Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use TransactionEvent
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 


Uses of TransactionEvent in oracle.jbo.server


Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type TransactionEvent
 void ViewObjectImpl.afterCommit(TransactionEvent event)
          Handles events raised after a transaction has been committed.
 void ViewObjectImpl.afterRollback(TransactionEvent event)
          Handles events raised after a transaction has been rolled back.
 void ViewObjectImpl.afterRemove(TransactionEvent event)
          Handles events raised after rows have been removed.
 void ViewObjectImpl.beforeCommit(TransactionEvent e)
          Handles events raised before a transaction is committed.
 void ViewObjectImpl.beforeRollback(TransactionEvent e)
          Handles events raised before a transaction is rolled back.
 void ViewObjectImpl.postChanges(TransactionEvent e)
          This method is not implemented in this class.
 void TransactionPostListener.postChanges(TransactionEvent e)
          Notifies a listener to post any cached changes to the database.
 void TransactionListener.beforeCommit(TransactionEvent e)
          Called to report that a Commit operation is imminent.
 void TransactionListener.beforeRollback(TransactionEvent e)
          Called to report that a Rollback operation is imminent.
 void TransactionListener.afterCommit(TransactionEvent e)
          Called to report that a Commit operation has occurred.
 void TransactionListener.afterRollback(TransactionEvent e)
          Called to report that a Rollback operation has occurred.
 void TransactionListener.afterRemove(TransactionEvent e)
          A cleanup routine to be invoked by transaction manager when this transaction listener is removed from the manager's list.
 void SQLBuilder.doEntityDML(EntityImpl enrt, int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          Performs the appropriate SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations on the database to reflect an update, delete or insert operation on an Entity Object.
 void OracleSQLBuilderImpl.doEntityDML(EntityImpl entityContext, int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          This is where an entity DML gets executed.
protected  void EntityImpl.donePostingAll(TransactionEvent e)
 void EntityImpl.postChanges(TransactionEvent e)
          Initiates a post operation for this Entity Object.
protected  void EntityImpl.doDMLForCascadeUpdate(TransactionEvent e, tpl, ecList, boolean startingEntity)
          Advanced method: Applications should typically not use this method.
 void EntityImpl.afterCommit(TransactionEvent e)
 void EntityImpl.afterRollback(TransactionEvent e)
          Internal: Applications should not call this method.
 void EntityImpl.afterRemove(TransactionEvent e)
          A cleanup routine to be invoked by transaction manager when this transaction listener is removed from the manager's list.
 void EntityImpl.beforeCommit(TransactionEvent e)
          Polls transaction listeners before a commit operation.
 void EntityImpl.beforeRollback(TransactionEvent e)
          Polls transaction listeners before a rollback operation.
protected  void EntityImpl.prepareForDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          A pre-doDML() notification that allows subclasses to modify any attributes on this entity that should be updated in the database.
protected  void EntityImpl.prepareForBatchDML(int operation, TransactionEvent te)
          Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. A pre-doDML() step which calls prepareForDML() with the appropriate operation so that applications can perform attribute updates like history column etc.
protected  void EntityImpl.doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          Performs INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE processing for the row.
protected  void EntityImpl.doDMLWithLOBs(int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          Performs INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE processing for Entity Objects that contain LOBs.
protected  void DBTransactionImpl.postChanges(TransactionEvent te)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  boolean BaseSQLBuilderImpl.shouldSkipDML(EntityImpl entityContext, int operation, TransactionEvent e)
 void BaseSQLBuilderImpl.doEntityDML(EntityImpl entityContext, int operation, TransactionEvent e)
 void ApplicationModuleImpl.beforeCommit(TransactionEvent e)
 void ApplicationModuleImpl.beforeRollback(TransactionEvent e)
 void ApplicationModuleImpl.afterCommit(TransactionEvent e)
 void ApplicationModuleImpl.afterRollback(TransactionEvent e)
 void ApplicationModuleImpl.afterRemove(TransactionEvent e)


Uses of TransactionEvent in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade


Methods in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade with parameters of type TransactionEvent
protected  void EntityFacadeImpl.doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          Overrides the base implementation of doDML(int, oracle.jbo.server.TransactionEvent).


Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02


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