Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use DCRowContext
oracle.adf.model.binding Contains the abstract implementation of ADFm binding objects. 


Uses of DCRowContext in oracle.adf.model.bc4j


Methods in oracle.adf.model.bc4j with parameters of type DCRowContext
 java.lang.Object DCJboDataControl.createRowData(DCRowContext ctx)
 boolean DCJboDataControl.removeRowData(DCRowContext ctx)


Uses of DCRowContext in oracle.adf.model.binding


Methods in oracle.adf.model.binding with parameters of type DCRowContext
 java.lang.Object DCDataControl.registerDataProvider(DCRowContext ctx)
          Called before the row in the RowContext object is modified/marked as removed.
 java.lang.Object DCDataControl.createRowData(DCRowContext ctx)
          Create a new row for the iterator associated with the given iterator-binding at the given index and return the new row.
 boolean DCDataControl.removeRowData(DCRowContext ctx)
          This method is to remove the row object (the obj parameter) from the underlying data source.
 boolean DCDataControl.removeRowDataFromCollection(DCRowContext ctx)
          This method is to remove the row object (the obj parameter) from the collection.


Uses of DCRowContext in oracle.adf.model.generic


Subclasses of DCRowContext in oracle.adf.model.generic
 class DCGenericRowContext


Methods in oracle.adf.model.generic with parameters of type DCRowContext
 boolean DCGenericDataControl.removeRowData(DCRowContext ctx)
 java.lang.Object DCGenericDataControl.createRowData(DCRowContext ctx)


Uses of DCRowContext in oracle.adf.model.generic.toplink


Methods in oracle.adf.model.generic.toplink with parameters of type DCRowContext
 boolean TopLinkDataControl.removeRowData(DCRowContext ctx)
          Return true if the row at the given index is removed from the the RSI associated with the given iterator-binding.
 java.lang.Object TopLinkDataControl.createRowData(DCRowContext ctx)
          Creates the object described by DCRowContext, adds it to the underlying provider Collection, registers it in the given transaction, and returns the newly created object.


Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02


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