Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use TopLinkDataControl


Uses of TopLinkDataControl in oracle.adf.model.generic.toplink


Methods in oracle.adf.model.generic.toplink with parameters of type TopLinkDataControl
protected  void TransactionBroker.release(TopLinkDataControl dataControl)
          Handles the releasing behavior that occurs when associated TopLinkDataControls are released from the binding container and subsequent application server (typically during application timeout or shutdown).
protected  void TransactionBroker.addDataControl(TopLinkDataControl dataControl)
          Adds a TopLinkDataControl to be managed by this TransactionBroker.
protected  void TransactionBroker.removeDataControl(TopLinkDataControl dataControl)
          Removes a TopLinkDataControl from being managed by this TransactionBroker.
protected  boolean TransactionBroker.isDataControlRegistered(TopLinkDataControl dataControl)
          Determines whether a TopLinkDataControl is being managed by this TransactionBroker.


Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02


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