Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part no. B12024-03
September 2004

Class XSQLActionHandlerImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class XSQLActionHandlerImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements XSQLActionHandler

Base Implementation of XSQLActionHandler that can be extended to create your own custom handlers.

Includes a set of useful helper methods.

NOTE: If you extend this class and override the init() method, make sure to call:


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
protected  void addResultElement(Node rootNode, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String content)
          Convenience method to add a single element with text content as the result of your action handler.
protected  void appendCopyOfSecondaryDocument(Node rootNode, Document d)
          Convenience method to append a copy of the entire content of one XML document to another.
protected  void appendSecondaryDocument(Node rootNode, Document d)
          Convenience method to append the entire content of one XML document to another.
protected  java.lang.String firstColumnOfFirstRow(Node rootNode, java.lang.String statement)
          Convenience method to return the first column value of the first row of a SQL statement as a String.
protected  java.lang.String[] firstNColumnsOfFirstRow(Node rootNode, java.lang.String statement, int n)
          Convenience method to return the first column value of the first row of a SQL statement as a String.
protected  Element getActionElement()
          Return the DOM Element representing the current XSQL action element in the XSQL page being processed.
protected  java.lang.String getActionElementContent()
          Convenience method to return the first (normalized) text content of the action element, with all parameter values subsituted automatically.
protected  java.lang.String getAttribute(java.lang.String attrname, Element e)
          Convenience method to get the value of an attribute by name the actionElement or some sub-element.
protected  java.lang.String getAttributeAllowingParam(java.lang.String attrname, Element e)
          Convenience method to get the value of an attribute by name the actionElement or some sub-element.
protected  int getBindVariableCount()
protected  int getDefaultFetchSize()
          Convenience method to return default row prefetch size
protected  java.lang.String getDefaultOWAFetchStyle()
protected  XSQLPageRequest getPageRequest()
          Get XSQL Page Request object for the request being processed
protected  void handleBindVariables(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt)
protected  void handleBindVariables(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt, int slotsUsed)
 void init(XSQLPageRequest env, Element e)
          Initialize the Action Handler
protected  void reportError(Node rootNode, java.lang.String message)
          Convenience method to report an error in the action handler as a standard <xsql-error> element.
protected  void reportErrorIncludingStatement(Node rootNode, java.lang.String statement, int ErrorCode, java.lang.String message)
          Convenience method to report an error in the action handler (including the offending SQL statement and error code) as a standard * <xsql-error> element.
protected  void reportErrorIncludingStatement(Node rootNode, java.lang.String statement, java.lang.String message)
          Convenience method to report an error in the action handler (including the offending SQL statement) as a standard <xsql-error> element.
protected  void reportFatalError(java.lang.String message)
          Report a fatal error message using the standard XSQL Page Processor error reporting mechanism.
protected  void reportMissingAttribute(Node rootNode, java.lang.String attrname)
          Convenience method to report an error for a missing attribute in the action handler as a standard <xsql-error> element.
protected  void reportStatus(Node rootNode, java.lang.String statusAttr, java.lang.String message)
          Convenience method to report a status in the action handler as a standard <xsql-status> element.
protected  boolean requiredConnectionProvided(Node rootNode)
          Convenience method to check whether the current page has specified a (database) connection.
protected  void setErrorStatusParamIfPresent()
protected  java.lang.String valueOfXPathInPostedXML(java.lang.String xpath)
          Convenience method to return the value of any XPath expression against the posted XML document.
protected  java.lang.String variableValue(java.lang.String varName, Element e)
          Convenience method to return the value of a parameter variable.
protected  java.lang.String[] variableValues(java.lang.String varName, Element e)
          Convenience method to return the value of a parameter variable that might have multiple values.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLActionHandler


Constructor Detail


public XSQLActionHandlerImpl()
Method Detail


protected XSQLPageRequest getPageRequest()
Get XSQL Page Request object for the request being processed


protected Element getActionElement()
Return the DOM Element representing the current XSQL action element in the XSQL page being processed. Use this to gain access to supporting attributes or element content specified in the XSQL page on which the action handler may depend.


public void init(XSQLPageRequest env,
Element e)
Description copied from interface: XSQLActionHandler
Initialize the Action Handler
Specified by:
init in interface XSQLActionHandler
env - XSQLPageRequest object
e - DOM element representing the Action Element being handled


protected void reportFatalError(java.lang.String message)
                         throws java.sql.SQLException
Report a fatal error message using the standard XSQL Page Processor error reporting mechanism. Only report a fatal error if something drastic happens inside the handler.

To report a fatal error in your action handler, call this method then throw a java.sql.SQLException with an appropriate error message.

Reporting a fatal error stops page processing and reports the error to the requestor.

message - Fatal error message string


protected void reportErrorIncludingStatement(Node rootNode,
                                             java.lang.String statement,
                                             java.lang.String message)
Convenience method to report an error in the action handler (including the offending SQL statement) as a standard <xsql-error> element.
rootNode - Root node of generated document fragment
statement - SQL Statement in error
message - Error message string


protected void reportErrorIncludingStatement(Node rootNode,
                                             java.lang.String statement,
                                             int ErrorCode,
                                             java.lang.String message)
Convenience method to report an error in the action handler (including the offending SQL statement and error code) as a standard * <xsql-error> element.
rootNode - Root node of generated document fragment
statement - SQL Statement in error
message - Error message string


protected void addResultElement(Node rootNode,
                                java.lang.String elementName,
                                java.lang.String content)
Convenience method to add a single element with text content as the result of your action handler.
rootNode - Root node of generated document fragment
elementName - Name of the result element to add
content - String to be used as text content of the element


protected boolean requiredConnectionProvided(Node rootNode)
Convenience method to check whether the current page has specified a (database) connection. Returns true if a connection has been specified, and false otherwise.
rootNode - Root node of generated document fragment


protected int getDefaultFetchSize()
Convenience method to return default row prefetch size


protected void reportError(Node rootNode,
                           java.lang.String message)
Convenience method to report an error in the action handler as a standard <xsql-error> element.
rootNode - Root node of generated document fragment
message - Error message string


protected void reportMissingAttribute(Node rootNode,
                                      java.lang.String attrname)
Convenience method to report an error for a missing attribute in the action handler as a standard <xsql-error> element.
rootNode - Root node of generated document fragment
attrname - Missing attribute name


protected void reportStatus(Node rootNode,
                            java.lang.String statusAttr,
                            java.lang.String message)
Convenience method to report a status in the action handler as a standard <xsql-status> element.
rootNode - Root node of generated document fragment
statusAttr - Name of status attribute to appear on xsql-status element
message - Error message string


protected java.lang.String getAttributeAllowingParam(java.lang.String attrname,
Element e)
Convenience method to get the value of an attribute by name the actionElement or some sub-element.

Allows the parameter value to include a reference to another parameter in its value.

e - DOM Element containing the attribute


protected java.lang.String getAttribute(java.lang.String attrname,
Element e)
Convenience method to get the value of an attribute by name the actionElement or some sub-element.

Treats the attribute value literally, without evaluating parameter references.

e - DOM Element containing the attribute


protected void appendCopyOfSecondaryDocument(Node rootNode,
Document d)
Convenience method to append a copy of the entire content of one XML document to another.
rootNode - Node to which XML document is to be appended
d - Secondary DOM Document to copy and append


protected void appendSecondaryDocument(Node rootNode,
Document d)
Convenience method to append the entire content of one XML document to another.
rootNode - Node to which XML document is to be appended
d - Secondary DOM Document to be appended


protected java.lang.String variableValue(java.lang.String varName,
Element e)
Convenience method to return the value of a parameter variable.
varName - Name of parameter variable
e - DOM Element to use to provide default parameter values


protected java.lang.String[] variableValues(java.lang.String varName,
Element e)
Convenience method to return the value of a parameter variable that might have multiple values. Returns null if there are no values for the parameter.
varName - Name of parameter variable
e - DOM Element to use to provide default parameter values


protected java.lang.String getActionElementContent()
Convenience method to return the first (normalized) text content of the action element, with all parameter values subsituted automatically.


protected java.lang.String firstColumnOfFirstRow(Node rootNode,
                                                 java.lang.String statement)
Convenience method to return the first column value of the first row of a SQL statement as a String.


protected java.lang.String[] firstNColumnsOfFirstRow(Node rootNode,
                                                     java.lang.String statement,
                                                     int n)
Convenience method to return the first column value of the first row of a SQL statement as a String.


protected java.lang.String getDefaultOWAFetchStyle()


protected void handleBindVariables(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt)
                            throws java.sql.SQLException


protected void handleBindVariables(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt,
                                   int slotsUsed)
                            throws java.sql.SQLException


protected int getBindVariableCount()
                            throws java.sql.SQLException


protected java.lang.String valueOfXPathInPostedXML(java.lang.String xpath)
                                            throws XSLException
Convenience method to return the value of any XPath expression against the posted XML document.


protected void setErrorStatusParamIfPresent()

Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part no. B12024-03
September 2004

Copyright © 2003, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.