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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1) for Linux

Part Number B15793-02
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C Installing Oracle Calendar Standalone

This appendix describes requirements and procedures for installing the components of Oracle Calendar standalone, including:

You can install the Oracle Calendar server and the Oracle Calendar application system components on the same host or on multiple hosts across a network.

This appendix contains the following sections:

C.1 System Requirements

You can install Oracle Calendar server and the Oracle Calendar application system components together or separately. The following sections list requirements common to both components and separate to each.

This section contains the following topics:

C.1.1 Common Requirements

The common requirements for installing the Oracle Calendar server and the Oracle Calendar application system components together or separately are as follows:

  • Operating system: As described in Chapter 2 in the requirements for Oracle Collaboration Suite

  • Colors: A minimum of 256 display colors

  • Disk space: Up to 500 MB free disk space

  • Patches: The same patches apply as are listed in the requirements for Oracle Collaboration Suite. Refer to Section 2.2 for packages and patches requirements.

C.1.2 Oracle Calendar Server Requirements

The requirements for installing the Oracle Calendar Server Release 1 ( are as follows:

  • RAM

    A minimum of 512 MB of RAM or more is needed for computers handling a large number of users or services.

    To calculate your exact requirements, refer to the Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide.

  • Disk Space

    At least 500 MB of disk space that includes disk space for the Oracle Calendar database and log files.

  • Messaging Server

    A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for mail notifications.

  • Web Browser

    You need one of the following Web browsers to be able to use Oracle Calendar administrator:

    • Netscape 7.0 or later

    • Mozilla 1.2 or later

  • Kernel Parameters

    Refer to the Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide for details on the kernel parameters needed to run Oracle Calendar server.

C.1.3 Oracle Calendar Application System Requirements

The requirements for installing the Oracle Calendar application system are as follows:

  • Web Server

    Oracle HTTP Server or Apache Web Server. Standalone installations of Oracle Calendar support the following versions of Apache with mod_fastcgi.

    • Apache 1.3.26 and later with mod_fastcgi 2.2.12

    • Apache 2.0.53 and later with mod_fastcgi 2.4.2

  • RAM

    At least 512 MB RAM or more is recommended for computers handling a large number of users.

  • Disk Space

    At least 100 MB of disk space for installation plus 200 MB for operation, including the disk space for linkdb and sessiondb. More disk space may be required for heavy deployments.

  • Oracle Calendar Web Client Browsers

    The following browsers can be used to access the Oracle Calendar Web client component of the Oracle Calendar application system:


    • Netscape 7.2Firefox 1.0


    To use the Oracle Calendar Web client in standard mode, you must enable Javascript. Javascript is not necessary when you use the Oracle Calendar Web client in accessible mode.

C.2 Preinstallation

This section contains important information you must know before installing the Oracle Calendar server and the Oracle Calendar application system.

This section contains the following topics:

C.2.1 Preparing Your Directory Server for Use with Oracle Calendar Serevr

When installed in standalone mode, Oracle Calendar server can be used with a third-party external directory server. Support for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is offered through separate connectors:

  • LDAP Connector for Sun ONE Directory Server

  • LDAP Connector for OpenLDAP

  • LDAP Connector for Syntegra Aphelion Directory Server

Before installing Oracle Calendar server, you must use your LDAP connector to extend the directory schema.

Directory servers contain schemas that define the information they store. Among other things, these schemas consist, among other things, of objects and attributes. The directory server schema must be extended to include objects and attributes needed by the Oracle Calendar server. For a list of the extensions to the Oracle Calendar server schema, refer to the Oracle Calendar Reference Manual.

This section contains the following topics:

C.2.1.1 Terminology for Directory Servers

Table C-1 determines the correlation between the directory server parameters required during installation and the terminology used for each product.

Table C-1 Oracle Calendar and Directory Server Concordance

Definition of Concept Oracle Calendar Sun ONE Directory Server Syntegra Aphelion Directory Server OpenLDAP Directory Server
Computer on which directory server is installed LDAP host Directory Server host LDAP daemon port LDAP host
Port number for directory server connections LDAP port Directory Server port number LDAP daemon port LDAP port
The point in the directory hierarchy from which searches are performed BaseDN BaseDN or Directory suffix or search root DN located beneath context prefix BaseDN
Superuser for the directory (user with unrestricted access) SuperUserDN RootDN or Unrestricted user ManagerDN RootDN or Unrestricted user
Password for unrestricted access SuperUserDN password RootDN or unrestricted user password ManagerDN Password RootDN or unrestricted user password
The "parent" entry, offset from the baseDN, for the 6 reserved Oracle Calendar users Oracle Calendar administrators ParentDN Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
A new group, offset from the baseDN, for the 6 reserved Oracle Calendar users Oracle Calendar administrators GroupDN Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

C.2.1.2 Sun ONE Directory Server

To set up a Sun ONE or iPlanet 5.x Directory Server, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the files from the tar file ldapc_10. included in /calendar_standalone/Disk1/ldapc10.

  2. Locate the SunOne/calendar-schema.ldif file.

  3. Use this file with the ldapmodify utility to modify the directory entries as follows:

    % ldapmodify -h host -p port -D Directory_Manager_DN -w Directory_Manager
    _Password -f "calendar-schema.ldif"
  4. Verify that no error is reported.

C.2.1.3 OpenLDAP Directory Server

To set up an OpenLDAP Directory Server version 2.x or later, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the files from the ldapc_10. tar file, which is included in the Oracle Calendar package.

  2. Find the file openldap/calendar.schema.

  3. Locate the OpenLDAP configuration directory.

    It is usually set to /usr/local/etc/openldap. This directory will be used in the next steps.

  4. Copy the file calendar.schema to /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema, assuming that the configuration directory is in /usr/local/etc/openldap.

  5. Open the /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf file for editing.

  6. Locate the line that contains:

    include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema 
  7. Add the following line if it has not been added already:

    include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
  8. Add the following line:

    include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/calendar.schema
  9. Add the following line in the database section:

    index ctcalxitemid pres,eq
  10. Restart slapd server.

C.2.1.4 Syntegra Aphelion Directory Server

To set up the Syntegra Aphelion Directory Server, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the files from the tar file ldapc_10., included in the Oracle Calendar package to a temporary directory. The temporary directory must contain the following files:

  2. To prepare the Syntegra Aphelion Directory Server, you must install the files mentioned in Step1 to configure ctCal directory objects. Append the content of these files (containing the object identifier numbers for Oracle Calendar schemas, the object classes, and the attributes) to the corresponding Syntegra Aphelion (object identifier) table files:

  3. Restart the directory server to allow the configuration changes to take effect.

C.2.2 Planning Separate Installations of the Oracle Calendar Application System and the Oracle Calendar Server

You can install and configure the Oracle Calendar application system and the Oracle Calendar server on the same host. Both components are configured to see the host and port of each other. However, for large deployments, it is best to install the Oracle Calendar server and the Oracle Calendar application system on separate hosts. You can do this by running the Oracle Universal Installer on each host and selecting the components you want to install.

You should start by installing the Oracle Calendar server. Enter a temporary value when prompted for the host name and port of the Oracle Calendar application system. When you install the Oracle Calendar application system, you must enter information about the Oracle Calendar server that you have just installed. Then, edit the configuration file of the server to enable resource approval, as described in Section C.5.3.4.

For more information on editing Oracle Calendar configuration files, refer to the Oracle Calendar Reference Manual.


For security reasons, it is recommended that the Oracle Mobile Data Sync component only be accessible through SSL (https) connections. You may also want to install Oracle Mobile Data Sync on a separate host for easier accessibility from mobile devices. Keep in mind that some phones support VPN access through a firewall, while others do not.

It is also recommended that you use Calendar Web services through SSL connections.

C.3 Installation

This section explains how to install Oracle Calendar standalone components on UNIX-based systems. This section contains the following topics:

C.3.1 Installing Oracle Calendar Server and the Oracle Calendar Application System

Perform the following tasks to install Oracle Calendar server and the Oracle Calendar application system:

  1. Extract or copy the Oracle Calendar installation files to a temporary directory.

  2. In your temporary directory, navigate to the /calendar_standalone/Disk1 subdirectory

  3. Start Oracle Universal Installer using the following command:

  4. Click Next on the Welcome screen and follow the installation instructions.

    On the Specify File Locations screen, ensure that the default path selected reflects the path to products.xml.

    Also in the Specify File Locations screen, enter an ORACLE_HOME name and path, then click Next. The path you enter can be up to 74122 characters long.

    If you have a previous version of Oracle Calendar installed and you want to upgrade it, do not overwrite it.

  5. Select the components you want to install and click Next. The components are:

    • Oracle Calendar administrator

    • Oracle Calendar server

    • Oracle Calendar SDK

    • Oracle Calendar application system

    • Oracle Mobile Data Sync

    • Oracle Calendar Web services

    • Oracle Calendar Web client


    Oracle Calendar Web client, Oracle Mobile Data Sync, and Oracle Calendar Web services cannot be installed unless you select Oracle Calendar application system.

    Oracle Calendar will be installed in the following locations:

    Component Location
    Oracle Calendar $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/
    Oracle Calendar administrator $ORACLE_HOME/ocad/
    Oracle Calendar application system $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/

  6. If the kernel parameters on your computer are not sufficient to run the Oracle Calendar installation, then an information dialog box appears listing the parameters you might have to change. Make the required changes and then restart the computer. Next, restart the installation.

    For details on calculating required kernel parameters, refer to Appendix B, "Adjusting Calendar Kernel Parameters," in Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide.

  7. Select the language for running Oracle Calendar and click Next.

  8. Select the directory server you want to use and click Next.


    Select Internal if you do not have a directory server.

    Enter directory server configuration information such as Host, Port, and Base DN, as described in Section C.2.1.

  9. After entering your directory server information, enter a password in the fields of the Oracle Calendar Administrative Password screen.

  10. In the Oracle Calendar Node-ID screen, enter a Node ID. This must be a unique value between 1 and 49999.

  11. If this is your first installation of Oracle Calendar server, then select Yes in the Oracle Calendar Master Node screen to make the current installation the master node.


    You must have one master node on your network for Web Services and Oracle Mobile Data Sync to work.
  12. Click Next and follow the remaining instructions to complete the installation.

  13. To upgrade data from a previous version of Oracle Calendar, go to Section C.4. Otherwise, go to Section C.5.

Handling Oracle Calendar Application System Configuration Assistant Failure

If the $ORACLE_HOME path is greater than 50 bytes, the Oracle Calendar application system configuration assistant fails to restart Oracle HTTP Server. Perform the following tasks to resolve this issue:

  1. Do not close the Oracle Universal Installer window.

  2. Log on to the Applications tier using the same user ID that you used to start the installation.

  3. Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conffile. Locate the occurrence of <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> and add the following line after it:

    FastCgiIpcDir /tmp

    As a result, the file should have the following lines:

    <If Module mod_fastcgi.c>
    FastCgiIpcDir /tmp
  4. Return to Oracle Universal Installer and run the Oracle Calendar application system configuration assistant again.

C.3.2 Installing Oracle Calendar Server Only

The procedure for installing only the Oracle Calendar server is similar to the procedure described in Section C.3.1, with one difference. In Step 5 you must select only the following components:

  • Oracle Calendar administrator

  • Oracle Calendar Server

  • Oracle Calendar SDK


If during installation, the message "Alert: A configuration script needs to be run as root before installation window open, open another window and run $ORACLE_HOME/ as root, then return to this window and click OK to continue." appears, then ignore this message and do not run It is not necessary. Click OK and continue with the installation.

Installing Oracle Calendar Server Instance on Red Hat 4.0

Currently, an attempt to install a standalone Oracle Calendar 10g (10.1.1) instance on Red Hat Linux 4.0 platforms will fail. In this case, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the 10.1.1_Linux_DVD/calendar_standalone/install/oraparam.ini file to a local location.

  2. Locate the following line:

  3. Add redhat-4, to the list of supported platforms, and then save the file.

  4. Launch the standalone Oracle Calendar installer by using the following command:

    runInstaller -paramFile path-to-local-oraparam.ini

    In the preceding syntax, path-to-local-oraparam.ini represents the path to the saved file you created in the Step 1.

C.3.3 Installing Oracle Calendar Application System Only

The procedure for installing only Oracle Calendar application system and its components is similar to that described in Section C.3.1, with the following differences.

  • In Step 5, you must select only the following components:

    • Oracle Calendar application systemOracle Mobile Data SyncOracle Calendar Web servicesOracle Calendar Web client

  • After Step 5, you will be prompted to enter the Host, Port, and Node-ID for Oracle Calendar only. If you do not know these values, you can enter temporary values and later edit the ocas.conf file in Oracle Calendar application system with the correct values. For example:


C.3.4 Manually Running the Oracle Calendar Server Configuration Assistant

The Oracle Collaboration Suite installation program runs an Oracle Calendar server configuration assistant, a tool that configures Oracle Calendar standalone to work with your system. If you encounter an error during installation because of a problem with your setup (for example, if a host URL you specified could not be read) you should manually run this configuration assistant once you have fixed the problem.

To manually run the configuration assistant:

  1. Set ORACLE_HOME to the directory where Oracle Calendar is installed.

  2. If required, set the value of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH parameter to the following:

  3. Open the following log file:

  4. Locate the configuration assistant header. It might look similar to the following:

    ---------------Launched configuration assistant 'Calendar Server Configuration Assistant'---------------
  5. Under the header, copy the command that was created during installation. The command beginning will be similar to the following:


    The command ending will be similar to the following:

    ... -epw  -DSDS OID -portDAS 5736 -DSmgrdn cn=orcladmin -emgrp  -mnme  -ePIM  -eimt  -eclient  -tzkey MEZ-1MESZ -silent
  6. Run the command you copied. Replace the following parameters:

    Parameter Replace with, When Running Manually
    -encnodepw -nodepw <ias_admin_password>
    -encDSmgrp -DSmgrp <DSMgrdn_user_password>

    (The DSMgrdn user is specified in the command line. For example, -DSmgrdn cn=orcladmin.)

C.3.5 Manually Starting and Stopping the Oracle Calendar Application System

The Oracle Calendar application system often requires a restart after a configuration file has been modified. Follow these steps to check the status of, start and stop the Oracle Calendar application system when deployed with Oracle Collaboration Suite:

  1. To check the status of the Oracle Calendar application system, use the ocasctl command-line utility and:

    $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/bin/ocasctl -status
  2. To start the Oracle Calendar application system, use the ocasctl command-line utility, with the options specified as follows:

    $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/bin/ocasctl -start -t ochecklet -p 8020 -n 1
    $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/bin/ocasctl -start -t ocas -p 8010 -n 5


    Ports 8010 and 8020 are default port numbers for OCAS and ochecklet. The valid range is 8010 through 8020.
  3. To stop the Oracle Calendar application system, use the ocasctl command-line utility:

    $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/bin/ocasctl -stopall

C.4 Upgrades

Refer to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Guide for more details on upgrading your data for Oracle Calendar server and Oracle Calendar application system.

C.5 Postinstallation Configuration

This section describes procedures necessary to configure a standalone installation of Oracle Calendar.

This section contains the following topics:

C.5.1 Configuring the Oracle Calendar Application System and Oracle Calendar Administrator

If you are using an Apache Web server or Oracle HTTP Server, add the following line to the httpd.conf file of the Web server to recognize the Oracle Calendar administrator:

include $ORACLE_HOME/ocad/config/ocad.conf


Ensure that you have read access to ocad.conf

In addition, make the following changes to your httpd.conf file so that you can use the Oracle Calendar application system:

  • Include $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/conf/ocal.conf

  • Set the system library search path to include $ORACLE_HOME/lib

  • Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the directory where Oracle Calendar is installed

  • Restart the Web server after you make the changes.


If you customized your original installation in a similar manner, then you may have to resolve conflicting settings.

C.5.2 Configuring the Directory Server

If, you selected a directory server to use with Oracle Calendar during installation, the Oracle Calendar administrator must be granted certain access rights.

This section contains the following topics:

C.5.2.1 Configuring a Sun ONE Directory Server

To grant access rights to the Oracle Calendar administrator on a Sun ONE Directory Server, set the value of ALLOWPASSWORDOPTION parameter to TRUE in the [UTL] section of the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.inifile and then run the unidsacisetup utility with the -w option. For more details on this utility, refer to Appendix E, "Calendar Server Utilities," in Oracle Calendar Reference Manual.

C.5.2.2 Configuring an OpenLDAP Directory Server

To grant access rights to the Oracle Calendar administrator on an OpenLDAP Directory Server use the base DN (example: "dc=visioncorp,dc=com") and the Oracle Calendar administrator parent DN (example: "ou=OracleCalendarAdministrator"). For example:

  1. Edit the /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf file.

  2. In the database section, add this information with the correct base DN and Oracle Calendar administrator parent DN:

    access to dn="(.*,)?dc=acme,dc=com"
    by dn="(.*,)?ou=OracleCalendarAdministrator,dc=acme,dc=com" write

C.5.2.3 Configuring a Syntegra Aphelion Directory Server

To grant access rights to the Oracle Calendar administrator on the Syntegra Aphelion Directory Server, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the Syntegra Aphelion Web application and sign in as a Directory Manager.

  2. Click the LDE where Oracle Calendar is installed.

  3. Click Manage.

  4. Expand the Access Control folder.

  5. Click Advance Access Control.

  6. In the right pane, click Add New Access Control Policy.

  7. In the Modify Access Control Policy text area, type the following:

    to dn=.*BASEDN by dn=.*,ADMINDN,BASEDN write

    In the preceding example, BASEDN is the value of the [LDAP]basedn parameter and ADMINDN is the value of the [LDAP]admin parameter in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini configuration file.

    For more details on these parameters, refer to Chapter 3, "Calendar Server Parameters," in Oracle Calendar Reference Manual.

  8. Click Apply for the change to take effect.

C.5.3 Configuring the Oracle Calendar Server

This section describes configuration changes you might need to make to Oracle Calendar after installing or upgrading.

This section contains the following topics:

C.5.3.1 Starting and Stopping the Oracle Calendar Server

Start the Oracle Calendar server with the following command:


Stop the Oracle Calendar server with the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/ocal/bin/unistop -y

C.5.3.2 Checking Port Values

The default ports used by Oracle Calendar are:

Port Number Function
5730 Oracle Calendar Engine
5731 Synchronous Network Connection
5732 Directory Access Server
5734 Oracle Calendar Server Manager

If these ports are already in use, the installation will use the next available port. Verify unison.ini for the values used by Oracle Calendar.

C.5.3.3 Opening and Configuring Oracle Calendar Administrator

Use Oracle Calendar administrator to manage users, event calendars, resources, and public holidays, as well as to perform administrative tasks. By default, it opens in the following URL:


To log on to Oracle Calendar administrator, enter the Oracle Calendar administrative password you chose during installation. Do not enter a user name with this password.

In some cases, you may want to run Oracle Calendar administrator on a non-Apache Web server. If so, you should make the following changes to your Web server:

  • Set the system library search path to include $ORACLE_HOME/lib32, $ORACLE_HOME/lib, $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/lib (for other platforms, such as hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit)), and $ORACLE_HOME/ocad/bin.

  • Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the directory where Oracle Calendar is installed.

  • Configure a script alias, such as ocad-bin, to $ORACLE_HOME/ocad/bin/ocad.cgi. This alias must have the permissions to run ocad.cgi.

  • Configure the ocad-templates script alias to $ORACLE_HOME/ocad/templates. This alias must be named ocad-templates, and must have the permissions to read.html, .js, and .css files.

The Web server identity must have access to server directories as follows:

Folder Permissions
$ORACLE_HOME/ocad/bin/ Read, Write, Execute
$ORACLE_HOME/ocad/sessions/ Read, Write
$ORACLE_HOME/ocad/temp/ Read

The $ORACLE_HOME/ocad/bin/ocad.cgiprogram must have the permissions needed to read or write files in $ORACLE_HOME/ocad/sessions. This can be configured in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocad/bin/ocad.ini file.

You can find required settings for your server in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocad/config/ocad.conf file.

C.5.3.4 Setting Up Resource Approval

If you intend to use the resource approval feature (on any Web server), you must set it up as follows:

  1. Create or modify a resource with NOTIFY-APPROVER set to TRUE, APPROVER-EMAIL set to e-mail of the approver, and ALLOW-CONFLICT set to YES. For example, in $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/bin, run the following command:

    uniuser -resource -add R=Resource
    /psw=password -n 4313 -p test1
  2. Assign Resource designate rights in $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/bin as follows:

    uniaccessrights -mod -designate ALL=TRUE -grantee S=Designate/NODE-ID=4313
    -grantor R=Resource_Approval -n 4313 -p test1
  3. Also ensure that the [RESOURCE_APPROVAL] section exists in the unison.ini, file which is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc directory with the url parameter. For example:

  4. If you changed the resource approval URL, restart Oracle Calendar.


Any values added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPATH, and SHLIB_PATH environment variables, for example to configure security mechanisms, are deleted by Oracle Calendar. Instead, add the values to the OCAL_ADDITIONAL_LIBPATH variable.

C.5.3.6 Working with Security Mechanisms

Some security mechanisms require that you set the OCAL_ADDITIONAL_LIBPATH environment variable to include the paths to their libraries.

If you are using GSSAPI or Kerberos 5, you must include the path to the five shared libraries required by For more information about Kerberos 5 Authentication with Oracle Calendar refer to Oracle Collaboration Suite Security Guide

For C shell:


For Bourne shells:


C.5.4 Checking and Configuring the Oracle Calendar Application System

To start the Oracle Calendar application system, use the following commands:

$ORACLE_HOME/ocas/bin/ocasctl -start
$ORACLE_HOME/ocas/bin/ocasctl -start  -t ochecklet

This section explains how to check the status of the Oracle Calendar application system and make configuration changes to it, if necessary.

This section contains the following topics:

C.5.4.1 Checking the Status of the Oracle Calendar Application System

To see if the Oracle Calendar application system and its components are running, open the system page at http://server:port/ocas-bin/ocas.fcgi?sub=sys. If a component is not running, it will not appear in the system page.

To connect to a component with an appropriate client, use the following URLs:

Component URL
Oracle Mobile Data Sync
Web services
Oracle Calendar Web client

C.5.4.2 Configuring the Oracle Calendar Application System

The Oracle Calendar application system and its components are controlled with the following configuration files under $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/conf:

ocas.conf: Oracle Calendar application system

ocws.conf: Web services

ocst.conf: Oracle Mobile Data Sync

ocwc.conf: Oracle Calendar Web client

ocal.conf: Web server FastCGI directives, included from httpd.conf

Consider the following configuration options, depending on your environment:

  • Run several instances of ocas.fcgi. The number of instances depends on the setup and load. You can configure this in ocal.conf.

  • You must run one instance of ochecklet.fcgi for each installation or host. This is also configured in ocal.conf.

  • To redirect the Web client from a custom URL, add the following statement to ocal.conf:

    <Location /calendar>
       Redirect permanent /calendar \
  • Ensure that the linkdb and sessiondb variables in all hosts files for Oracle Calendar application system refer to the same path. For example, they should refer to the same NFS mount.

  • Set authentication, compression, and encryption (ACE) values in the conf file of each component. The AUTH Web settings for all products should be configured in the [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT] section of ocas.conf.

  • If you experience any problems, check for error messages in:


Ensure that you restart the Oracle Calendar application system after any changes to the conf files.

C.5.5 Configuring Oracle Calendar E-mail Delivery

If e-mail sent by Oracle Calendar appears to come from the server rather than the desired domain name, then make the following change to in the /etc/mail/etc directory.

# who I masquerade as (null for no masquerading) (see also $=M)DMdomainname

In this example, domainname is the mail domain name from which the e-mail will be sent.

C.5.6 Configuring Oracle Calendar Web Client with a Traditional Node Network

If Oracle Calendar server is not configured in a master-node environment, the following changes must to be made to ensure a successful connection from the Oracle Calendar Web client to Oracle Calendar:

  1. Use a text editor to open the $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/conf/ocas.conf configuration file.

  2. Modify the value of the [system] connection parameter to TRADITIONAL, as in the following example:

    connection = TRADITIONAL
  3. Add the number sign (#) in [connection] mnode parameter, as in the following example:

    #mnode =,1
  4. In the [connection] section, add the following parameter for each node in your node network:

    <server#> = <host>:<port>,<node>,<alias>

    In the preceding syntax, <alias> is optional.

  5. If more than one server node specification appears in the [connection] section, then you must set the [modules] serverlist_login parameter in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/conf/ocwc.conffile to TRUE, as in the following example.

    serverlist_login = TRUE

A Sample Scenario

This section provides an example of how to configure Oracle Calendar Web client for use with a traditional node network.

An Oracle Calendar server has been installed on the host with the [ENG] port defined as 5730 in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini file. The Oracle Calendar server consists of the three following nodes in a node network:

  • 100. The node alias of this node is Law.

  • 300. The node alias of this node is Medicine.

  • 500. The node alias of this node is Music.

These nodes are configured in a traditional environment without a masternode. The Oracle Calendar application system has been installed, and the Oracle Calendar server administrator wants to offer the Calendar service through the Oracle Calendar Web client to all three nodes.

To do so, the Oracle Calendar server administrator must configure the $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/conf/ocas.conf as follows:

connection = TRADITIONAL

#mnode =,1
server1 =,100,Law
server2 =,300,Medicine
server3 =,500,Music

The Oracle Calendar server administrator must also change the $ORACLE_HOME/ocas/conf/ocwc.conf file as follows:

serverlist_login = TRUE


Oracle Calendar Web services and Oracle Mobile Data Sync will work only with a master node.

C.6 Oracle Calendar Deinstallation

The following steps describe how to deinstall the Oracle Calendar server and Oracle Calendar application system from a host.

  1. Stop Oracle Calendar server using the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini/unistop -y command.

  2. Stop the Oracle Calendar application system using the ocasctl -stopall command.

  3. In the directory server, use LDIF update commands to remove the Oracle Calendar attributes from your Oracle Calendar users.

  4. In the directory server, remove all ctCal objects for the Oracle Calendar nodes that were on this server. Use the ldapsearch and ldapdelete commands and refer to the directory server documentation for proper syntax.

  5. In the directory server, remove all relevant Oracle Calendar administrative groups and Access Control Lists (ACLs) from the database. Clean up your LDIF file with a manual edit LDIF or use LDIF update statements.

  6. Remove Oracle Calendar components using Oracle Universal Installer. Start Oracle Universal Installer with the command:

  7. Delete the calendar_server_path.

  8. Delete the client_path.

C.7 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and their workarounds for Oracle Calendar and the Oracle Calendar application system. Issues are discussed in the following sections:

C.7.1 Oracle Calendar Server Issues

This section includes the following topics:

C.7.1.1 Installation

Blank [LCK] and [LIC] sections will be added to the unison.ini file of a fresh installation of a standalone Oracle Calendar and upgraded standalone server, standalone Oracle Calendar or upgraded standalone server, or both. Do not remove these sections.

C.7.1.2 Reinstallation

When reinstalling components of Oracle Calendar, ensure that you install the Oracle Calendar component in a fresh directory. Other components can be installed or added to their existing paths.

C.7.1.3 Coexistence and Upgrades

Although earlier 9.0.4.x versions of clients may be used with the Oracle Calendar server (, some newer features might not be available and may behave differently in a coexistence environment, where different versions of the clients are used for deployment.

Refer to Chapter 1 of Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide for more information about what is new in this release of Oracle Calendar.

Versions of the Oracle clients that work with the Oracle Calendar server include:

  • Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows 6.0.5 and later

  • Oracle Calendar desktop client for Mac version 5.2.3 and later

  • Oracle Calendar desktop client version 5.0.2 and later forfor Linux x86Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC)

  • Oracle Connector for Outlook version 3.3 and later


    Users of older clients should upgrade to the latest versions, available at

The preceding clients only support passwords of 15 characters or less. If you assign a password longer than 15 characters, the users will not be able to sign in.

If you only wish to support new clients, set the value of the cs-standard_coexistence parameter in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini/unison.ini file to FALSE.

For version coexistence, the parameters are added automatically to the Oracle Calendar servers $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini/unison.ini file during an upgrade. In such case, verify that these parameters are correct.

C.7.1.4 Designates

Consider the following issues related to designates:

  • Listing Designates

    Oracle Calendar Desktop clients cannot list designates of remote resources.

  • Creating Events as a Designate

    Users may get an error when creating an event while working as a designate. However, the event will be properly created.

  • Remote Designate

    The Remote Designate feature can only be used with the Oracle Calendar Web client and the Oracle Calendar SDK.

C.7.1.5 Other Issues

A numeric Unique Identifier (UID) will be created by the system for a user without an existing UID.

C.7.2 Oracle Calendar Application System Issues

This section includes the following topics:

C.7.2.1 Installation-Related Issues

When installing the standalone package of the Oracle Calendar application system on a computer where Oracle Calendar is already installed, you will not be prompted to enter server information during the installation. After the Oracle Calendar application system is installed, you must open the [connection] section of ocas.conf and replace

mnode=,with mnode=host:engine_port,node

C.7.2.2 Upgrade-Related Issues

Consider the following issues while you install the Oracle Calendar application system:

  • Multiple Upgrades

    When the Oracle Calendar application system upgrade assistant is run more than once, multiple include lines may be inserted in httpd.conf. This can cause the Web server to not start properly.

    To resolve this problem, remove the duplicated include lines from the conf file. Typically, the lines look like the following:

    include full_path_of_install_home/ocas/conf/ocal.conf
  • Blank Lines in ocas.conf and ocwc.conf Files

    Blank lines in ocas.conf and ocwc.conf files in your release installation will be removed by the upgrade assistant. To preserve them, replace them with # prior to running the assistant.

  • Configuration Parameters

    The upgrade assistant tries to upgrade parameter values that you have set in your ocas.conf , ocws.conf, and ocwc.conf configuration files. Some parameters may not get updated, with the values in version being retained to maintain consistency in the Calendar Web client. The ocst.conf file is not upgraded and the version of this file is required to ensure correct operation of Mobile Data Sync.