Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part no. B12024-03
September 2004

Class ServiceManagerImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServiceManagerImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements ServiceManager

Service Manager to manage services whose deployment information is stored in a file. This is a rather inefficient service manager that is similar in functionality to the Apache SOAP service manager. However, it provides two important additions:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_CONFIG_MANAGER
static java.lang.String OPTION_AUTO_DEPLOY
          Dictates whether the serviceManager and providerManager are automatically deployed as services.
static java.lang.String OPTION_REQUIRED_REQUEST_URI


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void deploy(ServiceDeploymentDescriptor sd)
          Deploy the given service.
 void destroy()
          Cleanup the service manager.
 java.lang.String getDefaultConfigManagerClassname()
          Get the class name of the default configuration manager.
 java.lang.String getRequiredRequestURI()
          Get the URI that service manager requests must be made to in order to be accepted.
 void init(java.util.Properties options, ProviderManager providerManager, javax.servlet.ServletContext context, ConfigManager configManager)
          Initialize the service manager.
 java.lang.String[] list()
          Get a list of service ids for all services that have been deployed, regardless of the provider.
 ServiceDeploymentDescriptor query(java.lang.String serviceId)
          Get the deployment descriptor for the given service.
 ServiceDeploymentDescriptor undeploy(java.lang.String serviceId)
          Undeploy the given service, and return its descriptor.
 java.lang.String version()
          Reurns current soap version


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_CONFIG_MANAGER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPTION_REQUIRED_REQUEST_URI
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OPTION_AUTO_DEPLOY
Dictates whether the serviceManager and providerManager are automatically deployed as services. Default is true. Set value to "false" to prevent auto-deploying these as services.
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ServiceManagerImpl()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getDefaultConfigManagerClassname()
Get the class name of the default configuration manager.
Specified by:
getDefaultConfigManagerClassname in interface ServiceManager
The default configuration manager fully qualified class name.


public void init(java.util.Properties options,
ProviderManager providerManager,
                 javax.servlet.ServletContext context,
ConfigManager configManager)
          throws SOAPException
Initialize the service manager. The implementation should be able to handle a null value for the provider manager.
Specified by:
init in interface ServiceManager
options - The options required to setup access to the service deployment information.
providerManager - The provider manager that is managing provider deployment information for the SOAP server, or null if the provider manager is not supplied. The service manager uses the provider manager to confirm the existence of the provider when a new service is deployed.
context - The servlet context.
configManager - The configuration manager for this service manager.
SOAPException - Unable to access the service deployment information.


public void destroy()
             throws SOAPException
Cleanup the service manager.
Specified by:
destroy in interface ServiceManager
SOAPException - Unable to cleanup the service manager.


public java.lang.String getRequiredRequestURI()
Get the URI that service manager requests must be made to in order to be accepted. Requests made to any other URI must be rejected.
Specified by:
getRequiredRequestURI in interface ServiceManager
The request URI for service manager requests, or null if any URI can be used.


public ServiceDeploymentDescriptor undeploy(java.lang.String serviceId)
                                     throws SOAPException
Undeploy the given service, and return its descriptor.
Specified by:
undeploy in interface ServiceManager
serviceId - The URI of the service to undeploy.
The descriptor containing the deployment information for the service that has been undeployed.
SOAPException - If the service is not found or failed to undeploy.


public void deploy(ServiceDeploymentDescriptor sd)
            throws SOAPException
Deploy the given service.
Specified by:
deploy in interface ServiceManager
sd - The service descriptor for the service to deploy.
SOAPException - If unable to deploy.


public ServiceDeploymentDescriptor query(java.lang.String serviceId)
                                  throws SOAPException
Get the deployment descriptor for the given service.
Specified by:
query in interface ServiceManager
serviceId - The unique URI of the service.
The descriptor containing the deployment information for the given service.
SOAPException - If the service is not found.


public java.lang.String[] list()
                        throws SOAPException
Get a list of service ids for all services that have been deployed, regardless of the provider.
Specified by:
list in interface ServiceManager
An array of deployed service ids.
SOAPException - Unable to list service ids.


public java.lang.String version()
                         throws SOAPException
Reurns current soap version
Specified by:
version in interface ServiceManager
version string
SOAPException - Unable to obtain version

Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part no. B12024-03
September 2004

Copyright © 2003, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.