Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Class SessionImpl

  extended byoracle.jbo.server.SessionImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SessionImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements Session

The default server-side implementation of the Session interface. A session context represents an application's session. A session object is instantiated for each root application module when the application module is activated (see ApplicationModuleImpl.activate()). The session object is garbage collected when the root application module is garbage collected.

This class may be extended by application developers who are interested in loading session specific context at session instantiation. For example, an application may extend the init method with logic to load application specific context like the local currency into the session context. Additionally, the getTransactionHandlerFactory may be overriden by an extending class to return a custom TransactionHandlerFactory.

Custom implementations of this interface may be identified to the framework with the SessionClass server property.

JDeveloper 3.0

Field Summary
protected mJAASContext

Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Session

Constructor Summary
This constructor is called by the framework to initialize the client session

Method Summary
static SessionContextManager findOrCreateSessionContextManager()
java.lang.String[] getAllApplicationModuleDefNames()
Gets the names of the Application Module definitions contained in all packages.
java.lang.String[] getAllEntityAssociationDefNames()
Gets the names of the entity association definitions defined in all packages.
java.lang.String[] getAllEntityDefNames()
Gets the names of the Entity Object definitions available in all packages.
java.lang.String[] getAllViewDefNames()
Gets the names of the View Object definitions available in all packages.
java.lang.String[] getAllViewLinkDefNames()
Gets the names of the View Link definitions defined in all packages.
java.lang.String[] getApplicationModuleDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Gets the names of the Application Module definitions contained in a package.
java.lang.String[] getEntityAssociationDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Gets the names of the entity association definitions defined in a package.
java.lang.String[] getEntityDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Gets the names of the Entity Object definitions available in a package.
java.util.Hashtable getEnvironment()
Returns the BC4J context for the session.
java.util.Locale getLocale()
Gets the current Locale used for localizing error messages.
LocaleContext getLocaleContext()
retrieves the locale context for the session
java.lang.String[] getPackageNames()
Gets names of the packages that make up this middle tier application.
static SessionContextManager getSessionContextManager() getSubject()
Returns the current JAAS SUbject
TransactionHandlerFactory getTransactionHandlerFactory()
Get the session's transaction handler factory.
java.util.Hashtable getUserData()
Returns application context for the session.
java.lang.String getUserPrincipalName()
Returns the JAAS user principal name.
java.lang.String[] getUserRoles()
Returns the Roles/Groups for current user principal.
java.lang.String getVersion()
Gets the middle tier's version information.
java.lang.String[] getViewDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Gets the names of the View Object definitions available in a package.
java.lang.String[] getViewLinkDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Gets the names of the View Link definitions defined in a package.
static SessionImpl init(java.util.Hashtable ctxEnv)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
boolean isClient()
Returns whether this session is running as a client in 3 tier or not.
boolean isUserInRole(java.lang.String role)
void loadPackage(java.lang.String packageName)
Loads a package that may be browsed for defined objects.
void setLocale(java.util.Locale l)
Sets a new Locale for localizing error messages.
void setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
static void setSessionContextManager(SessionContextManager iMgr)
void setTransactionHandlerFactory(TransactionHandlerFactory fac)
Set the session's transaction handler factory.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected mJAASContext

Constructor Detail


public SessionImpl()
This constructor is called by the framework to initialize the client session

Method Detail


public static SessionImpl init(java.util.Hashtable ctxEnv)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


public java.util.Hashtable getEnvironment()
Description copied from interface: Session
Returns the BC4J context for the session. Examples of BC4J context include the values for the BC4J properties defined in PropertyMetadata. Applications should store custom session context in the Session userdata.
Specified by:
getEnvironment in interface Session
a hashtable of BC4J session properties
See Also:


public java.util.Locale getLocale()
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the current Locale used for localizing error messages.
Specified by:
getLocale in interface Session
the current Locale.


public void setProperty(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.String value)


public void setLocale(java.util.Locale l)
Description copied from interface: Session
Sets a new Locale for localizing error messages.
Specified by:
setLocale in interface Session
l - the new Locale.


public void loadPackage(java.lang.String packageName)
Description copied from interface: Session
Loads a package that may be browsed for defined objects.
Specified by:
loadPackage in interface Session
packageName - a fully qualified package name.


public java.lang.String getVersion()
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the middle tier's version information.
Specified by:
getVersion in interface Session
The version information in the form major.minor.patch.bldNum.


public java.lang.String[] getApplicationModuleDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the Application Module definitions contained in a package.
Specified by:
getApplicationModuleDefNames in interface Session
packName - the name of the package.
an array of ApplicationModule definition names.


public java.lang.String[] getAllApplicationModuleDefNames()
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the Application Module definitions contained in all packages.
Specified by:
getAllApplicationModuleDefNames in interface Session
an array of ApplicationModule definition names.


public java.lang.String[] getViewDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the View Object definitions available in a package.
Specified by:
getViewDefNames in interface Session
packName - the name of the package.
String[] an array of ViewDef names.


public java.lang.String[] getAllViewDefNames()
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the View Object definitions available in all packages.
Specified by:
getAllViewDefNames in interface Session
String[] an array of ViewDef names.


public java.lang.String[] getEntityDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the Entity Object definitions available in a package.
Specified by:
getEntityDefNames in interface Session
packName - the name of the package.
String[] an array of EntityDef names.


public java.lang.String[] getAllEntityDefNames()
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the Entity Object definitions available in all packages.
Specified by:
getAllEntityDefNames in interface Session
String[] an array of EntityDef names.


public java.lang.String[] getEntityAssociationDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the entity association definitions defined in a package.
Specified by:
getEntityAssociationDefNames in interface Session
packName - the name of the package.
String[] an array of EntityAssociationDef names.


public java.lang.String[] getAllEntityAssociationDefNames()
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the entity association definitions defined in all packages.
Specified by:
getAllEntityAssociationDefNames in interface Session
String[] an array of EntityAssociationDef names.


public java.lang.String[] getViewLinkDefNames(java.lang.String packName)
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the View Link definitions defined in a package.
Specified by:
getViewLinkDefNames in interface Session
packName - the name of the package.
String[] an array of ViewLinkDef names.


public java.lang.String[] getAllViewLinkDefNames()
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets the names of the View Link definitions defined in all packages.
Specified by:
getAllViewLinkDefNames in interface Session
String[] an array of ViewLinkDef names.


public java.lang.String[] getPackageNames()
Description copied from interface: Session
Gets names of the packages that make up this middle tier application.
Specified by:
getPackageNames in interface Session
The package names.


public TransactionHandlerFactory getTransactionHandlerFactory()
Get the session's transaction handler factory. This method may be overriden by a custom Session implementation to return a custom implementation of the TransactionHandlerFactory interface.
See Also:
TransactionHandler, TransactionHandlerFactory


public static SessionContextManager getSessionContextManager()


public static void setSessionContextManager(SessionContextManager iMgr)


public static SessionContextManager findOrCreateSessionContextManager()


public void setTransactionHandlerFactory(TransactionHandlerFactory fac)
Set the session's transaction handler factory. This method may be invoked to set a custom implementation of the TransactionHandlerFactory for the session before connect is invoked on the root application module's transaction.
See Also:
TransactionHandler, TransactionHandlerFactory


public LocaleContext getLocaleContext()
Description copied from interface: Session
retrieves the locale context for the session
Specified by:
getLocaleContext in interface Session


public java.util.Hashtable getUserData()
Description copied from interface: Session
Returns application context for the session. Applications may store any custom session data in this Hashtable. This hashtable will be reset by {@link oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.prepareSession(Session).
Specified by:
getUserData in interface Session


public java.lang.String getUserPrincipalName()
Returns the JAAS user principal name.


public boolean isUserInRole(java.lang.String role)
Specified by:
isUserInRole in interface Session
role - the name of the role.
true if the user is in role; false otherwise.


public boolean isClient()
Description copied from interface: Session
Returns whether this session is running as a client in 3 tier or not.
Specified by:
isClient in interface Session
true if the session is in 3 tier. false if in 2 tier.


public getSubject()
Returns the current JAAS SUbject


public java.lang.String[] getUserRoles()
Returns the Roles/Groups for current user principal.
Specified by:
getUserRoles in interface Session

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Copyright © 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.