Oracle Security Developer Tools Security Engine Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (

Interface CertificateTrustPolicy

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CertificateTrustPolicy

A generic interface for implementing a particular certificate verification scheme, via the CertificateVerifier interface, such as constructing and verifying certificate chains.

See Also:

Method Summary
 CertificateVerifier makeCertificateVerifier(java.util.Vector certificates, java.util.Vector crls)
          Creates a new instance of CertificateVerifier which will use the given certificate and CRL lists to implement a particular certificate verification scheme, such a forming valid certificate chains.


Method Detail


public CertificateVerifier makeCertificateVerifier(java.util.Vector certificates,
                                                   java.util.Vector crls)
Creates a new instance of CertificateVerifier which will use the given certificate and CRL lists to implement a particular certificate verification scheme, such a forming valid certificate chains.

Either argument to this method may be null, and such a case must be treated exactly the same as if the particular argument was an empty vector.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Security Engine Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


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