Oracle Application Server JAAS Provider API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Uses of Class

Packages that use JAZNException Provides the classes and interfaces for Oracle's authorization/policy provider for JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service). Provides the classes and interfaces for administering Login Modules. Provides the classes and interfaces for administering the authorization policy. Provides the classes and interfaces for the Realm framework. 


Uses of JAZNException in


Subclasses of JAZNException in
 class JAZNNamingException
          A JAZNNamingException class is used to wrap a javax.naming.NamingException.
 class JAZNObjectExistsException
          JAZNObjectExistsException is thrown when an attempt is made to create an object that already exists.
 class JAZNObjectNotFoundException
          JAZNObjectNotFoundException is thrown when an attempt is made to access an object that does not already exist.


Methods in that throw JAZNException
 void Persistable.persist()
          Persists changes to backing store
 void JAZNConfig.persist()
          Serializes the content of the JAZNConfig instance.


Uses of JAZNException in


Methods in that throw JAZNException
 void LoginModuleManager.addAppConfigurationEntry(java.lang.String applicationName, newAppConfigEntry)
          Adds a new AppConfigurationEntry to the specified application.
 void LoginModuleManager.updateAppConfigurationEntry(java.lang.String applicationName, java.lang.String loginModuleName, controlFlag, java.util.Map options)
          Updates an AppConfigurationEntry of the specified application.
 void LoginModuleManager.removeAppConfigurationEntry(java.lang.String applicationName, java.lang.String loginModuleName)
          Removes an AppConfigurationEntry from the specified application.
 void LoginModuleManager.removeApplication(java.lang.String applicationName)
          Removes an application from the repository.


Uses of JAZNException in


Methods in that throw JAZNException
 RealmRole RoleAdminPermission.getRole()
          Returns the role associated with this permission.
 Realm RealmPolicy.getRealm()
          Returns the realm associated with this policy.
 java.util.Collection RealmPolicy.getGrantees()
          Returns the grantees of this policy.
 boolean RealmPolicy.createGrantee(Grantee grantee)
          Creates a new grantee in this policy.
 boolean RealmPolicy.dropGrantee(Grantee grantee, boolean cascade)
          Drops an existing grantee from this policy.
 java.util.Collection PrincipalClassManager.getPrincipalClasses()
          Returns all the managed principal classes.
 boolean PrincipalClassManager.addPrincipalClass(PrincipalClassDesc principalClassDesc)
          Registers a new principal class with the system.
 boolean PrincipalClassManager.removePrincipalClass(java.lang.String principalClassName, boolean cascade)
          Unregisters an existing principal class from the system.
 GlobalPolicy PolicyManager.getGlobalPolicy()
          Returns the global policy.
 RealmPolicy PolicyManager.getRealmPolicy(Realm realm)
          Returns the policy associated with the specified realm.
 java.util.Collection PermissionClassManager.getPermissionClasses()
          Returns all the managed permission classes.
 boolean PermissionClassManager.addPermissionClass(PermissionClassDesc permClassDesc)
          Registers a new permission class with the system.
 boolean PermissionClassManager.removePermissionClass(java.lang.String permClassName, boolean cascade)
          Unregisters an existing permission class from the system.
 void JAZNPolicy.grant(Grantee grantee, perm)
          Grants a permission to the specified grantee, optionally with admin option.
 void JAZNPolicy.revoke(Grantee grantee, perm)
          Revokes the permission from the specified grantee JAZNPolicy.getPermissions(Grantee grantee, java.lang.Class perm_cls)
          Lists all permissions of the specified Class granted to this grantee.
 boolean JAZNPolicy.hasPermission(Grantee grantee, perm)
          Returns true if the grantee in question can assume the specified permission.
 java.util.Collection GlobalPolicy.getGrantees()
          Returns the grantees of this policy.
 boolean GlobalPolicy.createGrantee(Grantee grantee)
          Creates a new grantee in this policy.
 boolean GlobalPolicy.dropGrantee(Grantee grantee, boolean cascade)
          Drops an existing grantee from this policy.


Uses of JAZNException in


Methods in that throw JAZNException
 void UserManager.setRealm(Realm realm)
          Set the realm that this UserManager is associated with.
 void UserManager.initialize(java.util.Hashtable attributes)
          Initialize the UserManager if it's not yet intialized.
 java.util.Set UserManager.getUsers()
          Returns the users in this UserManager
 int UserManager.getUserCount()
          Returns the number of users in this UserManager
 RealmUser UserManager.getUser(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the RealmUser with the specified name
 RealmUser UserManager.createUser(java.lang.String name)
          Create a RealmUser in this realm
 RealmUser UserManager.createUser(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String passwd)
          Create a RealmUser in this realm
 void UserManager.dropUser(java.lang.String name)
          Drops user of the specified name from this realm.
 void UserManager.dropUser(java.lang.String name, boolean cascade)
          Drops user of the specified name from this realm.
 void RoleManager.setRealm(Realm realm)
          Set the realm that this RoleManager is associated with.
 void RoleManager.initialize(java.util.Hashtable attributes)
          Initialize the RoleManager if it's not yet intialized.
 java.util.Set RoleManager.getRoles()
          Returns a Set of roles in this RoleManager
 int RoleManager.getRoleCount()
          Returns the number of roles in this RoleManager
 RealmRole RoleManager.getRole(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the RealmRole with the specified name
 java.util.Set RoleManager.getGrantees(RealmRole role, boolean direct_grant)
          Returns the Grantees that are directly or indirectly granted the specified role.
 java.util.Set RoleManager.getGrantedRoles(RealmPrincipal principal, boolean direct_grant)
          Returns a set of RealmRole which are directly or indirectly granted to the specified principal.
 RealmRole RoleManager.createRole(java.lang.String name)
          Create a RealmRole in this realm.
 void RoleManager.dropRole(java.lang.String name)
          Drop the role with the specifed name.
 void RoleManager.dropRole(RealmRole role)
          Drop the role given the role instance
 void RoleManager.grantRole(RealmPrincipal principal, RealmRole role)
          Grants a role to a RealmPrincipal.
 void RoleManager.revokeRole(RealmPrincipal principal, RealmRole role)
          Revokes a role from a RealmPrincipal
abstract  java.util.Set RealmManager.getRealms()
          Gets all the realms registered with JAZN.
abstract  Realm RealmManager.getRealm(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the Realm instance of the specified name
abstract  Realm RealmManager.createRealm(java.lang.String name, InitRealmInfo realmInfo)
          Creates a Realm, it's UserManager and RoleManager using the information specified in the InitRealmInfo object.
abstract  void RealmManager.dropRealm(java.lang.String name)
          Drops a Realm of the specified name This operation will drop the entrie subtree belong the the specific realm.
abstract  void RealmManager.dropRealm(Realm realm)
          Drops a Realm given the realm instance.
 RealmUser Realm.getAdministrator()
          Returns the administrator for this realm.
 RealmRole Realm.getAdminRole()
          Returns the admin role for this realm instance.
 RoleManager Realm.getRoleManager()
          Returns a reference to the RoleManager for this realm
 UserManager Realm.getUserManager()
          Returns a reference to the UserManager for this realm
 void Realm.setProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Modify the value of a realm property given its key.


Oracle Application Server JAAS Provider API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


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