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Oracle® Content Services Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1)

Part Number B14493-01
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2 Oracle Content Services Deployment Options

After you install and configure Oracle Content Services, you may want to customize your setup for a particular deployment scenario. For example, you may want to integrate Oracle Content Services with an antivirus solution, or run the Oracle Content Services application on a different port number. This chapter provides information about these deployment options.

Some additional deployment options are covered elsewhere in this book. See the following references for more information:

This chapter provides information about the following topics:

Setting Up Antivirus Integration

Oracle Content Services integrates with a partner solution, the Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine (SAVSE), to provide options to verify that content is virus-free and to clean files that are found to be infected.

Once antivirus integration has been set up, files will be scanned for viruses whenever they are opened for read access, using the latest available virus definitions. The following files will be excluded from the scanning process:

If a file is found to be infected with a virus, it will be marked as quarantined, and users will not be able to open the file until it has been repaired. Contents of the file will remain unreadable even if virus checking is disabled by the administrator.

The Virus Repair Agent is responsible for repair attempts, as well as retrieving the latest virus definitions. Whenever the agent becomes active, it will poll the SAVSE server for updated virus definitions, then attempt to repair the quarantined files. The agent will not attempt to repair the following files:

The following sections describe how to set up virus checking in Oracle Content Services:

Setting Up SAVSE

SAVSE must be installed and configured properly in order to function with Oracle Content Services. The following options must be set:

  • You must choose ICAP as the communication protocol. No other protocols are supported.

  • You must set the scan policy to "Scan and Repair" or "Scan Only." If you choose "Scan Only," no repair attempts will be made. The "Scan and Delete" and "Scan, Repair or Delete" options are not supported.

  • You must enable ICAP 403 response. This parameter cannot be set using the SAVSE administration tool; instead, it must be manually set in the SAVSE configuration file.

Enabling Antivirus Functionality in Oracle Content Services

Once the SAVSE server has been installed and configured, you can enable antivirus functionality in Oracle Content Services. You can also change the maximum number of repair attempts for quarantined documents, and configure how often the Virus Repair Agent is activated. Use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to perform these tasks.

To enable antivirus functionality and set the maximum number of repair attempts:

  1. Connect to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control and navigate to the Content Services Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Domain Properties.

  3. Click the IFS.DOMAIN.ANTIVIRUS.Enabled property, set the Value to True, and click OK.

  4. Click the IFS.DOMAIN.ANTIVIRUS.Host property, supply the host name or IP address of the computer where the SAVSE server is running, and click OK.

  5. Click the IFS.DOMAIN.ANTIVIRUS.MaxRepairAttempts property, specify the number of times you would like the Virus Scan Agent to attempt to repair a file, and click OK.

  6. Click the IFS.DOMAIN.ANTIVIRUS.Port property, supply the value for the SAVSE listener port, and click OK.

  7. Return to the Content Services Home page and click Restart Domain.

To configure how often the Virus Repair Agent becomes active:

  1. From the Content Services Home page, click Server Configurations.

  2. Click VirusRepairAgentConfiguration.

  3. Click IFS.SERVER.TIMER.ActivationPeriod in the Properties section.

  4. Change the Value as desired.

  5. Click OK on the Edit Property page.

  6. Click OK on the Edit Server Configuration page.

  7. Return to the Content Services Home page and restart the node that runs this agent.

Excluding Certain Formats from Being Scanned

You can exclude formats from being scanned for viruses to improve system performance. For example, you may choose to only scan formats with a higher probability of being infected, like .zip files. Use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to exclude formats from virus checking.

To exclude formats from being scanned:

  1. Connect to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control and navigate to the Content Services Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Formats.

  3. Click the name of the format you want to exclude from virus scanning.

  4. Select Omitted From Anti-Virus Scan.

  5. Click OK.

Performance Implications of Scanning for Viruses

The performance of Oracle Content Services may be affected by enabling the virus checking option. The performance impact depends on the following factors:

  • The frequency of virus definition updates made to the SAVSE service. Each time virus definitions are updated, all files that are opened (except for quarantined or excluded files) are scanned - none are excluded based on having already been scanned with these definitions, since the definitions are new.

    After a virus definition update, overall system performance will degrade initially, but will gradually return to normal as more files are scanned with the current virus definitions and are therefore excluded from subsequent scans.

  • The size and frequency of use of the Oracle Content Services repository.

  • The type and size of the data in the repository.

  • The probability of the number of attempted reads on unique files. Since files will only be scanned the first time they are opened against the current definitions, the frequency of unique files will affect performance.

  • The performance of the SAVSE service. This is the most significant performance factor.

  • The number of files whose format has been excluded from scanning by the administrator. Excluding certain formats will reduce the number of scans and improve system performance.

Managing Storage Options

Oracle Content Services data is comprised of content and metadata. The majority of data stored in Oracle Content Services is content and is stored in LOBs (Large Objects) in database tablespaces. All documents are stored as Binary Large Objects (BLOBs), which is one type of LOB provided by the database. See "Providing Adequate Storage to Improve Performance" for more information.

The Oracle Content Services storage management options provide support for both off-line and near-line storage. In off-line and near-line storage, content that is infrequently accessed is moved from expensive online media, such as a disk array, to a cheaper off-line medium, such as tape. The metadata and search indexes are kept online and are readily available.

Oracle Content Services uses BFILEs to support off-line and near-line storage. A BFILE is a read-only Oracle data type consisting of a directory object and a filename. Updating a document whose content is stored as a BFILE results in the content being reloaded from the external storage as a new BLOB, where the modifications are made. The new content will be indexed, depending on its format. End users will be unaware of where their content is stored.

This section provides information about the following topics:

About Data Aging and Archiving

Oracle Content Services provides both data aging and data archiving through BFILEs. Through data aging, content that has not been accessed for a specified interval can be automatically moved from BLOB to BFILE. This content is still accessible, and is visible as any normal content would be when users are browsing or searching. Through data archiving, content in the Archive is automatically moved to BFILE.

BFILE aging and archiving are not enabled by default. In order to enable BFILE archiving, you must set BFILE-related domain properties and specify storage management options. In order to enable BFILE aging, you must set BFILE-related domain properties, specify storage management options, and activate the Content Agent and configure its frequency value.

About Near-Line Storage for Records

If you are using Oracle Records Management, you have the option of storing certain types of records using BFILEs. Near-line storage for records is not enabled by default; in order to enable this option, you must set a BFILE-related domain property and specify storage management options.

Setting Up Data Aging

Through data aging, content that has not been accessed for a specified interval can be automatically moved to BFILE. This content is still accessible, and is visible as any normal content would be when users are browsing or searching.

Oracle Content Services is not set up for BFILE aging by default. To configure BFILE aging, you must first set domain properties that enable BFILE aging, then you must configure and activate the Content Agent. You can also specify storage management options.

Enabling BFILE Aging

To set domain properties that enable BFILE aging:

  1. Connect to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control and navigate to the Content Services Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Domain Properties.

  3. Click IFS.DOMAIN.BFILE.Enabled, set the value to True, and click OK.

  4. Click IFS.DOMAIN.BFILE.AgingEnabled, set the value to True, and click OK.

  5. Return to the Content Services Home page and click Restart Domain.

Configuring and Activating the Content Agent

To configure and activate the Content Agent:

  1. Connect to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control and navigate to the Content Services Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Server Configurations.

  3. Click ContentAgentConfiguration.

  4. Edit the server configuration properties as desired; see the Content Agent properties in Appendix E, "Server Configuration Properties" for more information about specific properties. In particular, you may want to edit IFS.SERVER.AGENT.CONTENTAGENT.RetentionPeriod; this property specifies the inactivity interval for files before they are moved to BFILE.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Return to the Content Services Home page and click Node Configurations, in the Administration section.

  7. Click the name of the node where you want to run the Content Agent.

  8. On the Edit Node Configuration page, in the Servers section, click ContentAgent.

  9. Select Initially Started and click OK.

  10. Click OK on the Edit Node Configuration page.

  11. Return to the Content Services Home page, select the node based on the node configuration you edited, and click Restart.

After you have set the domain properties for BFILE aging and configured the Content Agent, you can set storage management options as described in "Specifying Storage Management Options".

Setting Up Data Archiving

Through data archiving, content in the Archive is automatically moved to BFILE and is deleted after a specified period. This deletion period, set by the Content Administrator for each Site, controls when content should be deleted from each Archive regardless of whether BFILE archiving has been enabled. See Oracle Content Services Application Administrator's Guide for more information.

Oracle Content Services is not set up for BFILE archiving by default. To configure BFILE archiving, you must set domain properties that enable BFILE archiving. You can also specify storage management options.

To set domain properties that enable BFILE archiving:

  1. Connect to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control and navigate to the Content Services Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Domain Properties.

  3. Click IFS.DOMAIN.BFILE.Enabled, set the value to True, and click OK.

  4. Click IFS.DOMAIN.BFILE.ArchivingEnabled, set the value to True, and click OK.

  5. Return to the Content Services Home page and click Restart Domain.

After you have set the domain properties for BFILE archiving, you can set storage management options as described in "Specifying Storage Management Options".

Setting Up Near-Line Storage for Records

If you are using Oracle Records Management, you have the option of storing certain types of records using BFILEs. Near-line storage for records is not enabled by default; in order to enable this option, you must set a BFILE-related domain property. You can also specify storage management options.

To set the domain property that enables near-line records storage:

  1. Connect to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control and navigate to the Content Services Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Domain Properties.

  3. Click IFS.DOMAIN.BFILE.Enabled, set the value to True, and click OK.

  4. Return to the Content Services Home page and click Restart Domain.

After you have set the domain properties for BFILE archiving, you can set storage management options as described in the following section.

Specifying Storage Management Options

You can change the default base path and policy for BFILE storage using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control. These settings apply to all types of BFILE storage, including BFILE aging, BFILE archiving, and near-line storage for records.

To specify storage management options:

  1. Connect to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control and navigate to the Content Services Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Storage Management.

    You will not be able to access the Storage Management page unless you have already set the IFS.DOMAIN.BFILE.Enabled property to True.

    Figure 2-1 Storage Management Page

    Description of Figure 2-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-1 Storage Management Page"

  3. Change the BFILE Base Path. The default base path is:


    ORACLE_HOME refers to the database Oracle home on the database computer.

    Each BFILE has a relative path in addition to the base path. The relative path is:


    ifsbfile_id is the file naming pattern that associates a unique ID to each piece of content.

  4. Change the BFILE Policy. This policy determines whether the operating system files should be deleted when the BFILE references are deleted from the database. If you are storing BFILEs on an optical device that does not permit deletion, you should specify that the operating system files should be retained.

  5. Click OK.

Integrating with Solutions for Records Management Retention

You can use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to integrate Oracle Content Services with a records management retention solution, such as EMC Centera or Network Appliance SnapLock.

To integrate Oracle Content Services with a records management retention device, you must first install the hardware (either EMC Centera or Network Appliance SnapLock). Then, you must specify credential information for the hardware and set retention-related domain properties using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.

Once you have created a file plan and defined retention policies in Oracle Records Management, Oracle Content Services will designate appropriate content as records to be stored in a records management retention device.

Specifying Credential Information for Retention Hardware

To specify credential information for the retention device:

  1. From the Content Services Home page, click Retention Hardware.

    Figure 2-2 Retention Hardware Page

    Description of Figure 2-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-2 Retention Hardware Page"

  2. Choose EMC Centera or Network Appliance SnapLock for Retention Device Type.

  3. Provide a Username for the retention device. You must provide a user name created in EMC Centera or Network Appliance SnapLock; do not provide an Oracle Content Services user name.

  4. Provide a corresponding Password for the retention device, and confirm it in the Confirm Password field.

  5. Click OK.

Specifying Domain Properties for Retention Hardware

To specify retention-related domain properties for EMC Centera:

  1. On the Content Services Home page, click Domain Properties.

  2. Click IFS.DOMAIN.RETENTION.Enabled, set the value to True, and click OK.

  3. Click IFS.DOMAIN.RETENTION.StorageDevice. You may need to move to the next page to find this property, or you can use the Search field.

  4. In the Value field, select CENTERA and click OK.

  5. Click IFS.DOMAIN.RETENTION.CENTERA.Configuration.

  6. Click ADDRESSLIST and replace the given value with the hostname or IP address of a Centera access node.

  7. Click OK, then click OK again.

  8. Return to the Content Services Home page and click Restart Domain.

To specify domain properties for Network Appliance SnapLock:

  1. On the Content Services Home page, click Domain Properties.

  2. Click IFS.DOMAIN.RETENTION.Enabled, set the value to True, and click OK.

  3. Click IFS.DOMAIN.RETENTION.StorageDevice. You may need to move to the next page to find this property.

  4. In the Value field, select SNAPLOCK and click OK.


  6. Click HOST.

  7. Specify the hostname or IP address of the Network Appliance device in the Value field and click OK.

  8. Click MOUNTPOINT.

  9. In the Value field, specify the absolute path where the Network Appliance is NFS-mounted on the database server and click OK.

  10. Click PORT.

  11. In the Value field, provide the port used to communicate with the Network Appliance device through HTTP and click OK. The default port is 80.


  13. In the Value field, provide a path relative to the NFS mount point where content should be stored and click OK.


  15. In the Value field, specify the absolute path of the NFS-exported volume and click OK.

  16. Return to the Content Services Home page and click Restart Domain.

Changing the Oracle Content Services Port Number

If you want to change the Oracle Content Services application port to a different port number, perform the tasks listed in the following sections:

For additional information about changing port numbers, see Chapter 14, "Changing Oracle Collaboration Suite Network Configurations" in Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide.

Changing the Port Number in Oracle HTTP Server

Use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to change the port number in Oracle HTTP Server.

  1. From the Collaboration Suite Home page, click HTTP_Server.

  2. Click Administration.

  3. Click Server Properties.

  4. In the Listening Addresses and Ports section, change the Default Port to the desired port number.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click Yes on the Confirmation page to restart Oracle HTTP Server.

Changing the Port Number in OracleAS Web Cache

If OracleAS Web Cache is enabled, you must change the port number in OracleAS Web Cache using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. From the Collaboration Suite Home page, choose Web Cache.

  2. Click the Administration tab, then click Ports in the Properties - Web Cache section.

  3. Change the appropriate port number in the Listen Ports section, then click OK.

  4. Return to the Web Cache Home page and click Restart.

Registering the New Port with OracleAS Single Sign-On

After you change the port number in Oracle HTTP Server, you must register the new port with OracleAS Single Sign-On. To do this, use the SSO Server Administration tool, then restart the Oracle HTTP Server.

Using the SSO Server Administration Tool

To use the SSO Server Administration tool to register the port with OracleAS Single Sign-On, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the following URL in a Web browser:


    where port is the Oracle HTTP Server port on the infrastructure host (typically 7777).

  2. Click Login and enter orcladmin as the user name.

  3. Supply the orcladmin password and click Login.

  4. Click SSO Server Administration.

  5. Click Administer Partner Applications.

  6. Click the pencil icon that corresponds to the Oracle Content Services Applications tier.

  7. Ensure that the Home URL appears as follows:

  8. Ensure that the Success URL appears as follows:

  9. Ensure that the Logout URL appears as follows:

  10. Click Apply and confirm to save the changes.

Restarting Oracle HTTP Server

Use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to restart Oracle HTTP Server, or use the following opmnctl command:

ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc process-type=HTTP_Server

Updating the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry

Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) for Oracle Content Services that are registered in the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry may need to be updated with the new port number. See "Managing the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry" in Chapter 7 of Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for more information.

Changing the Port Number in Oracle Content Services

Use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to update the Oracle Content Services Application Port domain property and restart the Oracle Content Services OC4J instance:

  1. From the Content Services Home page, under the Administration heading, click Domain Properties.

  2. On the Domain Properties page, click IFS.DOMAIN.APPLICATION. ApplicationPort. You may need to move to the second or third page to find this domain property, or you can use the Search field.

  3. On the Edit page, set the Value to the desired port number and click OK. If you are using a load balancer with multiple Oracle Content Services Applications tiers, provide the load balancer port.

  4. Return to the Content Services Home page.

  5. Select OC4J_Content and click Restart.

Updating Metric Configuration URLs

You also need to update the port number for any affected Web application response time metrics. To do this, update the affected URLs on the Metric Configuration page in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control. See "Configuring Performance Metrics" for more information.

Allowing Access to Oracle Content Services from Outside the Firewall

You can set up Oracle Content Services so that users outside the firewall can have access. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open ports. Tell the firewall to ignore the following ports:

    • Oracle Content Services domain ports (node manager, node controller)

    • Database listener port (typically 1521)

    • Apache port (Oracle HTTP Server port)

    • Oracle Internet Directory ports (if Oracle Internet Directory is running inside the firewall)

    • Load balancer port (if you use a load balancer)

  2. Set firewall timeout periods. You must set the operating system parameter TCP_keepalive to 120 minutes.

Figure 2-3 shows a possible firewall scenario with the database and Applications tiers inside the firewall, and with OracleAS Infrastructure outside the firewall.

Figure 2-3 Sample Firewall Configuration

Description of Figure 2-3 follows
Description of "Figure 2-3 Sample Firewall Configuration"

Setting Up the OmniPortlet

Oracle Content Services provides support for and integration with the OmniPortlet, a feature of Oracle Application Server Portal (OracleAS Portal). You can set up a preconfigured instance of the OmniPortlet, called the Content Services portlet, in your OracleAS Portal page. The Content Services portlet uses the Content Services searchlet, a user-definable query tool, and a tabular layout to display user-specific Oracle Content Services data. Users can search for and display content from Oracle Content Services in the Content Services portlet.

The following sections provide instructions on how to set up the OmniPortlet for Oracle Content Services:

All steps are performed on the Applications tier running OracleAS Portal.

Deploying the Content Services Searchlet

To deploy the Content Services Searchlet, you must provide the content_searchlet.rar file and add connection information to the oc4J-connectors.xml file.

To deploy the Content Services Searchlet:

  1. Create a directory called ContentSearchlet under the following directory:

  2. Copy the file content_searchlet.rar into the ContentSearchlet directory you just created. The content_searchlet.rar file is located on the Oracle Content Services Applications tier computer in the following directory:

  3. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/config directory and open the file oc4j-connectors.xml for editing.

  4. Add a <connector> tag for the Content Services Searchlet by adding the following lines to the <OC4J-connectors> section:

    <connector name="ContentSearchlet" path="content_searchlet.rar">

    The relevant portion of the edited file should look like the following:

    <connector name="ContentSearchlet" path="content_searchlet.rar">
  5. Save the file.

  6. Restart the OC4J instance for OracleAS Portal (OC4J_Portal) using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, or you can use the following opmnctl command:

    opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_Portal

    The content_searchlet.rar file is expanded under the directory ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/connectors/ContentSearchlet.

Registering the OmniPortlet with Oracle Internet Directory

Once you have deployed the Content Services Searchlet, you must register the OmniPortlet with Oracle Internet Directory by adding a <grant> entry to the jazn-data.xml file, and by running the ops2scfg script.

To register the OmniPortlet with Oracle Internet Directory:

  1. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/config directory and open the jazn-data.xml file for editing.

  2. Add the following <grant> entry to set access permissions on the OmniPortlet repository API:


    Make sure to replace Oracle_home_path with the actual path of the Oracle home.

  3. Save the file.

  4. Run the ops2scfg script, located in the ORACLE_HOME/portal/conf directory, and provide the following values when prompted:

    • Create a name and password for the OmniPortlet application entry in Oracle Internet Directory (for example, orclApplicationCommonName=OmniPortlet)

    • Provide the user name and password of an Oracle Internet Directory administrator

    When the script completes, copy and save the output. For example:


    You will need to provide this information when you add a Content Services datasource to the OmniPortlet framework.


    Be careful when you supply values for the ops2scfg script, because you can only run the script one time. If you need to update these values later, you must do so in Oracle Internet Directory.

Configuring the Content Services Searchlet

After you have registered the OmniPortlet with Oracle Internet Directory, you must configure the Content Services Searchlet by providing connection information in the oc4J-ra.xml file.

To configure the Content Services Searchlet:

  1. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/application- deployments/default/ContentSearchlet directory.

  2. Open the oc4j-ra.xml file for editing.

  3. Specify the JNDI name for the Content Services Searchlet by setting the location in the <connector-factory> tag, as follows:

    <connector-factory location="eis/ContentSearchlet" connector-name="Content 
    Search Adapter">
  4. Set the value for the Search Web Service URL, as follows:

    <config-property name="webServiceURL" value="http://content_services_host_
  5. Save the file.

  6. Restart the OC4J instance for OracleAS Portal (OC4J_Portal) using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, or you can use the following opmnctl command:

    opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_Portal

Adding an Oracle Content Services Datasource to the OmniPortlet Framework

Once you have configured the Content Services Searchlet, you must add a datasource for Oracle Content Services to the OmniPortlet framework by creating a Datasource Descriptor file.

To add a datasource for Oracle Content Services to the OmniPortlet framework:

  1. Create a directory called Content under the following directory:

    ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/omniPortlet/WEB-INF/ plugins/datasources
  2. Navigate to the new folder.

  3. Create a Datasource Descriptor file (datasource.xml) with the content that appears in the following sample. For <OCSClientDN>, provide the script output you saved from Step 4 of the procedure in "Registering the OmniPortlet with Oracle Internet Directory".


    If you cut and paste the text directly from this document, remove the extra carriage return and any extra spaces between and .SearchDataSourceDefinition. Otherwise, the Datasource Descriptor file will not work.
      <datasource class="oracle.webdb.reformlet.api.plugin.DefaultDataSource">
      <!-- Default values of datasource's metadata -->
      <metadata class=" .SearchDataSourceDefinition">
  4. Restart the OC4J instance for OracleAS Portal (OC4J_Portal) using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, or you can use the following opmnctl command:

    opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_Portal

Defining the OmniPortlet in OracleAS Portal

Once you have added the datasource to the OmniPortlet framework, you can define the OmniPortlet in OracleAS Portal by choosing search criteria and deciding which fields to display.

To define the OmniPortlet in OracleAS Portal:

  1. Create a page in OracleAS Portal. To do this, click Create Page from the OracleAS Portal home page and follow the Wizard instructions.

  2. From your new page, click the Add Portlet icon and navigate to the OmniPortlet you registered. Then, select the portlet and click OK.

  3. Click Define. The Type page appears.

  4. Select Content and click Next.

  5. On the Source page, click Next.

  6. On the Filter page, provide search criteria for the OmniPortlet.

  7. On the View page, click Next.

  8. On the Layout page, enter the fields you want the OmniPortlet to return.

  9. Click Finish.


When you click a folder link within the OmniPortlet, you may be asked to re-authenticate. This behavior does not appear if you click a document link.