Oracle Security Developer Tools XML Security Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (



XML utility classes.


Interface Summary
XMLURI Defined URI string constants for algorithms, namespaces and objects.


Class Summary
Base64 Implements base-64 encoding as per RFC 1421 (PEM) and RFC 2045 (MIME).
DocOrderComparator Comparator for sorting nodes into document order as defined by XPath 1.0, and extended for attributes and namespaces by Canonical XML 1.0.
DocTypeUtil Utility class for working with org.w3c.dom.DocumentType nodes.
DSIGInitializer Utility class for load-time initialization and configuration of the XML-DSig library.
ENCInitializer Utility class for load-time initialization and configuration of the XML-Encryption library.
GenericXMLElement Generic wrapper for org.w3c.dom.Elements.
NodeIterator Filtering iterator that returns only instances of org.w3c.dom.Node.
NodeIterator.ElementFilter Filter that matches element nodes having a given namespace URI and local name.
NodeIterator.NodeFilter Abstract base class for filters used to match nodes for a NodeIterator.
NodeIterator.NodeTypeFilter Filter that matches nodes of a given node type.
NodeListImpl An implementation class for the org.w3c.dom.NodeList interface, representing a non-live view of the DOM.
QName Class representing an XML qualified name of the form [prefix:]localName, encapsulating a local name, namespace URI, and optional namespace prefix.
QNameNode Class representing an XML Text node with the format [prefix:]localName.
SOAPInitializer Utility class for load-time initialization and configuration of the SOAP utility classes.
TagManager Maps XML namespace/tag-name pairs to implementation classes.
URIManager Maps XML algorithm and object URIs to ASN.1 OIDs and implementation classes.
XMLContainer Internal use only.
XMLElement Abstract superclass for XML element objects.
XMLNode Abstract superclass for XML node objects.
XMLUtils Class containing static utility methods for XML and XML-DSIG.


Exception Summary
XPathException Exception thrown to indicate a problem with an XPath operation.


Package Description

XML utility classes.

Oracle Security Developer Tools XML Security Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


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