Oracle Application Server TopLink API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Class DatabaseQuery

  extended byoracle.toplink.queryframework.DatabaseQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, oracle.toplink.internal.helper.FalseUndefinedTrue,
Direct Known Subclasses:
DoesExistQuery, ModifyQuery, ReadQuery

public abstract class DatabaseQuery
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable,, oracle.toplink.internal.helper.FalseUndefinedTrue

Purpose: Abstract class for all database query objects. DatabaseQuery is a visible class to the TopLink user. Users create an appropriate query by creating an instance of a concrete subclasses of DatabaseQuery.


TOPLink/Java 1.0
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int CascadeAggregateDelete
static int CascadeAllParts
static int CascadeDependentParts
static int CascadePrivateParts
static int NoCascading
static java.lang.String QUERY_PREPARE

Constructor Summary
PUBLIC: Initialize the state of the query

Method Summary
void addArgument(java.lang.String argumentName)
PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName.
void addArgument(java.lang.String argumentName, java.lang.Class type)
PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName and its class type.
void addArgument(java.lang.String argumentName, java.lang.String typeAsString)
PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName and its class type.
void addArgumentValue(java.lang.String argumentValue)
PUBLIC: Add the argumentValue named argumentName.
void addArgumentValues(java.util.Vector theArgumentValues)
PUBLIC: Add the argumentValues to the query
void addCall(Call call)
PUBLIC: Used to define a store procedure or SQL query.
void addStatement(oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.SQLStatement statement)
PUBLIC: Used to define a statement level query.
void bindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
void cacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
void cascadeAllParts()
PUBLIC: Cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) and all objects related to the queries object(s).
void cascadePrivateParts()
PUBLIC: Cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) and all privately owned objects related to the queries object(s).
void dontBindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Do not Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
void dontCacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Dont cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
void dontCascadeParts()
PUBLIC: Do not cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) relationships.
void dontMaintainCache()
PUBLIC: Set for the identity map (cache) to be ignored completely.
oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall getCall()
ADVANCED: Return the call for this query.
java.lang.String getEJBQLString()
PUBLIC: Return the SQL string of the query.
java.lang.String getHintString()
PUBLIC: Return the current Oracle Hint string of the query
java.lang.String getName()
PUBLIC: Return the name of the query
int getQueryTimeout()
PUBLIC: Return the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute to the given number of seconds.
QueryRedirector getRedirector()
PUBLIC: Return the query redirector.
java.lang.Class getReferenceClass()
PUBLIC: Return the domain class associated with this query.
Expression getSelectionCriteria()
PUBLIC: Return the selection criteria of the query.
java.lang.String getSessionName()
PUBLIC: Return the name of the session that the query should be executed under.
oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.SQLStatement getSQLStatement()
PUBLIC: Return the SQL statement of the query.
java.lang.String getSQLString()
PUBLIC: Return the SQL string of the query.
java.lang.String getTranslatedSQLString(oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session session, DatabaseRow translationRow)
ADVANCED: This can be used to access a queries translated SQL if they have been prepared, (i.e. query.prepareCall()).
boolean hasSessionName()
PUBLIC: Return if a name of the session that the query should be executed under has been specified.
void ignoreBindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Session's shouldBindAllParameters() defines whether to bind or not (default setting)
void ignoreCacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Session's shouldCacheAllStatements() defines whether to cache or not (default setting)
boolean isCallQuery()
PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses an SQL, stored procedure, or SDK call.
boolean isDataModifyQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a data modify query.
boolean isDataReadQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a data read query.
boolean isDeleteObjectQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a delete object query.
boolean isExpressionQuery()
PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses an expression query mechanism
boolean isModifyQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a modify query.
boolean isObjectLevelModifyQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is an object level modify query.
boolean isObjectLevelReadQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is an object level read query.
boolean isReadAllQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a read all query.
boolean isReadObjectQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a read object query.
boolean isReadQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a read query.
boolean isReportQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a report query.
boolean isSQLCallQuery()
PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses an SQL query mechanism .
boolean isWriteObjectQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a write object query.
void maintainCache()
PUBLIC: Set for the identity map (cache) to be maintained.
void prepareCall(oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session session, DatabaseRow translationRow)
ADVANCED: Pre-generate the call/SQL for the query.
void setCall(Call call)
PUBLIC: Used to define a store procedure or SQL query.
void setEJBQLString(java.lang.String ejbqlString)
PUBLIC: To any user of this object.
void setHintString(java.lang.String newHintString)
PUBLIC: Used to set the Oracle Hint string on the query.
void setName(java.lang.String queryName)
PUBLIC: Set the query's name.
void setQueryTimeout(int queryTimeout)
PUBLIC: Set the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute to the given number of seconds.
void setRedirector(QueryRedirector redirector)
PUBLIC: Set the query redirector.
void setSelectionCriteria(Expression expression)
PUBLIC: To any user of this object.
void setSessionName(java.lang.String sessionName)
PUBLIC: Set the name of the session that the query should be executed under.
void setShouldBindAllParameters(boolean shouldBindAllParameters)
PUBLIC: Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
void setShouldCacheStatement(boolean shouldCacheStatement)
PUBLIC: Cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
void setShouldMaintainCache(boolean shouldMaintainCache)
PUBLIC: Set if the identity map (cache) should be used or not.
void setShouldPrepare(boolean shouldPrepare)
PUBLIC: Set if the query should be prepared.
void setShouldUseWrapperPolicy(boolean shouldUseWrapperPolicy)
ADVANCED: The wrapper policy can be enable on a query.
void setSQLStatement(oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.SQLStatement sqlStatement)
PUBLIC: To any user of this object.
void setSQLString(java.lang.String sqlString)
PUBLIC: To any user of this object.
boolean shouldBindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
boolean shouldCacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
boolean shouldCascadeAllParts()
PUBLIC: Flag used to determine if all parts should be cascaded
boolean shouldCascadeParts()
PUBLIC: Flag used to determine if any parts should be cascaded
boolean shouldCascadePrivateParts()
PUBLIC: Flag used to determine if any private parts should be cascaded
boolean shouldIgnoreBindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Local shouldBindAllParameters() should be ignored, Session's shouldBindAllParameters() should be used.
boolean shouldIgnoreCacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Local shouldCacheStatement() should be ignored, Session's shouldCacheAllStatements() should be used.
boolean shouldMaintainCache()
PUBLIC: Return if the identity map (cache) should be used or not.
boolean shouldPrepare()
PUBLIC: Return if the query should be prepared.
boolean shouldUseWrapperPolicy()
ADVANCED: The wrapper policy can be enabled on a query.
java.lang.String toString()

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String QUERY_PREPARE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NoCascading
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CascadePrivateParts
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CascadeAllParts
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CascadeDependentParts
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CascadeAggregateDelete
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public DatabaseQuery()
PUBLIC: Initialize the state of the query

Method Detail


public void addArgument(java.lang.String argumentName)
PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName. This will cause the translation of references of argumentName in the receiver's expression, with the value of the argument as supplied to the query in order from executeQuery()


public void addArgument(java.lang.String argumentName,
                        java.lang.Class type)
PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName and its class type. This will cause the translation of references of argumentName in the receiver's expression, with the value of the argument as supplied to the query in order from executeQuery(). Specifying the class type is important if identically named queries are used but with different argument lists.


public void addArgument(java.lang.String argumentName,
                        java.lang.String typeAsString)
PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName and its class type. This will cause the translation of references of argumentName in the receiver's expression, with the value of the argument as supplied to the query in order from executeQuery(). Specifying the class type is important if identically named queries are used but with different argument lists.


public void addArgumentValue(java.lang.String argumentValue)
PUBLIC: Add the argumentValue named argumentName. This will cause the translation of references of argumentValues in the receiver's expression, with the value of the argument as supplied to the query in order from executeQuery()


public void addArgumentValues(java.util.Vector theArgumentValues)
PUBLIC: Add the argumentValues to the query


public void addCall(Call call)
PUBLIC: Used to define a store procedure or SQL query. This may be used for multiple SQL executions to be mapped to a single query. This cannot be used for cursored selects, delete alls or does exists.


public void addStatement(oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.SQLStatement statement)
PUBLIC: Used to define a statement level query. This may be used for multiple SQL executions to be mapped to a single query. This cannot be used for cursored selects, delete alls or does exists.


public void bindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.


public void cacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.


public void cascadeAllParts()
PUBLIC: Cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) and all objects related to the queries object(s). This includes private and independent relationships, but not read-only relationships. This will still stop on uninstantiated indirection objects except for deletion. Great caution should be used in using the property as the query may effect a large number of objects. This policy is used by the unit of work to ensure persistence by reachability.


public void cascadePrivateParts()
PUBLIC: Cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) and all privately owned objects related to the queries object(s). This is the default for write and delete queries. This policy should normally be used for refreshing, otherwise you could refresh half of any object.


public void dontBindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Do not Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.


public void dontCacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Dont cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.


public void dontCascadeParts()
PUBLIC: Do not cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) relationships. This does not effect the queries private parts but only the object(s) direct row-level attributes. This is the default for read queries and can be used in writting if it is known that only row-level attributes changed, or to resolve circular foreign key dependencies.


public void dontMaintainCache()
PUBLIC: Set for the identity map (cache) to be ignored completely. The cache check will be skipped and the result will not be put into the identity map. This can be used to retreive the exact state of an object on the database. By default the identity map is always maintained.


public oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall getCall()
ADVANCED: Return the call for this query. This call contains the SQL and argument list.
See Also:
prepareCall(Session, DatabaseRow);


public java.lang.String getName()
PUBLIC: Return the name of the query


public int getQueryTimeout()
PUBLIC: Return the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute to the given number of seconds.


public QueryRedirector getRedirector()
PUBLIC: Return the query redirector. A redirector can be used in a query to replace its execution with the execution of code. This can be used for named or parameterized queries to allow dynamic configuration of the query base on the query arguments.
See Also:


public java.lang.Class getReferenceClass()
PUBLIC: Return the domain class associated with this query. By default this is null, but should be overridden in subclasses.


public Expression getSelectionCriteria()
PUBLIC: Return the selection criteria of the query. This should only be used with expression queries, null will be returned for others.


public java.lang.String getSessionName()
PUBLIC: Return the name of the session that the query should be executed under. This can be with the session broker to override the default session.


public oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.SQLStatement getSQLStatement()
PUBLIC: Return the SQL statement of the query. This can only be used with statement queries.


public java.lang.String getEJBQLString()
PUBLIC: Return the SQL string of the query. This can be used for SQL queries. ADVANCED: This can also be used for normal queries if they have been prepared, (i.e. query.prepareCall()).
See Also:
prepareCall(Session, DatabaseRow)


public java.lang.String getHintString()
PUBLIC: Return the current Oracle Hint string of the query
String - The hint string for this query


public java.lang.String getSQLString()
PUBLIC: Return the SQL string of the query. This can be used for SQL queries. ADVANCED: This can also be used for normal queries if they have been prepared, (i.e. query.prepareCall()).
See Also:
prepareCall(Session, DatabaseRow)


public java.lang.String getTranslatedSQLString(oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session session,
                                               DatabaseRow translationRow)
ADVANCED: This can be used to access a queries translated SQL if they have been prepared, (i.e. query.prepareCall()).
See Also:
prepareCall(Session, DatabaseRow)


public boolean hasSessionName()
PUBLIC: Return if a name of the session that the query should be executed under has been specified. This can be with the session broker to override the default session.


public void ignoreBindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Session's shouldBindAllParameters() defines whether to bind or not (default setting)


public void ignoreCacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Session's shouldCacheAllStatements() defines whether to cache or not (default setting)


public boolean isCallQuery()
PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses an SQL, stored procedure, or SDK call.


public boolean isDataModifyQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a data modify query.


public boolean isDataReadQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a data read query.


public boolean isDeleteObjectQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a delete object query.


public boolean isExpressionQuery()
PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses an expression query mechanism


public boolean isModifyQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a modify query.


public boolean isObjectLevelModifyQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is an object level modify query.


public boolean isObjectLevelReadQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is an object level read query.


public boolean isReadAllQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a read all query.


public boolean isReadObjectQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a read object query.


public boolean isReadQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a read query.


public boolean isReportQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a report query.


public boolean isSQLCallQuery()
PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses an SQL query mechanism .


public boolean isWriteObjectQuery()
PUBLIC: Return if this is a write object query.


public void maintainCache()
PUBLIC: Set for the identity map (cache) to be maintained. This is the default.


public void prepareCall(oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session session,
                        DatabaseRow translationRow)
                 throws QueryException
ADVANCED: Pre-generate the call/SQL for the query. This can be used to access the SQL for a query without executing it. To access the call use, query.getCall(), or query.getSQLString() for the SQL. Note the SQL will have argument markers in it (i.e. "?"). To translate these use query.getTranslatedSQLString(session, translationRow).
See Also:
getCall(), getSQLString(), getTranslatedSQLString(Session, DatabaseRow)


public void setCall(Call call)
PUBLIC: Used to define a store procedure or SQL query.


public void setEJBQLString(java.lang.String ejbqlString)
PUBLIC: To any user of this object. Set the EJBQL string of the query. If arguments are required in the string they will be preceeded by "?" then the argument number.


public void setHintString(java.lang.String newHintString)
PUBLIC: Used to set the Oracle Hint string on the query. This should be the full hint string including the comment delimiters This method will cause a query to re-prepare if it has already been executed


public void setName(java.lang.String queryName)
PUBLIC: Set the query's name. Queries can be named and added to a descriptor or the session and then referenced by name.


public void setQueryTimeout(int queryTimeout)
PUBLIC: Set the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute to the given number of seconds. If the limit is exceeded, a DatabaseException is thrown. queryTimeout - the new query timeout limit in seconds; zero means unlimited (by default)


public void setRedirector(QueryRedirector redirector)
PUBLIC: Set the query redirector. A redirector can be used in a query to replace its execution with the execution of code. This can be used for named or parameterized queries to allow dynamic configuration of the query base on the query arguments.
See Also:


public void setSelectionCriteria(Expression expression)
PUBLIC: To any user of this object. Set the selection criteria of the query. This method be used when dealing with expressions.


public void setSessionName(java.lang.String sessionName)
PUBLIC: Set the name of the session that the query should be executed under. This can be with the session broker to override the default session.


public void setShouldBindAllParameters(boolean shouldBindAllParameters)
PUBLIC: Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.


public void setShouldCacheStatement(boolean shouldCacheStatement)
PUBLIC: Cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.


public void setShouldMaintainCache(boolean shouldMaintainCache)
PUBLIC: Set if the identity map (cache) should be used or not. If not the cache check will be skipped and the result will not be put into the identity map. By default the identity map is always maintained.


public void setShouldPrepare(boolean shouldPrepare)
PUBLIC: Set if the query should be prepared. TopLink automatically prepares queries to generate their SQL only once, one each execution of the query the SQL does not need to be generated again only the arguments need to be translated. This option is provide to disable this optimization as in can cause problems with certain types of queries that require dynamic SQL basd on their arguments.

These queries include:


public void setShouldUseWrapperPolicy(boolean shouldUseWrapperPolicy)
ADVANCED: The wrapper policy can be enable on a query.


public void setSQLStatement(oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.SQLStatement sqlStatement)
PUBLIC: To any user of this object. Set the SQL statement of the query. This method should only be used when dealing with statement objects.


public void setSQLString(java.lang.String sqlString)
PUBLIC: To any user of this object. Set the SQL string of the query. This method should only be used when dealing with user defined SQL strings. If arguments are required in the string they will be preceeded by "#" then the argument name.


public boolean shouldBindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.


public boolean shouldCacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.


public boolean shouldCascadeAllParts()
PUBLIC: Flag used to determine if all parts should be cascaded


public boolean shouldCascadeParts()
PUBLIC: Flag used to determine if any parts should be cascaded


public boolean shouldCascadePrivateParts()
PUBLIC: Flag used to determine if any private parts should be cascaded


public boolean shouldIgnoreBindAllParameters()
PUBLIC: Local shouldBindAllParameters() should be ignored, Session's shouldBindAllParameters() should be used.


public boolean shouldIgnoreCacheStatement()
PUBLIC: Local shouldCacheStatement() should be ignored, Session's shouldCacheAllStatements() should be used.


public boolean shouldMaintainCache()
PUBLIC: Return if the identity map (cache) should be used or not. If not the cache check will be skipped and the result will not be put into the identity map. By default the identity map is always maintained.


public boolean shouldPrepare()
PUBLIC: Return if the query should be prepared. TopLink automatically prepares queries to generate their SQL only once, one each execution of the query the SQL does not need to be generated again only the arguments need to be translated. This option is provide to disable this optimization as in can cause problems with certain types of queries that require dynamic SQL basd on their arguments.

These queries include:


public boolean shouldUseWrapperPolicy()
ADVANCED: The wrapper policy can be enabled on a query.


public java.lang.String toString()

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