/* * @(#)ConnectionInfo.java * * Copyright 2000-2002 by Oracle Corporation, * 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, California, 94065, U.S.A. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of Oracle Corporation. */ package oracle.jbo.html.jsp; import java.util.Hashtable; import oracle.jbo.ConnectionModeConstants; import oracle.jbo.JboContext; import oracle.jbo.common.PropertyMetadata; import oracle.jdeveloper.cm.ConnectionDescriptor; import oracle.jdeveloper.cm.ConnectionManager; /** ** Represents the connection information used by the ApplicationPool class in order ** to instantiate an ApplicationModule. ** ** View implementation of ConnectionInfo **

**/ public class ConnectionInfo extends Object { public static final String O8I_CONNECT_STRING = "jdbc:oracle:kprb:"; public static final String SET_CONNECT_MODE = "ConnectMode"; public static final String SET_CONNECTION_NAME = "ConnectionName"; public static final String SET_PASSWORD = "Password"; public static final String SET_USERNAME = "UserName"; public static final String SET_JNDI_PATH = "JndiPath"; public static final String SET_APP_MODULE = "ApplicationModuleName"; public static final String SET_POOL_CLASS = "PoolClassName"; public static final String SET_APP_PATH = "ApplicationPath"; public static final String SET_HOST_NAME = "HostName"; public static final String SET_DAD_NAME = "DatabaseAccessDescriptor"; public static final String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL = "LOCAL"; public static final String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_CORBA = "8i"; public static final String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_EJB = "EJB"; public static final String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_NAMING = "VB_NAMING"; public static final String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_BINDING = "VB_BINDING"; public static final String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_COLOCATE = "VB_COLOCATE"; //public static final String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_OAS_EJB = "OAS_EJB"; static private ConnectionManager cm = ConnectionManager.getInstance(); String sAppModuleClass; String sConnectType; String sConnectionName; String sPassword; String sUserName; String sJndiPath; String sApplicationPath; String sConnectUrl; Hashtable connectSettings = new Hashtable (10); String sPoolClass = "oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl"; String sHostName; String sDad; /** * Constructor */ public ConnectionInfo() { } public String getUserName() { return this.sUserName; } /** **

  **  This constructor provides a convenient way to initialize the ConnectionInfo's variables by
  **  providing a Hashtable with the values for the various properties. The expected name/value pairs
  **  are:
  **    ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECT_MODE  - This can be Local, 8i or EJB
  **    ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECTION_NAME - The named connection to be used for getting the
  **                                         connection information.
  **    ConnectionInfo.SET_PASSWORD         - The password to be used in the connection URL
  **    ConnectionInfo.SET_USERNAME         - The user name to be used in the connection URL
  **    ConnectionInfo.SET_JNDI_PATH        - The JndiPath to be used (If applicable to the connection type)
  **    ConnectionInfo.SET_APP_MODULE       - The Class name for the application module to be instantiated
  **    ConnectionInfo.SET_POOL_CLASS       - The Class name of the class to use instead of the default
  **                                         ApplicationPool implementation class.
  **    ConnectionInfo.SET_APP_PATH         - application path ( maps to JboContext.APPLICATION_PATH)
  **   Here is a sample initialization of some of the parameters:
  **    Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(10);
  **    ht.put(ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECT_MODE , ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL);
  **    ht.put(ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECTION_NAME, "Connection1");
  **    ht.put(ConnectionInfo.SET_APP_MODULE , "package1.Package1Module");
**/ public ConnectionInfo(Hashtable props) { sConnectType = (String)props.get(SET_CONNECT_MODE); sConnectionName = (String)props.get(SET_CONNECTION_NAME); sPassword = (String)props.get(SET_PASSWORD); sJndiPath = (String)props.get(SET_JNDI_PATH); sAppModuleClass = (String)props.get(SET_APP_MODULE); sApplicationPath = (String)props.get(SET_APP_PATH); sHostName = (String)props.get(this.SET_HOST_NAME); sDad = (String)props.get(this.SET_DAD_NAME); if(props.get(SET_POOL_CLASS) != null) { sPoolClass = (String)props.get(SET_POOL_CLASS); } if(props.get(SET_USERNAME) != null) { sUserName = (String)props.get(this.SET_USERNAME); } else { sUserName = null; } initializeConnectionSettings(); } /** ** This function should be called after setting values for the ConnectionName,ConnectionType and Password ** properties. It parses the connection information and generates the connection URL. If you ** are setting the connection URL directly, don't call this function or it will erase your current setting. **/ public void initializeConnectionSettings() { if(sConnectType.equalsIgnoreCase(SET_CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL)) { initializeFromConnectionName(sConnectionName); // default to default value (local mode) connectSettings.put(PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pName, PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pDefault); connectSettings.put(PropertyMetadata.DEPLOY_PLATFORM.pName, PropertyMetadata.DEPLOY_PLATFORM.pDefault); } else if (sConnectType.equalsIgnoreCase(SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_CORBA)) { populateHashTableWithRemoteConnectionInfo(connectSettings , sConnectionName, sPassword, sJndiPath); // adjust connetion url to use 8i jdbc connection sConnectUrl = O8I_CONNECT_STRING; } else if (sConnectType.equalsIgnoreCase(this.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_EJB)) { // it's ejb populateHashTableWithRemoteConnectionInfo(connectSettings , sConnectionName, sPassword, sJndiPath); connectSettings.put(JboContext.DEPLOY_PLATFORM, JboContext.PLATFORM_EJB); // adjust connection url to use 8i jdbc connection sConnectUrl = O8I_CONNECT_STRING; } /* else if (sConnectType.equalsIgnoreCase(this.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_OAS_EJB)) { // it's OAS ejb populateHashTableWithOasRemoteConnectionInfo(connectSettings , sConnectionName, sPassword, sJndiPath); sConnectUrl = "jdbc:oracle:jts8:@"; if(sDad == null) { throw new RuntimeException(Res.getString(Res.MSG_DAD_MISSING)); } sConnectUrl += sDad; if(sApplicationPath == null) { throw new RuntimeException(Res.getString(Res.MSG_APP_PATH_MISSING)); } connectSettings.put(JboContext.APPLICATION_PATH, sApplicationPath); } */ else if (sConnectType.equalsIgnoreCase(this.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_NAMING)) { initializeFromConnectionName(sConnectionName); connectSettings.put(PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pName, PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pDefault); connectSettings.put(JboContext.DEPLOY_PLATFORM, JboContext.PLATFORM_VB); connectSettings.put(JboContext.CONNECTION_MODE, new Integer(ConnectionModeConstants.REMOTE)); if(sApplicationPath == null) { throw new RuntimeException(Res.getString(Res.MSG_APP_PATH_MISSING)); } connectSettings.put(JboContext.APPLICATION_PATH, sApplicationPath); } else if (sConnectType.equalsIgnoreCase(this.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_BINDING)) { initializeFromConnectionName(sConnectionName); connectSettings.put(PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pName, PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pDefault); connectSettings.put(JboContext.DEPLOY_PLATFORM, JboContext.PLATFORM_VB); connectSettings.put(JboContext.CONNECTION_MODE, new Integer(ConnectionModeConstants.USE_BIND)); if(sHostName != null) { connectSettings.put(JboContext.HOST_NAME, sHostName); } } else if (sConnectType.equalsIgnoreCase(this.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_COLOCATE)) { initializeFromConnectionName(sConnectionName); connectSettings.put(PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pName, PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pDefault); connectSettings.put(JboContext.DEPLOY_PLATFORM, JboContext.PLATFORM_VB); connectSettings.put(JboContext.CONNECTION_MODE, new Integer(ConnectionModeConstants.COLOCATE)); } else { String sError = Res.getString(Res.MSG_UNKNOWN_CONNECT_TYPE); sError += SET_CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL + "," + SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_CORBA + "," + SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_EJB + "," + SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_NAMING + "," + SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_BINDING + "," + SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_COLOCATE ; throw new RuntimeException(sError); } } /** ** Provides the Class name for the Class that implements the ApplicationPool interface. If you application ** requires a specialization of the ApplicationPool interface, derive your class from the ApplicationPoolImpl ** class or implement the ApplicationPool interface in your new class. You can then assing you class name to ** the connectinfo prior to creating the named pool. **/ public void setPoolClass(String sClass) { sPoolClass = sClass; } /** ** Returns the Class name used for the ApplicationPool **/ public String getPoolClass() { return sPoolClass; } /** ** Sets up the connection type. It should be one of the folowing settings: ** **
  **  ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL
  **  ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_CORBA
  **  ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_EJB
**/ public void setConnectionType(String sType) { this.sConnectType = sType; } /** ** Returns the current value of connection type. **/ public String getConnectionType() { return this.sConnectType; } /** ** Assigns the connection name. The name must refer to a connection defined in the connections.properties ** file. You must make sure you deploy the connections.properties file as part of your application's classes. **/ public void setConnectionName(String sName) { this.sConnectionName = sName; } /** ** Returns the connection name **/ public String getConnectionName() { return this.sConnectionName; } /** ** Retrieves the Hashtable that contains all the connection parameters being used to instanciate an ** application module. **/ public Hashtable getConnectionSettings() { return connectSettings; } /** ** Sets the connection settings to be used for instanciating and Application Module. Please look at the implementation ** of the initializeConnectionSettings() method for a sample usage. **/ public void setConnectionSettings(Hashtable settings) { this.connectSettings = settings; } /** ** Returns the Class name of the Application Module represented by the ConnectionInfo class. **/ public String getAppModuleClass() { return this.sAppModuleClass; } /** ** Provides the Class name of the Application Module to be connected to. **/ public void setAppModuleClass(String sClass) { this.sAppModuleClass = sClass; } /** ** Returns the connection URL **/ public String getConnectionUrl() { return this.sConnectUrl; } /** ** Sets the connection URL to be used by the Application Module. This URL is passed the the ApplicationModule.connect() ** call. **/ public void setConnectionUrl(String sUrl) { this.sConnectUrl = sUrl; } /** ** Provides the password. If you provided a connection URL, it must contain the password as part of it. This ** function should only be used if you are using the ConnectionName approach for initializing the connection string. **/ public void setPassword(String sPassword) { this.sPassword = sPassword; } /** ** Returns the current password. **/ public String getPassword() { return this.sPassword; } /** ** Provides the Jndi Path required when connecting to an ApplicationModule deployed to Oracle 8i as an EJB or Corba ** object. **/ public void setJndiPath(String sPath) { this.sJndiPath = sPath; } /** ** Returns the Jndi path **/ public String getJndiPath() { return this.sJndiPath; } public void initializeFromConnectionName(String sConnectionName) { String connectStr = null; try { ConnectionDescriptor cd = cm.getConnectionDescriptor(sConnectionName); if(cd == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find connection: " + sConnectionName); } String password = cd.getPassword(); if (sPassword == null) { sPassword = password; } if(sPassword == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Password is missing from ConnectionInfo."); } this.sConnectUrl = cd.getURL(); sUserName = cd.getUsername(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } /** ** This is an internal function that populates a Hashtable with the HTTP connection information. **/ /* static public void populateHashTableWithOasRemoteConnectionInfo(Hashtable env , String sRemoteConnectionName, String sPassword, String sJndiPath) { String connectStr = null; try { ConnectionDescriptor cd = cm.getConnectionDescriptor(sRemoteConnectionName); if(cd == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find remote connection: " + sRemoteConnectionName); } String password = cd.getPassword(); if (password == null) { password = sPassword; } env.put(PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pName, PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pDefault); env.put(JboContext.DEPLOY_PLATFORM, JboContext.PLATFORM_EJB_OAS); String url = cd.getURL(); int bIndex = url.indexOf(":") + 1; String hostName = url.substring(0, bIndex - 1); String port = url.substring(bIndex); env.put(JboContext.HOST_NAME, hostName); env.put(JboContext.CONNECTION_PORT, port); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } */ static public void populateHashTableWithRemoteConnectionInfo(Hashtable env , String sRemoteConnectionName, String sPassword, String sJndiPath) { String connectStr = null; try { ConnectionDescriptor cd = cm.getConnectionDescriptor(sRemoteConnectionName); if(cd == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find remote connection: " + sRemoteConnectionName); } String password = cd.getPassword(); if (password == null) { password = sPassword; } env.put(PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pName, PropertyMetadata.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.pDefault); env.put(JboContext.DEPLOY_PLATFORM, JboContext.PLATFORM_ORACLE8I); String url = cd.getURL(); int bIndex = url.indexOf("://") + 3; int eIndex = url.indexOf(':', bIndex); String hostName = url.substring(bIndex, eIndex); bIndex = eIndex + 1; eIndex = url.indexOf(':', bIndex); String port = url.substring(bIndex, eIndex); String sid = url.substring(eIndex + 1); env.put(JboContext.HOST_NAME, hostName); env.put(JboContext.CONNECTION_PORT, port); env.put(PropertyMetadata.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL.pName, cd.getUsername()); env.put(PropertyMetadata.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS.pName, password); env.put(JboContext.APPLICATION_PATH, sJndiPath); env.put(JboContext.ORACLE_SID, sid); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } }