Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDiagnostic
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier. 


Uses of IDiagnostic in oracle.jbo.common


Classes in oracle.jbo.common that implement IDiagnostic
 class ConsoleDiagnosticImpl
          The superclass for classes that display diagnostics in a console.
 class FileDiagnosticImpl
          A Diagnostic implementation that routes output to a file.
 class IASDiagnosticImpl
          The superclass for classes that display diagnostics in a console.
 class PipeDiagnosticImpl
          The superclass for classes that act as a stream for diagnostic messages.
 class SharedFileDiagnosticImpl
          A Diagnostic implementation that routes output to a file.
 class SilentDiagnosticImpl
          The superclass for classes that act as null output devices.


Methods in oracle.jbo.common that return IDiagnostic
static IDiagnostic DiagnosticFactory.createDiagnostic()
          Creates an instance of an implementation of the IDiagnostic interface.
static IDiagnostic Diagnostic.getInstance()
          Returns the IDiagnostic instance.


Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02


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