Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

Interface Folder

All Superinterfaces:
ModelObject, Service, XMLObject

public interface Folder
extends Service

A Folder is just like a directory in a file system and contains other services including other sub-folders. The model for a Folder is following the "standardized" composite pattern, where the Folder is just an aggregate of other services.

Field Summary
static int TYPEID
          The type id of this class.
static java.lang.String TYPENAME
          The constant class type identifier.


Fields inherited from interface oracle.panama.model.Service


Method Summary
 void addChild(Service service)
          Add a service to this folder.
 Service[] getAccessibleUserServices(Profile profile)
          Gets all valid and visible services contained in the folder.
 Service[] getAccessibleUserServices(Profile profile, Device d)
          Gets all valid and visible services contained in the folder.
 Service[] getAccessibleUserServices(User user)
          Gets all valid and visible services contained in the folder.
 Service[] getAccessibleUserServices(User user, Device device)
          Gets all valid and visible services contained in the folder.
 Service[] getAllUserServices(User user)
          Gets all services contained in the folder.
 Service[] getAllUserServices(User user, Device device)
          Gets all services contained in the folder.
 Service[] getChildren()
          Gets all Services (including invalid and invisible services) contained by this Folder, independently of any user.
 Service[] getHiddenServices(Profile profile)
          Get the hidden services.
 java.lang.String getLanguage()
          Gets the language property value.
 Service getRenderer()
          Get the rendering service of this folder.
 Service getRendererInherit()
          Get the rendering service of this folder, inherit from the parent folders if specified by renderer selection.
 RendererSelection getRendererSelection()
          Get the renderer selection rule
 int getSortRule()
          Get the default sorting rule to be applied to the contents of the folder.
 Service[] getValidUserServices(Profile profile)
          Gets all valid services contained in the folder.
 Service[] getValidUserServices(User user)
          Gets all valid services contained in the folder.
 void removeChild(Service service)
          Remove a service from this folder.
 void setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
          Sets the language property value.
 void setRenderer(Service renderer)
          Set the rendering service of the folder
 void setRendererSelection(RendererSelection value)
          Set the boolean value to allow the folder to inherit the renderer from the parent folder.
 void setSortRule(int rule)
          Set the default sorting rule to be applied to the contents of the folder.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.panama.model.Service
addDeviceGroup, addDeviceGroup, addDeviceGroup, createPresets, createPresets, deletePresets, deletePresets, getAdminURL, getAllPresets, getAreaId, getCategory, getCost, getCustomizationPageURL, getDescription, getDeviceGroupAssociations, getGroups, getParent, getPresets, getPresets, getPrimaryAudio, getPrimaryImage, getSecondaryAudio, getSecondaryImage, getSequenceNo, getServiceAccessPoints, getShortName, getTransformer, getURL, getURLPathParameter, getURLPathParameter, getUserOwner, getVirtualURL, invoke, isRedirectHelp, isSessionless, isValid, isViewCustomizable, isVisible, removeAllDeviceGroups, removeAllGroups, setAdminURL, setAreaId, setCategory, setCost, setCustomizationPageURL, setDescription, setGroups, setParent, setPrimaryAudio, setPrimaryImage, setRedirectHelp, setSecondaryAudio, setSecondaryImage, setSequenceNo, setShortName, setUserOwner, setValid, setViewCustomizable, setVirtualURL, setVisible


Methods inherited from interface oracle.panama.model.ModelObject
delete, getCreatedDate, getId, getLastModifiedDate, getName, getTypeId, getTypeName, isSystem, setName, setSystem, undoAll


Methods inherited from interface oracle.panama.model.XMLObject
setXML, toXML


Field Detail


public static final int TYPEID
The type id of this class.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TYPENAME
The constant class type identifier.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


public void addChild(Service service)
Add a service to this folder.
service - a non null service to add.


public Service[] getAccessibleUserServices(Profile profile)
Gets all valid and visible services contained in the folder. The services are sorted according to the user's preferences in the user's customization profile.
profile - to customize the view of the services
a Service[] of valid and visible services contained by this folder.


public Service[] getAccessibleUserServices(Profile profile,
                                           Device d)
Gets all valid and visible services contained in the folder. The services are sorted according to the user's preferences in the user's customization profile. These services would also be filtered based on the device and the service's association with device groups.
profile - to customize the view of the services
d - The device that's accessing the folder.
a Service[] of valid and visible services contained by this folder.


public Service[] getAccessibleUserServices(User user)
Gets all valid and visible services contained in the folder. It will include invalid and invisible services if the user is administrator or designer. The services are sorted by the sorting rule specified for the folder.
user - that invokes the call.
a Service[] of valid and visible services contained by this folder.


public Service[] getAccessibleUserServices(User user,
                                           Device device)
Gets all valid and visible services contained in the folder. It will include invalid and invisible services if the user is administrator or designer. The services are sorted by the sorting rule specified for the folder. These services would also be filtered based on the device and the service's association with device groups.
user - that invokes the call.
device - device that access the folder
a Service[] of valid and visible services contained by this folder.


public Service[] getAllUserServices(User user)
Gets all services contained in the folder. It will include invalid and invisible services if the user is administrator or designer. The services are sorted by the sorting rule specified for the folder.
user - that invokes the call.
a Service[] services contained by this folder.


public Service[] getAllUserServices(User user,
                                    Device device)
Gets all services contained in the folder. It will include invalid and invisible services if the user is administrator or designer. The services are sorted by the sorting rule specified for the folder. These services would also be filtered based on the device and the service's association with device groups.
user - that invokes the call.
device - that access the folder.
a Service[] services contained by this folder.


public Service[] getChildren()
Gets all Services (including invalid and invisible services) contained by this Folder, independently of any user.
Service[] all Services contained by this Folder.


public Service[] getHiddenServices(Profile profile)
Get the hidden services.


public java.lang.String getLanguage()
Gets the language property value.
the language property value


public Service getRenderer()
Get the rendering service of this folder.
the service or null if none.


public Service getRendererInherit()
Get the rendering service of this folder, inherit from the parent folders if specified by renderer selection.
the service or null if none.


public RendererSelection getRendererSelection()
Get the renderer selection rule


public int getSortRule()
Get the default sorting rule to be applied to the contents of the folder.
The sorting rule


public Service[] getValidUserServices(Profile profile)
Gets all valid services contained in the folder. The services are sorted according to the user's preferences in the user's customization profile.
profile - to customize the view of the services
a Service[] of valid services contained by this folder.


public Service[] getValidUserServices(User user)
Gets all valid services contained in the folder. It will include invalid and invisible services if the user is administrator or designer. The services are sorted by the sorting rule specified for the folder.
user - that invokes the call.
a Service[] of valid services contained by this folder.


public void removeChild(Service service)
Remove a service from this folder.
service - a non null service to remove.


public void setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
Sets the language property value.
language - the new property value


public void setRenderer(Service renderer)
Set the rendering service of the folder
renderer - the Service that renders the contents of the folder.


public void setRendererSelection(RendererSelection value)
Set the boolean value to allow the folder to inherit the renderer from the parent folder.


public void setSortRule(int rule)
Set the default sorting rule to be applied to the contents of the folder.
rule - The sorting rule

Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

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