Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Class ViewRowImpl

  extended byoracle.jbo.server.RowImpl
      extended byoracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
AttributeList, Row, XMLInterface, oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlSerializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ViewRowImpl
extends RowImpl
implements Row, oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlSerializable

A View Object Row. This class provides access to a View Object Row. The View Object Row can contain one or more Entity Object Rows in addition to derived attributes such as calculated columns.

The Business Components for Java framework instantiates an object of this class for each record that is returned by the row's View Object query. This class can be referred to by middle-tier customer application logic in order to access View Object Row data.

Customers can extend this class with custom View Object Row implementations. For example, the Business Components for Java View Object wizard can be used to generate sub-classes of this class that define type-safe accessors/mutators for the attributes of a row. Custom sub-classes should be declard to the Business Components for Java framework through the View Object wizard.

Customer applications should not access this class on the client-tier of an application. Instead, the Row interface should be used for client tier access.

JDeveloper 3.0
See Also:
RowImpl, Row

Field Summary
static java.lang.String XML_POSTSTATE_REMOVE
static java.lang.String XML_POSTSTATE_TAG

Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Row

Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface

Constructor Summary
Public constructor for this class.

Method Summary
protected void appendXMLElementNodes(Document xmlDoc, Node node, int depthCount, long options, AttributeDefImpl[] attrs)
Writes XML-element nodes for each attribute in this row and appends it to the given row-node.
protected void appendXMLElementNodes(Document xmlDoc, Node node, int depthCount, long options, voAttrMap, AttributeDef[] attrs)
Writes XML-element nodes for each attribute in this row and appends it to the given row-node.
protected void clearAttributeException(int index)
Cleans any exception of an attribute of the given name was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode.
protected void clearAttributeException(java.lang.String name)
Cleans any exception of an attribute of the given name was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode.
protected void create(AttributeList nvp)
Initialization method to be over-ridden in generated code for custom defaulting.
protected EntityImpl[] createEntities()
Creates blank instances of the Entity Objects that this row is composed of.
void entityCacheAdd()
Populate the caches from the values of the rows.
boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
Tests if the specified value is equal to this ViewRowImpl object.
protected RowSet findAssociatedObjects(java.lang.String name)
Finds Objects in a ViewRowSetImpl that follow the given association.
ViewRowSetImpl findRowSetForRow(java.lang.Object accessKey)
ApplicationModule getApplicationModule()
Gets the Application Module to which the containing View Object belongs.
java.lang.Object getAttribute(int ix)
Selects the attribute at the given index.
java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Gets the value of an attribute by name.
int getAttributeCount()
Gets the attribute count in this ViewRow.
int getAttributeIndexOf(java.lang.String attrName)
Gets the index of the attribute, given it's name.
protected java.lang.Object getAttributeInternal(int index)
Gets the value of the attribute by index.
java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
Returns an array of attribute names in this list.
java.lang.Object[] getAttributeValues()
Returns an array of attribute values in this list.
protected java.lang.Object getAttrInvokeAccessor(int ix, AttributeDefImpl attrRef)
java.lang.String getElementTagName()
EntityImpl[] getEntities()
Gets an array of Entity objects.
EntityImpl getEntity(int index)
Gets the Entity at the given index.
AttributeDefImpl getEntityAttrForAttribute(java.lang.String attrName)
int getEntityCount()
Counts the number of Entity Objects in this row.
Entity getEntityForAttribute(java.lang.String attrName)
Gets an entity object that contains the given attribute name.
java.lang.Object getHandle()
Creates a row identifier that is unique in the query collection.
Key getKey()
Returns the identifier object for this row.
byte getNewRowState()
QueryCollection getQueryCollection(java.lang.Object accessKey)
Gets the QueryCollection this row exists in.
StructureDef getStructureDef()
Returns the structure of the row.
ViewDefImpl getViewDef()
Get the ViewDefImpl associated with this View Row.
ViewObject getViewObject()
Gets the View Object to which this row belongs.
java.lang.String getXMLElementTag()
Returns the XML-element tag for this row.
protected boolean hasAttributeException(int index)
Returns true if an attribute at the given index was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode.
boolean hasDeferredExceptions()
boolean hasExtendedViewDef()
int hashCode()
Computes an integer hash code for this ViewRowImpl object
protected void initDefaults()
boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int index)
Tests if an attribute is updateable.
void lock()
Locks the referenced Entity Rows.
protected void populate(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected void populateAttribute(int index, java.lang.Object value)
protected void populateAttributeAsChanged(int index, java.lang.Object value)
protected void readAttributeFromXMLElement(Node rowElt, AttributeDefImpl ad)
void readXML(Element rowElt, int depthCount)
Reads the content of the row and updates the attributes, from given XML document.
void refresh(int refreshMode)
Refreshes the row's attributes with values from database.
protected void registerAttributeException(AttributeDef attrDef, java.lang.Object val, JboException dce)
void remove()
Deletes the row.
void removeAndRetain()
Removes the row from the collection and then retain it for insertion into another location.
void removeFromCollection()
Removes the row from the collection.
protected Element renderAttributeInXMLElement(Document xmlDoc, AttributeDefImpl ad, boolean explicitNull)
protected Element renderAttributeInXMLElement(Document xmlDoc, AttributeDefImpl ad, boolean explicitNull, byte version)
void revert()
Reverts this row back to its initial state.
void setAttribute(int index, java.lang.Object val)
Sets an attribute.
void setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object val)
Sets the value of an attribute by name.
protected void setAttributeInternal(int index, java.lang.Object val)
This is an "inner" accessor for an attribute and does not call out to the getXXX() method.
protected void setAttrInvokeAccessor(int index, java.lang.Object val, AttributeDefImpl attrRef)
protected void setEntities(EntityImpl[] rows)
Sets the entities that this view row is composed of.
protected void setEntity(int index, EntityImpl row)
Sets the entity (at index) for this view row.
void setNewRowState(byte state)
void setIterator(ViewRowSetIteratorImpl rsi) { mRSI = rsi; } public ViewRowSetIteratorImpl getIterator() { return mRSI; }
void validate()
Calls validate on each this view row's Entity Objects.
void writeAsXml(oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlOutput out, Node node, oracle.jbo.common.xml.Criteria rules)
void writeAsXml(oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlOutput output, Node node, oracle.jbo.common.xml.Criteria rules, byte version)
Node writeXML(long options, voAttrRules)
Writes this row as XML in the given XML document.

Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.RowImpl
clearAllExceptions, clearRowExceptions, createXMLDefinition, findAttrAndGetIndex, getAllExceptions, getAttributeInternal, getRowExceptions, hasAttributeException, printXMLDefinition, readXML, registerRowException, setAttributeInternal, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface
readXML, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String XML_POSTSTATE_TAG
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String XML_POSTSTATE_REMOVE
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public ViewRowImpl()
Public constructor for this class.

Method Detail


protected void initDefaults()


protected void create(AttributeList nvp)
Initialization method to be over-ridden in generated code for custom defaulting.

This method invokes create(AttributeList) on each of the "new" entities that make up this View Row.

The attribute list nvp is simply passed to the new entity rows that make up this View Row.

Note: the names in the attribute list are not transformed into entity-relative names hoping that the caller has done so already. If not, the entity's create() method might fail.

nvp - the list of attributtes.


public QueryCollection getQueryCollection(java.lang.Object accessKey)
Gets the QueryCollection this row exists in.
the QueryCollection that the row exists in.


public ViewRowSetImpl findRowSetForRow(java.lang.Object accessKey)


public java.lang.Object getHandle()
Creates a row identifier that is unique in the query collection.

Each row in a collection can be identified by either its Java object reference or by its row handle. The row handle, together with the collection name, forms an identifier that can be stored externally, in order to identify the row in future operations.

Applications should not rely on indentifier having a specific format: it is subject to change.

A row handle can be converted to a string using toString() methods, and compared using equals

a unique row identifier.


public Key getKey()
Returns the identifier object for this row.
Specified by:
getKey in interface Row
Specified by:
getKey in class RowImpl
the key of the row.


public void validate()
Calls validate on each this view row's Entity Objects.
Specified by:
validate in interface Row
Specified by:
validate in class RowImpl
JboException - if validation fails.


protected java.lang.Object getAttributeInternal(int index)
Gets the value of the attribute by index. If the attribute is mapped to an entity-attribute, invoke that entity.getAttribute() with the mapped index. For all other attributes, return the value from the ViewRow's storage.

Note that this is an "inner" accessor for an attribute and does not callout to the generated getXXX() method on a subclass of a ViewRowImpl. getAttribute() methods are the "outer" methods that callout to a subclass's getXXX() method where XXX is the name of the attribute.

Specified by:
getAttributeInternal in class RowImpl
index - the index of the attribute.
the value of the column at the index.


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(int ix)
Description copied from interface: AttributeList
Selects the attribute at the given index.
Specified by:
getAttribute in interface AttributeList
ix - an integer in the range 0 to getAttributeCount() - 1.
the attribute associated with index.


protected java.lang.Object getAttrInvokeAccessor(int ix,
                                                 AttributeDefImpl attrRef)
                                          throws java.lang.Exception


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Gets the value of an attribute by name.
Specified by:
getAttribute in interface AttributeList
name - the name of the attribute.
the value of the attribute.


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.Object val)
Sets the value of an attribute by name.
Specified by:
setAttribute in interface AttributeList
name - the name of the attribute.
val - the value of the attribute.


public void setAttribute(int index,
                         java.lang.Object val)
Sets an attribute.

This method performs a type-check on the value, so that it matches the Java type of the attribute.

Specified by:
setAttribute in interface AttributeList
index - the index of the attribute.
val - the new value.
ReadOnlyAttrException - if the attribute is not updateable.
InvalidOperException - if this row belongs is to a forward-only View Object.
DataCreationException - if the given value is not convertible to the Java type of the attribute.
AttrSetValException - if any validation logic fails while setting this attribute to the mapped Entity Object attribute.


protected boolean hasAttributeException(int index)
Description copied from class: RowImpl
Returns true if an attribute at the given index was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode.
hasAttributeException in class RowImpl


public boolean hasDeferredExceptions()
hasDeferredExceptions in class RowImpl


protected void clearAttributeException(java.lang.String name)
Cleans any exception of an attribute of the given name was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode. If the attribute is entity derived, clear the attribute exception at the entity level.
clearAttributeException in class RowImpl


protected void clearAttributeException(int index)
Cleans any exception of an attribute of the given name was set earlier and threw an exception which was cached as the transaction is in deferred mode. If the attribte is entity derived clear the attribute exception at entity level.
clearAttributeException in class RowImpl


protected void registerAttributeException(AttributeDef attrDef,
                                          java.lang.Object val,
                                          JboException dce)
Specified by:
registerAttributeException in class RowImpl


protected void setAttrInvokeAccessor(int index,
                                     java.lang.Object val,
                                     AttributeDefImpl attrRef)
                              throws java.lang.Exception


protected void setAttributeInternal(int index,
                                    java.lang.Object val)
This is an "inner" accessor for an attribute and does not call out to the getXXX() method. This method sets the value to the mapping entity attribute or stores the value in ViewRow cache for the given attribute.

This method also does not perform any type-check for the value's java type and assumes that the value-type is same as the java-type for this attribute.

Specified by:
setAttributeInternal in class RowImpl
index - The index of the attribute.
val - The value.
ReadOnlyAttrException - if the attribute is not updateable.
AttrSetValException - if any validation logic fails while setting this attribute to the mapped Entity attribute.


public final ViewObject getViewObject()
Gets the View Object to which this row belongs.
the View Object.


public final ApplicationModule getApplicationModule()
Gets the Application Module to which the containing View Object belongs.
an Application Module.


public final ViewDefImpl getViewDef()
Get the ViewDefImpl associated with this View Row.
the ViewDefImpl


public final boolean hasExtendedViewDef()


public int getAttributeIndexOf(java.lang.String attrName)
Gets the index of the attribute, given it's name.
Specified by:
getAttributeIndexOf in interface AttributeList
Specified by:
getAttributeIndexOf in class RowImpl
the attribute's index.


public java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
Description copied from interface: AttributeList
Returns an array of attribute names in this list.
Specified by:
getAttributeNames in interface AttributeList
an array of attribute names.


public java.lang.Object[] getAttributeValues()
Description copied from interface: AttributeList
Returns an array of attribute values in this list.
Specified by:
getAttributeValues in interface AttributeList
an array of attribute values.


protected EntityImpl[] createEntities()
Creates blank instances of the Entity Objects that this row is composed of. Advanced method used by subclasses to create their own instances of entities based on custom-logic to bypass entity-creation from the framework.
array of EntityImpls that is then set as the array of Entities this ViewRow is composed of.


public void lock()
Locks the referenced Entity Rows. This method uses the design-time View Object metadata to determine which of the Entity Rows that are referenced by the View Object are updateable and should consequently be locked.
Specified by:
lock in interface Row
Specified by:
lock in class RowImpl


public void revert()
Reverts this row back to its initial state. If a row is used in multiple View Objects, this operation's effect will be visible to all.


public void refresh(int refreshMode)
Description copied from interface: Row
Refreshes the row's attributes with values from database. refreshMode should be a combination of REFRESH_.... See REFRESH_... constants for further information.
Specified by:
refresh in interface Row
refreshMode - the refresh mode.


public void remove()
Deletes the row. This method will invoke remove on the updateable Entity Rows that are referenced by this View Object Row. After the referenced, updateable entity rows have been removed this method will remove the View Object Row from the View Object's RowSet.
Specified by:
remove in interface Row
Specified by:
remove in class RowImpl


public void removeFromCollection()
Description copied from interface: Row
Removes the row from the collection.

This method differs from Row.remove() in that it just removes the row from the collection. It does not remove the underlying Entity row(s) or database row(s). However, once the row is removed, it cannot be used any more. If you want to remove the row from the collection and insert it elsewhere, call Row.removeAndRetain().

Specified by:
removeFromCollection in interface Row


public void removeAndRetain()
Description copied from interface: Row
Removes the row from the collection and then retain it for insertion into another location.

This method differs from Row.remove() in that it just removes the row from the collection. It does not remove the underlying Entity row(s) or database row(s).

This method also differs from Row.removeFromCollection() in that after the row is removed from the collection, it can be inserted back into the collection at another location.

Specified by:
removeAndRetain in interface Row


public int getEntityCount()
Counts the number of Entity Objects in this row.
the number of Entity Objects in the row.


public final EntityImpl getEntity(int index)
Gets the Entity at the given index. Used in generated code for viewrow to get to the attribute mapped to an entity.
index - the index of the Entity.


public final Entity getEntityForAttribute(java.lang.String attrName)
Gets an entity object that contains the given attribute name.
attrName - name of an attribute
an entity object.


public final AttributeDefImpl getEntityAttrForAttribute(java.lang.String attrName)


public EntityImpl[] getEntities()
Gets an array of Entity objects.

This method makes a copy of the internal list of Entity rows and returns that copy to the caller.

a copy of the list of Entity rows.


protected final void setEntities(EntityImpl[] rows)
Sets the entities that this view row is composed of.

This method is called by framework, after entites are created for this row. This must be protected because subclasses can create their own entity instances and have the viewrow manage them.

For example, assume there is a ViewRow on the Doc Entity where Doc has subclasses PO and Req, the ViewRow subclass can create PO/Req instances of entities based on some logic and have ViewRow manage them as an entity of type Doc.


protected final void setEntity(int index,
                               EntityImpl row)
Sets the entity (at index) for this view row.

A view row is based on entity rows. This method can be used to set the entity row for the specified entity index. For example, a view row may consist of two entity rows, Emp and Dept. To set the entity row for the Dept part, one can call this method with index of 1.

index - index of the entity


public final int getAttributeCount()
Gets the attribute count in this ViewRow.
Specified by:
getAttributeCount in interface AttributeList
Specified by:
getAttributeCount in class RowImpl
the number of attributes.


public boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int index)
Description copied from interface: Row
Tests if an attribute is updateable. Returns false if the attribute is read-only and true if it is updateable.

The following logic is used for determining if the attribute is updateable. If this attribute for a View row and is one which is mapped to an Entity Attribute, and if the Entity base is marked as read-only in the View Object, the attribute is read-only.

If the Entity base is marked updateable, a check is made to see if the the current user has updateable privilege on the underlying Entity row. If not, the attribute is read-only.

After this, we check the View Object's Attribute Definition. If the Attribute Definition indicates that it is READONLY, this method returns false (read-only). If the Attribute Definition says UPDATEABLE, it drops to the Entity level to determine if the Entity level Attribute Definition says it is updateable. If the attribute is UPDATEABLE_WHILE_NEW We check to see if the 'row' is new or not. (If this attribute comes from an Entity Row, the 'row' is the Entity Row. Otherwise, the 'row' is the View Row.) If the row is new, the attribute is updateable.

Specified by:
isAttributeUpdateable in interface Row
Specified by:
isAttributeUpdateable in class RowImpl
index - the index of the attribute.
true if the row is marked UPDATEABLE, or if the row is marked UPDATEABLE_WHILE_NEW and the current row is new.


public StructureDef getStructureDef()
Description copied from interface: Row
Returns the structure of the row.
Specified by:
getStructureDef in interface Row
Specified by:
getStructureDef in class RowImpl


public void entityCacheAdd()
Populate the caches from the values of the rows.


protected void populate(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Populate this row from the ResultSet.

This is a Framework-internal method. This method is used to fill in entity-attributes from a JDBC ResultSet that is returned by executeQuery().

Note that the method works on the current row of the result set and any currecy change on the ResultSet could throw it off. This method is protected to let sub-ViewRows fill in custom-entities created based on data.

For example, if fax is a subtype of doc and based on a column value, either doc is created or a fax is created for a given entity type, this method may be used to create entities based on the data values. Note that the developer needs to know exact position of values in the JDBC ResultSet.

resultSet - the JDBC ResultSet containing the row data.


protected void populateAttribute(int index,
                                 java.lang.Object value)
Specified by:
populateAttribute in class RowImpl


protected void populateAttributeAsChanged(int index,
                                          java.lang.Object value)


public byte getNewRowState()


protected RowSet findAssociatedObjects(java.lang.String name)
Finds Objects in a ViewRowSetImpl that follow the given association.
name - that defines the association
A set of associated object/s.


public int hashCode()
Computes an integer hash code for this ViewRowImpl object
the hash code of this ViewRowImpl object.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
Tests if the specified value is equal to this ViewRowImpl object.
other - the object to which the ViewRowImpl should be compared.
true if the specified object is equal to the this ViewRowImpl.


public java.lang.String getXMLElementTag()
Returns the XML-element tag for this row. If no custom-property (of the name XML_ROW_ELEMENT) is found, it returns the name of the View Object + the suffix "Row". For example, "EmpViewRow".


public final Node writeXML(long options,
Writes this row as XML in the given XML document.
Specified by:
writeXML in interface XMLInterface
writeXML in class RowImpl
options - a set of bit flags that will control the writeXML behavior.


protected void appendXMLElementNodes(Document xmlDoc,
                                     Node node,
                                     int depthCount,
                                     long options,
                                     AttributeDef[] attrs)
Writes XML-element nodes for each attribute in this row and appends it to the given row-node.

Override this method to perform custom XML-rendering on a Row.

xmlDoc - name of the XML document where the node resides.
node - the name of the Row object node where new nodes will be appended.
depthCount - number of child levels deep to appendrow nodes.
options - a set of bit flags that will control the writeXML behavior.
attrs - an array of AttriubuteDefImpls.


protected void appendXMLElementNodes(Document xmlDoc,
                                     Node node,
                                     int depthCount,
                                     long options,
                                     AttributeDefImpl[] attrs)
Writes XML-element nodes for each attribute in this row and appends it to the given row-node.

Override this method to perform custom XML-rendering on a Row.

xmlDoc - name of the XML document where the node resides.
node - the name of the Row object node where new nodes will be appended.
depthCount - number of child levels deep to appendrow nodes.
options - a set of bit flags that will control the writeXML behavior.
attrs - an array of AttriubuteDefImpls.


protected Element renderAttributeInXMLElement(Document xmlDoc,
                                              AttributeDefImpl ad,
                                              boolean explicitNull,
                                              byte version)


protected Element renderAttributeInXMLElement(Document xmlDoc,
                                              AttributeDefImpl ad,
                                              boolean explicitNull)


protected void readAttributeFromXMLElement(Node rowElt,
                                           AttributeDefImpl ad)


public final void readXML(Element rowElt,
                          int depthCount)
Reads the content of the row and updates the attributes, from given XML document. If the xml row element has an attribute like, bc4j-action="remove" then this method calls remove() on this row.
Specified by:
readXML in interface XMLInterface
Specified by:
readXML in class RowImpl
rowElt - name of the XML element.
depthCount - the number of child levels deep to which data should be read.


public void setNewRowState(byte state)
void setIterator(ViewRowSetIteratorImpl rsi) { mRSI = rsi; } public ViewRowSetIteratorImpl getIterator() { return mRSI; }
Specified by:
setNewRowState in interface Row
Specified by:
setNewRowState in class RowImpl


public java.lang.String getElementTagName()
Specified by:
getElementTagName in interface oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlSerializable


public void writeAsXml(oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlOutput out,
                       Node node,
                       oracle.jbo.common.xml.Criteria rules)
Specified by:
writeAsXml in interface oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlSerializable


public void writeAsXml(oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlOutput output,
                       Node node,
                       oracle.jbo.common.xml.Criteria rules,
                       byte version)

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Copyright © 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.