Oracle® Application Server Web Services UDDI Client API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part No. B13971-01

Uses of Class

Packages that use UddiClientException
oracle.uddi.client Provides the starting point class for using the UDDI client API, UddiClient. 


Uses of UddiClientException in oracle.uddi.client


Methods in oracle.uddi.client that throw UddiClientException
 void TransportAuthenticationLiaison.authenticate()
 void TransportAuthenticationLiaison.close()
 void SimpleAuthenticationLiaison.authenticate()
 void SimpleAuthenticationLiaison.setCredentials(java.lang.String szUserId, java.lang.String szCred)
          Change the credential information.
 void SimpleAuthenticationLiaison.close()
          Close the authenticated session.
 void UddiAbstractClient.send(UddiElement uddiRequest, java.lang.String endPointURL, UddiElement uddiResponse)
          Sends a low level UDDI request.
 org.w3c.dom.Element UddiAbstractClient.send(org.w3c.dom.Element eltUddiRequest, java.lang.String endPointURL)
          Sends a low level UDDI request.
 void UddiAbstractClient.close()
          Closes the connection and frees up any dedicated resources.
 void UddiClient.authenticate()
          Authenticates the client to the registry in a registry-specific manner.
 BindingDetail UddiClient.findBinding(FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.String serviceKey, TModelBag tModelbag, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList UddiClient.findBusiness(java.lang.String name, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList UddiClient.findBusiness(IdentifierBag identifierBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList UddiClient.findBusiness(CategoryBag categoryBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList UddiClient.findBusiness(TModelBag tModelBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList UddiClient.findBusiness(DiscoveryURLs discoveryURLs, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList UddiClient.findBusiness(java.util.List listName, DiscoveryURLs discoveryURLs, IdentifierBag identifierBag, CategoryBag categoryBag, TModelBag tModelBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 RelatedBusinessesList UddiClient.findRelatedBusinesses(java.lang.String businessKey, KeyedReference keyedReference, FindQualifiers findQualifiers)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 ServiceList UddiClient.findService(java.lang.String businessKey, java.lang.String name, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 ServiceList UddiClient.findService(java.lang.String businessKey, CategoryBag categoryBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 ServiceList UddiClient.findService(java.lang.String businessKey, TModelBag tModelBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 ServiceList UddiClient.findService(java.lang.String businessKey, java.util.List listName, CategoryBag categoryBag, TModelBag tModelBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelList UddiClient.findTModel(java.lang.String name, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelList UddiClient.findTModel(CategoryBag categoryBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelList UddiClient.findTModel(IdentifierBag identifierBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelList UddiClient.findTModel(java.lang.String name, IdentifierBag identifierBag, CategoryBag categoryBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BindingDetail UddiClient.getBindingDetail(java.util.List listBindingKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessDetail UddiClient.getBusinessDetail(java.util.List listBusinessKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessDetailExt UddiClient.getBusinessDetailExt(java.util.List listBusinessKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 ServiceDetail UddiClient.getServiceDetail(java.util.List listServiceKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelDetail UddiClient.getTModelDetail(java.util.List listTModelKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModel UddiClient.getTModel(java.lang.String tModelKey)
          Gets a single TModel object given a single tModel key.
 BindingTemplate UddiClient.getBindingTemplate(java.lang.String bindingKey)
          Gets a single BindingTemplate object given a single bindingTemplate key.
 BusinessService UddiClient.getBusinessService(java.lang.String serviceKey)
          Gets a single BusinessService object given a single businessService key.
 BusinessEntity UddiClient.getBusinessEntity(java.lang.String businessKey)
          Gets a single BusinessEntity object given a single businessEntity key.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.addPublisherAssertion(PublisherAssertion publisherAssertion)
          Adds a single publisherAssertion.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.addPublisherAssertions(java.util.List listPublisherAssertion)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deleteBinding(java.lang.String bindingKey)
          Deletes a single bindingTemplate given a single bindingTemplate key.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deleteBinding(java.util.List listBindingKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deleteBusiness(java.lang.String businessKey)
          Deletes a single businessEntity given a single businessEntity key.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deleteBusiness(java.util.List listBusinessKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deletePublisherAssertion(PublisherAssertion publisherAssertion)
          Deletes a single publisherAssertion.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deletePublisherAssertions(java.util.List listPublisherAssertion)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deleteService(java.lang.String serviceKey)
          Deletes a single businessService given a single businessService key.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deleteService(java.util.List listServiceKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deleteTModel(java.lang.String tModelKey)
          Deletes a single tModel given a single tModel key.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.deleteTModel(java.util.List listTModelKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport UddiClient.discardAuthToken()
          Discards the 'authToken' value which represents an authenticated session with the server.
 AssertionStatusReport UddiClient.getAssertionStatusReport(java.lang.String completionStatus)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 AuthToken UddiClient.getAuthToken(java.lang.String userid, java.lang.String cred)
          Gets the 'authToken' value which represents an authenticated session with the server.
 PublisherAssertions UddiClient.getPublisherAssertions()
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 RegisteredInfo UddiClient.getRegisteredInfo()
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BindingTemplate UddiClient.saveBinding(BindingTemplate bindingTemplate)
          Saves a single BindingTemplate object.
 BindingDetail UddiClient.saveBinding(java.util.List bindingTemplates)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessEntity UddiClient.saveBusiness(BusinessEntity businessEntity)
          Saves a single BusinessEntity object.
 BusinessDetail UddiClient.saveBusiness(java.util.List businessEntities)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessDetail UddiClient.saveBusinessWithRegisters(java.util.List uploadRegisters)
          Deprecated. it is not widely implemented in UDDIv1 and is formally deprecated in UDDIv2
 BusinessService UddiClient.saveService(BusinessService businessService)
          Saves a single BusinessService object.
 ServiceDetail UddiClient.saveService(java.util.List businessServices)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModel UddiClient.saveTModel(TModel tModel)
          Saves a single TModel object.
 TModelDetail UddiClient.saveTModel(java.util.List tModels)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelDetail UddiClient.saveTModelWithRegisters(java.util.List uploadRegisters)
          Deprecated. it is not widely implemented in UDDIv1 and is formally deprecated in UDDIv2
 PublisherAssertions UddiClient.setPublisherAssertions(java.util.List listPublisherAssertion)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 void UddiClient.close()
          Closes the connection and frees up any dedicated resources.
 void AuthenticationLiaison.authenticate()
          Perform the proper authentication.
 void AuthenticationLiaison.close()
          Close the authenticated session.


Oracle® Application Server Web Services UDDI Client API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

Part No. B13971-01

Copyright © 2001, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.