Oracle Reports
Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Interface PluginFactory

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public interface PluginFactory

Plugin Factory is to create Plugin instances, hold static information, and provide shared functions of this type of Plugin. One type of Plugin, such as JDBC Plugin Data Source, will have one Plugin Factory instance. When Reports creates and registers Plugin Factory with the following call sequence to relatet methods. Note setReportContext is called right after Plugin Factory is created. If Plugin Factory has any set-up based on Report Context (or the environment), it needs to be done inside setReportContext method. 1. PluginFactory() (default constructor) 2. setReportContext() 3. getHelpSet() 4. getHelpPrefix() 5. setHelpSetID()

1.01 May 1 2000

Method Summary
 void dispose()
          Disposes the Plugin Factory and cleans up related resources.
 PluginEditor getEditor()
          Gets Plugin Editor
 java.lang.String getHelpPrefix()
          Gets prefix string for the error message help.
 java.lang.String getHelpSet()
          Gets the full path of helpset file or a URL to the helpset file If not implemented, this plugin is helpless ;-)
 java.lang.String getHint()
          Returns the hint message of this type of Plugin.
 java.lang.String getIconName()
          Returns icon name of the Plug-in.
 int getMajorVersion()
          Returns the major version of the Plugin Factory.
 int getMinorVersion()
          Returns the minor version of the Plugin Factory
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of this type of Plugin.
 Plugin make()
          Make Plugin instance
 void setHelpSetID(java.lang.String helpSetID)
          Set helpset id to the plugin.
 void setReportContext(ReportContext reportContext)


Method Detail


public void setReportContext(ReportContext reportContext)


public int getMajorVersion()
                    throws PluginException
Returns the major version of the Plugin Factory.


public int getMinorVersion()
                    throws PluginException
Returns the minor version of the Plugin Factory


public java.lang.String getIconName()
                             throws PluginException
Returns icon name of the Plug-in. Each Plug-in Data Source needs to provide three icon files: 1. {iconName}.ico : icon displayed in Data Model Editor Tool Pallete 2. {iconName}n.icon: icon displayed used in Navigator 3. {iconName}.res: icon displayed on right-top cornor of Query box. Plug-in's icon files need to be placed in ORACLE_HOME/reports/plugin/resource. Please check Plug-in's UI documentation for details.


public java.lang.String getName()
                         throws PluginException
Returns the name of this type of Plugin. This name will be used to display this type of Plugin in the UI or describe this type of Plugin in a message.


public java.lang.String getHint()
                         throws PluginException
Returns the hint message of this type of Plugin. This hint is displayed in Reports Builder Data Model Editor when users leave the cursor on top of the icon to this type of Plugin.


public void setHelpSetID(java.lang.String helpSetID)
                  throws PluginException
Set helpset id to the plugin. This id identifies the helpset associated with this particular type of plugin. Plugin should stash the id and use it if it needs to access help using Report.setHelpTopic().


public java.lang.String getHelpSet()
                            throws PluginException
Gets the full path of helpset file or a URL to the helpset file If not implemented, this plugin is helpless ;-)


public java.lang.String getHelpPrefix()
                               throws PluginException
Gets prefix string for the error message help. (e.g. "XR" for Express) This is used to fully qualify the error message help topic ID. For example, "XR-1000" is a help topic ID for error number 1000 in Express PDS. Reports takes this two strings provided by PluginFactory (the helpset file and the prefix) and returns a helpSetID that uniquely identify this plugin via IPlugin.setHelpSetID(). This helpSetID is a number (in the form of a String) that gets passed around to help methods and RWException. Plugin is required to supply this prefix if error message help is to be used.


public PluginEditor getEditor()
                       throws PluginException
Gets Plugin Editor
plugin editor


public Plugin make()
            throws PluginException
Make Plugin instance
created plugin instance


public void dispose()
             throws PluginException
Disposes the Plugin Factory and cleans up related resources. This method is called when shut down the report.

Oracle Reports
Java API Reference

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