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Oracle Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10274-01
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Introducing the Oracle Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java

1.1 Introducing the Oracle Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java

This chapter introduces the Oracle Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java, and contains the following topics:

1.2 What is the Oracle Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java?

The Oracle Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java is a set of text based commands that enable you to create and manipulate Discoverer EULs.

Note: You use Heterogeneous Services to connect to non-Oracle databases, although the EUL is stored in the Oracle database. For more information about using non-Oracle databases, see Oracle Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide.

The Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java runs in a Java environment, which means that you can run it from any Java-compatible platform (e.g. Windows, UNIX, Linux). For example, you might want to refresh (or patch) an EUL from a UNIX machine.

The figure below shows three different ways in which you can manipulate Discoverer EULs:

Figure 1-1 Discoverer interfaces to the Discoverer EUL

Text description of overview.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration overview.gif


1.3 What are the differences between the Oracle Discoverer Administrator Command Line Interface and the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java?

Much of the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java is compatible with the Oracle Administrator Command Line Interface. If you have commands and scripts written for the Oracle Discoverer Administrator Command Line Interface, you can easily convert them to run on the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java.

The Oracle Discoverer Administrator Command Line Interface and the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java differ as follows:

1.4 What is a Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java command?

A Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java command is an instruction that manipulates a Discoverer EUL in some way. For example:

1.5 What is a Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java command modifier?

A Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java command modifier is an instruction that qualifies or refines a command. For example:

1.6 What privileges do you require to use the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java?

To use the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java, the database username that you use to connect to a database must have the following database privileges:

The database username also requires a default tablespace, and a quota set on the default tablespace. For more information about granting privileges, see Oracle Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide.

1.7 How to run a Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java command

You can run the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java in two ways:


1.7.1 How to type commands directly at a command prompt

You might type commands directly at a command prompt when you want to patch an EUL from a UNIX machine.

To type a command directly at a command prompt:

  1. Open a command prompt (e.g. a UNIX command prompt).

  2. Type a command directly at the command prompt.

    For example, to refresh folders called Sales1 and Sales2, type the following (see figure below):

    java -jar eulbuilder.jar -connect jchan/12345@my_database -refresh_
    folder Sales1 -refresh_folder Sales2

Figure 1-2 Using the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java from a UNIX command prompt

Text description of cm_cline.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration cm_cline.gif

1.7.2 How to run commands stored in a command file

You might run commands stored in a command file when you want to perform a regular EUL update.

To run commands stored in a command file:

  1. Create a text file and type the commands into the text file (e.g. import.txt).

  2. Open a command prompt (e.g. a UNIX command prompt).

  3. Type the -cmdfile command at the command prompt followed by the name of a command file.

    For example, to run commands stored in import.txt, type the following:

    java -jar eulbuilder.jar -connect jchan/12345@my_database -cmdfile 

    For more information about command files, see Section 1.11, "What is a command file?".


1.8 About troubleshooting the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java

The Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java provides a log facility. Use the log facility to test commands without changing data (i.e. for impact analysis) and troubleshoot problems as follows:

1.9 About using wildcards to identify EUL objects

When you use the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java, you can use wildcards to specify groups of EUL objects that you want to manipulate. Wildcards are special characters that you use to substitute other characters. For example, you might want to import OLAP functions with names that begin with 'BI_'.

There are two wildcards that you can use:

You can use wildcards when you:

You can use wildcards with item names or identifiers. When you use wildcards, you append the command with the -wildcard modifier (for more information, see Section 2.6.64, "-wildcard").

How to identify EUL objects using the percent wildcard:

  1. Use the percent sign (%) followed by the -wildcard modifier.

    For example, to delete all business areas with display names that begin with 'A':

    java eulbuilder.jar -connect jchan/12345@my_database -delete -business_
    area A% -wildcard 

How to identify EUL objects using the underscore wildcard:

  1. Use the underscore (_) followed by the -wildcard modifier.

    For example, to delete all business areas with an identifier 'A', followed by any character, followed by 'C':

    java eulbuilder.jar -connect jchan/12345@my_database -delete -business_
    area A_C -identifier -wildcard


1.10 Examples of commands

Example 1

To delete the Sales folder and Sum1 summary from the Sales EUL, use the following command:

java -jar eulbuilder.jar -connect jchan/12345@my_database -delete -folder 
Sales -summary Sum1 -eul Sales

Example 2

To refresh the Sales1 and Sales2 folders, use the following command:

java -jar eulbuilder.jar -connect jchan/12345@my_database -refresh_folder 
Sales1 -refresh_folder Sales2

Example 3

To create an Applications Mode EUL in the database under user jchan and grant access using the Applications username and password apps/apps, use the following command:

java -jar eulbuilder.jar -connect eul_owner:appsresp/appspwd -create_eul 
-apps_mode -apps_grant_details apps/apps -user jchan -password 123456


1.11 What is a command file?

Command files are text files that contain one or more Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java commands. You use command files to run commands automatically without having to type them manually at a command prompt. If you are familiar with MS-DOS or UNIX, command files work in a similar way to MS-DOS batch files and UNIX script files.


1.12 Examples of command files

Three example command files are described below:

    1. connect.txt contains '-connect jchan/12345@my_database'

    2. create.txt contains '-create_eul -log create.log'

    3. delete.txt contains '-delete_eul -log delete.log'

You can use these command files in different combinations as shown in the following examples:

Example 1

To connect to a database:

java -jar eulbuilder.jar -cmdfile connect.txt

Example 2

To connect to a database, create an EUL, and store processing information in a log file:

java -jar eulbuilder.jar -cmdfile connect.txt -cmdfile create.txt

Example 3

To connect to a database, delete an EUL, and store processing information in a log file:

java -jar eulbuilder.jar -cmdfile connect.txt -cmdfile delete.txt

1.13 List of Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java commands

The table below lists the Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java commands


Command:  Use to: 

-asm <modifiers> 

Automate summary management ASM 

-cmdfile <command file

Run commands stored in a command file 

-connect <username>/<password> [@<database

Connect to an EUL 

-create_eul <modifiers> 

Create an EUL 

-delete <modifiers>  

Delete an EUL object 

-delete_eul <modifiers> 

Delete an EUL 

-export <export file> <modifiers> 

Export EUL object 

-grant_privilege <modifiers> 

Grant Discoverer privileges to a database user 

-help [command name(s)] [-all] 

Display online help 

-import <import file(s)> <modifiers> 

Import EUL objects 

-load <business area> <modifiers> 

Load a business area 

-refresh_business_area <business area(s)> <modifiers> 

Refresh a business area 

-refresh_folder <folder name(s)> <modifiers> 

Refresh a folder 

-refresh_summary <summary name(s)> <modifiers> 

Refresh a summary folder 

-revoke_privilege <modifiers> 

Remove Discoverer privileges from a database user 

Note: Detailed information about command modifiers is contained in the command reference section (for more information, see Section 2.1, "Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java Reference").

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