Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use HTMLElementContainer
oracle.jdeveloper.html Contains classes for generating HTML code. 
oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.wb Contains implementation classes for Web Beans. 


Uses of HTMLElementContainer in oracle.jdeveloper.html


Subclasses of HTMLElementContainer in oracle.jdeveloper.html
 class HTMLDiv
          This class represents and HTML DIV element.
 class HTMLDocument
          Represents an HTML document.
 class HTMLForm
          This class represents an HTML FORM.
 class HTMLMenu
          Reprents a collection of text URLs.
 class HTMLScriptFunction
          Represents a JavaScript function that is to be added to a script.
 class HTMLTableRow
          Represents an HTML TABLE'S TR tag.
 class HTMLToolBar
          A Web Bean that provides methods to dynamically generate an HTML toolbar.


Uses of HTMLElementContainer in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.wb


Subclasses of HTMLElementContainer in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.wb
 class EditForm
          A Web Bean class that provides methods to dynamically generate an HTML form and render it to the output stream of a JSP response.
 class Toolbar
          A Web Bean class that provides methods to dynamically generate an HTML toolbar and render it to the output stream of a JavaServer Page response.


Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02


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