Oracle BPEL Process Manager
Client API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Interface IBPELProcessHandle

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IBPELProcessHandle
extends IBPELProcessConstants

The IProcessHandle interface allows the user to introspect a BPEL process deployed on a BPEL process domain.

If this handle has been retrieved via the Locator or IBPELDomainHandle class, the process associated with this handle might not have been loaded successfully. In this case, most of the methods declared by this interface will not work. The list of methods that will work if the process has not been loaded is:


Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface


Method Summary
 IActivationAgentHandle getActivationAgentHandle(java.lang.String className)
          Returns a handle to the activation agent registered for this BPEL process.
 int getClosedInstanceCount()
          Returns the number of closed instances that belong to this BPEL process.
 java.lang.String getContent(java.lang.String rPath)
          Returns the content of the embedded process file with the relative path specified by rPath.
 ProcessDescriptor getDescriptor()
          Returns the process descriptor for this BPEL process.
 java.lang.Throwable[] getErrors()
          Returns the list of errors that have been reported during the loading of this BPEL process.
 java.lang.String getFormContent(java.lang.String partnerLinkName, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String operationName)
          Returns the HTML form content for the callback page for this process.
 java.lang.String getInitiateFormContent(java.lang.String operationName)
          Returns the HTML form content for the initiation page for this process.
 java.lang.String[] getInitiateOperationNames()
          Returns the operation of the process that can initiate an instance (that is, a receive tag in the BPEL source that looks like
 BPELProcessRevisionInfo getLatestRevision()
          Returns the revision information for the most recently deployed BPEL process revision.
 int getOpenInstanceCount()
          Returns the number of open instances that belong to this BPEL process.
 int getOperationType(java.lang.String operationName)
          Returns the operation type for the given operation name.
 int getOperationType(java.lang.String partnerLinkName, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String operationName)
          Returns the operation type for the operation defined for the given partner and role.
 BPELProcessId getProcessId()
          Returns the identifier of this process.
 java.lang.String getProcessModel()
          Returns the debugger XML model of this BPEL process.
 BPELProcessRevisionInfo getRevision()
          Returns the revision information for this BPEL process.
 java.lang.String getSensorActionDefinitions()
          Returns this process's sensor action definitions.
 java.lang.String getSensorDefinitions()
          Returns this process's sensor definitions.
 java.lang.String getSOAPLocation()
          Returns the URL of the SOAP listening post for this process.
 java.lang.String[] getWarnings()
          Returns the list of warnings that have been reported during the loading of this BPEL process.
 boolean isDefaultRevision()
          Returns true if this BPEL process is the default revision.
 boolean isLoaded()
          Returns true if the BPEL process been loaded successfully (that is, without any initialization errors).
 BPELProcessRevisionInfo[] listAllRevisions()
          Returns the list of revisions deployed for this BPEL process.
 IInstanceHandle[] listInstances()
          Returns a list of active instances associated with this BPEL process.
 IInstanceHandle[] listInstances(int listStart, int listSize)
          Returns a list of active instances associated with this BPEL process.
 void markAsDefaultRevision()
          Schedules this BPEL process to be marked as the default revision.
 java.util.Map readFormContentAsString(java.lang.String partnerLinkName, java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String operationName, Parameters req)
          Parses the HTML request parameters according to the format expected for this process into a series of String objects.
 java.util.Map readInitiateFormContentAsString(java.lang.String operationName, Parameters req)
          Parses the HTML request parameters according to the format expected for this process into a series of String objects.
 void updateDescriptor(ProcessDescriptor pd)
          Updates the process descriptor of the BPEL process with the values contained in the passed descriptor.
 void updateRevision(BPELProcessRevisionInfo info)
          Updates the BPEL process with the values contained in the passed revision class.


Method Detail


public int getOperationType(java.lang.String operationName)
                     throws ServerException
Returns the operation type for the given operation name.

Valid operation types are:

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public int getOperationType(java.lang.String partnerLinkName,
                            java.lang.String roleName,
                            java.lang.String operationName)
                     throws ServerException
Returns the operation type for the operation defined for the given partner and role. See getOperationType( String ) for list of operation types returned.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public java.lang.String[] getInitiateOperationNames()
                                             throws ServerException
Returns the operation of the process that can initiate an instance (that is, a receive tag in the BPEL source that looks like
<receive createInstance="yes">
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public boolean isLoaded()
Returns true if the BPEL process been loaded successfully (that is, without any initialization errors). If the process has been loaded, there may still be warnings associated with the loading process.
See Also:
getErrors(), getWarnings()


public BPELProcessId getProcessId()
Returns the identifier of this process.


public java.lang.Throwable[] getErrors()
                                throws ServerException
Returns the list of errors that have been reported during the loading of this BPEL process. If the process has been loaded successfully, the BPEL process will not have any errors associated with it.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public java.lang.String getSOAPLocation()
                                 throws ServerException
Returns the URL of the SOAP listening post for this process.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public java.lang.String[] getWarnings()
                               throws ServerException
Returns the list of warnings that have been reported during the loading of this BPEL process. Warnings may be reported even though the BPEL process has successfully been loaded.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public ProcessDescriptor getDescriptor()
                                throws ServerException
Returns the process descriptor for this BPEL process. The process descriptor contains run-time properties such as service locations.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public void updateDescriptor(ProcessDescriptor pd)
                      throws ServerException
Updates the process descriptor of the BPEL process with the values contained in the passed descriptor.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or if there is a problem updating the process.


public BPELProcessRevisionInfo getRevision()
                                    throws ServerException
Returns the revision information for this BPEL process. The revision information class contains state, lifecycle and revision details.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public void updateRevision(BPELProcessRevisionInfo info)
                    throws ServerException
Updates the BPEL process with the values contained in the passed revision class.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or if there is a problem updating the process.


public BPELProcessRevisionInfo getLatestRevision()
                                          throws ServerException
Returns the revision information for the most recently deployed BPEL process revision. Please note that the first time a revision is deployed to the BPEL server is considered its deployment time. Subsequent deployments of the same revision will not cause it to be considered a new deployment.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public BPELProcessRevisionInfo[] listAllRevisions()
                                           throws ServerException
Returns the list of revisions deployed for this BPEL process. All revisions have the same process identifier but different revision tags. The returned list is sorted in order of deployment time: most recent to last.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public boolean isDefaultRevision()
                          throws ServerException
Returns true if this BPEL process is the default revision. The default revision is selected if an invocation message does not specify the revision tag of the process to invoke.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public void markAsDefaultRevision()
                           throws ServerException
Schedules this BPEL process to be marked as the default revision. The default revision is selected if an invocation message does not specify the revision tag of the process to invoke.

The process will not be marked as the default immediately; the action will be scheduled by the server to be performed asynchronously.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public java.lang.String getProcessModel()
                                 throws ServerException
Returns the debugger XML model of this BPEL process. This model describes the layout of the lower-level components that comprise a process method after it has been transformed by the bpelc tool.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public java.lang.String getContent(java.lang.String rPath)
                            throws ServerException
Returns the content of the embedded process file with the relative path specified by rPath. When a process archive is generated using the bpelc tool files may be embedded within the archive. The content of these files can be accessed using this method.

The path to access the file is the same as it is in the BPEL process archive file.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

rPath - the relative path of the file
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or if there is a problem fetching the file content.


public java.lang.String getInitiateFormContent(java.lang.String operationName)
                                        throws ServerException
Returns the HTML form content for the initiation page for this process.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

operationName - the initiate operation name
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public java.lang.String getFormContent(java.lang.String partnerLinkName,
                                       java.lang.String roleName,
                                       java.lang.String operationName)
                                throws ServerException
Returns the HTML form content for the callback page for this process.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

operationName - the initiate operation name of the BPEL receive
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public java.util.Map readInitiateFormContentAsString(java.lang.String operationName,
                                                     Parameters req)
                                              throws ServerException
Parses the HTML request parameters according to the format expected for this process into a series of String objects.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

operationName - the initiate operation name
req - the HTML request parameters
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or parsing the request parameters.


public java.util.Map readFormContentAsString(java.lang.String partnerLinkName,
                                             java.lang.String roleName,
                                             java.lang.String operationName,
                                             Parameters req)
                                      throws ServerException
Parses the HTML request parameters according to the format expected for this process into a series of String objects.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

partnerLinkName - the name of the parterLink of the BPEL receive
roleName - the name of the role of the partnerLink of the BPEL receive
operationName - the initiate operation name of the BPEL receive
req - the HTML request parameters
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or parsing the request parameters.


public int getOpenInstanceCount()
                         throws ServerException
Returns the number of open instances that belong to this BPEL process. An instance is considered open if it contains active activities.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or if there is problem querying the domain datasource.


public int getClosedInstanceCount()
                           throws ServerException
Returns the number of closed instances that belong to this BPEL process. An instance is considered closed once it is completed.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or if there is problem querying the domain datasource.


public IInstanceHandle[] listInstances()
                                throws ServerException
Returns a list of active instances associated with this BPEL process.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or if there is problem querying the domain datasource.


public IInstanceHandle[] listInstances(int listStart,
                                       int listSize)
                                throws ServerException
Returns a list of active instances associated with this BPEL process. This method allows the user to specify how many instances to return from the result set; listStart specifies the starting point within the result set from the beginning (0 being the first index), and listSize being the number of instances to return starting from the starting index.
listStart - the starting point within the result set.
listSize - the total number of items to return.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or if there is problem querying the domain datasource.


public IActivationAgentHandle getActivationAgentHandle(java.lang.String className)
                                                throws ServerException
Returns a handle to the activation agent registered for this BPEL process. Activation agents specify an alternate method of invoking a BPEL process (other than the API or through SOAP).

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

className - the class name of the activation agent as specified in the BPEL process descriptor.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process or if the specified activation agent has not been registered with the process.


public java.lang.String getSensorDefinitions()
                                      throws ServerException
Returns this process's sensor definitions. Sensors provide a flexible process monitoring framework.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.


public java.lang.String getSensorActionDefinitions()
                                            throws ServerException
Returns this process's sensor action definitions. Sensor actions are responsible for publishing data captured by sensors.

This method will throw a ServerException if the process has not loaded successfully.

ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the process.

Oracle BPEL Process Manager
Client API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.