Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Class EntityAssociation

  extended byoracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
          extended byoracle.jbo.server.DefObject
              extended byoracle.jbo.server.AssociationDefBase
                  extended byoracle.jbo.server.EntityAssociation

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EntityAssociation
extends AssociationDefBase

Describes the relationship between two Entity Objects. An association selects attributes from source and destination Entity Objects. Typically, these attributes represent key fields in a database table, but an association can be defined using any Entity Object attributes. Although an association identifies a source and destination end, the association can be navigated in either direction. Associations have package scope.

The EntityAssociation class determines the content of the AssociationDefImpl attributes on the Entity definitions. The AssociationDefImpl attributes are the attributes at the source Entity and the destination Entity. There are two AssociationDefImpls for each EntityAssociation. For example, in the case of an association between Dept and Emp, Dept will have one AssociationDefImpl attribute for Emp; Emp will have one AssociationDefImpl attribute for Dept. The EntityAssociation links the two AssociationDefImpls.

An instance of the EntityAssociation class maps to the XML file for the association. At runtime, when the XML for the EntityAssociation is read, the framework creates the two AssociationDefImpls and determines whether they are source or destination attributes.

JDevloper 3.0

Field Summary
protected AttributeDefImpl[] mBindVars
The list of AttributeDefImpls as bind variables on one end.
protected AttributeDefImpl[] mOtherBindVars
The list of bind variable AttributeDefImpls on one end.

Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.AssociationDefBase

Fields inherited from class
mBaseDefObject, mExtendedDefObjects, mObjectResolved

Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
mFullName, mObjName, mParent, mProperties

Method Summary
static EntityAssociation findEntityAssociation(java.lang.String entityAssocName)
Finds the named entity association from the statically maintained list of metaobjects.
AssociationDefImpl getAccessorByEndName(java.lang.String endName)
Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. Instead, use AssociationDefBase.findEndAccessorByName().
AssociationEnd getAssociationEnd(java.lang.String endName)
Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. Instead, use AssociationDefBase.findEndByName().
AttributeDefImpl[] getBindVariables()
Returns the bind variables for one end of the association.
java.lang.Class getComponentClass()
Returns the class name of this Entity association's reference.
EntityDefImpl getEntityDef()
Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. Instead, use AssociationDefBase.getSourceOwner() and down cast it to EntityDefImpl.
AttributeDefImpl[] getOtherBindVariables()
Returns the bind variables for the other end of the association.
EntityDefImpl getOtherEntityDef()
Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. Instead, use AssociationDefBase.getDestinationOwner() and down cast it to EntityDefImpl.
void link(AssociationDefImpl srcAccr, AssociationDefImpl dstAccr)
Establishes a link between two Entity Objects.
protected void resolveReferences()
void setBindVariables(AttributeDefImpl[] vars)
Sets the bind variables for one end of the association.
void setOtherBindVariables(AttributeDefImpl[] vars)
Sets the bind variables for the other end of the association.

Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.AssociationDefBase
findEndAccessorByName, finishedLoading, getAccessors, getAttributeDefImpls, getAttributeDefImplsByEndName, getBaseDefObject, getClientProxyClassName, getComponentInterfaceName, getDefs, getDestinationEnd, getEffectiveClientProxyClassName, getEffectiveComponentInterfaceName, getName, getOtherAttributeDefImpls, getPackageDef, getPackageName, getSourceEnd, loadProperties, setBaseDefObject, setClientProxyClassName, setComponentInterfaceName, setName, setParent

Methods inherited from class
addExtendedDefObject, getContainerDef, getContainerName, getExtendedDefObjects, hasExtendedDefObjects, isBaseDefFor, isDynamicDefinitionObject, isObjectResolved, setObjectResolved

Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
getFullName, getParent, getProperties, getPropertiesAsStrings, getPropertiesMap, getProperty, refreshProperty, setFullName, setPropertiesMap, setProperty

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected AttributeDefImpl[] mBindVars
The list of AttributeDefImpls as bind variables on one end. This field is unused. Will be removed eventually.


protected AttributeDefImpl[] mOtherBindVars
The list of bind variable AttributeDefImpls on one end. This field is unused. Will be removed eventually.

Method Detail


public static EntityAssociation findEntityAssociation(java.lang.String entityAssocName)
Finds the named entity association from the statically maintained list of metaobjects.
entityAssocName - the fully qualified name of the entity association.
an entity association.


public java.lang.Class getComponentClass()
Returns the class name of this Entity association's reference.
an EntityAssociationReference class name.


public void link(AssociationDefImpl srcAccr,
                 AssociationDefImpl dstAccr)
Establishes a link between two Entity Objects.
srcAccr - the source Entity Object's association accessor.
dstAccr - the destination Entity Object's association accessor.


public void setBindVariables(AttributeDefImpl[] vars)
Sets the bind variables for one end of the association.
vars - an array of bind variables.
See Also:


public AttributeDefImpl[] getBindVariables()
Returns the bind variables for one end of the association.
an array of bind variables.
See Also:


public void setOtherBindVariables(AttributeDefImpl[] vars)
Sets the bind variables for the other end of the association.
vars - an array of bind variables.
See Also:


public AttributeDefImpl[] getOtherBindVariables()
Returns the bind variables for the other end of the association.
an array of bind variables.
See Also:


protected void resolveReferences()


public EntityDefImpl getEntityDef()
Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. Instead, use AssociationDefBase.getSourceOwner() and down cast it to EntityDefImpl.
Gets the entity definition of the source end of the association.
the source entity definition.


public EntityDefImpl getOtherEntityDef()
Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. Instead, use AssociationDefBase.getDestinationOwner() and down cast it to EntityDefImpl.
Gets the entity definition of the destination end of the association.
the destination entity definition.


public AssociationDefImpl getAccessorByEndName(java.lang.String endName)
Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. Instead, use AssociationDefBase.findEndAccessorByName().
Finds the association accessor given the association end name.
endName - the name of one of the association end.
the association accessor definition .


public AssociationEnd getAssociationEnd(java.lang.String endName)
Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. Instead, use AssociationDefBase.findEndByName().
Finds the association end given the name.
endName - the name of one of the association end.
the association end.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

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