Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

Package oracle.panama.spatial.traffic

Interface Summary
City Represent a city in traffic service.
TrafficCityManager Provide functions for querying cities and routes information.
TrafficIncident Represents a traffic incident.
TrafficReport Represent incident based traffic report.
TrafficReporter Provide functions that return traffic report with different queries.
TrafficRoute Represents a route in a City including both directions.
XMLTrafficQuery Implemented by XMLRouteQuery, XMLLocationQuery, XMLAddressQuery, which are wrappers of the corresponding traffic report queries defined in TrafficReporter.


Class Summary
CityInfo Provide city name, state name and country name information of a city.
RouteInfo Provide the information of the route name, and route type.
XMLAddressQuery XMLRouteQuery, XMLLocationQuery, XMLAddressQuery are wrappers of the corresponding traffic report queries defined in TrafficReporter.
XMLLocationQuery XMLRouteQuery, XMLLocationQuery, XMLAddressQuery are wrappers of the corresponding traffic report queries defined in TrafficReporter.
XMLRouteQuery XMLRouteQuery, XMLLocationQuery, XMLAddressQuery are wrappers of the corresponding traffic report queries defined in TrafficReporter.


Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

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