Oracle BPEL Process Manager
Client API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Class Server


public final class Server
extends java.lang.Object

The Server class allows the user to perform administrative functions on a BPEL server.


Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Server(ServerAuth auth)
          Constructs a server object with an existing set of administrative authentication credentials.


Method Summary
 void changePassword(java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
          Changes the administrative password for the BPEL server.
 void createDomain(java.lang.String domainId, java.lang.String password, java.util.Map domainProperties)
          Creates a BPEL process domain with the specified domain identifier and password.
 void deleteDomain(java.lang.String domainId, boolean keepData)
          Deletes a BPEL process domain.
 BPELDomainStatus[] getAllDomainStatus()
          Returns the status for all the BPEL process domains deployed on the BPEL server.
 ServerDescriptor getDescriptor()
          Returns the BPEL server descriptor.
 BPELDomainStatus getDomainStatus(java.lang.String domainId)
          Returns the status for a BPEL process domain.
 ServerAuth getServerAuth()
          Returns the server authentication credentials used to access the BPEL server.
 boolean isDomainAuthEnabled()
          Returns true if domain authentication has been enabled for the BPEL server.
 boolean isDomainListingEnabled()
          Returns true if domain listing has been enabled for the BPEL server.
 boolean isProductionServer()
          Returns true if the server is in Production mode.
 java.util.Map listLoggers()
          Returns a list of all the loggers defined for the server.
 void setServerAuth(ServerAuth auth)
          Sets the administrative authentication credentials used to gain access to the BPEL server.
 void updateDescriptor(ServerDescriptor desc)
          Updates the server descriptor of the BPEL server with the values contained in the passed descriptor.
 void updateLoggers(java.util.Map levels)
          Updates the loggers defined for the BPEL server with the specified logging levels.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public Server()
Default constructor.


public Server(ServerAuth auth)
Constructs a server object with an existing set of administrative authentication credentials.
auth - administrative authentication credentials for the server

Method Detail


public ServerAuth getServerAuth()
Returns the server authentication credentials used to access the BPEL server.


public void setServerAuth(ServerAuth auth)
Sets the administrative authentication credentials used to gain access to the BPEL server.


public ServerDescriptor getDescriptor()
                               throws ServerException
Returns the BPEL server descriptor. The server descriptor contains run-time configuration properties such as endpoint URLs and authentication settings.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the server.


public void updateDescriptor(ServerDescriptor desc)
                      throws ServerException
Updates the server descriptor of the BPEL server with the values contained in the passed descriptor.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the server or if there is a problem updating the server descriptor.


public java.util.Map listLoggers()
                          throws ServerException
Returns a list of all the loggers defined for the server. Currently, the BPEL server uses log4j to log error/debug/informational messages. This method will return a list of all the log4j logger names that have been defined for the server.

Please note that the BPEL server has a set of loggers separate from the domain loggers.

a Map with the logger name as the key and the current logger level as a String.
ServerException - if there is a problem connecting to the server.


public void updateLoggers(java.util.Map levels)
                   throws ServerException
Updates the loggers defined for the BPEL server with the specified logging levels. Currently, the BPEL server uses log4j to log error/debug/informational messages. The logging levels recognized by the domain are: