Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _


UIMessageBundle - class oracle.jbo.uicli.UIMessageBundle.
UIMessageBundle() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.uicli.UIMessageBundle
UI_ROWKEY - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.ShowValueTag
UNASSIGNED_NULL - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
Two types of null supported.
UNASSIGNED_NULL - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
Two types of null supported.
UNREFERENCED_INSTANCE_RECYCLED - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolListener
UNSHARED - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationModuleRef
UNSHARED - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookie
UPDATEABLE - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.AttributeDef
The attribute can be freely modified.
UPDATEABLE_PARAM - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.ShowDefinitionTag
UPDATEABLE_WHILE_NEW - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.AttributeDef
The attribute can be modified until it is committed, but cannot be subsequently modified.
URL - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.HTMLImageURL
URL - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.HTMLTextURL
USER_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.PropertyMetadata
USE_APPLET - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.JboContext
Must be used whenever the client is an applet.
USE_BIND - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.ConnectionModeConstants
Indicates that remote applets are to use BIND.
USE_CLIENT_SERVICE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.JboEnvUtil
USE_DEFAULT_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.JboContext
USE_DEFINE_COLUMN_LENGTH - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
USE_DEFINE_COLUMN_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.PropertyMetadata
USE_DEFINE_COLUMN_LENGTH_BYTES - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
USE_DEFINE_COLUMN_LENGTH_CHARS - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
USE_DEFINE_COLUMN_LENGTH_JDBC_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
USE_DEFINE_COLUMN_LENGTH_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
USE_IOR - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.ConnectionModeConstants
Indicates that IOR is to be used.
UnassignedNull_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
UnassignedNull_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
UnknownFormatterException - exception oracle.jbo.format.UnknownFormatterException.
Exception used by methods in oracle.dacf.Formatter.FormatManager interface.
UnknownFormatterException() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.format.UnknownFormatterException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
UnknownFormatterException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.format.UnknownFormatterException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
UnknownLocaleException - exception oracle.jbo.format.UnknownLocaleException.
Exception used by methods in oracle.dacf.Formatter.Formatter interface.
UnknownLocaleException() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.format.UnknownLocaleException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
UnknownLocaleException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.format.UnknownLocaleException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
UnknownSQLTypeException - exception oracle.jbo.common.UnknownSQLTypeException.
Indicates that an attempt has been made to use a unknown or unimplemented SQL data type.
UnknownSQLTypeException(Class, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.UnknownSQLTypeException
Creates an exception to be localized using the specified resource bundle and error code.
UnknownSQLTypeException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.UnknownSQLTypeException
Creates an exception to be localized using CSMessageBundle and error code EXC_TYP_UNKNOWN_SQL_TYPE.
UnknownType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
UnknownType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
UpdateAction - class oracle.jbo.html.struts11.actions.UpdateAction.
UpdateAction() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.html.struts11.actions.UpdateAction
UpdateAttrPrivilegeException - exception oracle.jbo.UpdateAttrPrivilegeException.
Indicates an attempt to modify a read-only attribute.
UpdateAttrPrivilegeException(int, Class, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.UpdateAttrPrivilegeException
Creates a localizable exception for an object.
UpdateAttrPrivilegeException(int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.UpdateAttrPrivilegeException
Creates a non-localizable exception for an object.
UpdateEvent - class oracle.jbo.UpdateEvent.
An event class used by RowSetIterator to inform its listeners when a row is modified.
UpdateEvent(RowSetIterator, Row, int, int[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.UpdateEvent
Creates an event when a row is modified.
UpdateRegionTag - class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.pagecontrol.UpdateRegionTag.
UpdateRegionTag() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.pagecontrol.UpdateRegionTag
UpdateViewObject - class oracle.jbo.xsql.UpdateViewObject.
UpdateViewObject() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.xsql.UpdateViewObject
UrlEventTag - class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.UrlEventTag.
UrlEventTag() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.UrlEventTag
Usage() - Static method in class oracle.jbo.server.util.SafeExec
Usage() - Static method in class oracle.jbo.server.util.ShowPath
Describe how to use this class
UseBindingContainerTag - class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.UseBindingContainerTag.
UseBindingContainerTag() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.UseBindingContainerTag
UserAznUtil - class oracle.jbo.common.UserAznUtil.
UserAznUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.UserAznUtil
Utils - class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.Utils.
Utils() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.Utils
unExportAppModuleServant(Servant) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.remote.corba.RemoteApplicationModuleHomeImpl
unMarshal(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.client.remote.ApplicationModuleImpl
unMarshal(Object) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.ObjectMarshaller
unMarshal(ObjectMarshaller) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.SvcMethodRequest
unMarshal(ObjectMarshaller) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.SvcMethodResponse
unMarshal(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.remote.ObjectMarshallerImpl
unMarshal(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.remote.ejb.EJBObjectMarshallerImpl
unMarshalUnserial(Object) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.common.TypeMarshaller
unMarshalValue(Object, ObjectMarshaller) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.common.SvcMsgDataRow
unMarshalled() - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.Marshallable
unMarshalled() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.remote.RuntimeViewRowSetIteratorInfo
unRegisterNavigationBarInterface(JUPanelBinding, BindingContext) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUUtil
unRegisterStatusBarInterface(JUPanelBinding, BindingContext) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUUtil
unbind(String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContext
unbind(Name) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContext
unbindFromBean() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.EJBEntityImpl
uncacheIcon(Icon) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.common.ResourceManager
Remove a previously cached icon from the icon cache and flush the associated image data (this method is not for public use, please just pretend you didn't see it).
unflattenName(String) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.common.JboNameUtil
unmarshal(ObjectMarshaller) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.JboServiceMessage
unregisterCleanup() - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.ChartRenderer
Deprecated. unregister HTTP Session binding listner used to cleanup the chart objects generated in this session
unspecified(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.struts11.actions.EditAction
unspecified dispatch method This is the case whe no event is specified.
updateAttributeValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUSpinnerBinding
updateBean(EJBLocalObject) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade.EntityFacadeImpl
An abstract method responsible for updating the Entity Bean with attribute values from this Entity Facade.
updateConnectionDefinition(String, ConnectionDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.jbo.client.Configuration
updateNavigated(NavigationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlAttrsBinding
Overridden as a no-op.
updateNavigated(NavigationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierNodeBinding
updateNavigated(NavigationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlRangeBinding
Method to handle Navigation event from the BC4J iterator.
updateNavigated(NavigationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding
Update the current row display as the currency has navigated in the iterator with which this control binding is working.
updateNavigated(NavigationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTableBinding
Adjusts the display to move the current row selection to the new current row.
updateNavigated(NavigationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTreeNodeBinding
updateRangeScrolled(ScrollEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlAttrsBinding
Overridden as a no-op.
updateRangeScrolled(ScrollEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierNodeBinding
updateRangeScrolled(ScrollEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlRangeBinding
Method to handle scroll events from the BC4J iterator.
updateRangeScrolled(ScrollEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding
Update the control display based on whether the rows of data has scrolled.
updateRangeScrolled(ScrollEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTableBinding
Adjusts the scrollbar of the associated JTable and also refreshes the display with the current set of rows in range in the associated RowIterator.
updateRangeScrolled(ScrollEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTreeBinding
updateReference(ViewRowImpl, EntityImpl, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection
Set reference entity based on foreign keys
updateRowAttributesFromRequestParameters(DataSource, Row, RequestParameters) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.html.HtmlServices
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
updateRowAttributesFromRequestParameters(ViewObject, Row, RequestParameters) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.html.HtmlServices
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
updateRowAttributesFromRequestParameters(DataSource, RequestParameters) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.RowTag
updateRowAttributesFromRequestParameters(DataSource, Row, PageContext, RequestParameters) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.RowTag
updateRowDeleted(DeleteEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierNodeBinding
Removes a child node that displays the deleted row from amongst this node's children.
updateRowDeleted(DeleteEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding
Notification that a row was deleted in the associated iterator.
updateRowDeleted(DeleteEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTableBinding
When a row is deleted in the associated iterator, this method gets invoked by the framework, so that this binding can update the displayed rows in the JTable after stopping the edit function on the current cell (if a cell was being edited).
updateRowDeleted(DeleteEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTreeNodeBinding
Removes a child node that displays the deleted row from amongst this node's children.
updateRowInserted(InsertEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierNodeBinding
Update the display by adding a node to render the inserted row as this node's child.
updateRowInserted(InsertEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding
Notification that a new row was inserted in the associated iterator.
updateRowInserted(InsertEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTableBinding
When a new row is inserted into the associated Iterator, this method gets invoked by the framework.
updateRowSetFromXML(Element, int, RowSetImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
Creates a key from the given element's sub-elements to find an existing row.
updateTargetFromSelectedValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding
updateTargetFromSelectedValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUComboBoxBinding
updateTargetFromSelectedValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUSpinnerBinding
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding
Calls updateValueFromRow() on each instance of DCCtrlValueBinding objects associated with this iterator binding object.
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlAttrsBinding
Updates the control-binding and hence the control with attribute values from the attributes of this Row.
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierBinding
This method is called in the framework when values of a single row need to be updated in a control (typically on a navigation event).
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierNodeBinding
Finds the child node that displays this row and updates its display.
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlRangeBinding
This method is called in the framework when values of a single row need to be updated in a control (typically on a navigation event).
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding
Given a row, update the control with new attribute values from this row based on the attributes with which this binding is associated.
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUIteratorBinding
Calls updateValueFromRow() on each instance of JUCtrlValueBinding objects associated with this iterator binding object.
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULabelBinding
Makes sure that labels are not turned into disabled if the attribute is marked readonly.
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULovButtonBinding
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTreeBinding
This method is called in the framework when values of a single row need to be updated in a control (typically on a navigation event).
updateValuesFromRow(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTreeNodeBinding
Finds the child node that displays this row and updates its display.
updateValuesFromRows(Row[], Row, boolean) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding
Calls updateValuesFromRows() on each instance of DCCtrlRangeBinding object associated with this iterator binding object.
updateValuesFromRows(Row[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlAttrsBinding
Passes on the first row from the given array of rows to updateValuesFromRow() method to update the bound control's display.
updateValuesFromRows(Row[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierBinding
Updates the nodes in the tree based on the given set of rows.
updateValuesFromRows(Row[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierNodeBinding
updateValuesFromRows(Row[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlRangeBinding
This method is invoked in the framework to update values displayed in the associated control.
updateValuesFromRows(Row[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding
Given a set of rows, update the control with new attribute values from the rows based on the attributes with which this binding is associated.
updateValuesFromRows(Row[], Row, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUIteratorBinding
Calls updateValuesFromRows() on each instance of JUCtrlRangeBinding object associated with this iterator binding object.
updateValuesFromRows(Row[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTableBinding
Updates the JTable's display with the given set of rows after optionally clearing out the current rows (if clear is true).
url - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.DHTMLButtonElement
url - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.DHTMLRow
url - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.DHTMLTab
urlProtocols - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.client.JboCMUtils
useApplicationModule() - Method in interface oracle.jbo.ApplicationModuleHandle
Returns an application module instance.
useApplicationModule() - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationModuleRef
Returns an application module instance without acquiring a session cookie lock.
useApplicationModule(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationModuleRef
Returns an application module instance for the current thread.
useApplicationModule(boolean, long) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationModuleRef
Returns an application module instance for the current thread.
useApplicationModule(SessionCookie, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPool
Returns an application module for the specified session cookie.
useApplicationModule(SessionCookie, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl
useApplicationModule() - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl
useApplicationModule(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl
useApplicationModule(boolean, long) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl
The default implementation must obtain a session cookie lock before checking an application module instance out from the pool.
useApplicationModule(boolean, long) - Method in class oracle.jbo.http.HttpSessionCookieImpl
useBorder - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.HTMLTable
useCheckBoxGroup(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
A shortcut method for associating a check box group with the given attribute.
useComboBox(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
A shortcut method for associating a combo box with the given attribute.
useDataSource(String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ejb.SessionBeanImpl
Set the JNDI name of the dataSource used for acquiring the jdbc connection.
useDateField(String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Displays a calendar for the specified attribute.
useDefaultContext(Hashtable) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.common.JboEnvUtil
useDefaultDataControl(BindingContext) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelBinding
useDefaultFormat() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.HTMLForm
useEditField(String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Displays a single-line edit field in the HMTL form for the specified attribute.
useGlobalTransaction() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ejb.LocalApplicationModuleImpl
useGlobalTransaction() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.remote.ejb.EJBApplicationModuleImpl
useHiddenField(String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Provides a non-viewable field in the HMTL form for the specified attribute.
useJS - Variable in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Determines whether JavaScript is used for the dynamic version of EditCurrentRecord.
useJS - Variable in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.FindForm
useJS - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.HTMLForm
useLOV(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Enables a LOV (list of values) for the specified attribute in the UI.
useLabel - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.HTMLFormField
useListAdapter() - Method in class oracle.adf.model.generic.DCRowSetIteratorImpl
Let a subclass decide if the ListAdapter should be used to avoid creating an iterator over the original list.
useListBox(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
A shortcut method for associating a list box with the given attribute.
useListOfValues(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Enables a LOV (list of values) for the specified attribute in the UI.
useModalPage - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.DHTMLToolBar
useMultiPartFormat() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.html.HTMLForm
useMultipartForm - Variable in class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.SetAttributeTag
useRadioGroup(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
A shortcut method for associating a radio button group with the given attribute.
useRange - Variable in class oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.RowsetIterateTag
useResource(Properties) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl
useRoundedCorners - Variable in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Determines whether rounded or squared corners are used on the HTML form.
useRoundedCorners - Variable in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.FindForm
useRoundedCorners - Variable in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.RowSetBrowser
useRoundedCorners - Variable in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.ViewCurrentRecord
useServerObject(Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.SvcMsgDataRow
Advanced - for internal use only.
useStaticCheckBoxGroup(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Defines a check box group picklist that is populated from two arrays: one for the labels and the other for the values.
useStaticComboBox(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Defines an attribute's combo box picklist that is populated from two arrays: one for the labels and the other for the values.
useStaticListBox(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Defines an attribute's list box picklist that is populated from two arrays: one for the labels and the other for the values.
useStaticRadioGroup(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Defines a radio group picklist that is populated from two arrays: one for the labels and the other for the values.
useTextArea(String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord
Displays a multi-line edit field in the HTML form for the specified attribute.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _


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