Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

Interface ExtendedYPBusiness

All Superinterfaces:
Location, Point,, YPBusiness

public interface ExtendedYPBusiness
extends YPBusiness

This interface represents a more flexible YP business with dynamic fields based on the data source. The field names (and types) only become known at runtime, so that a YP provider can dynamically add data. In the case of the YP database YPFinderImplDB, all non-standard columns in the database become dynamic fields accessible through the functions in this interface.

Method Summary
 java.util.Iterator getFieldNames()
          This function provides the names of available fields.
 java.lang.Class getFieldType(java.lang.String fieldName)
          This function supplies the type (Java class) of a field for this business.
 java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.String fieldName)
          This function supplies the value of a field for this business.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.panama.spatial.yp.YPBusiness
getCategories, getDescription, getTelephone, getYPProvider, setYPProvider


Methods inherited from interface oracle.panama.model.Location
geocode, getAddressLastLine, getAddressLine1, getAddressLine2, getBlock, getCity, getCompanyName, getCountry, getCounty, getGeocodeProvider, getMatchMode, getPostalCode, getPostalCodeExt, getState, setAddressLastLine, setAddressLine1, setAddressLine2, setBlock, setCity, setCompanyName, setCountry, setCounty, setGeocodeProvider, setMatchMode, setPostalCode, setPostalCodeExt, setState


Methods inherited from interface oracle.panama.model.Point
getDistance, getLabel, getLatitude, getLongitude, getPositionProvider, getRadius, setLabel, setLatitude, setLongitude, setPositionProvider, setRadius


Method Detail


public java.util.Iterator getFieldNames()
This function provides the names of available fields. With these names, the respective values for this business can be queried. However, most applications are likely to only use fields for which name, type and semantics are known at (application) compile time. Thus, getFieldNames() and getFieldType() will probably not be very frequently used.
an Iterator providing the (String) names of all fields


public java.lang.Class getFieldType(java.lang.String fieldName)
This function supplies the type (Java class) of a field for this business. This function might be useful when the field value itself is null. However, most applications are likely to only use fields for which name, type and semantics are known at (application) compile time. Thus, getFieldNames() and getFieldType() will probably not be very frequently used.
fieldName - a String representing the name of the requested field
a Class representing the type of the requested field


public java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.String fieldName)
This function supplies the value of a field for this business.
fieldName - a String representing the name of the requested field
an Object representing the value of the requested field

Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

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