Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part no. B12024-03
September 2004

Class XDBElement

All Implemented Interfaces:
Element, Node
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class XDBElement
extends XDBNode
implements Element

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.xdb.dom.XDBNode
m_conn, m_owner, m_xobcstate


Fields inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Node


Constructor Summary
XDBElement(XDBDocument owner, long xob)


Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAttribute(java.lang.String attr)
          Retrieves an attribute value by name.
 Attr getAttributeNode(java.lang.String attr)
          Retrieves an attribute node by name.
 Attr getAttributeNodeNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName)
          Retrieves an Attr node by local name and namespace URI.
 java.lang.String getAttributeNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName)
          Retrieves an attribute value by local name and namespace URI.
 XDBNodeList getChildrenByTagName(java.lang.String tagName)
          get the children node list based on the tag name
 XDBNodeList getChildrenByTagNameNS(java.lang.String tagName, java.lang.String ns)
          get the children node list based on the tag name
 NodeList getElementsByTagName(java.lang.String tag)
          Returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with a given tag name, in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.
 NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(java.lang.String nsURI, java.lang.String tag)
          Returns a NodeList of all the descendant Elements with a given local name and namespace URI in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.
 java.lang.String getTagName()
          The name of the element.
 boolean hasAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Returns true when an attribute with a given name is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.
 boolean hasAttributeNS(java.lang.String nsURI, java.lang.String name)
          Returns true when an attribute with a given local name and namespace URI is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.
 void removeAttribute(java.lang.String attr)
          Removes an attribute by name.
 Attr removeAttributeNode(Attr oldattr)
          Removes the specified attribute node.
 void removeAttributeNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName)
          Removes an attribute by local name and namespace URI.
 java.lang.String resolveNSPrefix(java.lang.String prefix)
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String attr)
          Adds a new attribute.
 Attr setAttributeNode(Attr newattr)
          Adds a new attribute node.
 Attr setAttributeNodeNS(Attr newAttr)
          Adds a new attribute.
 void setAttributeNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qualifiedName, java.lang.String value)
          Adds a new attribute.


Methods inherited from class oracle.xdb.dom.XDBNode
appendChild, cloneNode, close, equals, finalize, getAttributes, getChildNodes, getExpandedName, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNodeFromCState, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getQualifiedName, getSchemaNode, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, hashCode, insertBefore, isClosed, isSupported, normalize, removeChild, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setNodeXob, setOwner, setPrefix, setXobCstate, toCState, toString, write


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Node
appendChild, cloneNode, getAttributes, getChildNodes, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, isSupported, normalize, removeChild, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setPrefix


Constructor Detail


public XDBElement(XDBDocument owner,
                  long xob)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getTagName()
Description copied from interface: Element
The name of the element. For example, in:
 id="demo"> ... </elementExample> ,
tagName has the value "elementExample". Note that this is case-preserving in XML, as are all of the operations of the DOM. The HTML DOM returns the tagName of an HTML element in the canonical uppercase form, regardless of the case in the source HTML document.
Specified by:
getTagName in interface Element


public java.lang.String getAttribute(java.lang.String attr)
Description copied from interface: Element
Retrieves an attribute value by name.
Specified by:
getAttribute in interface Element
The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does not have a specified or default value.


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.String attr)
Description copied from interface: Element
Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, its value is changed to be that of the value parameter. This value is a simple string; it is not parsed as it is being set. So any markup (such as syntax to be recognized as an entity reference) is treated as literal text, and needs to be appropriately escaped by the implementation when it is written out. In order to assign an attribute value that contains entity references, the user must create an Attr node plus any Text and EntityReference nodes, build the appropriate subtree, and use setAttributeNode to assign it as the value of an attribute.
To set an attribute with a qualified name and namespace URI, use the setAttributeNS method.
Specified by:
setAttribute in interface Element


public void removeAttribute(java.lang.String attr)
Description copied from interface: Element
Removes an attribute by name. If the removed attribute is known to have a default value, an attribute immediately appears containing the default value as well as the corresponding namespace URI, local name, and prefix when applicable.
To remove an attribute by local name and namespace URI, use the removeAttributeNS method.
Specified by:
removeAttribute in interface Element


public Attr getAttributeNode(java.lang.String attr)
Description copied from interface: Element
Retrieves an attribute node by name.
To retrieve an attribute node by qualified name and namespace URI, use the getAttributeNodeNS method.
Specified by:
getAttributeNode in interface Element
The Attr node with the specified name ( nodeName) or null if there is no such attribute.


public Attr setAttributeNode(Attr newattr)
                      throws DOMException
Description copied from interface: Element
Adds a new attribute node. If an attribute with that name ( nodeName) is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one.
To add a new attribute node with a qualified name and namespace URI, use the setAttributeNodeNS method.
Specified by:
setAttributeNode in interface Element
If the newAttr attribute replaces an existing attribute, the replaced Attr node is returned, otherwise null is returned.
DOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if newAttr was created from a different document than the one that created the element.
NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.
INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if newAttr is already an attribute of another Element object. The DOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use them in other elements.


public Attr removeAttributeNode(Attr oldattr)
Description copied from interface: Element
Removes the specified attribute node. If the removed Attr has a default value it is immediately replaced. The replacing attribute has the same namespace URI and local name, as well as the original prefix, when applicable.
Specified by:
removeAttributeNode in interface Element
The Attr node that was removed.


public NodeList getElementsByTagName(java.lang.String tag)
Description copied from interface: Element
Returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with a given tag name, in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.
Specified by:
getElementsByTagName in interface Element
A list of matching Element nodes.


public java.lang.String getAttributeNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
                                       java.lang.String localName)
Description copied from interface: Element
Retrieves an attribute value by local name and namespace URI. HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.
Specified by:
getAttributeNS in interface Element
The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does not have a specified or default value.


public void setAttributeNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
                           java.lang.String qualifiedName,
                           java.lang.String value)
                    throws DOMException
Description copied from interface: Element
Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with the same local name and namespace URI is already present on the element, its prefix is changed to be the prefix part of the qualifiedName, and its value is changed to be the value parameter. This value is a simple string; it is not parsed as it is being set. So any markup (such as syntax to be recognized as an entity reference) is treated as literal text, and needs to be appropriately escaped by the implementation when it is written out. In order to assign an attribute value that contains entity references, the user must create an Attr node plus any Text and EntityReference nodes, build the appropriate subtree, and use setAttributeNodeNS or setAttributeNode to assign it as the value of an attribute.
HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.
Specified by:
setAttributeNS in interface Element
DOMException - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified qualified name contains an illegal character.
NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.
NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the qualifiedName is malformed, if the qualifiedName has a prefix and the namespaceURI is null, if the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is different from "", or if the qualifiedName is "xmlns" and the namespaceURI is different from "".


public void removeAttributeNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
                              java.lang.String localName)
                       throws DOMException
Description copied from interface: Element
Removes an attribute by local name and namespace URI. If the removed attribute has a default value it is immediately replaced. The replacing attribute has the same namespace URI and local name, as well as the original prefix.
HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.
Specified by:
removeAttributeNS in interface Element
DOMException - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.


public Attr getAttributeNodeNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
                               java.lang.String localName)
Description copied from interface: Element
Retrieves an Attr node by local name and namespace URI. HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.
Specified by:
getAttributeNodeNS in interface Element
The Attr node with the specified attribute local name and namespace URI or null if there is no such attribute.


public Attr setAttributeNodeNS(Attr newAttr)
                        throws DOMException
Description copied from interface: Element
Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with that local name and that namespace URI is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one.
HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.
Specified by:
setAttributeNodeNS in interface Element
If the newAttr attribute replaces an existing attribute with the same local name and namespace URI, the replaced Attr node is returned, otherwise null is returned.
DOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if newAttr was created from a different document than the one that created the element.
NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.
INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if newAttr is already an attribute of another Element object. The DOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use them in other elements.


public NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(java.lang.String nsURI,
                                       java.lang.String tag)
Description copied from interface: Element
Returns a NodeList of all the descendant Elements with a given local name and namespace URI in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.
HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.
Specified by:
getElementsByTagNameNS in interface Element
A new NodeList object containing all the matched Elements.


public boolean hasAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: Element
Returns true when an attribute with a given name is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.
Specified by:
hasAttribute in interface Element
true if an attribute with the given name is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.


public boolean hasAttributeNS(java.lang.String nsURI,
                              java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: Element
Returns true when an attribute with a given local name and namespace URI is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise. HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.
Specified by:
hasAttributeNS in interface Element
true if an attribute with the given local name and namespace URI is specified or has a default value on this element, false otherwise.


public XDBNodeList getChildrenByTagName(java.lang.String tagName)
get the children node list based on the tag name
the children node list based on the tag name


public XDBNodeList getChildrenByTagNameNS(java.lang.String tagName,
                                          java.lang.String ns)
get the children node list based on the tag name
the children node list based on the tag name


public java.lang.String resolveNSPrefix(java.lang.String prefix)

Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part no. B12024-03
September 2004

Copyright © 2003, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.