Oracle Application Server TopLink API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Package oracle.toplink.sdk

Interface Summary
FieldTranslator This interface defines a mechanism for translating the field names in a DatabaseRow from those defined in the data store to those expected by the appropriate Descriptor(s) and vice versa.
SDKCall SDKCall augments the Call interface to define a bit more behavior, as required by the SDKQueryMechanism: When a query is executed, it is cloned; the call must be able to provide a clone of itself that corresponds to this cloned query.
SDKCollectionMapping Interface used by the SDKCollectionMappingHelper to interact with the assorted SDK collection mappings.


Class Summary
AbstractSDKCall AbstractSDKCall provides a base implementation of SDKCall.
DefaultFieldTranslator This is a default implementation of the FieldTranslator interface.
SDKAccessor SDKAccessor is a facile implementation of the Accessor interface.
SDKAggregateCollectionMapping Chunks of data from non-relational data sources can have embedded collections of component objects.
SDKAggregateObjectMapping Chunks of data from non-relational data sources can have an embedded component objects.
SDKCollectionMappingHelper Helper class to consolidate all the heinous comparing and merging code for the SDK collection mappings.
SDKDescriptor SDKDescriptor supplements the Descriptor protocol with a number of defaults and helper methods that simplify the use of custom queries/calls (since every query in an SDKDescriptor must be custom).
SDKDirectCollectionMapping SDKDirectCollectionMapping consolidates the behavior of mappings that map collections of "native" data objects (e.g.
SDKFieldValue SDKFieldValue is a container for nested (and possibly repeating) elements that might occur within a database row.
SDKLogin SDKLogin does little more than parameterize Accessor to be used by the Session.
SDKObjectCollectionMapping SDKObjectCollectionMapping is used to represent a relationship between a single source object and collection of target objects; where, on the data store, the source object has a collection of references (foreign keys) to the target objects.
SDKPlatform SDKPlatform provides just a tiny bit of behavior: building the queries for using sequence numbers.
SDKQueryMechanism The SDKQueryMechanism class implements the DatabaseQueryMechanism protocol by redirecting all queries to a collection of calls that is provided to the mechanism when it is built.
SDKSchemaManager This class is for future use to provide extra funtionality to the SchemaManager for SDK developers.
SimpleFieldTranslator This is a simple implementation of the FieldTranslator interface.


Exception Summary
SDKDataStoreException Exception used for any problem detected while interacting with the "data store".
SDKDescriptorException Exception used for any problem that is detected with an SDK descriptor or mapping.
SDKQueryException Exception used for SDK query problems.


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