Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ValidationManager
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 


Uses of ValidationManager in oracle.jbo.server


Subinterfaces of ValidationManager in oracle.jbo.server
 interface DBTransaction
          Interface representing the server side of database connections and transactions.
 interface Entity
          This interface is for BC4J Entity Objects.


Classes in oracle.jbo.server that implement ValidationManager
 class DBTransactionImpl
          The superclass of classes representing connections of middle-tier objects to databases.
 class DBTransactionImpl2
           Implementation of DBTransaction interface for representing both "connected" and "not connected" state.
 class EntityImpl
          This class implements the middle-tier representations of database rows.
 class NullDBTransactionImpl
          Deprecated. Since Jdeveloper 9.0.3. No replacement.


Uses of ValidationManager in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade


Classes in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade that implement ValidationManager
 class EntityFacadeImpl
          Abstract base class for Entity Facade.


Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02


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