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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1) for Microsoft Windows

Part Number B14484-01
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11 Installing in High Availability Environments: Single Cluster Architecture

Beta Draft

This chapter contains the following sections:

11.1 Summary of Installation Steps

The order for the installation of Oracle Collaboration Suite Single Cluster Architecture is as follows:

  1. Install Oracle Cluster Ready Services. This is a prerequisite for the installation of Oracle Collaboration Suite Database in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database.

    Apply the Oracle Cluster Ready Services patch set for your platform. patch set ( for HP-UX DVD.

  2. Install Oracle Collaboration Suite Database on Oracle RAC.

  3. Configure load balancers for the Identity Management tier appropriately.

  4. Install Identity Management on high availability nodes. The virtual server name of the load balancer must be specified in the Specify LDAP Virtual Host and Ports and the Specify HTTP Load Balancer Host and Ports screens during installation.

  5. Run OCSdbSchemaReg.shOCSdbSchemaReg.bat script on a database node. This script registers the database with Oracle Internet Directory and runs the component Configuration Assistants that create schema objects for each Oracle Collaboration Suite component.

  6. Install Oracle Calendar Server in Cold Failover Cluster Configuration. It must use a virtual host name, such as Install the oraInventory directory and ORACLE_HOME on a shared device that can be mounted to the other node for a cold failover.

  7. Install Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications (without Oracle Calendar Server).

  8. Configure the first instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications with a load balancer.

  9. Install the subsequent instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications.

  10. Configure the load balancer to work with the subsequent instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications.

11.2 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite Single Cluster Architecture

This section contains the following topics:

11.2.1 Installing and Applying the Patch to Oracle Cluster Ready Services

This section explains the installation steps for Oracle Cluster Ready Services. It also explains the steps involved in applying the patch to Oracle Cluster Ready Services. Installing Oracle Cluster Ready Services

Perform the steps listed in Table 11-1 to install Oracle Cluster Ready Services.

For Installation steps for Cluster Ready Services, refer to the Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration Guide at

Install the Oracle Cluster Ready Services software from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Supplemental DVD.

Table 11-1 Installing Oracle Cluster Ready Services

Step Screen Action
1. None Log in as the oracle user and set the ORACLE_BASE environment variable to specify the Oracle base directory that you created previously. For example:
2. None Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to specify the CRS home directory that you created previously. For example:
3. None Run setup.exe from the top-level directory of the Oracle Cluster Ready Services Release 1 CD-ROM or the crs directory on the DVD-ROM. These are separate CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs that contain the Cluster Ready Services software.
4. Welcome page Click Next.
5. Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials

(Advanced installation only)

This screen appears only if this is the first installation of any Oracle product on this computer.

Enter the full path for the inventory directory: Enter a full path to a directory for the installer files. Enter a directory that is different from the Oracle home directory for the product files.

Example: C:\Program Files\oracle\oraInventory

Click OK.

6. Specify File Locations

(Advanced installation only)

Enter the full path of the Source directory in the Path field for Source, if required.

Name: Enter a name to identify this Oracle home. The name cannot contain spaces, and has a maximum length of 16 characters.

Example: OH_apptier_10_1_1

Destination Path: Enter the full path to the destination directory. This is the Oracle home. If the directory does not exist, the installer creates it. To create the directory beforehand, create it as the oracle user; do not create it as the root user.

Example: C:\oracle\OH_apptier_10_1_1

Click Next.

7. Language Selection

(Advanced installation only)

Select the required language from the Available Languages list and add it to the Selected Languages list.

Click Next.

8. Cluster Configuration

(Advanced installation only)

Cluster Name: Specify the cluster name.

Specify the host name under Public Node Name. Similarly, specify the private name under Private Node Name. These names will be used to interconnect the node names within the cluster.

Note: The private name cannot be the same as the public name. However, the private name can be an IP address.

Click Next.

9. Specify Network Interface Usage

(Advanced installation only)

Select the interface name, subnet, and interface type for the node in the cluster from the respective drop-down list.

The interface that you mark private will only be used for Oracle RAC internode traffic.

Note: If there is more than one subnet associated with an interface, then specify the subnet that you want to associate with the interface type.

10. Oracle Cluster Registry

(Advanced installation only)

Specify OCR Location: Specify the shared raw device or the cluster file system file that will be visible to all nodes of the cluster.

Note: At least 100 MB of disk space is required for the OCR.

Click Next.

11. Voting Disk

(Advanced installation only)

Enter voting disk file name: Specify the raw device or the cluster file system file for voting disk that will be visible to all nodes of the cluster.

Click Next.

Note: At least 20 MB of disk space is required for the OCR.

12. Summary Verify your selections and click Install.
13. Install Progress This screen displays the progress of the installation.
14. Configuration Assistants This screen shows the progress of the configuration assistants. Configuration assistants configure components.
15. End of Installation Click Exit to quit the installer. Applying the Oracle Cluster Ready Services Patch Set

After installing Oracle Cluster Ready Services, you must apply Oracle Cluster Ready Services patch set. The Oracle Cluster Ready Services patch set for your platform is located on the Oracle Database 10patch set ( for Solaris Operating System (SPARC) DVD. The Oracle Cluster Ready Services patch set for your platform is located on the Oracle Database 10patch set ( for Linux x86 DVD. The Oracle Cluster Ready Services patch set for your platform is located on the Oracle Database 10 patch set ( for HP-UX DVD. Oracle recommends you apply the RDBMS patchset when it becomes available.

The steps to do so are listed in Table 11-2.

Table 11-2 Applying the Oracle Cluster Ready Services Patch Set

Step Screen Action
1. Welcome Click Next.
2. Specify File Locations Enter the full path of the Source directory in the Path field for Source, if required.

Destination Path: Enter the full path to the destination directory. This is the Oracle home.

Both source and destination will be same as that provided during the installation of Oracle Cluster Ready Services.

3. Selected Nodes Verify the nodes listed in the Node Names list and click Next.
4. Summary Verify your selections and click Install.
5. End of Installation Click Exit to quit the installer.

11.2.2 Installing the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database on Oracle Real Application Clusters

To install Oracle Collaboration Suite Database on clustered hardware, follow the steps listed in Section 11.2.1. Review Recommendations for Automatic Storage Management (ASM)

If you plan to use an existing ASM instance and you want to use a new ASM disk group then create the ASM disk group prior to running the Oracle Collaboration Suite database installation. (See the Database Administration Guide for ASM administration details)

If you plan to use ASM instances for the Oracle Collaboration Suite database, then consider these recommendations:

  • If you plan to use ASM with Oracle Database instances from multiple database homes on the same node, then you should run the ASM instance from an Oracle home that is different from the database homes.

  • The ASM home should be installed on every cluster node. This prevents the accidental removal of ASM instances that are in use by databases from other homes during the deinstallation of a database Oracle home.

  • If you choose to not have the ASM ORACLE_HOME separate, then the Oracle Collaboration Suite database installation creates the ASM instance for you. Installation Tasks

To install Oracle Collaboration Suite Database on Oracle RAC, follow the steps listed in Table 11-3.


If you are installing the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database separately and not against the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure, then you must not register the Oracle RAC database with Oracle Internet Directory during the database install because it will not be registered correctly.

Table 11-3 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite Database

Step Screen Action
1. Welcome Click Next.
2. Specify File Locations Enter a name and path for the new Oracle home.

This new Oracle home will be the destination Oracle home for your Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Click Next.

3. Specify Hardware Cluster Installation Mode Select Cluster Installation and the nodes where you want to install the Oracle software. The local node will always be selected.

Click Next.

4. Select a Product to Install Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure

Click Next.

5. Select Installation Type Select Collaboration Suite Database.

Click Next.

6. Product-specific Prerequisite Checks Make sure all the checks complete successfully.

Click Next.

7. Database Creation Select Yes for Do you want to create a new database at this time?

Click Next.

8. Information Storage Registration Select No for Do you want to register the information store at this time?

Click Next.

9. Specify Database Identification Enter the global database name and the SID that you want to use for this install in the Global Database Name and SID fields.

Click Next.

10. Specify Database Management Option Select Use Grid Control for Database Management or Use Database Control for Database Management.

Click Next.

11. Specify Database File Storage Option Select Automated Storage Management (ASM).

Note: This example uses ASM. You can select any storage type based on the requirement.

Click Next.

12. Specify Backup and Recovery Options Select Do not enable Automated Backups. Oracle recommends that you disable automated backup. Note that if you enable automated backup, then this option will only back up the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database and not any other Oracle Collaboration Suite files.

Click Next.

13. Specify Database Schema Passwords Enter password for each accounts or use the same password for all the accounts.

Click Next.

14. Summary Make sure all of the settings and choices are correct for your installation.

Click Install.

15. Install Progress This screen displays the progress of the installation.
16. The Configuration Assistants This screen shows the progress of the configuration assistants. Configuration assistants configure components.
17. End of Installation Click Exit to quit the installer. Postinstallation Tasks

The postinstallation tasks involve troubleshooting the installation errors. Configure the SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter

You must configure the SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter in the ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\sqlnet.ora file on the application infrastructure database. For the OracleAS Single Sign-On server, the parameter must be updated on each database host. The parameter should be set to a value less than the TCP timeout setting on the load balancer SSO virtual server.

To configure the time-out value on the computers specified, the steps are as follows:

  1. Open the file ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\sqlnet.ora file file.

  2. Set the SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter to a value lower than the TCP session time-out value for the load balancing router and firewall.

  3. Restart the listener by issuing these commands in ORACLE_HOME\bin:

    lsnrctl stop
    lsnrctl start

11.2.3 Configuring Load Balancers for Identity Management

This section explains the implementation of load balancing for Identity Management in a high availability environment. Prerequisites for Installing Identity Management on High Availability Nodes

This section discusses the prerequisites for the installation of Identity Management on high availability nodes. Configure the Load Balancer

A load balancer should be configured to detect service down on a node and automatically stop traffic to that node. Also, the load balancer is recommended to be in a fault tolerant mode. This section provides instructions for configuring a load balancer for Identity Management.

To configure a load balancer for OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management), perform the following steps:

  1. Verify that the load balancer virtual server name you select does not contain the physical host names of the nodes in the Identity Management.

    When the installer copies files to different nodes in the Identity Management, it replaces the current host name in the files with the host name of the target node. Ensure that the load balancer's virtual server name does not contain the host names of the nodes in the cluster, or the installer might change the virtual server name of the load balancer as well.

    For example, if you are installing on nodes named rac-1 and rac-2, be sure that the load balancer virtual server name does not contain "rac-1" or "rac-2". When the installer is installing files to rac-2, it searches for the string "rac-1" in the files and replaces it with "rac-2". If the load balancer's virtual server name happens to be LB-rac-1x, the installer sees the string "rac-1" in the name and replaces it with "rac-2", thus mangling the virtual server name to LB-rac-2x.

  2. Configure your load balancer with virtual server names and associated ports as follows:

    1. Configure a virtual server name for LDAP connections. For this virtual server, you must configure one port for SSL connections and the other for non-SSL connections.

    2. Configure a virtual server name for HTTP connections. For this virtual server, you must configure one port for SSL connections and the other for non-SSL connections.

    3. Configure your LDAP server to direct response to the first node initially. This procedure applies only to the LDAP virtual server configured on the load balancer. Note that this procedure applies only to the LDAP virtual server configured on your load balancer. This does not apply to the HTTP virtual server configured on the load balancer.

    4. The installer will prompt you for the virtual server names and port numbers.

  3. After you complete installation on a node, then you can add that node to the virtual server. For example, if you have three nodes, then perform the following steps:

    1. Configure the LDAP virtual server to direct requests to node 1 only.

    2. Install Identity Management components on node 1.

    3. Install Identity Management components on node 2.

    4. Add node 2 to the LDAP virtual server.

    5. Install Identity Management components on node 3.

    6. Add node 3 to the LDAP virtual server.

  4. Set up cookie persistence for HTTP traffic on the load balancer. Specifically, set up cookie persistence for URIs starting with /oiddas/. This is the URI for Oracle Delegated Administration Services. If your load balancer does not allow you to set cookie persistence at the URI level, then set the cookie persistence for all HTTP traffic. In either case, set the cookie to expire when the browser session expires. Refer to your load balancer documentation for details.

  5. To configure the load balancer for automatic monitoring of the Oracle Internet Directory and OracleAS Single Sign-On, Oracle Delegated Administration Services, set up monitors for the following:

    • LDAP port

    • LDAP SSL port

    • HTTP or HTTPS listen port (depending on the deployment type)

    Oracle recommends that these monitors use the respective protocols to monitor the services. That is LDAP for the LDAP port, LDAP over SSL for the LDAP SSL port, and HTTP/HTTPS for the web server port. If the load balancer does not offer one or all of these monitors, consult the load balancer documentation for details on the best method to set up the load balancer. Synchronize the System Clocks on All Nodes

Identity Management cluster nodes must all have their clocks synchronized for the Identity Management cluster to function properly.

11.2.4 Installing Identity Management on High Availability Nodes

This section describes how to install Identity Management on high availability nodes. This section does not show the use of a staticports.ini file to specify port numbers explicitly to the installer. To use this option refer to Section 2.4.4. Installing the First Instance of Identity Management

To install the first instance of Identity Management, follow the steps listed in Table 11-4.

Table 11-4 Installing the First Instance of Identity Management

Step Screen Action
1. Welcome Click Next.
2. Specify File Locations Enter a name and path for the new Oracle home.This new Oracle home will be the destination Oracle home for your Identity Management. Click Next.
3. Specify Hardware Cluster Installation Mode (optional) Select Local Installation.This screen will appear only if you are installing Identity Management on a cluster. Click Next.
4. Select a Product to Install Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure

Click Next.

5. Select Installation Type Select Identity Management.

Click Next.

6. Product-specific Prerequisite Checks Make sure all the checks complete successfully.

Click Next.

7. Select Configuration Options Select Oracle Internet Directory.Select OracleAS Single Sign-On.Select OracleAS Delegated Administration Services.Select OracleAS Directory Integration and Provisioning.Do not select OracleAS Certificate Authority (OCA).Select High Availability and Replication.

Click Next.

8. Specify Repository Username: Enter the username to use to log in to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. The user must have DBA privileges.

Password: Enter the user password.

Hostname and Port: Enter the names of all the nodes where the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database is running and the port numbers.Use the format:^^…

Service Name: Enter the service name of the database. Note that the service name must include the database domain name.

Click Next.

9. Select High Availability or Replication Option Select OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management).

Click Next.

10. Specify New Oracle Application Server Cluster Name Specify a cluster name you want to create for the OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management) in the New Oracle Application Server Cluster Name field.

Click Next.

11. Specify Namespace in Internet Directory Enter a new namespace for Oracle Internet Directory or select the Suggested Namespace:

Click Next.

12. Specify LDAP Virtual Host and Ports Hostname: Enter the fully qualified virtual server name of the LDAP virtual server configured on your load balancer.

SSL Port: Enter the SSL port number for Oracle Internet Directory.

Non-SSL Port: Enter the port number for Oracle Internet Directory.

Click Next.

13. Specify HTTP Load Balancer Host and Ports HTTP Listener: Port: Enter the port number that you want Oracle HTTP Server to listen on.

Enable SSL: Select this option to configure Oracle HTTP Server for SSL on this port.

HTTP Load Balancer: Hostname: Enter the name of the HTTP virtual server configured on your load balancer.

HTTP Load Balancer: Port: Enter the port of the HTTP virtual server.

Enable SSL: Select this option if this port is for SSL communications only.

Click Next.

14. Specify Port Configuration Options Select Automatic Port Selection or Manual and enter the port numbers for.
  • Oracle HTTP Server Port

  • Oracle HTTP Server SSL port

Click Next.

Note: The Automatic option only uses ports in the range 7777-7877 for Oracle HTTP Server and 4443-4543 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL. If you need to set the port numbers as 80 for Oracle HTTP Server and 443 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL, then you must select the Manually Specify Ports option.

15. Guest Account Password Enter the password for the orclguest account.

Click Next.

16. Specify Instance Name and ias_admin Password Instance Name: Enter a name for this Identity Management instance.

ias_admin Password and Confirm Password: Set the password for the ias_admin user. This is the administrative user for the instance.Click Next.

17. Summary Verify your selection and click Install.
18. The Configuration Assistant This screen shows the progress of the configuration assistants. Configuration assistants configure components.
19. End of Installation Click Exit to quit the installer.

11.2.5 Register the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database with Oracle Internet Directory and Execute Component Database Configuration Assistants

The Oracle Collaboration Suite Database must be registered in the Oracle Internet Directory for Oracle Collaboration Suite to work correctly. Additionally, the database schemas for each Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications component must be created in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. The ORACLE_HOME/install/OCSdbSchemaReg.shORACLE_HOME\install\OCSdbSchemaReg.bat script accomplishes both of these tasks. This script must only be run on a single database node.

The OCSdbSchemaReg.shOCSdbSchemaReg.bat script is located in ORACLE_HOME\install directory on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database nodes.

  • Copy ORACLE_HOME\install\OCSdbSchemaReg.ini.sample to ORACLE_HOME\install\OCSdbSchemaReg.ini.

  • Modify the ORACLE_HOME\install\OCSdbSchemaReg.ini script with the appropriate values.

  • Run OCSdbSchemaReg.bat from ORACLE_HOME\install directory in Oracle RAC mode by entering multiple hosts in the $hostList option of the OCSdbSchemaReg.ini file from one of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database machine.

  • Run the following script.

    OCSdbSchemaReg.bat –f OCSdbSchemaReg.ini

11.2.6 Installing Oracle Calendar Server

This section explains the installation and postinstallation tasks for Identity Management. It contains the following topics: Preinstallation Tasks

Before installing Oracle Calendar Server in a Cold Failover Cluster, perform the following procedures:

  1. Cold Failover Cluster Considerations

  2. Map the Virtual Host Name and Virtual IP Address

  3. Set Up a File System That Can Be Mounted from Both Nodes Cold Failover Cluster Considerations

For a Cold Failover Cluster, vendor clusterware is not required. If vendor clusterware is used then the failover process can be automated through the vendor clusterware mechanisms. If vendor clusterware is not used then the failover process can be scripted or manually executed. On Linux systems Oracle Cluster Ready Services (CRS) and vendor clusterware cannot coexist. Map the Virtual Host Name and Virtual IP Address

Each node in a Cold Failover Clusters configuration is associated with its own physical IP address. In addition, the active node in the cluster is associated with a virtual host name and virtual IP address. This enables clients to access the Cold Failover Clusters using the virtual host name.

Virtual host names and virtual IP addresses are any valid host name and IP address in the context of the subnet containing the hardware cluster.


Map the virtual host name and virtual IP address only to the active node. Do not map the virtual host name and IP address to both active and secondary nodes at the same time. When you failover, only then do you map the virtual host name and IP address to the secondary node, which is now the active node.

The following example configures a virtual host name called, with a virtual IP of

  1. Ensure that you have Administrator privileges.

  2. Determine the public network interface.

    # ipconfig /all

    Typically, the interface name is Local Area Connection, Local Area Connection2, and so on. Local Area Connection is the public network interface. It is not a loopback interface and not a private interface.

  3. Add the virtual IP to the Local Area Connection network interface.

    # netsh interface ip add address name="Local Area Connection" addr="" mask=""

    Local Area Connection and the IP address are values specific to this example. Replace them with values appropriate for your cluster.

  4. Check that new interface was added:

    #  ipconfig /all

    The virtual IP appears in the Local Area Connection entry. During installation, when you enter "" as the virtual host name in the Specify Virtual Hostname screen, the installer checks that "" is a valid interface.

On Failover If the active node fails, then the secondary node takes over. If you do not have a clusterware agent to map the virtual IP from the failed node to the secondary node, then must do it manually. You must remove the virtual IP mapping from the failed node, and map it to the secondary node.

  1. On the failed node, if possible, become superuser and remove the virtual IP.

    If the failed node fails completely (that is, it does not start), you can skip this step and go to Step 2. If the node fails partially (for example, disk or memory problems), and the node is still pingable, you must perform this step as an Administrator.

    # netsh interface ip delete address name="Local Area Connection" addr=""

    Local Area Connection and the IP address are values specific to this example. Replace them with values appropriate for your cluster.

  2. On the secondary node, add the virtual IP to the ge0 network interface.

    # netsh interface ip add address name="Local Area Connection" addr="" mask=""

    Local Area Connection and the IP address are values specific to this example. Replace them with values appropriate for your cluster.

  3. On the secondary node, check that the new interface was added:

    # ipconfig /all Set Up a File System That Can Be Mounted from Both Nodes

Although the hardware cluster has shared storage, you must create a file system on this shared storage such that both nodes of the Cold Failover Clusters can mount this file system. You will use this file system for the following directories:

  • Oracle home directory for the Infrastructure

  • The oraInventory directory

If you are running a volume manager on the cluster to manage the shared storage, refer to the volume manager documentation for steps to create a volume. Once a volume is created, you can create the file system on that volume.

If you do not have a volume manager, you can create a file system on the shared disk directly. Ensure that the hardware vendor supports this, that the file system can be mounted from either node of the Cold Failover Clusters, and that the file system is repairable from either node if a node fails.

To check that the file system can be mounted from either node, do the following steps:

  1. Set up and mount the file system from node 1.

  2. Unmount the file system from node 1.

  3. Mount the file system from node 2 using the same mount point that you used in Step 1.

  4. Unmount it from node 2, and mount it on node 1, because you will be running the installer from node 1.


Only one node of the Cold Failover Clusters should mount the file system at any given time. File system configuration files on all nodes of the cluster should not include an entry for the automatic mount of the file system upon a node restart or execution of a global mount command. Installation Tasks

Before installing Oracle Calendar in a Cold Failover Clusters configuration, make sure that the virtual IP address and host name is enabled on the install node.

To install Oracle Calendar in a Cold Failover Clusters configuration, follow the steps listed in Table 11-5.

Table 11-5 Installing Oracle Calendar Server in Cold Failover Cluster Configuration

Step Screen Action
1. None Start the installer.
2. Welcome Click Next.
3. Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials

(Advanced installation only)

This screen appears only if this is the first installation of any Oracle product on this computer.

Enter the full path for the inventory directory: Enter a full path to a directory for the installer files. Enter a directory that is different from the Oracle home directory for the product files.

Example: \private\oracle\oraInventory

Click OK.

4. Specify File Locations

(Advanced installation only)

Enter the full path of the Source directory in the Path field for Source, if required.

Name: Enter a name to identify this Oracle home. The name cannot contain spaces, and has a maximum length of 16 characters.

Example: OH_apptier_10_1_2

Destination Path: Enter the full path to the destination directory. This is the Oracle home. If the directory does not exist, the installer creates it. To create the directory beforehand, create it as the oracle user; do not create it as the root user.

Example: \private\oracle\OH_apptier_10_1_2

Click Next.

5. Specify Hardware Cluster Installation Mode

(Advanced installation only)

This screen appears only if the computer is part of a hardware cluster.

When you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications, select Local Installation because hardware cluster is not supported for Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications.

Click Next.

6. Select a Product to Install

(Advanced installation only)

Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications 10.1.2.

If you need to install additional languages, click Product Languages.

Click Next.

7. Product-specific Prerequisite Checks

(Advanced installation only)

The installer verifies requirements such as memory, disk space, and operating system version. If any check fails, make the required changes and click Retry.

Click Next.

8. Select Components to Configure

(Advanced installation only)

Select Oracle Calendar Server.

Note: You can also configure any component after installation.

Click Next.

9. Register with Oracle Internet Directory

(Advanced installation only)

Host: Enter the LDAP virtual server name.

Port: Enter the non-SSL port number for the LDAP virtual server name.

Use SSL to connect to Oracle Internet Directory: Select this option if you want Oracle Collaboration Suite components to use only SSL to connect to Oracle Internet Directory.

Click Next.

10. Specify UserName and Password for Oracle Internet Directory

(Advanced installation only)

Username: Enter the user name to use to log in to Oracle Internet Directory.

Password: Enter the user password.

Click Next.

Note: Use cn=orcladmin as the user name if you are the Oracle Internet Directory Superuser.

11. OracleAS Metadata Repository

(Advanced installation only)

Select the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database from the list.

Click Next.

12. Select Database Components

(Advanced installation only)

Component Name: Oracle Calendar Server

Database Name: Name of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Click Next.

Note: If multiple instances of Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases are available in Oracle Internet Directory, then you must click on the Database Name column and then select the correct database for each component from the drop-down list. However, when you click Next to go to the next screen, the selection might not be retained. To ensure that the selection is retained, you must click the Database Name column again after selecting the required database for each component.

13. Specify Port Configuration Options

(Advanced installation only)

Select Automatic Port Selection or Manual and enter the port numbers for.
  • Web Cache HTTP Listen Port

  • Web Cache HTTP Listen SSL

Click Next.

Note: If you manually configure the ports, then you must specify the port values for each port.

Note: The Automatic option only uses ports in the range 7777-7877 for Oracle HTTP Server and 4443-4543 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL. If you need to set the port numbers as 80 for Oracle HTTP Server and 443 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL, then you must select the Manually Specify Ports option.

14. Specify Administrative Password and Instance Name

(Advanced installation only)

Instance Name: Enter a name for this Calendar Server instance.

Administrative Password: Set the password for the administrative user. This is the administrative user for the Calendar Server instance.

Confirm Password: Confirm the password.

Click Next.

Note: If multiple instances of Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases are available in Oracle Internet Directory, then you must click on the Database Name column and then select the correct database for each component from the drop-down list. However, when you click Next to go to the next screen, the selection might not be retained. To ensure that the selection is retained, you must click the Database Name column again after selecting the required database for each component.

15. Oracle Calendar Server Host Alias

(Advanced installation only)

Host or Alias: Enter the virtual host name for the Calendar Server instance.

Click Next.

Note: Oracle recommends that you use alias in place of host name if later you want to move the calendar server instance or change the host name. Specify the host name if an alias is not configured.

16. Summary Verify your selections and click Install.
17. Install Progress This screen displays the progress of the installation.
18. Configuration Assistants This screen shows the progress of the configuration assistants. Configuration assistants configure components.
19. End of Installation Click Exit to quit the installer. Postinstallation tasks

The postinstallation tasks involve troubleshooting the installation errors and performing manual postinstallation steps. Troubleshooting the Installation Errors

You might have to perform the postinstallation steps to solve the following problems:

  • Oracle Calendar Server installation does not accept virtual host name. This is a network problem. To resolve this error, exit and restart the installer. Performing Manual Postinstallation Steps

You must also perform the following additional postinstallation steps:

  • In ORACLE_HOME\ocal\misc\unison.ini file, add dir_connectmodel = ondemand entry under the [DAS] section.

  • Restart Oracle Calendar Server.

    ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl restartproc ias-component=CalendarServer Set up a Calendar Server ORACLE_HOME Local Webcache Host Name Alias

Webcache by default uses the local host in its $ORACLE_HOME/webcache/webcache.xml configuration file. To avoid having to manually change the webcache.xml file hostname in the event of a Calendar Server failover, you can create a local hostname alias for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Calendar Server nodes. Creating this host name alias is a one-time requirement. You accomplish this by adding a line to the /etc/hosts file on each Calendar Server CFC node.

For example, if the nodes are called node1 and node2, and you want the alias to be called cfcwebcache, then you would follow these steps so that no post failover manual steps are required for getting webcache to startup correctly.

  1. In the /etc/hosts file on node1, add the alias to the existing local host line: node1 loghost
  2. In the /etc/hosts file on node2, add the alias to the existing local host line: node2 loghost
  3. Update the CACHE NAME and HOSTNAME fields in $ORACLE_HOME/webcache/webcache.xml to use the alias For example:

    <CACHE NAME=""
    ORACLEHOME="/cal/server" HOSTNAME="cfcwebcache."VOTES="1" CAPACITY="30" WCDEBUGON="NO">
  4. Restart webcache.

    opmnctl restartproc process-type=WebCache Modify Apache Configuration to use Calendar Server Virtual Hostname

In the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf file, update it to use the Calendar Server virtual hostname as follows. For this example the Calendar Server virtual hostname is

  1. Change the ServerName line.

  2. Change the Server Status section.

    <Location /server-status>    SetHandler server-status    Order deny,allow    Deny from all    Allow from localhost calvhost
  3. Restart the HTTP Server.

    opmnctl restartproc process-type=HTTP_Server

11.2.7 Installing the First Instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications (without Oracle Calendar Server)

This section describes the installation of the first instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications without Oracle Calendar Server.

Installation Steps

To install first instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications, follow the steps listed in Table 11-6.

Table 11-6 Installing the First Instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications

Step Screen Action
1. Welcome Click Next.
2. Specify File Locations Enter a name and path for the new Oracle home. This new Oracle home will be the destination Oracle home for your Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications.

Click Next.

3. Select a Product to Install Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications

Click Next.

4. Product-specific Prerequisite Checks Make sure all the checks complete successfully.

Click Next.

5. Select Components to Configure Select Oracle Mail.Select Oracle Mobile Collaboration.Select Oracle Content Services.Do not select Oracle Calendar Server.Select Oracle Calendar Web Client.Select Oracle Real-Time Collaboration.Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Search.Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Access.Select Oracle Collaborative Portlets.Select Oracle Workspaces.Select Oracle Discussions.

Click Next.

6. Register with Oracle Internet Directory Host: Enter the LDAP virtual server name.

Port: Enter the non-SSL port number for the LDAP virtual server name.

Click Next.

7. Specify UserName and Password for Oracle Internet Directory Username: Enter the username to log in to Oracle Internet Directory. You must log in as the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin).

Password: Enter the password for the username.

Click Next.

8. OracleAS Metadata Repository Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Database from the list.

Click Next.

9. Select Database Components Component Name: Oracle Mail, Oracle Discussions, Oracle Search, Oracle Real-Time Collaboration, Oracle Collaboration Suite Search, Oracle Workspaces, Oracle Content Services, Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Access

Database Name: Name of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Click Next.

10. Specify Port Configuration Options Select Automatic Port Selection or Manual and enter the port numbers for.
  • Web Cache HTTP Listen Port

  • Web Cache HTTP Listen SSL

  • Oracle Mail IMAP4 port

  • Oracle Mail IMAP4 Secure port

  • Oracle Mail POP3 port

  • Oracle Mail POP3 Secure port

  • Oracle Mail SMTP port

  • Oracle Mail NNTP port

  • Oracle Mail NNTP Secure port

Click Next.

Note: The Automatic option only uses ports in the range 7777-7877 for Oracle HTTP Server and 4443-4543 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL. If you need to set the port numbers as 80 for Oracle HTTP Server and 443 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL, then you must select the Manually Specify Ports option.

11. Specify Administrative Password and Instance Name Instance Name: Enter a name for this Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications instance.

Administrative Password: Set the password for the administrative user. This is the administrative user for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications instance.

Click Next.

12. Specify Oracle Mail Domain Information Mail Domain: Enter the domain that you want to use for Oracle Mail server.

Click Next.

13. Summary Verify your selection and click Install.
14 The Configuration Assistants This screen shows the progress of the configuration assistants.
15. End of Installation Click Exit to quit the installer.

Postinstallation Steps

For Oracle Mail, start the UM listener (listener_es) on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier as the super user if the port that you are using is a privileged port (<1024). Get the user ID and group ID of the owner of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications.

Start the UM listener as root after setting ORACLE_HOME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH environment variables.

# *$ORACLE_HOME\bin\tnslsnr listener_es –user *\userid\* -group *\group_id\* &***

11.2.8 Configuring the First Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications Tier with a Load Balancer

You can configure two or more Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications instances in a highly-available deployment by placing a load balancer in front of them. The load balancer publishes a single address for Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications while providing a redundant set of application servers that actually service requests. The load balancer can be configured to detect when one of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications instances has failed and can then fail over requests to another instance.

Our configuration is as follows:

  • There are two Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications computers: and Both application servers listen on non-SSL port 7777.

  • The Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications computers are configured to use the Single Sign-On server located at

  • The effective host name of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications published to the user is A load balancer is configured to listen at this address, on port 80. It has been configured to load balance and fail over user requests between and

  • The Single Sign-On server and Directory server are located at

  • The Oracle Collaboration Suite Database (including Identity Management metadata) is located at and (2-node Oracle RAC).

Perform the following steps to configure the first Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier with a load balancer:

  1. Configure the Load Balancer

  2. Configure the Oracle HTTP Server with the Load Balancer

  3. Configure the Parallel Page Engine Loop-Back with the Load Balancer

  4. Modify the Portal Dependency Settings (iasconfig.xml) File

  5. Register the OracleAS Portal URLs with the Load Balancer

  6. Reset the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Link

  7. Configure OracleAS Web Cache with the Load Balancer

  8. Reregister mod_osso

  9. Verify Connectivity for Invalidation Messages from the Database to OracleAS Web Cache on through the Load Balancer

  10. Enable Monitoring of the Front-End Host and Port Settings of the Load Balancer for OracleAS Portal

  11. Configure Oracle Collaboration Suite Mobile Collaboration

  12. Configure Calendar Administration

  13. Configure the Real-Time Collaboration with Load Balancer

  14. Update the Oracle Collaboration Suite Service Registry Entries in Oracle Internet Directory to Use the Load Balancer

  15. Test the Configuration Configure the Load Balancer

To set up the load balancer to work with the installation of first instance of Applications tier, ensure that the following is configured (the port names and numbers should match your $ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini file):

  1. A virtual server name ( that listens for requests on port 80 (HTTP) and balances them to the Oracle HTTP Server port from the portlist.ini file. For this example, the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications tier HTTP Server is running on on port 7777.

  2. A virtual server name ( that listens for requests on port 7777 (HTTP) and balances them to the Web Cache HTTP Listen port from the portlist.ini file. For this example, the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications tier the Webcache HTTP listener is running on on port 7777. Port 7777 on the load balancer receives the HTTP loop-back requests made by the Parallel Page Engine on This 7777 port also receives requests from the Portal Metadata Repository for web providers design time messages. This configuration may require a Network Address Translation (NAT) rule in the load balancer in order for the loop-back request from the PPE to succeed.

  3. A virtual server name ( that listens for requests on port 9401 (Web Cache Invalidation Port) and balances them to the Web Cache on Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier on on port 9401 (Web Cache Invalidation Port). Port 9401 on the load balancer receives invalidation messages from the OracleAS Portal Repository when content that is cached in OracleAS Web Cache becomes stale. This configuration might require a NAT rule in the load balancer in order for the invalidation requests from the OracleAS Portal repository to succeed.

  4. A virtual server name ( that listens for requests on port 25 (SMTP) and balances them to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier's SMTP port on on port 25 (an SMTP listening port). This virtual server on port 25 (SMTP) should also have simple persistence. Simple Persistence returns a client to the same node to which it connected previously. Simple persistence tracks connections based only on the client IP address.

  5. The virtual server name ( listens for requests on port 143 (Oracle Mail IMAP4 port) and balances them to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier on on port 143 (Oracle Mail IMAP4 port).

Note: listens on 80 for external traffic, on port 7777 for Parallel Page Engine loop-back messages, and port 9401 for invalidation messages, and port 25 for SMTP traffic.

For security reason, port 9401 and 7777 on the load balancer should not be visible to external users. Configure the Oracle HTTP Server with the Load Balancer

This step associates the components on which OracleAS Portal depends with load balancer virtual server name and port: as follows:

  1. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager – Oracle Collaboration Suite Control console.

  2. Click the link for the installation.

  3. Click the HTTP Server link.

  4. Click the Administration link.

  5. Click Advanced Server Properties.

  6. Open the httpd.conf file.

  7. Perform the following steps:

    1. Add LoadModule certheaders_module directive.

      LoadModule certheaders_module libexec/

      The LoadModule directives (in particular, the LoadModule rewrite_module directive) must appear in the httpd.conf file at a location preceding the VirtualHost directives. The server must load all modules before it can execute the directives in the VirtualHost container. It is a good idea to create the VirtualHost directives at the end of the httpd.conf file.

    2. Add the following lines to create a NameVirtualHost directive and a VirtualHost container for and port 80. Port 7778 in the following example corresponds to the Oracle HTTP Server Listen port from the $ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini file.

      NameVirtualHost *:7778
      <VirtualHost *:7778>
      Port 80
      ServerAdmin you@your.address
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteOptions inherit
    3. Create a second VirtualHost container for and port 7777. Port 7778 in the following example corresponds to the Oracle HTTP Server Listen port and port 7777 corresponds to the Web Cache HTTP Listen port from the $ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini file.

      <VirtualHost *:7778>
      Port 7777
      ServerAdmin you@your.address
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteOptions inherit
  8. Save the httpd.conf file, and restart the Oracle HTTP Server when prompted. Configure the Parallel Page Engine Loop-Back with the Load Balancer

In this step, you configure non-SSL loop-back communication between the load balancer and the Parallel Page Engine on you start this configuration, ensure the following:

  • You are able to resolve from such that it contacts the load balancer. To ensure you can resolve, issue the following command from


    The IP address for the load balancer should be returned.

  • You are able to contact port 7777 on from Issue the following command on

    telnet 7777

    Verify that no connection failure message is returned.

To create the loop-back configuration, the steps are as follows:

  1. Open the ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\OC4J_Portal\applications\portal\portal\WEB-INF\web.xml file.

  2. Locate the Page servlet section.

  3. Add the lines shown in bold.

  4. Save the web.xml file.

  5. Issue this command in ORACLE_HOME\dcm\bin to update the DCM repository.

    dcmctl updateConfig
  6. Issue these commands in ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin to restart the OCS Applications instance.

    opmnctl stopall
    opmnctl startall Modify the Portal Dependency Settings (iasconfig.xml) File

The Portal Dependency Settings file iasconfig.xml must contain the correct host, port, and farm name to enable access to OracleAS Portal and perform OracleAS Web Cache invalidation. To edit the file to include this information, the steps are as follows:

  1. Create a backup copy of the ORACLE_HOME\portal\conf\iasconfig.xml file.

  2. Open the ORACLE_HOME\portal\conf\iasconfig.xml file and perform the following steps:

    1. Change the existing code as follows:

      <IASConfig XSDVersion="1.0">
      <IASFarm Name="" Host="">
      <WebCacheComponent ListenPort="80" InvalidationPort="9401" InvalidationUsername="invalidator" InvalidationPassword="welcome1" SSLEnabled="false" AdminPort="9400"/>
      <IASInstance Name="" Host="">
      <EMComponent ConsoleHTTPPort="1810" SSLEnabled="false"/>
      <IASInstance Name="" Host="">
      <OIDComponent AdminPassword="@BVELB7NJSpZHTYxd0Jc/EubFeXQKqrc5aw==" AdminDN="cn=orcladmin" SSLEnabled="false" LDAPPort="389"/>
      <PortalInstance DADLocation="/pls/portal" SchemaUsername="portal" SchemaPassword="@BWQsAbPplXWMMsuK2bq0Wf4gZCaq6ZUDUg==" ConnectString="cn=imdb,cn=oraclecontext">
      <WebCacheDependency ContainerType="IASFarm" Name=""/>
      <OIDDependency ContainerType="IASInstance" Name=""/>
      <EMDependency ContainerType="IASInstance" Name=""/>
    2. Save the iasconfig.xml file.

    3. Encrypt any plain text passwords in the iasconfig.xml configuration file by setting the ORACLE_HOME environment variable, if necessary, and issuing the following command from ORACLE_HOME\portal\conf:

      ptlconfig –encrypt Register the OracleAS Portal URLs with the Load Balancer

In this step, you register the OracleAS Portal URLs using the load balancer virtual server name and port instead of the OracleAS Web Cache host name and port. Follow the steps in this section to use the OracleAS Portal Configuration Assistant to register the URLs.

  1. Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set.

  2. Register the URLs using the Portal Dependency Settings tool, which is available in %ORACLE_HOME%/portal/conf:

    ptlconfig –dad dadname –wc –site

    In the previous syntax, dadname is the name of the OracleAS Portal Database Access Descriptor that is specified in the iasconfig.xml file under the PortalInstance DADLocation entry. For example, in the iasconfig.xml file, the location of this descriptor is specified as:

    PortalInstance DADLocation="/pls/portal"

    As a result, you can register the URLs using the Portal Dependency Settings tool as follows:

    ptlconfig -dad portal -wc -site


    Older versions of mod_plsql were mounted on a virtual path with a prefix of /pls. This restriction has been removed in newer versions, but the restriction is still imposed by the PL/SQL applications. Reset the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Link

To prevent access to Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g from the outside, the link provided by OracleAS Portal must be changed back to point to the internal server. To do this, issue the following command in %ORACLE_HOME%/portal/conf:

ptlconfig –dad dadname –em

In the previous syntax, dadname is the name of the OracleAS Portal Database Access Descriptor that is specified in the iasconfig.xml file under the PortalInstance DADLocation entry. Configure OracleAS Web Cache with the Load Balancer

You must configure a site definition, site alias, and a site-to-server mapping to make OracleAS Web Cache function correctly with the load balancer.

Use the Web Cache Manager, the graphical user interface provided for editing the configuration stored in the webcache.xml file.

  1. Access the Web Cache Administrator at: The Web Cache Administrator password dialog box appears.

  2. Enter the OracleAS Web Cache administrator password. For the user name, enter ias_admin or administrator, and enter the OracleAS Web Cache administrator password.


    At installation time, the OracleAS Web Cache administrator password is set to the same password as the ias_admin password. The OracleAS Web Cache administrator password must be identical for all cache cluster members.
  3. Click the Site Definitions link in the Origin Servers, Sites and Load Balancing section. The Site Definitions window opens.

  4. Click Add Site.

  5. Enter the following information (leave other fields blank):

    • Host name:

    • Port: 80

    • Client-side Certificate: Not requiredDefault Site: Yes

    • Create Alias from Site Name with or without www: No

  6. Click Submit.

  7. Select the radio button for the site for which the alias will be added (

  8. Click Add Alias. The Add Alias for Site window opens.

  9. Enter for the host name and 7777 for the port. (7777 is the value for the usePort parameter in the web.xml file in the Parallel Page Engine configuration).

  10. Click Submit. The alias is added. An alias is needed in the configuration because Portal sends invalidation messages with the value of the HOST attribute in the invalidation message the same as the site name (in this case,, but OracleAS Web Cache caches the portal content keyed on a host:port combination such as; thus, the invalidation is not executed. Therefore, it is necessary to define an alias, so that OracleAS Web Cache manages the content caching so that it recognizes and as one and the same, and thereby correctly invalidating OracleAS Portal content, although the content is keyed on a different host:port combination than the site name.Click Add Alias. A window with host name and port fields opens.

  11. Enter for the host name and 80 for the port.

  12. Click Submit. The alias is added.


    An alias for port 80 is needed because the HOST header sent by the browser will be (without a port number appended to it). Since OracleAS Web Cache is listening on the HTTP port, it will assume that the port number is 80 and use this to determine the site-to-server mapping, and for any cache key creation.
  13. Click Apply Changes.

  14. Click the Site-to-Server Mapping link in the Origin Servers, Sites, and Load Balancing section. The Site-to-Server Mapping page appears, in which you map the site and site alias to an origin server.

  15. Select the first mapping in the table and click Insert Above. The Edit/Add Site-to-Server Mapping page appears.

  16. Select the Select From Site Definitions option.

  17. Select

  18. Select in the Select Application Web Servers section.

  19. Click Submit.

  20. Remove unused mappings or entries containing the wild card character *. At this stage, the Site-to-Server Mapping table should look as follows:

    Table 11-7 Site to Server Mapping Table


    Origin Server

    Select Priority Host Name Port URL Path Prefix ESI Content Policy Host Name Port Proxy

    1 80
    Unrestricted 7778 No

    2 7777
    Unrestricted 7778 No

  21. Click Apply Changes.

  22. Click Restart. Reregister mod_osso

The steps for reregistering mod_osso are as follows:

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the current Oracle home.

  2. Execute the SSO registration script ORACLE_HOME\sso\bin\ssoreg.

    ORACLE_HOME\sso\bin\ssoreg.bat \
    site_name \
    mod_osso_url \
    config_mod_osso TRUE \
    oracle_home_path ORACLE_HOME \
    config_file ORACLE_HOME\pache\Apache\conf\osso\osso.conf \
    admin_info cn=orcladmin \

    A partner application,, is created.

  3. Log on to the OracleAS Single Sign-On Administration page as the Administrator, and use the Administer Partner Applications page to delete the entry for the partner application Oracle Portal (portal) that is still using the physical hostname in the Home, Success and Logout URL. is already deleted as part of the reregistration process. Verify Connectivity for Invalidation Messages from the Database to OracleAS Web Cache on through the Load Balancer

When an object is changed in the database, the application metadata repository database sends an invalidation message to Web Cache to invalidate that object if it exists in the cache. Since the target configuration has two instances of OracleAS Web Cache, the invalidation message must be load balanced across both OracleAS Web Cache instances. This is an example of component level load balancing.

Before you proceed with this verification, ensure that messages can be sent from the computer hosting the database to the load balancer. To do this, issue the following command from and

telnet 9401

Verify that no connection failure message is returned. Enable Monitoring of the Front-End Host and Port Settings of the Load Balancer for OracleAS Portal

The steps to enable monitoring of the host at the front end of the load balancer and port settings for OracleAS Portal are as follows:

  1. Open the ORACLE_HOME\sysman\emd\targets.xml file.

  2. Locate the OracleAS Portal targets, for example, TYPE="oracle_portal".

  3. Edit the PortalListeningHostPort property so that it points to the load balancer. For example: <Property NAME="PortalListeningHostPort" VALUE=""/>

  4. Save and close targets.xml file.

  5. Reload the targets.xml file in the OracleAS Control Console by issuing this command in ORACLE_HOME\bin:

    emctl reload Configure Oracle Collaboration Suite Mobile Collaboration

Configure the URLs of the current OracleAS Wireless Instance on each Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier. Configuring Oracle Collaboration Suite Mobile Collaboration enables you to define the instance URLs for an application server, or direct an application server to use the URLs defined for the entire OracleAS Wireless site.The steps are as follows:

  1. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager – Oracle Collaboration Suite Control console.

  2. Click the link for the installation.

  3. Click the Wireless link under System Components.

  4. Click the Instance URLs link under Instance Configuration.

  5. Modify the Wireless Instance URLs to point to the load balancer's virtual server name ( Please note that if port 80 is used then it should be explicitly included in the URL as shown.

Repeat the preceding steps for each Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier. Configure Calendar Administration

Perform the following steps to enable the Oracle Calendar administrator to work through the load balancer virtual server of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier:

  1. Add the following lines to the end of the $ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\httpd.conf file on each Applications Oracle home:

  2. Execute the $ORACLE_HOME\dcm\bin\dcmctl updateconfig command so that changes are processed. This will enable Oracle Calendar administrator. Configure the Real-Time Collaboration with Load Balancer


Refer to Section 2.1.1, "Considerations for Real-Time Collaboration".

For Real-Time Collaboration, set GlobalWebHost and GlobalWebPort properties to integrate with a load balancer.

A load balancer provides a single published address to the client browser, while distributing requests to multiple Oracle Real-Time Collaboration core component Application tiers that serve the request. It acts as a global Web host for all of the requests.

If you add a load balancer, set the following parameters:

  1. GlobalWebHost is the name of the global Web host.

    For example, multiple Application tiers could be placed behind a load balancer (,, but the Web host name you want to have appear in the URL used to join a conference is

    Default Value: none
    Valid Value: a load balancer virtual server name.
    Scope: system, instance


    After you set this property, the only way you can unset it is to use the –pvaluenull true option with the SetProperty command. For example, to set the global Web host to, run the following command:
    rtcctl> setProperty –system true –pname GlobalWebHost –pvalue ""
  2. GlobalWebPort is the HTTP port of the global Web host.

    Default Value: 80
    Valid Value: Any port ID
    Scope: system, instance

    For example, to reset the global Web host to listen on port 80 for HTTP requests run the following command:

    rtcctl> setProperty –system true –pname GlobalWebPort –pvalue 80
  3. SmtpHost is the name of the SMTP host. To set the smtp host to, run the following command:

    Because the SMTP default port is 25, there is no need to set the SMTP port.

Restart Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications using the following commands:

ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall Update the Oracle Collaboration Suite Service Registry Entries in Oracle Internet Directory to Use the Load Balancer

You can update the Oracle Collaboration Suite registry entries in Oracle Internet Directory by using the Oracle Directory Manager as follows:

  1. Start the Oracle Directory Manager.

  2. When you start Oracle Directory Manager, it will prompt you for connection information. Enter the following information to connect to your Oracle Internet Directory, typically hosted in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database on your Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure:

    Host: <>
    Port: 389
    Username: cn=orcladmin
    Password: <password>

    Port 389 is the default port used by Oracle Internet Directory. If you are using a different port, then enter the correct Oracle Internet Directory port.

    If you have configured your Oracle Internet Directory to be accessed using SSL, select the SSL Enabled check box. Otherwise, leave it blank.

  3. Select Login to log in to the Oracle Internet Directory. When the connection is successful, the Oracle Internet Directory management screen is displayed.

  4. To access the Service Registry, drill down in to the Oracle Internet Directory by selecting the following items in the System Objects pane:

    1. Select Entry Management.

    2. Select cn=OracleContext.

    3. Select cn=Services.

    The System Objects pane displays a list of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications which that entries in the Service Registry. The Properties tab displays the properties of the cn=Services object.

  5. To display URIs stored by each component in the Service Registry, select the component in the System Objects pane. Most components will contain a cn=VirtualServices object. This object contains one or more URIs used by other applications and OracleAS Portal to access that application. Applications store URIs in one or more child objects of the cn=VirtualServices object.


    Oracle Universal Installer seeds the Oracle Internet Directory with objects for every Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications during installation, even if you do not configure and deploy every application. These unconfigured application entries will not contain child objects of their cn=VirtualServices objects. The child objects, and the URIs they store, are created in the Service Registry by each component's Configuration Assistant when it first runs.
  6. After you verify your configuration, update Oracle Collaboration Suite Service Registry entries in Oracle Internet Directory to use the load balancer virtual host name as follows:

    • Oracle Calendar Client

      dn: cn=OCAS_xxxxx,cn=VirtualServices,cn=Calendar,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
    • Oracle Calendar Administration

      dn: cn=OCAD_xxxxx,cn=VirtualServices,cn=Calendar,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
    • Oracle Collaborative Workspaces

    • Oracle Mail

      dn: cn=emailadmin,cn=VirtualServices,cn=Email,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
      dn: cn=imap,cn=VirtualServices,cn=Email,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
      dn: cn=smtp,cn=VirtualServices,cn=Email,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
      dn: cn=Webmail,cn=VirtualServices,cn=Email,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
      dn: cn=webservice,cn=VirtualServices,cn=Email,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
    • Oracle Content Services

      dn: cn=Content,cn=VirtualServices,cn=Files,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
    • Oracle Collaboration Suite Client

      dn: cn=Search,cn=VirtualServices,cn=OCSClient,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext
    • OracleAS Portal



      In addition to changing the host name to use the load balancer virtual host name, the port should also match the listen port used in Step 1 in Section In this example it was port 80 (the default port), which means the port specification can be removed. So, for example, the Oracle Internet Directory labeleduri for the Portal ReturnToPortalURL should change from


    • Oracle Discussions

    • Oracle Mobile Collaboration

      dn: cn=WIRELESS1,cn=VirtualServices,cn=Wireless,cn=Services,cn=OracleContext

    When you have finished editing the properties of an object, select Apply to save the new values in Oracle Internet Directory. If you decide to reject the changes you have made, select Revert to reset the displayed attributes to those currently stored in the Oracle Internet Directory.

  7. Restart Oracle Calendar server so that the changes that you made in the previous step are enabled.

  8. Using opmnctl or Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, restart the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and all Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tiers, to clear caches that may still be storing the old URIs and to load the new URIs you have entered.

    Restart Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications using the following commands:

    ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
    ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall

    There is no need to restart the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. Configure the Ultrasearch Crawler

This configuration is necessary if you want the Ultrasearch Crawler to be able to run on any Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Real Application Clusters instance in the cluster and is dependent on shared storage being allocated as instructed in the section, For this instruction set the example will use /shared/ultrasearch/log as the shared storage location.

  1. Log on to the Ultrasearch administration page using the URL The username and password should be wksys.

  2. Select the Ultrasearch instance, WK_INST in the Select instance to manage drop down list.

  3. Click Apply. This should show Instance WK_INST in the upper left.

  4. Select the Crawler tab.

  5. Set the Cache Directory field, Cache Directory Location (Absolute Path) to /shared/ultrasearch/log.

  6. Set the Crawler Logging field, Crawler Log File Directory to /shared/ultrasearch/log.

  7. Verify that the Database Connect String is set to the proper Real Application Clusters connect string format and if it is not set, then modify it. The proper format is as follows:

    (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<RAC Virtual Host 1>)(PORT=1521))
    (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<RAC Virtual Host 2>)(PORT=1521))
    (LOAD_BALANCE=yes))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<RAC database service name>)))
  8. Click Apply.

  9. All Ultrasearch cache files and log files should be in the shared location, /shared/ultrasearch/log. Test the Configuration

The steps to test the configuration are as follows:

  1. Access OracleAS Web Cache and Oracle HTTP Server through the load balancer with the following URL:

  2. Test the connection to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database through the load balancer, by accessing the following URL:

    The response should be test. If this succeeds, then the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier can connect to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. If this test fails, then examine the Oracle HTTP Server ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\logs\error_log file to determine the cause.

  3. Test the OracleAS Portal using following URL (ensure that you can log in):

    Verify that content is being cached in OracleAS Web Cache on, using Web Cache Administrator. Under Monitoring, click Popular Requests. Select Cached from the Filtered Objects drop-down list, and click Update.

    If you accessed OracleAS Portal, portal content will appear. If there is no portal content, open another browser and log on to OracleAS Portal. Return to the Popular Requests page, and click Update to refresh the page content.

11.2.9 Installing Subsequent Instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications

This section describes the installation of the subsequent instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications without Oracle Calendar Server and postinstallation tasks. Installation Tasks

To install the subsequent instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications, follow the steps listed in Table 11-8.

Table 11-8 Installing the Subsequent Instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications

Step Screen Action
1. Welcome Click Next.
2. Specify File Locations Enter a name and path for the new Oracle home. This new Oracle home will be the destination Oracle home for your Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications.

Click Next.

3. Select a Product to Install Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications

Click Next.

4. Product-specific Prerequisite Checks Make sure all the checks complete successfully.

Click Next.

5. Select Components to Configure Select Oracle Mail.Select Oracle Mobile Collaboration.Select Oracle Content Services.Do not select Oracle Calendar Server.Select Oracle Calendar Web Client.Select Oracle Real-Time Collaboration.Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Search.Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Access.Do not select Oracle Collaborative Portlets.Select Oracle Workspaces.Select Oracle Discussions.

Click Next.

6. Register with Oracle Internet Directory Host: Enter the LDAP virtual server name.

Port: Enter the non-SSL port number for the LDAP virtual server name.

Click Next.

7. Specify UserName and Password for Oracle Internet Directory Username: Enter the username to log in to Oracle Internet Directory. You must log in as the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin).

Password: Enter the password for the username.

Click Next.

8. OracleAS Metadata Repository Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Database from the list.

Click Next.

Error: The installation has detected that Oracle Collaborative Portlets has already been configured in the Metadata Repository you have selected. Oracle Collaborative Portlets will be unselected for this configuration.

This screen will appear only if you selected Oracle Collaborative Portlets from the Select Components to Configure screen.

Click Yes.

9. Select Database Components Component Name: Oracle Mail, Oracle Discussions, Oracle Search, Oracle Real-Time Collaboration, Oracle Collaboration Suite Search, Oracle Workspaces, Oracle Content Services, Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Access

Database Name: Name of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Click Next.

10. Specify Port Configuration Options Select Automatic Port Selection or Manual and enter the port numbers for.
  • Web Cache HTTP Listen Port

  • Web Cache HTTP Listen SSL

  • Oracle Mail IMAP4 port

  • Oracle Mail IMAP4 Secure port

  • Oracle Mail POP3 port

  • Oracle Mail POP3 Secure port

  • Oracle Mail SMTP port

  • Oracle Mail NNTP port

  • Oracle Mail NNTP Secure port

Click Next.

Note: The Automatic option only uses ports in the range 7777-7877 for Oracle HTTP Server and 4443-4543 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL. If you need to set the port numbers as 80 for Oracle HTTP Server and 443 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL, then you must select the Manually Specify Ports option.

11. Specify Administrative Password and Instance Name Instance Name: Enter a name for this Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications instance.

Administrative Password: Set the password for the administrative user. This is the administrative user for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications instance.

Click Next.

12. Specify Oracle Mail Domain Information Local Domain: Select it from the list.

Select the same domain as in the first Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications installation.

Click Next.

13. Summary Verify your selection and click Install.
14 The Configuration Assistants This screen shows the progress of the configuration assistants.
15. End of Installation Click Exit to quit the installer. Postinstallation tasks

The postinstallation tasks involve troubleshooting the installation errors and performing manual postinstallation steps. Troubleshooting the Installation Errors

You might have to perform the postinstallation steps to solve the following problems:

  • Oracle Calendar Home Page cannot be accessed through orclguest account. To resolve this error, the steps are as follows:

    1. Stop all fast CGI (FCGI) processes using Oracle OCAS Control (ocasctl). When Oracle Collaboration Suite Application tier is started or stopped using OPMN control (opmnctl), OCAS is not started or stopped because OCAS is not integrated with OPMN.

      ORACLE_HOME\ocas\bin\ocasctl -stopall
    2. Start the FCGI processes.

      ORACLE_HOME\ocas\bin\ocasctl –start –t ochecklet –p 8020 –n 1
      ORACLE_HOME\ocasctl –start –t ocas –p 8010 –n 5

      The default ports are 8010 and 8020. The valid range is 8010-8020.

    3. Verify the status of the FCGI processes:

      ORACLE_HOME\ocas\bin\ocasctl –status
  • When you log on to Portal as a newly created user, the Oracle Calendar portlet shows "Service temporarily unable due to maintenance message".

    1. Click the Oracle Calendar link and go to the Oracle Calendar view page.

    2. Click the Return to Portal link and the portlet should show up correctly.

  • When accessing workspaces, user cannot be found in LDAP directory. To resolve this error, run the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_OCSClient
 Performing Manual Postinstallation Steps

You must also perform the following additional postinstallation steps for Oracle Mail and Oracle Mobile Collaboration:

  • For Oracle mail, the steps are as follows:

    1. Get the user ID and group ID of the owner of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications.

    2. Start LISTENER_ES as root, if the port that you are using is a privileged port (< 1024).. Make sure ORACLE_HOME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH environment variables are set correctly.

      ORACLE_HOME\bin\tnslsnr listener_es –user <userid> -group <group_id> &
  • Oracle Mail has a feature designed to avoid Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and if it repeatedly receives requests from the same IP, then it will block all incoming requests. This is a problem when requests are all coming from the same IP, the load balancer in the case of Oracle Collaboration Suite high availability installation. To avoid this, it is necessary to increase the Maximum Flood count setting as follows.

    In Enterprise Manager under Mail Application, perform the following steps for both the instances of the Applications tier:

    1. Navigate to IMAP Server Default Settings, Rules and Routing Control Parameters.

    2. Change Spam Maximum Flood Count from 40 to 40000.

  • To enable Oracle Mobile Collaboration Calendar notifications, the steps are as follows:

    1. Log in to Enterprise Manager. Go to System Components, Wireless, Site Administration.

    2. Expand Component Configuration section and click XMS Configuration.

    3. Under XMS Center, ensure that Enable XMSC is checked.

    4. Go to System Components, Wireless, Notification eng xxxx. Click Enable/Disable link and make sure Notification engine is enabled.

    5. Restart the wireless component.

  • To configure Calendar Oracle Mobile Data Sync to Use Shared Storage Location, the steps are as follows:

    1. Setup Shared Storage Configuration for Links Database.

    2. Follow the Instructions in the Oracle Calendar Administration Guide in "Configuring the Links Database" in Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide.

11.2.10 Postinstallation Steps for Subsequent Instances of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications to Work with the Load Balancer

You can configure two or more Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications instances in a highly-available deployment by placing a load balancer in front of them. The load balancer publishes a single address for Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications while providing a redundant set of application servers that actually service requests. The load balancer can be configured to detect when one of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications instances has failed and can then fail over requests to another instance.

The details of the configuration are as follows:

  • There are two Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications computers: and Both application servers listen on non-SSL port 7777.

  • The Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications computers are configured to use the Single Sign-On server located at

  • The effective host name of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications published to the user is A load balancer is configured to listen at this address, on port 80. It has been configured to load balance and fail over user requests between and

  • The Single Sign-On server and Directory server are located at

  • The Oracle Collaboration Suite Database (including Identity Management metadata) is located at and (2-node Oracle RAC).

The postinstallation steps are follows:

  1. Enable Portal

  2. Configure the Oracle HTTP Server with the Load Balancer

  3. Configure the Parallel Page Engine Loop-Back with the Load Balancer

  4. Modify the Portal Dependency Settings (iasconfig.xml) File

  5. Reregister mod_osso

  6. Configure OracleAS Web Cache Clusters

  7. Enable Monitoring of the Front-End Host and Port Settings of the Load Balancer for OracleAS Portal

  8. Enable Session Binding on OracleAS Web Cache Clusters

  9. Configure Collaborative Portlets

  10. Configure Oracle Collaboration Suite Mobile Collaboration

  11. Configure Calendar Administration

  12. Configure Calendar Oracle Mobile Data Sync

  13. Configure Applications Tier Service-to-Service Operations with a Dedicated Load Balancer Virtual Server

  14. Test the Configuration Enable Portal

The first task is to configure OracleAS Portal, using the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Collaboration Suites Control Console. Follow these steps to configure OracleAS Portal, beginning on the Oracle Collaboration Suite page:

  1. Click Configure Component. The Select Component page appears.

  2. Select portal from the list.

  3. Click Continue. The configuration process may take 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

Before you continue with the OracleAS Portal application server configuration, ensure that the following is configured:

  • You are able to resolve from, such that it contacts the load balancer. To ensure you can resolve by running the following command:


    The IP address for the virtual server name should be returned.

  • You are able to contact port 7777 on from Run the following command on

    telnet 7777

    Verify that no connection failure message is returned. Configure the Oracle HTTP Server with the Load Balancer

This step associates the components on which OracleAS Portal depends with load balancer virtual server name and port: The steps to configure the Oracle HTTP Server with the Load Balancer are as follows:

  1. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager – Oracle Collaboration Suite Control console.

  2. Click the link for the installation.

  3. Click the HTTP Server link.

  4. Click the Administration link.

  5. Click Advanced Server Properties.

  6. Open the httpd.conf file.

  7. Perform the following steps:

    1. Add LoadModule certheaders_module directive.

      LoadModule certheaders_module libexec\


      The LoadModule directives (in particular, the LoadModule rewrite_module directive) must appear in the httpd.conf file at a location preceding the VirtualHost directives. The server must load all modules before it can execute the directives in the VirtualHost container. It is a good idea to create the VirtualHost directives at the end of the httpd.conf file.
    2. Add the following lines to create a NameVirtualHost directive and a VirtualHost container for and port 80.

      NameVirtualHost *:7778
      <VirtualHost *:7778>
      Port 80
      ServerAdmin you@your.address
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteOptions inherit
    3. Create a second VirtualHost container for and port 7777.

      <VirtualHost *:7778>
      Port 7777
      ServerAdmin you@your.address
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteOptions inherit
  8. Save the httpd.conf file, and restart the Oracle HTTP Server when prompted.

  9. Copy the dads.conf file from to ORACLE_HOME\Apache\modplsql\conf directory of Configure the Parallel Page Engine Loop-Back with the Load Balancer

In this step, you configure non-SSL loop-back communication between the load balancer and the Parallel Page Engine on and If the OracleAS Web Cache on is down, the Parallel Page Engine can loop back to the OracleAS Web Cache on through the load balancer to reach mod_plsql.

The steps to create the loop-back configuration are as follows:

  1. Open the ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\OC4J_Portal\applications\portal\portal\WEB-INF\web.xml file.

  2. Locate the Page servlet section.

  3. Add the lines shown in bold.

  4. Save the web.xml file.

  5. Save the manual configuration changes in the DCM repository by running the following command on in ORACLE_HOME\dcm\bin:

    dcmctl updateConfig
  6. Restart all components on by running the following command in ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin:

    opmnctl stopall
    opmnctl startall
  Modify the Portal Dependency Settings (iasconfig.xml) File

The Portal Dependency Settings file iasconfig.xml must contain the correct host, port, and farm name to enable access to OracleAS Portal and perform OracleAS Web Cache invalidation. Follow the steps to edit the file to include this information:

  1. Create a backup copy of the ORACLE_HOME\portal\conf\iasconfig.xml file.

  2. Copy the iasconfig.xml file in to ORACLE_HOME\portal\conf of

  3. Overwrite the file on when prompted. Reregister mod_osso

The steps for reregistering mod_osso are:

  1. Back up the ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\osso\osso.conf file on For example:

    cp $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso.conf $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso.conf.orig
  2. Use the FTP binary mode to copy the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso.conf%ORACLE_HOME%\Apache\Apache\conf\osso\conf\osso\osso.conf file of to %ORACLE_HOME%\Apache\Apache\conf\osso\osso.conf on

  3. Synchronize the DCM repository with the file by FTP using the following command:

    ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\bin\ssotransfer ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\osso\osso.conf


    This does not create any new partner applications. It enables the partner application for and
  4. Restart the components on by running the commands in ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin of

    opmnctl stopall
    opmnctl startall
  5. Log in to the OracleAS Single Sign-On Administration page as the Administrator, and use the Administer Partner Applications page to delete the entry for the partner application Configure OracleAS Web Cache Clusters

To cluster the OracleAS Web Cache instances, you will perform the configuration steps on and propagate them to

From the Oracle Enterprise Manager Collaboration Suite Control Console, you can access the Web Cache Manager, the graphical user interface provided for editing the configuration stored in the webcache.xml file. Start the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications instance on, then follow the steps to access the Web Cache Manager from the System Components page.

  1. Access the Web Cache Administrator at the following URL:

    The Web Cache Administrator password dialog box appears.

  2. For the user name, enter ias_admin or administrator, and enter the OracleAS Web cache administrator password.


    At installation time, the OracleAS Web Cache administrator password is set to the same password as the ias_admin password. The OracleAS Web Cache administrator password must be identical for all cache cluster members.

    The Web Cache Manager page appears.

  3. Click Clustering in the Properties section. The Clustering page appears.

  4. In the Cluster Members table, click Add. The Add Cache to Cluster page appears.

  5. Enter the following information for

    Host Name:
    Admin. Port: 9400
    Protocol for Admin. Port: HTTP
    Cache Name:
    Capacity: 30
  6. Click Submit.

  7. Click the Origin Server link in the Origin Servers, Sites, and Load Balancing section. The Origin Server page appears.

  8. Click Add under the Application Web Servers table.

  9. Enter the following information:

    Port: 7778
    Routing: ENABLE
    Capacity: 100
    Failover Threshold: 5
    Ping URL: /
    Ping Interval: 10
    Protocol: HTTP
  10. Click Submit.

  11. Click the Site-to-Server Mapping link in the Origin Servers, Sites and Load Balancing section. The Site-to-Server Mapping page appears.

  12. Select the mapping for the Load Balancer site ( from the table and click Edit Selected. The Edit/Add Site-to-Server mapping page appears.In the Select Application Web Servers section, select an application Web server specified in the Origin Servers page for ( is already mapped). Click Submit.

  13. Verify that each Applications tier also has a site-to-server mapping from the Web Cache HTTP Listen port to the Oracle HTTP Server Listen port. If there are any missing, then add them. At this stage of the install the Webcache Site-to-Server Mapping table should look as follows:

    Table 11-9 Webcache Site to Server Mapping Table


    Origin Server

    Select Priority Host Name Port URL Path Prefix ESI Content Policy Host Name Port Proxy

    1 80





    2 7777
    Unrestricted 7778 No

    3 7777
    Unrestricted 7778 No

  14. Click Apply Changes.

  15. In the Cache Operations page, click Propagate. The changes are propagated to

  16. Click Restart. OracleAS Web Cache is restarted on and OracleAS Web Cache on begins to balance requests to the Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J_Portal instances on Enable Monitoring of the Front-End Host and Port Settings of the Load Balancer for OracleAS Portal

The steps are as follows:

  1. Open the ORACLE_HOME\sysman\emd\targets.xml file.

  2. Locate the OracleAS Portal targets, for example, TYPE="oracle_portal".

  3. Edit the PortalListeningHostPort property so that it points to the load balancer. For example:

    <Property NAME="PortalListeningHostPort" VALUE=""/>
  4. Save and close targets.xml file.

  5. Reload the targets.xml file in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console by running the following command in ORACLE_HOME\bin:

    emctl reload Enable Session Binding on OracleAS Web Cache Clusters

The session binding feature in OracleAS Web Cache is used to bind user sessions to a given origin server to maintain state for a period of time. Enabling session binding forces all the user requests to go to a give OracleAS Portal middle-tier, resulting in a better cache hit ratio for the portal cache. For this reason, session binding is required although almost all components running in a given OracleAS Portal middle tier are stateless.

To enable session binding in OracleAS Web Cache, the steps on or are as follows:

  1. Access the Web cache Administrator at the following URL:

    The Web Cache Administrator password dialog box appears.

  2. Enter the OracleAS Web Cache administrator password.


    At installation time, the OracleAS Web Cache administrator password is set to the same password as the ias_admin password. The OracleAS Web Cache administrator password must be identical for all cache cluster members.

    The Web Cache Manager page appears.

  3. Click the Session Binding link in the Origin Servers, Sites, and Load Balancing section. The Session Binding page appears.

  4. Select the Load Balancing Router site, from the table and click Edit Selected. The Edit Session Binding window opens.

  5. Select Any Set-Cookie from the Please select a session list.

  6. Select Cookie-based from the Please select a session binding mechanism list.

  7. Click Submit.

  8. Click Apply Changes.

  9. On the Cache Options page, click Propagate.The changes are propagated to the OracleAS Web Cache instance on the other computer.

  10. Click Restart. OracleAS Web Cache is restarted on and Configure Collaborative Portlets

Configure Collaborative Portlets from Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console. The Configure Component button appears above the System Components table if you have installed, but not configured, some components.

To configure Collaborative Portlets, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page, click Configure Component.

  2. Select Collaborative Portlets from the drop-down list on the Select Component page, and click Continue.

  3. Enter the following values:

    Oracle Internet Directory Administrative Password
    Host Name: Load Balancer Virtual Server Name –
    Web Cache Listen Port: Load Balancer Virtual Server Name's port – Port 80
    Web Cache Invalidation Port: Refer to ORACLE_HOME\install\portlist.ini – 9401
  4. Click Continue. The configuration process may take 10-15 minutes to complete.

  5. Restart the components on by running the following commands in ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin of

    opmnctl stopall
    opmnctl startall Configure Oracle Collaboration Suite Mobile Collaboration

Configure the URLs of the current OracleAS Wireless Instance on each Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier. Configuring Oracle Collaboration Suite Mobile Collaboration enables you to define the instance URLs for an application server, or direct an application server to use the URLs defined for the entire OracleAS Wireless site.The steps are as follows:

  1. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager – Oracle Collaboration Suite Control console.

  2. Click the link for the installation.

  3. Click the Wireless link under System Components.

  4. Click the Instance URLs link under Instance Configuration.

  5. Modify the Wireless Instance URLs to point to the load balancer's virtual server name ( Please note that if port 80 is used then it should be explicitly included in the URL as shown.

Repeat the preceding steps for each Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier. Configure Calendar Administration

Perform the following steps to set up the Oracle Calendar administrator to work through the load balancer:

  1. Add the following lines to the end of $ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\httpd.conf file on the Calendar Server Oracle home:

    # Include the Oracle configuration file for Calendar Server
    include "<full ORACLE_HOME path>/ocad/conf/ocad.conf"
  2. Execute the $ORACLE_HOME\dcm\bin\dcmctl updateconfig command so that changes are processed. This will enable Oracle Calendar administrator. Configure Calendar Oracle Mobile Data Sync

To configure Calendar Oracle Mobile Data Sync to Use Shared Storage Location, the steps are as follows:

  1. Setup Shared Storage Configuration for Links Database.

  2. Follow the Instructions in the Calendar Administration Guide at "Configuring the Links Database" in Chapter 3 in Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide. Configure Applications Tier Service-to-Service Operations with a Dedicated Load Balancer Virtual Server

A problem with the digest login module prevents Oracle Collaboration Suite deployment scenarios using multiple Applications tiers accessed using a load balancer virtual server from working properly. The digest login module issue only occurs in Oracle Collaboration Suite service-to-service operations, when one Oracle Collaboration Suite Application performs a service request against another Oracle Collaboration Suite Application.

This includes deployment scenarios described in Configuring the First Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications Tier with a Load Balancer and Installing Subsequent Instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications.

In this type of installation, multiple Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) are used because Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier access may be routed to any one of the Applications tiers by the load balancer. If you are using the service-to-service features of Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications in a multiple Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier deployment (these features enable integration between different Oracle Collaboration Suite applications) then you may see errors like the following in a component's application log:

_island_1/application.log ,
caused by: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Protocol; msg=Unsupported
response content type "text/html", must be: "text/xml".
Response was:

These problems occur with several applications, including various Oracle Collaboration Suite Portal portlets, Oracle Workspaces integration with Oracle Content Services, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Search. Applications tier access will fail intermittently for these services.

To solve this problem, you must set up a new load balancer virtual server, modify the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry to use the new virtual server, and then restart the Applications tier, as described in the following steps.

  1. Set Up the Load Balancer

  2. Modify the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry

Set Up the Load Balancer

The steps are as follows:

  1. Create a new virtual server in the load balancer, such as

  2. Map the virtual server,, to a node pool that consists the following elements:

    • n1:port

    • n2:port

    port is the Oracle HTTP Server Listener port. If you have not changed it since installation, then the port is listed in the following path:

  3. Set Insert Active Cookie persistence for this node pool.

Modify the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry

Modify the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry to use the new virtual server ( You can modify the entries using Oracle Directory Manager (oidadmin).

  1. Start Oracle Directory Manager and log in to the Oracle Internet Directory.

    See Also:

    For detailed instructions on using Oracle Directory Manager to modify the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry, see "Using Oracle Directory Manager to Edit the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry" in Chapter 7 of Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide.
  2. Navigate to Entry Management , OracleContext, Services and then modify the following entries.

    For Calendar, the steps are as follows:

    1. Navigate to

    2. Select labeleduri;webserviceurl.

    3. Set it to the following URL:

    For Email, the steps are as follows:

    1. Navigate to

    2. Select labeleduri;webservice.

    3. Set it to the following URL:

    For Content Services, the steps are as follows:

    1. Navigate to

    2. Select labeleduri;s2sauthenticationurl.

    3. Set it to the following URL:
    4. Select labeleduri;webservicesurl.

    5. Set it to the following URL:
    6. Select labeleduri;webdavurl.

    7. Set it to the following URL:
    8. On one of the Applications tier Enterprise Manager Collaboration Suite Control Console, set IFS.DOMAIN.APPLICATION.ApplicationHost in Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, Content, Domain Properties to the following URL:

For Real-Time Collaboration, the steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select labeleduri;integrationserviceurl.

  3. Set it to the following URL:

For Mobile or Wireless, the steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select labeleduri:presencewebserviceurl.

  3. Set it to the following URL:

After you perform all these steps, restart the Applications tiers. Test the Configuration

To ensure that it is working as it should, perform the following tests:

  1. Ensure that all components on are running.

    1. Run the following command fromORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin to query the status of the components:

      opmnctl status
    2. If necessary, run the following command in ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin:

      opmnctl startall
  2. Stop all components on by running the following command in ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin:

    opmnctl stopall
  3. Access OracleAS Web Cache and Oracle HTTP Server through the load balancer with the following URL:

  4. Test the connection to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database through the load balancer, by accessing the following URL:

    The response should be test. If this succeeds, then the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier can connect to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. If this test fails, then examine the ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\logs\error_log file of Oracle HTTP Server to determine the cause.

  5. Test the OracleAS Portal using following URL (ensure that you can log in):

  6. Verify that content is being cached in OracleAS Web Cache on, using Web Cache Administrator. Under Monitoring, click Popular Requests. Select Cached from the Filtered Objects drop-down list, and click Update.

    If you accessed OracleAS Portal, portal content will appear. If there is no portal content, open another browser and log in to OracleAS Portal. Return to the Popular Requests page, and click Update to refresh the page content.

  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6, by ensuring that all components on are running, and all components on are stopped and vice versa.