Oracle® Collaboration Suite Workspaces API Reference
10g (

Part No. B16233-01

Package oracle.workspaces.resource.discussion

Class Summary
CwBoard This is the counterpart of Threaded Discussion Board in the context of a workspace.
CwBoardDefinition Definition object used to create a new CwBoard.
CwBoardProperties The properties of a CwBoard.
CwDiscussionItemDefinition Common superclass for all discussion resource item properties objects.
CwDiscussionItemProperties A common superclass for all properties of the resource items in the discussions component of Workspaces.
CwDiscussionResource The Resource for the Threaded Discussion component of Workspaces.
CwDiscussionResourceItem A common superclass for all the items of the discussions resource.
CwDiscussionResourceProperties The properties object for the Discussions resource in Workspaces.
CwMessage The workspace-specific representation of a discussions message.
CwMessageDefinition Definition class used to create a CwMessage.
CwMessageIterator This iterator class wraps the TdMessageIterator class and passes requests through.
CwMessageProperties All the properties of a Workspace message are in this class.
CwSearchResultIterator This iterator class wraps the TdSearchResultIterator class and passes requests through.
CwSearchResultMessage A special subclass of CwMessage as returned from a search.
CwSearchResultMessageProperties This class is a special subclass of CwMessage that is returned from a search.
CwThread The workspace-specific representation of a TD thread.
CwThreadIterator This iterator class wraps the TdThreadIterator class and passes requests through.
CwThreadProperties All the properties of a Workspaces thread are in this class.


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