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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Upgrade Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1) for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), Linux x86 and Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC)

Part Number B14490-03
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9 Migrating the Oracle Ultra Search Index

This chapter describes the procedure for migrating Oracle Ultra Search index and configuration data from the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository to the Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage database. In Oracle Collaboration Suite, Oracle Ultra Search is used for Web content indexes, not Oracle Collaboration Suite content indexes.

To migrate both index and configuration data, perform the procedures in this chapter after upgrading the Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage database and before upgrading the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier. Oracle recommends using this procedure if you have a very large index.

If you do not perform this procedure, you can migrate only the configuration data during the middle tier upgrade. If you use the second method, Oracle Ultra Search re-creates the index in the upgraded database when the data source is recrawled. Oracle recommends using the second procedure for most cases as it is simpler. See Chapter 8 for more information on the second option.

The following sections describe how to perform the migration:

9.1 Oracle Ultra Search Instance Migration Requirements and Limitations

Make sure you understand the following requirements and limitations of the migration process before proceeding with the migration:

9.2 Preparing to Migrate the Oracle Ultra Search Instance

The Oracle home of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database 10g (10.1.1) contains the premigration script that prepares the system for the migration.

To run the premigration script:

  1. Log into the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database as SYS. For example:

    sqlplus "sys/password as sysdba"
  2. Enter the following command:


    where ORACLE_HOME is the location of the upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite Database 10g (10.1.1) database

    The premigration script performs the following tasks:

    • Sets all Oracle Ultra Search instances in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository to READ-ONLY mode. This mode means that:

      • Any executing schedule is stopped.

      • All schedules are disabled.

      • Instance data can no longer be modified.

    • Makes an inventory of the Oracle Ultra Search instances to be migrated from the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database. It displays the instance name, instance owner schema name, and the tablespace used by the schema.

    • Determines whether the tablespace used by the instances is self-contained by executing the transport_set_check procedure in the Oracle package DBMS_TTS.

      Note that this check is a necessary but not sufficient condition for using the transportable tablespace feature. You must meet the other criteria for using transportable tablespace.

    Rerunning the script toggles Ultra Search instances between UPDATABLE state and READ-ONLY state.

  3. Review the results of the premigration script which are displayed on your standard output. The premigration script executes the transport_set_check procedure as well as the following SQL command:

    select * from transport_set_violations; 
  4. If there are violations, then run wkpremig.sql again to set the instance back to UPDATABLE mode. You cannot use this procedure to migrate the your instance and index data. You can migrate your instance data only using the procedure described in Section 8.3.3.

  5. If there are no violations, and you have verified that your instance meets the hardware compatibility and other criteria for transportable tablespace, then rerun wkpremig.sql again to set the instance back to UPDATABLE mode. Proceed with the steps in Section 9.3.1.

9.3 Exporting the Oracle Ultra Search Instance from the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository

Before exporting the Oracle Ultra Search instances from the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository, perform the prerequisites for using the Export utility.

To prepare to use Export:

  1. Log into the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database as SYS and run the following command:

  2. Ensure there is sufficient disk or tape storage to write the export file

  3. Verify that you have the required access privileges.

See Also:

Oracle9i Database Utilities Release 1 (9.0.1) for more information on using the Export utility.

9.3.1 Performing the Transportable Tablespace Export

Perform the export for each instance that can be migrated using transportable tablespace:

  1. Set the tablespace to READ-ONLY mode by entering the following commands from the Oracle home bin directory:

    sqlplus Òsys/password as sysdbaÓ
    alter tablespace tablespace_name read only;
  2. Run the Export utility from the Oracle home bin directory:

    exp \'sys/<password of sys user> as sysdba\'       


    • list_of_transportable_tablespaces is the list of names of transportable tablespaces separated by commas

    • export_file_name is the name of the export file (also called the structural information file)

    For example, if there is one tablespace:

    exp \'sys/manager as sysdba\' transport_tablespace=y tablespaces=us_data file=us_data.dmp

    For another example, if there is more than one tablespace:

    exp \'sys/manager as sysdba\' transport_tablespace=y tablespaces=(us_data1,us_data2) file=us_data.dmp

9.4 Importing the Oracle Ultra Search Instance to the Information Storage Database

Before exporting the Oracle Ultra Search instances from the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository, perform the prerequisite steps.

  1. Copy the datafiles and the export file to a place accessible to the Information Storage database. Use any utility for copying flat files, such as FTP binary, an operating system utility or CD_ROM publishing.

  2. Prepare the Information Storage database to use the Import utility by running the catexp.sql script as described in Section 9.3.

  3. Create a new database schema for each Oracle Ultra Search instance to be migrated. The new schema name must be identical to the exported one. Since this schema will hold the migrated instance, it cannot already hold an existing instance. If the schema does hold an existing instance, drop that instance before performing the migration.

    See Section 8.3.3 for instructions on creating schemas for Oracle Ultra Search instances.


    If a schema with the same name already exists, make sure it is permissible to import Oracle Ultra Search instance data into that schema.

To import the transportable tablespaces into the Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage database:

  1. Run the Import utility from the Oracle home bin directory:

    imp \'sys/password as sysdba\'

    For example, if you have a schema named 'adam' with a tablespace 'us_data':

    imp \'sys/manager as sysdba\' transport_tablespace=y file=us_data.dmp datafiles='/info/oracle/dbs/us_data.dbf' tablespaces=us_data tts_owners=adam fromuser=adam touser=adam
  2. Enter the following commands to set the tablespace in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database back to READ-WRITE mode:

    sqlplus Òsys/sys_password as sysdbaÓ
    alter tablespace tablespace_name read write;

9.5 Registering Imported Instance Data With Oracle Ultra Search

There are two procedures involved in registering imported instance data with Oracle Ultra Search. These procedures are described in the following sections:

9.5.1 Creating a TNS Name for the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository Database

Before performing the instance data registration, you need to create a TNS alias for the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database in the Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage database. If a TNS alias already exists, you can reuse the alias name and skip the steps in this section.

To create a TNS name for the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database:

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the Oracle home of the upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

  2. Start the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant by entering the following command:

  3. Select Local Net Service Name Configuration. Click Next.

  4. Select Add. Click Next.

  5. Select Oracle8i or later database or service. Click Next.

  6. In the Service Name field, enter the service name of the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database. Click Next.

  7. Select TCP. Click Next.

  8. In the Host Name field, enter the name of the system running the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database. Click Next.

  9. Select Use Standard Port Number of 1521 if the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database listener is listening on port 1521. Otherwise select Use Another Port Number and enter the port number where the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database listener is listenering. Click Next.

  10. Select Yes, perform a test to test the connection. If the connection is successful, click Next.

  11. In the Net Service Name field, leave the default service name or enter a different name. Click Next.

  12. On the screen with the message "Would you like to configure another net service name", select No. The message "Net Service name complete" appears. Click Next and then Finish.

You use the net service name created in step 11 during the next procedure.

9.5.2 Performing the Instance Data Registration

To register the imported instance data with Oracle Ultra Search:

  1. Log into the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database as SYS.

  2. Create a public, fixed WKSYS database link to the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository:

    create public database link mrlink connect to wksys identified by wksys_password using 'mr_db_tns_name_entry';


    • wksys_password is the WKSYS password in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database

    • mr_db_tns_name_entry is the net access descriptor or the TNS alias specified in the tnsname.ora file. This is the same name created in Section 9.5.1.

  3. Verify the database link by running the following query as the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database WKSYS user:

    select inst_name from wk$instance@mrlink;

    The query should return a list of instances in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database.

  4. For each Oracle Ultra Search instance, run the migration script on the Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage database:

    @ ORACLE_HOME/ultrasearch/admin/wkreginst.sql mrlink old_inst new_inst new_inst_owner password


    • ORACLE_HOME is the location of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database 10g (10.1.1)

    • mrlink is the database link created in step 2

    • old_inst is the original name of the instance exported from the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database

    • new_inst is the name the instance has after the migration. You can choose the same name as the original instance or use a new name.

    • new_inst_owner is the name of the schema that imports the instance data

    • password is the password of the schema that imports the instance data

    For example:

    @ ORACLE_HOME/ultrasearch/admin/wkreginst.sql mrlink old_inst new_inst adam smith
  5. Repeat step 4 for each instance you are importing.

  6. Drop the public database link after migrating all the instances:

    drop public database link mrlink;

9.6 Completing the Oracle Ultra Search Migration

After the migration, the upgrade is not yet complete:

  1. All instances remain in a READ-ONLY mode. To change the instance back to UPDATABLE mode, perform the following steps:

    1. Log in to the Oracle Ultra Search administration tool. This takes you to the Instances page.

    2. From the Instances page, click Edit.

    3. Select the box corresponding to UPDATABLE.

    4. Click Apply.

    See Also:

    "Instances Page" in Chapter 8 of Oracle Ultra Search Administrator's Guide.
  2. Performing the middle tier upgrade using the Oracle Universal Installer automatically points Oracle Ultra Search on the middle tier to the upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.