Oracle Application Server Wireless J2ME SDK API Reference
Class Call


public class Call
extends java.lang.Object

The Call object is used for making remote procedure calls of web services and for obtaining a return object from such calls.


Method Summary
java.lang.String getOperationName()
Get the name of remote procedure call that this Call object invokes on a web service.
java.util.Vector getParameters()
Get the parameters sent to the method of this Call
Response getResponse()
Gets the object returned from the remote procedure call if and only if the response was cached (responses from queued calls are always cached, except if the response is null (the remote method returned null or has a return type of void)).
Service getService()
Get the associated Service Object
Response invoke(java.util.Vector parameters, boolean forceRefresh)
Invokes the Call, which will make a remote procedure call to a service handler object on the iAS Wireless server, and returns a Response object.
void setParameters(java.util.Vector parameters)
This method is only useful if you want to queue a call for later invokation (using ServiceManager.queueCall) WITHOUT calling Call.invoke first.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Service getService()
Get the associated Service Object
Service object reference.


public java.lang.String getOperationName()
Get the name of remote procedure call that this Call object invokes on a web service.
String with Call name


public java.util.Vector getParameters()
Get the parameters sent to the method of this Call
Vector with parameters


public void setParameters(java.util.Vector parameters)
This method is only useful if you want to queue a call for later invokation (using ServiceManager.queueCall) WITHOUT calling Call.invoke first. Normally, you set the parameters for the Call when you invoke it with Call.invoke. The parameters specified in the Call.invoke method overwrite any parameters set through this method. Also, calling this method after a Call has been queued has no effect on the queued Call. In general, Calls should only be queued after they were invoked if a network error ocurred, so this method should not be needed in most cases.


public Response invoke(java.util.Vector parameters,
                       boolean forceRefresh)
                throws ServiceException
Invokes the Call, which will make a remote procedure call to a service handler object on the iAS Wireless server, and returns a Response object.
parameters - Vector of input parameters for the remote procedure call
forceRefresh - boolean true to invoke call remotely even if a response to this call is already in the local cache
Response that contains the data produced by the service handler on the server


public Response getResponse()
Gets the object returned from the remote procedure call if and only if the response was cached (responses from queued calls are always cached, except if the response is null (the remote method returned null or has a return type of void)).
Response that holds result of remote procedure call, or null if the response is null or not cached

Oracle Application Server Wireless J2ME SDK API Reference

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