Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part no. B12024-03
September 2004

Class OracleXMLQuery


public class OracleXMLQuery
extends java.lang.Object

This generates XML from a SQL query. A typical sequence might look like this:

  import java.sql.*;
  import oracle.xml.sql.query.*;
  import oracle.jdbc.*;

  public class sample
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
      DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
      Connection conn =
      OracleXMLQuery qry = new OracleXMLQuery(conn, "select * from emp");

Field Summary
static int DTD
          Specifies that a DTD is to be generated
static java.lang.String ERROR_TAG
          Specifies the default tag name for the ERROR document
static int MAXROWS_ALL
          Specifies that all rows should be included in the result
          Deprecated. since v2.0; Use MAXROWS_ALL instead
static int MAXROWS_NONE
          Deprecated. since v2.0; Use 0 instead
static int NONE
          Specifies that a DTD is not to be generated.
static java.lang.String ROW_TAG
          Specifies the default tag name for ROW elements.
static java.lang.String ROWIDATTR_TAG
          Specifies the default tag name for the ROWIDATTR.
static java.lang.String ROWSET_TAG
          Specifies the default tag name for the document.
static int SCHEMA
          Specifies that an XML schema is not to be generated.
static int SKIPROWS_ALL
          Specifies that all rows be skipped in the result.
          Deprecated. since v2.0; Use 0 instead
static int SKIPROWS_NONE
          Deprecated. since v2.0; Use 0 instead


Constructor Summary
OracleXMLQuery(java.sql.Connection conn, java.sql.ResultSet rset)
          Constructor for the OracleXMLQueryObject.
OracleXMLQuery(java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String query)
          Constructor for the OracleXMLQuery object.
OracleXMLQuery(oracle.xml.sql.dataset.OracleXMLDataSet dset)
          Constructor for the OracleXMLQueryObject.


Method Summary
 void bindValue(java.lang.String bindName, java.lang.String bindValue)
          Sets a bind name/value pair.
 void close()
          Closes open resources created by the OracleXML engine.
 long getNumRowsProcessed()
          Returns the number of rows processed.
 void getXML(oracle.xml.sql.docgen.OracleXMLDocGen doc, int metaType)
          NOTE: THIS IS AN INTERNAL CALL Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document which is returned via the doc argument.
 Document getXMLDOM()
          Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document.
 Document getXMLDOM(boolean withDTD)
          Deprecated. since 1.2.1; please use getXMLDOM(int) instead
 Document getXMLDOM(int metaType)
          Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document.
 Document getXMLDOM(Node root)
          Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document.
 Document getXMLDOM(Node root, int metaType)
          Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into XML.
 java.lang.String getXMLMetaData(int metaType, boolean withVer)
          Returns either the DTD or the XMLSchema for the XML document generated by getXML calls.
 void getXMLSAX(ContentHandler sax)
          Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document in SAX form.
 Document[] getXMLSchema()
          Generates XML Schema(s) corresponding to the query.
 java.lang.String getXMLString()
          Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document.
 java.lang.String getXMLString(boolean withDTD)
          Deprecated. since 1.2.1; please use getXMLString(int) instead
 java.lang.String getXMLString(int metaType)
          Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document.
 java.lang.String getXMLString(Node root)
          Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document.
 java.lang.String getXMLString(Node root, int metaType)
          Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document.
 void keepCursorState(boolean alive)
          Deprecated. since 1.2.1; use keepObjectOpen instead.
 void keepObjectOpen(boolean alive)
          Specifies whether to keep the input object open after a getXML()/code> call.
 void removeXSLTParam(java.lang.String name)
          Removes the value of a top-level stylesheet parameter.
 void resetResultSet()
          Resets the result set to start XML generation from the from the first row of the resultset.
 void setCollIdAttr(java.lang.String collIdAttr)
          Deprecated. since 1.2.1; please use setCollIdAttrName instead.
 void setCollIdAttrName(java.lang.String attrName)
          Sets the name of the collection element separator tag id attribute.
 void setDataHeader( header, java.lang.String docTag)
          Sets the XML data header.
 void setDateFormat(java.lang.String mask)
          Specifies the format of dates used in the XML document.
 void setEncoding(java.lang.String enc)
          Sets the processing instruction for encoding, the PI, in the XML document.
 void setErrorTag(java.lang.String tag)
          Sets the tag used to enclose the XML error documents.
 void setException(java.lang.Exception e)
          Allows the user to pass in an exception, and have the XSU handle it.
 void setMaxRows(int rows)
          Sets the maximum number of rows to be converted to XML.
 void setMetaHeader( header)
          Sets the XML meta header.
 void setRaiseException(boolean flag)
          Specifies whether to throw the raised exceptions.
 void setRaiseNoRowsException(boolean flag)
          Specifies whether to throw an OracleXMLNoRowsException if the generated XML document is empty.
 void setRowIdAttrName(java.lang.String attrName)
          Sets the name of the row enclosing tag id attribute.
 void setRowIdAttrValue(java.lang.String colName)
          Specifies the scalar column whose value is assigned to the row id attribute.
 void setRowIdColumn(java.lang.String colName)
          Deprecated. since 1.2.1 -- please use setRowIdAttrValue instead.
 void setRowsetTag(java.lang.String tag)
          Sets the tag used to enclose the XML dataset.
 void setRowTag(java.lang.String tag)
          Sets the tag to be used to enclose the XML element corresponding to a db. record.
 void setSkipRows(int rows)
          Sets the number of rows to skip.
 void setSQLToXMLNameEscaping(boolean flag)
          Specifies whether to turn on XML tag escaping for SQL object names, to ensure conversion to valid XML identifiers.
 void setStrictLegalXMLCharCheck(boolean flag)
          Tells XSU whether it should do strict checking on the input data (as generated by the query) before generating the XML document.
 void setStyleSheet(java.lang.String uri)
          Deprecated. since XSU2.0 -- please use setStylesheetHeader instead.
 void setStyleSheet(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String type)
          Deprecated. since XSU2.0 -- please use setStylesheetHeader instead.
 void setStylesheetHeader(java.lang.String uri)
          Sets the stylesheet header processing instructions in the generated XML document.
 void setStylesheetHeader(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String type)
          Sets the stylesheet header processing instructions in the generated XML document.
 void setXSLT( stylesheet, java.lang.String ref)
          Sets the XSL transformation to be applied to generated XML.
 void setXSLT(java.lang.String stylesheet, java.lang.String ref)
          Sets the XSL transformation to be applied to generated XML.
 void setXSLTParam(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the value for top-level stylesheet parameter.
 void useLowerCaseTagNames()
          Specifies use of lower case for all tag names.
 void useNullAttributeIndicator(boolean flag)
          Specifies whether to use an XML attribute to indicate NULLness, or by omitting the entity from the XML document.
 void useTypeForCollElemTag(boolean flag)
          Specifies the use of collection element's type name as the collection element tag name when called with a TRUE value for the flag parameter.
 void useUpperCaseTagNames()
          Specifies use of upper case for all tag names.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final int MAXROWS_NONE
Deprecated. since v2.0; Use 0 instead
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAXROWS_ALL
Specifies that all rows should be included in the result
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAXROWS_DEFAULT
Deprecated. since v2.0; Use MAXROWS_ALL instead
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SKIPROWS_NONE
Deprecated. since v2.0; Use 0 instead
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SKIPROWS_ALL
Specifies that all rows be skipped in the result.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SKIPROWS_DEFAULT
Deprecated. since v2.0; Use 0 instead
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NONE
Specifies that a DTD is not to be generated.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DTD
Specifies that a DTD is to be generated
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEMA
Specifies that an XML schema is not to be generated.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ROWSET_TAG
Specifies the default tag name for the document.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ROW_TAG
Specifies the default tag name for ROW elements.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ERROR_TAG
Specifies the default tag name for the ERROR document
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ROWIDATTR_TAG
Specifies the default tag name for the ROWIDATTR.
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public OracleXMLQuery(java.sql.Connection conn,
                      java.lang.String query)
Constructor for the OracleXMLQuery object.
conn - database connection
query - the SQL query string


public OracleXMLQuery(java.sql.Connection conn,
                      java.sql.ResultSet rset)
Constructor for the OracleXMLQueryObject.
conn - database connection
rset - jdbc result set object


public OracleXMLQuery(oracle.xml.sql.dataset.OracleXMLDataSet dset)
Constructor for the OracleXMLQueryObject.
dset - dataset
Method Detail


public void bindValue(java.lang.String bindName,
                      java.lang.String bindValue)
Sets a bind name/value pair. Making this call triggers a dataset refresh.
bindName - bind name
bindValue - bind value


public void resetResultSet()
Resets the result set to start XML generation from the from the first row of the resultset.


public java.lang.String getXMLString()
Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document.
the string representation of the XML document


public java.lang.String getXMLString(int metaType)
Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document. The metaType argument specifies the type of XML metadata generated with the XML; valid values are NONE. and DTD, or SCHEMA (static fields of this class).
metaType - type of XML metadata: NONE, DTD, or SCHEMA
the string representation of the XML document


public java.lang.String getXMLString(boolean withDTD)
Deprecated. since 1.2.1; please use getXMLString(int) instead


public java.lang.String getXMLString(Node root)
Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document. The root argument is considered the "root" element of the XML document if its value is not null.
root - root node to which to append the new XML
the string representation of the XML document


public java.lang.String getXMLString(Node root,
                                     int metaType)
Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document. The root argument is considered the "root" element of the XML document if its value is not null. The metaType argument specifies the type of XML metadata generate with the XML; valid values are NONE and DTD, static fields of this class. If the root argument is not null, the DTD is not generated, even if requested.
root - root node to which to append the new XML
metaType - type of XML metadata: NONE, DTD, or SCHEMA
the string representation of the XML document


public Document getXMLDOM()
Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document.
the DOM representation of the XML document


public Document getXMLDOM(Node root)
Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document. The root argument is considered the "root" element of the XML document if its value is not null.
root - root node to which to append the new XML
the string representation of the XML document


public Document getXMLDOM(int metaType)
Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document. The metaType argument specifies the type of XML metadata generate with the XML; valid values are NONE and SCHEMA, static fields of this class.
metaType - type of XML metadata: NONE or SCHEMA
the string representation of the XML document


public Document getXMLDOM(boolean withDTD)
Deprecated. since 1.2.1; please use getXMLDOM(int) instead


public Document getXMLDOM(Node root,
                          int metaType)
Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into XML. If not NULL, the root argument is considered the "root" element of the XML doc. The metaType argument is used to specify the type of XML metadata the XSU is to generate along with the XML. Currently this value is ignored, and no XML metadata is generated.
root - root node to which to append the new XML
metaType - the type of XML metadata (NONE, SCHEMA)
the string representation of the XML document


public void getXMLSAX(ContentHandler sax)
Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document in SAX form.
sax - ContentHandler object to be registered


public void getXML(oracle.xml.sql.docgen.OracleXMLDocGen doc,
                   int metaType)
NOTE: THIS IS AN INTERNAL CALL Transforms the object-relational data, specified in the constructor, into an XML document which is returned via the doc argument.
doc - object containing the generated XML document
metaType - type of XML metadata to generate (NONE or DTD)


public long getNumRowsProcessed()
Returns the number of rows processed.
number of rows processed.


public java.lang.String getXMLMetaData(int metaType,
                                       boolean withVer)
Returns either the DTD or the XMLSchema for the XML document generated by getXML calls. The metaType parameter specifies the type of XML metadata to be generated. The withVer parameter specifies whether to generate the version header.
metaType - type of XML metadata: NONE or DTD
withVer - TRUE to generate the version header


public Document[] getXMLSchema()
Generates XML Schema(s) corresponding to the query.
the XML Schema(s)


public void setMetaHeader( header)
Sets the XML meta header. The header is inserted at the begining of the metadata section, DTD or XMLSchema, of each XML document generated. The most recently specified meta header is used; a null value for the header parameter unsets the meta header.
header - header


public void setDataHeader( header,
                          java.lang.String docTag)
Sets the XML data header. The header is inserted at the begining of the query-generated XML entity, the rowset. A docTag tag encloses the header and the rowset. The most recently specified data header is used; a null value for the header parameter unsets the data header.
header - header
docTag - tag used to enclose the data header and the rowset


public void setEncoding(java.lang.String enc)
Sets the processing instruction for encoding, the PI, in the XML document. The default characterset is specified in the encoding PI if the value of the enc parameter is null or an empty string.
enc - IANA name for encoding of the XML document


public void setStrictLegalXMLCharCheck(boolean flag)
Tells XSU whether it should do strict checking on the input data (as generated by the query) before generating the XML document. If XSU is using strict checking, and it finds a character that is disallowed in an XML document, then it throws an exception.
flag - do strict checking?


public void setDateFormat(java.lang.String mask)
Specifies the format of dates used in the XML document. The default setting format, or date mask, should conform to requirements of the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class. Setting the mask parameter to null or empty string sets the default mask OracleXMLCore.DATE_FORMAT.
mask - the date mask


public void setRowsetTag(java.lang.String tag)
Sets the tag used to enclose the XML dataset.
tag - tag name


public void setRowTag(java.lang.String tag)
Sets the tag to be used to enclose the XML element corresponding to a db. record.
tag - tag name


public void setErrorTag(java.lang.String tag)
Sets the tag used to enclose the XML error documents.
tag - tag name


public void setRowIdAttrName(java.lang.String attrName)
Sets the name of the row enclosing tag id attribute. A null or empty string value in the attrName omits the row id attribute.
attrName - attribute name


public void setRowIdAttrValue(java.lang.String colName)
Specifies the scalar column whose value is assigned to the row id attribute. A null or empty string value in the colName parameter assigns the row count value to the id attribute, 0, 1, 2, and so on.
colName - column name


public void setRowIdColumn(java.lang.String colName)
Deprecated. since 1.2.1 -- please use setRowIdAttrValue instead.


public void setCollIdAttrName(java.lang.String attrName)
Sets the name of the collection element separator tag id attribute. A null or empty string value in the attrName omits the separator tag id attribute.
attrName - attribute name


public void setCollIdAttr(java.lang.String collIdAttr)
Deprecated. since 1.2.1; please use setCollIdAttrName instead.


public void useTypeForCollElemTag(boolean flag)
Specifies the use of collection element's type name as the collection element tag name when called with a TRUE value for the flag parameter. By default, the tag name is a concatenation of the tag name and "_item".
flag - TRUE to use the element's type name as the tag name


public void useNullAttributeIndicator(boolean flag)
Specifies whether to use an XML attribute to indicate NULLness, or by omitting the entity from the XML document.
flag - TRUE to use attribute to indicate null


public void setStylesheetHeader(java.lang.String uri)
Sets the stylesheet header processing instructions in the generated XML document. A null value for uri unsets the stylesheet header and type.
uri - stylesheet URI


public void setStyleSheet(java.lang.String uri)
Deprecated. since XSU2.0 -- please use setStylesheetHeader instead.


public void setStylesheetHeader(java.lang.String uri,
                                java.lang.String type)
Sets the stylesheet header processing instructions in the generated XML document. A null value for uri unsets the stylesheet header and type.
uri - stylesheet URI
type - stylesheet type; default value is text/xsl


public void setStyleSheet(java.lang.String uri,
                          java.lang.String type)
Deprecated. since XSU2.0 -- please use setStylesheetHeader instead.


public void setXSLT(java.lang.String stylesheet,
                    java.lang.String ref)
Sets the XSL transformation to be applied to generated XML. Replaces a previously registered stylesheet. To deregister the stylesheet, pass a null in the stylesheet parameter.
stylesheet - the stylesheet URI
ref - URL for include, import and external entities


public void setXSLT( stylesheet,
                    java.lang.String ref)
Sets the XSL transformation to be applied to generated XML. Replaces a previously registered stylesheet. To deregister the stylesheet, pass a null in the stylesheet parameter.
stylesheet - the stylesheet
ref - URL for include, import and external entities


public void setXSLTParam(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.String value)
Sets the value for top-level stylesheet parameter. The value parameter is expected to be a valid XPath expression; literal String values have to be explicitly quoted. This method is a no-op if no stylesheet is registered.
name - parameter name
value - parameter value as an XPATH expression


public void removeXSLTParam(java.lang.String name)
Removes the value of a top-level stylesheet parameter. This method is a no-op if no stylesheet is registered.
name - parameter name


public void setSQLToXMLNameEscaping(boolean flag)
Specifies whether to turn on XML tag escaping for SQL object names, to ensure conversion to valid XML identifiers.
flag - TRUE to turn on SQL to XML escaping


public void useLowerCaseTagNames()
Specifies use of lower case for all tag names. This call should be made only after after all the desired tags are set.


public void useUpperCaseTagNames()
Specifies use of upper case for all tag names. This call should be made only after after all the desired tags are set.


public void setException(java.lang.Exception e)
Allows the user to pass in an exception, and have the XSU handle it.
e - the exception to be processed by the XSU.


public void setRaiseException(boolean flag)
Specifies whether to throw the raised exceptions. By defualt, or if the value of flag parameter is FALSE, the SQL exceptions are caught and used to generate an XML exception message document.
flag - TRUE to throw raised exception


public void setRaiseNoRowsException(boolean flag)
Specifies whether to throw an OracleXMLNoRowsException if the generated XML document is empty. By default, the exception is not thrown.
flag - TRUE to throw OracleXMLNoRowsException


public void setMaxRows(int rows)
Sets the maximum number of rows to be converted to XML. By default, no maximum is set. Use the MAXROWS_ALL field to explicitly specify the maximum number of rows.
rows - maximum number of rows to generate


public void setSkipRows(int rows)
Sets the number of rows to skip. By default, no rows are skipped. Use SKIPROWS_ALL to skip all the rows.
rows - number of rows to skip


public void close()
Closes open resources created by the OracleXML engine. This call will not effect result sets supplied by the user.


public void keepObjectOpen(boolean alive)
Specifies whether to keep the input object open after a getXML()/code> call. If the input object remains open, successive calls to getXML return successive sets of rows. By default, getXML() calls that do not use a ResultSet object close both the ResultSet and Statement objects. The close() function explicitly closes the cursor state.
alive - TRUE to keep the object open


public void keepCursorState(boolean alive)
Deprecated. since 1.2.1; use keepObjectOpen instead.

Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part no. B12024-03
September 2004

Copyright © 2003, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.