Oracle® Collaboration Suite Workspaces API Reference
10g (

Part No. B16233-01
Class CwSearchResults


public class CwSearchResults
extends java.lang.Object

This represents the conbined search results for a search query. A query can contain multiple containers in its scope; this object stores the search result set for each container as an independent set. It exposes API to get result sets based on original container object or container's entity type.

Constructor Summary
CwSearchResults(CwSearchResultSet[] containerResultSets)
Constructs an CwSearchResults given an array of search results.

Method Summary
CwSearchResultSet[] listResultSets()
Gets all result sets in this results.
CwSearchResultSet[] listResultSets(CwEntityType searchEntityType)
Gets the results sets corresponding to the specified search entity type.
CwSearchResultSet[] listResultSets(CwSearchContainer container)
Gets the results sets corresponding to the specified container object.
CwSearchResultSet[] listResultSets(java.lang.String searchEntityTypeName)
Same as listResultSets(CwEntityType searchEntityType) except that entity type name in String format can be used instead of CwEntityType object.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CwSearchResults(CwSearchResultSet[] containerResultSets)
Constructs an CwSearchResults given an array of search results. Generally, an array of search result set is constructed by executing a query.
containerResultSets - an array of search result set.

Method Detail


public CwSearchResultSet[] listResultSets()
Gets all result sets in this results. The number of result sets will be the same as the number of containers in the search query.
An array of all result sets in this results object.


public CwSearchResultSet[] listResultSets(CwEntityType searchEntityType)
Gets the results sets corresponding to the specified search entity type. All the results sets that were computed for the entity type will be returned, if not such result set is found, then empty array is returned.
searchEntityType - the search entity type for which results sets are desired. This entity type must have been specified in some search containers of the query for this method to return non-empty array.
an array of result sets that correspond to specified search entity type. If not such result set exist, then an empty array is returned.
See Also:
listResultSets(String searchEntityTypeName)


public CwSearchResultSet[] listResultSets(CwSearchContainer container)
Gets the results sets corresponding to the specified container object. The specified container object should be one of the containers in the search query for this method to return non-empty array.
container - the container object for which result sets are desired. Since search query does not enforce unique containers, there could be multiple results set for a container object. Container object is considered to match the result set's container if they are logically equal.
an array of result sets that correspond to the given container. If no result set match the container, then empty array will be returned.


public CwSearchResultSet[] listResultSets(java.lang.String searchEntityTypeName)
Same as listResultSets(CwEntityType searchEntityType) except that entity type name in String format can be used instead of CwEntityType object.
searchEntityTypeName - the entity type name for which result sets are desired.
an array of result sets that correspond to specified search entity type name. If not such result set exist, then an empty array is returned.
See Also:
listResultSets(CwEntityType searchEntityType)

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