Oracle Application Server Java Object Cache API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Package oracle.ias.cache

Interface Summary
CacheEventListener CacheEventListener is an interface an application can implement for special handling of events such as object invalidation.
Declarable This interface is defined for declarative caching.
PoolAffinityFactory PoolAffinity is an interface defining the affinityRelease method PoolAffinity defines the method affinityRelease which is called when an affinity pool object is requested by another user.
PoolInstanceFactory PoolInstanceFactory is an interface for generating and destroying the instances of objects in a pool.


Class Summary
AggregateStatus The AggregateStatus class provides an encapsulation of the aggregate runtime status for objects in the cache.
Attributes Attributes is used to define how an object should be managed by the cache.
Cache The Cache class provides APIs for cache administration tasks, such as initialization, termination and monitoring.
CacheAccess CacheAccess provides a public API to access the cache.
CacheAttributes CacheAttributes has the Cache configuration information.
CacheEvent CacheEvent represents an internal cache event.
CacheHostInfo The CacheHostInfo class provides the host and current port being used for a cache in the cache system.
CacheListLoader CacheListLoader is an abstract class.
CacheLoader CacheLoader is an abstract class.
CacheLogger CacheLogger is an abstract class.
CacheObjectInfo The CacheObjectInfo class describes the meta data information associated with an object in the cache.
CapacityPolicy CapacityPolicy is an abstract class.
DefaultCacheLogger DefaultCacheLogger extends CacheLogger abstract class and provides a default logging implementation.
EventInfo An internal class used to pass cache event information to the CacheMgr thread.
ListObject The ListObjectsEnumeration class provides an enumeration of ListObject objects that describe the objects in a region.
ObjectStatus The ObjectStatus class provides an encapsulation of the runtime status of an object in the cache.
PoolAccess PoolAccess provides the cache pooling API.


Exception Summary
CacheException CacheException is a generic exception, which indicates a cache error has occurred.
CacheFullException Indicates that the maximum number of objects in the cache has been reached.
CacheNotAvailableException Indicates that the caching system has not been initialized or is temporarily unavailable
CachePermissionsException Thrown if a CacheAccess handle is used to update or invalidate an object, which is synchronized, but the handle is not the current owner.
CallbackException Thrown when a user supplied callback method throws an exception, cache system will catch it and throw this CallbackException.
CantSynchronizeGroupException Thrown when user tries to synchronize a group object, Group objects can not be synchronized.
DiskCacheException Indicates there is a disk cache related error occurs.
GroupNameException Thrown when application tries to add the group object to the same group itself, a group object can not be in its own group.
GroupUseException Thrown when the requested functionality is not supported on a group.
InvalidArgumentException Indicates one of the arguments to the method is not valid.
InvalidGroupException Signals that the group object accessed is no longer valid.
InvalidHandleException Indicates that the CacheAccess handle used to refer the object is not valid, Probably the CacheAccess handle has been closed.
InvalidObjectException Signals that an invalid object was unexpectedly encountered.
InvalidOperationException Indicates one of the arguments to the method is not valid.
LoadConflictException Signals that an update was requested on an object that is currently being updated or loaded.
NetOfflineException Signals that the cache service in this process was unable to connect to the distributed messaging layer.
NetworkException Signals that a problem in the message layer of the cache has occurred
NoObjectAvailableException Thrown when the requested object is not available in a pool.
NotAPoolException Thrown when the requested pool name is not associated to a pool.
NotARetrievableObjectException Thrown when application tried to access a group or pool object, as an individual object such as from CacheAccess.get().
NotImplementedException Thrown when a request for functionality, which has not be implemented, has been made.


Oracle Application Server Java Object Cache API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


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