ends at ending time (endT). startT and endT are with the accuracy of minute. To represent a full day, the startT should be set to 00:00 and the endT should be set to 23:59 The excl specifies the days of the week which are excluded from the period. For example to contruct an AnthPeriod which represents the period: from June 15,2001 to July 15, 2001, each day from 9:00am to 5:00pm and excluding Weekends, startD shoud be set to June 15,2001 endD should be set to July 15,2001 startT should be set to 9:00am endT should be set to 5:00pm excl should be set to AuthPeriod.SATURDAY | AuthPeriod.SUNDAY
startD - the starting date(inclusive). If startD is null, today's date is used
endD - the ending date(inclusive). If endD is null, today's date is used
startT - the starting time on each day (inclusive). If the startT is null, current time is used.
endT - the ending time on each day (inclusive). If the endT is null, current time is used.
excl - The exclusions.

Method Detail


public boolean contains(java.util.Calendar posTime)
This method is used to check whether the posTime falls in this AuthPeriod
posTime - time to be checked
if the posTime falls in the period, returns true, otherwise, false is returned.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns true if the given object is equal to this period.
obj - the object to compare


public java.util.Calendar getEndDate()
Get the end date of the period
the end date


public java.util.Calendar getEndTime()
Get the end time of the period
the end time


public byte getExclusion()
Get the exclusions of the period
the byte representing the exclusions. The excl specifies the days of the week which are excluded from the period.


public java.util.Calendar getNextTimeWithinPeriod(java.util.Calendar now)
Returns the overlap of this period and now.
now - the interval to use for the overlap


public java.util.Calendar getStartDate()
Get the start date of the period
the start date


public java.util.Calendar getStartTime()
Get the start time of the period
the start time


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns the string representation of this AuthPeriod object

Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

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