Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use HTMLElement
oracle.jbo.html.databeans Contains implementation classes for predefined Web-enabled JavaBeans which can access and display data from the data source. 
oracle.jdeveloper.html Contains classes for generating HTML code. 
oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.wb Contains implementation classes for Web Beans. 


Uses of HTMLElement in oracle.jbo.html.databeans


Methods in oracle.jbo.html.databeans that return HTMLElement
 HTMLElement TextColumnUrlInfo.getColumnElement(java.lang.String sUrl)
 HTMLElement ImageUrlInfo.getColumnElement(java.lang.String sUrl)


Uses of HTMLElement in oracle.jdeveloper.html


Subclasses of HTMLElement in oracle.jdeveloper.html
 class DHTMLAddRow
 class DHTMLArray
 class DHTMLButton
 class DHTMLButtonBar
 class DHTMLButtonElement
 class DHTMLData
 class DHTMLDispArray
 class DHTMLElement
          A class representing the base root class used by all HTML generation classes.
 class DHTMLElementContainer
          This class serves as a container for HTML elements.
 class DHTMLNoTabControl
 class DHTMLRow
 class DHTMLTab
 class DHTMLTabControl
 class DHTMLTable
 class DHTMLToolBar
 class DHTMLTree
 class HTMLDiv
          This class represents and HTML DIV element.
 class HTMLDocument
          Represents an HTML document.
 class HTMLElementContainer
          This class serves as a container for HTML elements.
 class HTMLForm
          This class represents an HTML FORM.
 class HTMLFormField
          This represents a FORM's field.
 class HTMLImageURL
          This class represents an HTML image URL.
 class HTMLInputElement
          Represents a text element.
 class HTMLMenu
          Reprents a collection of text URLs.
 class HTMLScript
          Represents an HTML script block.
 class HTMLScriptFunction
          Represents a JavaScript function that is to be added to a script.
 class HTMLSelect
          Represents an HTML SELECT field.
 class HTMLTable
          Represents an HTML TABLE.
 class HTMLTableCell
          Reperents an HTML TABLE's TD tag.
 class HTMLTableRow
          Represents an HTML TABLE'S TR tag.
 class HTMLTextAreaElement
          Represents a text element.
 class HTMLTextElement
          Represents a text element.
 class HTMLTextURL
          Constructs an anchor tag with a prompt.
 class HTMLToolBar
          A Web Bean that provides methods to dynamically generate an HTML toolbar.


Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.html declared as HTMLElement
protected  HTMLElement HTMLTableCell.Element
protected  HTMLElement HTMLFormField.Label


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.html that return HTMLElement
protected  HTMLElement StaticPickList.generateComboBox()
protected  HTMLElement StaticPickList.generateListBox()
protected  HTMLElement StaticPickList.generateCheckBoxGroup()
protected  HTMLElement StaticPickList.generateRadioGroup()
protected  HTMLElement HTMLElementContainer.elementAt(int nIndex)
protected  HTMLElement DHTMLElementContainer.elementAt(int nIndex)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.html with parameters of type HTMLElement
 void HTMLTableRow.addElement(HTMLElement elem)
          Adds a new element to the table row
 void HTMLTable.addRow(HTMLElement row)
          Adds a new row to the HTML TABLE.
 void HTMLTable.insertRow(HTMLElement row)
          Inserts a new row to the beginning of the HTML TABLE.
 void HTMLForm.addFieldElement(HTMLElement elem)
          Adds an HTMLElement to the FORM.
 void HTMLElementContainer.addElement(HTMLElement elem)
          Adds an element to the collection of elements to be rendered
 void DHTMLElementContainer.addElement(HTMLElement elem)
          Adds an element to the collection of elements to be rendered
 void DHTMLElementContainer.removeElement(HTMLElement elem)
          Remove an element to the collection of elements to be rendered
 void DHTMLButtonBar.addElement(HTMLElement elem, java.lang.String name)


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.html with parameters of type HTMLElement
HTMLTableCell(HTMLElement elem)
          Constructs an a table cell whose contents are rendered by the provided HTMLElement.
HTMLTableCell(HTMLElement elem, java.lang.String sClass)
          Constructs an a table cell whose contents are rendered by the provided HTMLElement.
HTMLFormField(HTMLElement Label, HTMLElement Element)
          Constructor providing a label and an element.
HTMLFormField(HTMLElement Label, HTMLElement Element, boolean useLabel)
          Constructor providing a label, element and a boolean that controls wether to use the label or not.


Uses of HTMLElement in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.wb


Subclasses of HTMLElement in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.wb
 class EditForm
          A Web Bean class that provides methods to dynamically generate an HTML form and render it to the output stream of a JSP response.
 class JSButton
 class JSButtonBar
 class JSContainer
 class JSTabContainer
 class JSTable
 class JSTableData
 class JSToolbar
 class JSTree
 class JSTreeData
 class TableControl
          A Web Bean class that provides methods to dynamically generate an HTML table and render it to the output stream of a JSP response.
 class Toolbar
          A Web Bean class that provides methods to dynamically generate an HTML toolbar and render it to the output stream of a JavaServer Page response.


Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02


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