Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

Package oracle.panama.portal

Class Summary
AlertController Deprecated. As of 2.0, replaced by AlertSubscriptionController
AlertSubscriptionController AlertSubscriptionController handles User AlertService subscription
DeviceController DeviceController handles User's Device management
GroupController GroupController handles group related operations, such as retrieving/updating parameters of a group, creating/deleting a group.
LocationMarkController LocationMarkController handles location mark related operations, such as retrieving/updating parameters of a location mark, creating/deleting a location mark.
RequestController RequestController handles request/session related operations.
ServiceController ServiceController handles service related operations, such as retrieving/updating parameters of a service, creating/deleting a service.
UserController UserController handles user related operations, such as retrieving/updating parameters of a user, creating/deleting a user.


Exception Summary
PortalException This PortalException is the exception object thrown from Portal API to portal pages.


Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

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